Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wendy Saltzman of CBS Atlanta Channel 46 Features "The Blog"

A word from DeKalb Officers;

We all took an oath to protect and serve the citizens of DeKalb County, and we intend to do just that. If you have a true emergency or are in need of protection from being a victim, especially a victim of violence, we are coming. And we are coming with the utmost urgency, risking life and limb to protect you and your family. We are professionals, and we will continue to be professionals. Some of us will die trying to protect you. That is who we are. If some are saying they will hold back on response to a true emergency, then please turn in your badge now. If this is your mind set, do us all a favor and quit being a police officer, because you don't know the meaning of duty, service and protection.

But on the other hand, when it comes to traffic enforcement, we have discretion and lots of it. During these times when the commissioners are forcing us to work on holidays for no pay, we may just look the other way when you ease through that traffic sign or fail to use a turn signal. We envision traffic citations decreasing and warning tickets increasing. But please, not for one second believe we will allow anyone to place someone ease's life in danger.

The commission has suggested traffic fines be increased by 3%. We don't agree. That is just another back door tax on the motorist within DeKalb County. We are not tax collectors. We are law enforcement officers.

We will serve you and we will protect you. You can probalby expect the long lines at Recorders Court to become just a little shorter, and more parking space available.

And for you officers with badge numbers as long a a zip code writing citations for no tag lights, tail light not working and only one headlight, we have two words for you; peer pressure.

Let the games begin!


Better DeKalb said...

OK DeKalb County, what happened to PUBLIC SAFETY being #1? This is NOT how your treat your #1 priority.

No way is this acceptable to our officers, or citizens. Officers put their LIVES on the line. After enduring the crap with Bolton, officers were told they were #1 on the CEO's list, and then WHACK, another huge hit to moral. COME ON DEKALB! It isn't that hard!

Anonymous said...

Nice work DeKalb. Think you are strapped for cash now, wait until officers stop writing tickets. Oh wait, the county never sees that income anyway because of the mess at Recorders Court. This would be truly entertaining if it weren't the county I call home.

Anonymous said...

Burrell Ellis is just another
" LITTLE VERNON " , it is all starting to come together.

As he rides around in the gas guzzling SUV with a county driver.

He has his own "SECURITY DETAIL "
just like Vernon.

Waste of tax dollars , cut the budget, can he not drive himself.

What did he do before he was elected "CEO" take a taxi?

Anonymous said...

To all of the officers with several years in. I don't know how you made it. All of the turmoil you have been through, all the chaos, broken promises, paybacks, favorites and revenge. So let me say Thank you. Thank you for staying strong, for persevering, and for taking it one shift at a time. I cant go around saying it in person without looking like a serious a## kisser, so guys and gals I'll say it here; I'm proud to be part of an agency that is still standing after all this crap.
and thanks DeKalb Officers blogsters, y'all are gangsta.

But BOC, CEO, and DeKalb Citizens, you could make it just a little bit easier for us....

Anonymous said...

My understanding as of 4 years ago, Recorders court was receiving 200 grand a week in traffic fines. I think something came up with police pay and the police reported they would not be giving out tickets. Didn't seem to make any difference. I see DeKalb running a lot more speed traps lately. Seems strange, our vehicles are capable of cruising at 90 mph safely, but that places us in the "super-speeder" catagory. Never understood Georgia politics or laws....

Anonymous said...

As I said before, and as "DeKalb Officers" point out, I will be there for you DeKalb. It's in my "core being". I'm just probably going to be grumpy as hell. Nothing to smile about anymore. Sorry, but can you blame me?

Anonymous said...

To the blog administrator, your post hit the nail on the head this time. We took an oath, those of us who are here for a career will uphold that oath. Emergency calls should be handled as usual and we should use our discretion when it comes to proactive law enforcement.

To those who say they will ease up in response time to emergency calls, I hope you don't own much and can afford to have your paycheck taken by the people that sue you or by the county when they fire you for neglect of duty. Remember our firefighter friends who didn't respond to an emergency call correctly? Don't let your anger with the elected officials take the rest of your money away.

Anonymous said...

Well put! We take our oath seriously and will protect you.......a priority 3, paperwork call is an animal of a different nature.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gents once again get those warnings tix out for the good hardworking people of dekalb and to the perps give them warrants
lights and sirens to help the innocent BOC I hope you didn't like the county jobs you had because something tells me ya'll aren't going to be hear come re election time its not just the empolyees who now know how idiotic you people are after you didn't listen to the voices of the people you represent I bet they find some other people who will happy job hunting

Anonymous said...

