Friday, February 19, 2010

So Far, Only Commissioner Lee May Pays County For Furlough Day

Commissioner Lee May paid DeKalb County $150.00, equal his pay for the non paid holiday we all had to take in 2009. Taking clues from Sharon Sutton, he paid by money order instead of personal check.

Commissioner Connie Stokes, who is now seeking election in the 4th congressional district, said she would only take furlough days if ALL county employees are furloughed. Jeff Rader is trying to make up his mind what he's going to do. Elaine Boyer sounds like she will not take furlough days, Sharon Sutton can't even pay her bills, much less take a furlough day. She's probably dodging a bad check warrant somewhere. No word from Kathie Gannon or Larry Johnson.

There is a deafening sound of silence coming from Burrell Ellis who makes nearly $156,00.00 dollars year. We have our fingers crossed he will send out Shelia Edwards for a comment. You couldn't pay for that kind of entertainment. Even Assistant Chief Holmes was laughing at her performance.


Anonymous said...

15 hours a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booh the F---k who!!! Try doing that while standing over dead children killed by their caretakers or clerks killed in their stores while working 3rd shift and having their family come to the scene a grieve in front of you begging for you to do something. Try working Robbery Homicide in our county Mr. Ellis for a month, you would eat your gun. 15 hours a day, really? Try15hours, get home, have a Jack Daniels on ice and be called out again for another 5 or 6. Man the f---k up Ellis, change your panties, dry your eyes, and cowboy up. Ok, I'm done. Back to my Jack and ice.

Anonymous said...

Gee the commissioners only make 38k-40k dollars a year for part time work. Am I wrong or dont a starting police Officer or Fire Fighter make that for full time job risking his life every day? BTW keep your money Commissioners and CEO go buy some class.

Anonymous said...

LORD have mercy on us. Just when you think you can't be more disgusted, even horrified at their behavior (hint hint Connie), there they go again.
Thank you Lee May for being stand-up on this issue.
To Connie - you enjoy that mani-pedi tomorrow. You deserve to get a nail fungus.

Anonymous said...

Part time, only 38K a year? Really? Wish I could have made that much full time my first year. It sounded like they wanted some sympathey from us,,,, not going to happen. They need to look at thier own staff and budgets before they even think about our budgets. Do we REALLY NEED a Chief communications officer that doesn't know how to communicate? I'm sure she knows how to email "keys found in bathroom" very well, but thats about it. An old and very true Military doctrine "Lead from the front and the troops will follow".

Slamin Ethel said...

Look Lee Mays is only stepping up because he and the other pieces of crap called commissioners are in the hot seat.
Look heres my check says Lee, give me a break. That check would still be in your back pockett had this not been exposed.
Then you have that waste of human flesh Ms.Boyer with her shitty comment "Im sure my family wouldnt like that". Well Miss brain teaser do you think my family liked my check being shorter last year.
Hell no you idiot!, this is exactly why Ol Ethel gets her smack down reguraly just to keep her in check.
You know Ol grand pappy always said " a hard head will make a soft ass".
This is some ggod advice you rotting corpes should take note.
Im sickened to my stomach when I go to work I just want to vomit right in the front seat of a black crown vic.
Now im going to put a lil Captain in me before I come to work, I can usually stomach that much easier than I can the county crap.
Now leave me be Ethels gunna get a lil somthing this morning.
PS. Wendy I am willing to leave Ethel if you are available.

Anonymous said...

Anyone of them who doesn't take a furlough day will lose in their next election. I kind of hope the rest of them don't take furlough days, because their opponents will have a field day.

Anonymous said...

All of you guys thought that Burrell Ellis was the best thing since sliced bread. He has shown his true colors. He makes an inordinate amount of money and does not do much work. He has taken care of all of his friends and relatives. Keith Barker makes $16,000 per month and you saw his performance when confronted with pressure. Thank You Wendy Saltzman. If you want to know more about how much his staff is making look in the latest edition of On Common Ground. All of you Burrell Lovers are getting what you deserve. Pro-police, you wish.

Anonymous said...

Remember during the election season a couple of years ago when a few officers got involved in the campaigns? Some of them went to meetings held by candidates and a few of them even stood on the street corner and held signs for candidates running for office in DeKalb County. I actually saw a few of them on the street corner sweating their ass off in the summer heat. I think some of them got transferred and Bolton threatened some of them. I know a lot of officers laughed at them and made fun of them. So who is laughing now?

The past is the past but next time around maybe we should all get more involved. If we worked together we actually have a lot of influence in this county. Maybe we can find a couple of people who want to be commissioners and who are actually qualified. We obviously need someone who wants to hold public office for the right reason. We need to know what kind of person they are before the election. It doesn’t do much good to bitch about them after they are in office. Although I admit I do plenty of bitching about them myself.

I am sure that DeKalb Officers would not mind posting a list of all seven commissioners, the district they are in and when they are up for reelection. And when the time comes I bet we can count on a list of people who are running against them.

Anonymous said...

I also saw the officers out on the corners several days a week with their Stan Watson signs. Stan was even there with them. I didnt think much of it at the time, but kudos to them for having the balls to do it. If Stan runs again I will join those officers. This time I think we all need to stand out there with DKPD t-shirts on. We arent in uniform, so there's nothing the county can say about it.

Anonymous said...

I've got an idea - if the commissioners want to furlough us and take away our holidays I think that every day we get furloughed and every holiday we have to work without getting paid, every commissioner, as well as Mr. 15-hours-a-day Ellis, should have to do a ride a long with us. I'd love to have them experience a Line St. Christmas Eve or a Kensington Station Thanksgiving. How about a Spanish Trace New Years Eve or a Concepts 21 4th of July? Maybe Wendy Saltzman could get the ball rolling...

Anonymous said...

Lee May would make a great CEO....." actions speake louder than words".....take note all of us that live in DeKalb County

Anonymous said...

Don't believe this crap! They are lying to us! They aren't taking away our holidays! They are going to cut our pay every week there is a holiday! If the holiday falls on Monday, and you don't work Mondays, your pay will still be docked!

Anonymous said...

Please, Lee Mays is a used car salesman.

Anonymous said...

The BOC really has some nerve!

If you're an employee making $30,000 a year and work a 5 day work week, you bring home about $80 a day after taxes. The BOC says that tax payers can't afford to give up about $150 a year to fund the county's budget, so the $30,000 a year employee is going to have to give up that $80 TEN TIMES A YEAR!

Would someone please ask the BOC how this is fair or makes any sense?

Anonymous said...

15 hours a day that is really a joke, what about 15 hours a month.

I am so disappointed with the CEO especially after the mess Vernon Jones left and then the new CEO comes in and make things worst for us and better for his poses.

The CEO's staff's salary makes me sick to my stomach, I just want to cry after seeing what we make and we do all the hard work.

The CEO and the Commissioners(there part time salary has me outraged)does not care about Dekalb County Employees.

Can we please get rid of our communication person, Sheila that was very unproffessional, of course that is how you act for real.

Then put Sheila's salary back into the budget along with some of the other high paying salaries.

So thank you sooooooo much Wendy Saltzman for letting the world see what we have to deal with at Dekalb County. You were just doing your job.

Anonymous said...