I still love the county I live and work in. I will not mistreat the citizen of Dekalb. Putting someone's life in danger is not on my agenda. I have family that lives here and I don't want an officer mistreating them because they are angry about holidays. Therfore, I treat an emergency call like I'm responding to my home if there was an emergency. But when it comes to tickets, I cannot say the same. I have been with the county for some time. I have seen paper go to paperless, time go to time clocks and quality go to quantity. Thank God I was trained by quality and integrity. I still stand by your side citizens.

Slamin Ethel said...

What would ol Ethel say in this situation , well I'll tell ya.
Calling all officers! Calling all officers!, yes protect the citizens as we took this oath to do so.
Yes we do have descretion as to how many citations are being issued. It's perfectly fine to stop someone for a traffic infraction.
Yes it's ok to issue them a warning citation for their offense that may have endangered someones life.
So there you have it, you have just did your job! Congratulations you are a fine officer.
I have been around here for a long time now and have seen what it takes to get someones attention. It cannot be done by a few, it takes many. Everyone has to be onboard or the ship will sink with the captain still at the helm.
The county is not going to furlough us, they are going to simply do what they did last year, work us for free and cut our pay for that period.
Come on you guys and gals arent that stupid are ya.
Over the last few days I have seen some officers turning in citations, now maybe they are a part of the problem and not the soulution.
If this applies to you then do us a favor and stop, im quite sure your supervisor would be satisfied with warnings.
Supervisors cannot make you write citations.
Supervisors cannot make you see an offense that you did not see.
Supervisors cannot order you to write citations that would be called a quata and we all know Dekalb dosent have a quata.
Bottom line is your the one riding around by your little ol lonesome out there, just what did you observe today?
By the way im still looking for any takers for my smack down that is coming.
PS. Wendy look for an email soon from Ethel!

Slamin Ethels Adversary said...

It's more than just some, it's the majority.
Im fed up and with being treated like im not needed.
What would happen if, just if Dekalb Officers took the day off from work for the entire county.
Would the citizens be safe, hell no.
The county would become a cestpool of crime. No one there to stop the criminals from reeking havoc upon innocent people.
I bet then it would get the attention we deserve.
People need to wake up and phrase the officers who protect their civil liberties.
Just remember it's people like me that makes it possible for people like you, to live in peace and harmony.
I stand up for what you cannot do! I run into to the line of fire while you run away!
I stand guard at my post while you hide behind me yelling to protect your sorry ass!
Wake up Dekalb, what will you need more of in the future Police officers, or Parks.
Officers everywhere are what keeps the world running smoothly, without us you would not have the luxury of sitting at home watching the superbowl on your supersized tv, all the while your gut is getting supersized drinking your 40oz.
All I have accomplished writing this is to make me mad as hell, Ethel I will step up to the plate and either take an ass wooping or give one.
And your right a hard head will make a soft ass!

PatsQB said...

The backdrop for the interview was one of my favorite honey holes on Covington Hwy. Nolan and I were always 59'ing over there to do reports.

It sucks to see what you guys are having to put up with over there. DKPD's motto should be "Doing more with less, everyday." After the BOC is done stripping good officers of pay they've earned or time with loved ones that has been sacrificed you may change that to "DKPD, Doing just enough with very unsafe amounts of little."

I hate to say it but take your time and experience and go somewhere else. 10, 15, 20yrs doesn't matter just go. I just heard on the radio Gwinnett's hiring. They have a super sweet training facility; indoor ranges 50 & 100yds, skid spad, and even some high speed track if I'm not mistaken. The grass really can be greener. There are so many people that come to mind from DKPD that could really do well in a place that appreciated them.

You just wouldn't believe what it is like to work for a Dept that takes care of you. A place where politicians are fiscally conservative but still provide necessary equipment (JCPD just issued me a Rock River .223 complete with tac-light, 3 mags and a mag coupler)

I feel for my friends back there and even for those I don't know. DeKalb's Citizens and certainly its Politicians see you as an expendable asset. I'd encourage you to see them as an expendable employer.

Anonymous said...

Hargh! Guys and gals, in all honesty I am not real big on a sick-out especially by the fire & police. But....There comes a point that you have to make a stand. The DeKalb county government and citizens have been financing a decades worth of bond-issues at employee expense. No cost-of living increases, two percent no-pay for performance increase instead of the previous five. And now we are at the cutting stage. Our pay is being cut, furloughs are sure to follow this summer and our politicians are so wound up in their own ego's they cannot look around and eliminate bloated and expensive personal staffs. Mr. Ellis do you really need two secretaries and a "scheduler"? What does a scheduler do anyway? make schedules for the two secretaries to make your schedules? Mr. Ellis why did you throw GIS out of their spaces at the 6th floor Ponce Bldg and move both departments to each others previous office spaces at considerable cost to the county at a time when we all know their is no excess money in the budget for any extraneous costs. Why does the CEO's office require the entire 6th floor of the Ponce Bldg? Why is the 6th floor of the Ponce Bldg off limits to all citizens and county employees unless they are escorted and vouched? Why is the executive protective detail still in use when their is no threat to the CEO or his office? The county can save three million simply by abolishing the CEO's office and going to county manager type of government. No protective detail will be needed, a couple of secretarial types and some office spaces, the county citizens will never know the difference. Manual Maloof was the only politician who could make the CEO's position work. Manny's been in the grave for a while (God bless him) and now is the time to abolish the office.

Anonymous said...

To the writer who said he has nothing to smile about...doesn't just knowing that we, the citizens, the taxpayers, the homeowners, feel your pain and that we love you all and appreciate so much your being out there for us both in times of need as well as those times when we don't have to call for you to come and help us bring just a little smile to your face? We read the newspaper, we read this blog, we listen to the reporters tell it like it is here in DeKalb, the majority of us in the private sector can only guess what it must feel like not to have 100% support from the BOC and especially Ellis!- for whom , yes, I voted for and believed in for a very long time but you can bet that will never happen again. You can bet your sweet butt that next election time there won't be as many familiar faces sitting up on that stage as you see each week. If I as an individual and ex-Dekalb public safety employee as well as a 37 yr resident of our county could do anything do help the morale or get back the incentives I would gladly do so..I know my neighbors hold you all in high esteem and have nothing but respect for you and they, too, would do anything to help with the benefits you all have lost. When election day comes again, so many of them have vowed to vote out as many as possible so please, try not to be too discouraged and yes, there are many out here who will probably vote for all of them again just as many voted for Vermin, but hopefully everyone will eventually see how thoughtless and self-serving these BOC members are and give new candidates a chance to show that there are still people willing to run for office who will look out for our officers when issues such as budget cuts come up again in the future. I hope our citizens will try to be patient if response times decrease due to officers having to make the decision to go to work for other agencies to be able to support themselves and their families. The hardship on our public safety personnel is as real for these officers as it is for each and every DeKalb County resident. I hope people will let you officers know, when we see you in stores, at the QT, wherever, that we support you 100% and not to ever think that you are not appreciated. One restaurant owner (Stevie B's @ Briarcliff Village) is showing her appreciation by offering a discount to all officers in uniform. $5.99 is better than $7.49 especially when it is all you can eat. Will sign off for now, hope you all stay safe and we really, really do care about each and every one of you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did yaw see Sutton standing in on the briefing by Chief on the rapist being caught? Shes twice the woman she use to be. Just saying...

Anonymous said...

"Ellis!- for whom , yes, I voted for and believed in for a very long time but you can bet that will never happen again. You can bet your sweet butt that next election time there won't be as many familiar faces sitting up on that stage as you see each week."

Funny you say that; I have heard so many say the same thing about Obama and his wonderful staff. The reason I say that is because this is exactly the same on the local level. I get great enjoyment watching their election high slowly dwindle, as they ride the Presidents coat-tale in a firey tail spin to the ground! Sorry you voted that way, but I saw the writing on the wall when he was a Commissioner. Hate it for them, but they bring it on themselves...Don't let your heart be troubled. The sludge is being purge all over the country.

God Bless Manny's soul. I can only wonder how things would be if he were still Capt. of the ship. I have a really good idea though.

Anonymous said...

We need to go to a county manager form of government now more than ever. We need a county manager with a master's degree in business and a solid reputation. Based on a real national search. Not the kind Vermin did. And if that manager doesn't get the job done, then that person can be immediately replaced by one who can. Rather than having to make do with an elected official who is voted in on popularity rather than competency.

We also need the next round of DeKalb county commissioners to have qualified business since. This county is in a crisis and appears to be going bankrupt.

A recent news report mentioned that Ellis was considering what Vermin had explored in the past of incorporating DeKalb County into a city. I'm confused, really. Someone is going to have to explain to me how that would change a single damn thing. City of DeKalb or DeKalb County. It would be the same leadership. Same services. Same end result as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

I'm a supporter of all LEOs, but I do not agree with threatened slowdowns, sickouts, no self-initiated activity. If you do that, then you lose the high moral ground and are in violation of your oath. A very slippery slope indeed.

Anonymous said...

LoFlyer is right on the money and he didn't include the bulk of the useless staff that the CEO has added to his Kingdom. When the CEO leaves he can take his Public Safety Director with him. I believe that Bill O'Brien can handle the job and do much better without Miller.

Anonymous said...

Wendy Saltzman please do us a favor and do a story on the CEO's office past and present to show just how wasteful Ellis has been and help us get rid of this useless drain on the County resources.

Anonymous said...

The scariest thing about all of this is....where is DKPD going to be in 5 yrs...The Commissioners and the public need to ask themselves this very question. How do you build upon a swamp when you have nothing to back fill the sludge?....without a way to attract qualified people and offer nothing to the new applicants...just how long do you think it will take before no one knocks on the door looking.
What makes the Dekalb Govt operate people?...hello!!...I know...the employees...without them there is no Gov't....break the spirit and the backs of your employees and you will find yourself standing all alone in a county without the ability to offer it's citizens the services they the end it will be swallowed up by it's neighboring and see how fast it happens....the politicians have crossed the threshold of hell and have condemned the county to die.

This county will never recover from the incompetence of the leaders....5yrs....The Fall OF DEKALB...wait and see>>

Anonymous said...

Mates! I got my retirement papers today and I am going to help out the county by taking DeKalb up on its generous offer. I'll get a job at Wal-mart as the greeter and make more than I make at this place. We all want to make DeKalb a better place. We are not here to become rich, because we sure as hell won't get it working around here. Unfortunately our county is a micro-cosm of the realities facing our great nation. The recession has left DeKalb in poor shape because we have so many bond projects coming online and revenue has dropped due to the huge amount of foreclosures in DeKalb reducing property values and DeKalb's revenue stream.
Our political leaders talk big about cutting back expenditures and making cuts but that is only for the little people, they have no intention of reducing their staffs or returning their pay. Lee May has shown us a check and Ellis reports that he will return 2 1/2 percent of his pay but I won't believe it till I see it. They seem clueless on what employees do around DeKalb and what services are indispensable and what can be safely cut without degrading core services to our citizens. The BOC and CEO have never toured county facilities, unless it is a publicity event such as a ground breaking or opening a new facility. Which is kind of a shame because many of us have worked long and hard to make the county a better place to live and work for its citizens. My contribution to the county is a state-of-the art, highly redundant data network linking 160 county facilities together, the network is valued at approximately 400 million dollars. To buy the same bandwidth and redundancy commercially would run about 100 million dollars a year. Through a franchise agreement with Comcast we gained access to the fiber for free, and lit it up with about 4 million dollars of network equipment. For this accomplishment I receive 12 grand a year less than my local counterparts in other governments, I do not get a take home vehicle and I do not get paid for my on-call time or when I have get up in the middle of the night to fix some problem so that you will be able to surf the Internet when you come in to work.
The point I am trying to make to the CEO and BOC is that employees do make a difference and treating us like dog-crap while advancing their political careers at the expense of employee financial pay and benefits is disrespectful to county employees and makes it extremely hard to find and hold on to experienced and quality employees who know how to do their jobs competently.
Watching Sheila Edwards make a complete fool out of herself while earning twice my salary only highlights the political injustice of DeKalb employees salaries. The politicians and their staffs make out like bandits, whilst the rest of us gets the scraps. And its not just the politicians either, the judges don't advertise it, but they have the finest pension system ever devised, paid for by add-on charges to tickets and fines.
Bottom line is DeKalb County employees have been getting screwed for so long by DeKalb politicians that no one even notices anymore, and in this financial crises the BOC knows they can squeeze the employees as hard as they can. You will notice the BOC didn't even offer a polite thank-you for the involuntary pay-cut we just contributed.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing Dunwoody is considering breaking out of DeKalb all together in order to be a part of a new Milton County which would consist apparently of all of northern Fulton County from Sandy Springs northward. Dunwoody is already planning on joining up with several other Fulton County cities in a common 911 system next year. You see, they incorporated because they were sick and tired of DeKalb County government and politics. Now it looks as if they don't want to have any connection with this ill-fated Titanic whatsoever.

Boy, I sure do feel for the officers working in the Background/Recruiting unit. How in the hell can they sell this place to a prospective future employee? "Yes, come to DeKalb. We offer no raises, no holidays, a reduced pension, escalating insurance and pension rates, old equipment, and so on. You'll love it here."

Here's an oxymoron. "DeKalb Police. The place to be in law enforcement".............NOT!

Oh Me Oh My Oh said...

Ok, I’m not an expert in this matter, however as it relates to change of status from County to City, in some instances, under state law, cities and towns receive a higher percentage of the transportation budget, which is funded by state taxes. Larger percentage means more money for infrastructure funded by state taxes. City status could also give DeKalb officials more creative leeway in raising revenues through adjusting or adding taxes, on things like cigarettes and lodging or by adding a meal tax. I believe the county would have to petition a circuit court for permission, create a new city charter and put it to a vote in a countywide referendum. If voters approve the referendum, the county must get the Georgia General Assembly to change its status. But, again, I’m not an expert.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I'm confused why is WSB reporting this post as part of a Ticket Slowdown policy in reaction to budget cuts?

Anonymous said...

Oh me oh my oh - what a great idea - the State coffers runneth over. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't make any sense for a large city to encircle several other smaller cities. That's just weird.

Anonymous said...

Well there are a few places where this does exist....The county of Duval in Florida is all the City of Jacksonville...the whole county is the city of Jacksonville and yes there are other cities within the county....all of the cars say both Jacksonville Police and Duval County Sheriff...they are one in the it can be done...but there are other municipalities within the County which have their own police...but when you leave that city you're back in the County of Duval & The City of Jacksonville....If I'm not mistaken that is also the case in Athens-Clarke County in Georgia....Athens & Clarke County are one in the same

Anonymous said...

Dekalb police please spare me. I have been a county employee and resident before some of you have been in diapers. Wah Wah. You act like you're doing THAT much and youre being raped. The fact is you guys get to make extra money all the time, you guys get lots of freebies and dont have expenses that many of us, as county employees do. I dont think you guys have done a routine patrol in my subdivision, the Orchards, since it was built in 2000. Yeah, look it up. Cherry Bloom Way. On second thought, you guys stopped patrolling about a year and a half ago, after I called the precinct to complain about your guys spending wayyy too much time 'patroling' the young ladies that live in the house next door. Or maybe you are just done patroling until it gets warm again and they are gardening in tiny short shorts again. Dont you guys have to state your location? Or maybe your supervisors dont notice that eight different cars cruise the same street within an 8 hour period. Take responsibility for your role in this mess we're in. If more of you were pro-active and fewer of you called in sick to make it to the side job bouncing at the strip club then Dekalb would safer, more people would live here and there would be tax dollars gained we would not need to lose so many people. Everyone is suffering. Not just you. Maybe the suffering would be over quicker if everyone pulled up their bootstraps, sacrificed a little, and played their role instead of pointing fingers. I'm disgusted.

Slamin Ethel said...

Ok to Mr or Mrs Anonymous who says you are an employee with the fine Dekalb County.
Until you have strapped on a pair of boots and walked in an officers shoes, shut your mouth punk!
Just how many times have you encountered an armed physcopath wanting to do you harm.
Now mabye you have I dont know, but my guess is that you sit behind your locked doors and call for the very officers you sit here and rag on.
You serve no purpose but to sit back and run your blow hole. You want to know why we probably havent patrolled you neighborhood.
It may have somthing to do with the fact we have less officers now days, and more calls to respond to.
Probably from the very people like yourself, who in life have the luxury of hiding behind my glourious ways to see to it that you are protected from the very evil that haunts our society.
So unless you wear a badge, dont get on this website and spout off that your some herioc citizen.
Now I gotta go Ethels needing a drink.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone's upset that they got a ticket.....EVEN after they flashed a county employee ID card.

Did you really think a "county ID card" entitled you to break the law?

I may be mistaken, but doesn't that time frame of non-patrol intersect with ICP, NET, the Super NET teams and the release of rookies who write tickets while neglecting their calls/territory?

I will admit, if there is a rookie assigned to the area in which you reside, you may never see him or her. They're too busy sitting on a stop sign or writing tickets for headlights/taillights/tag lights........or simply out of position in a territory that will generate more tickets than their assigned territory...crushing crime one equipment violation at a time.

Anonymous said...

To March 3 Anon, aka 'Angry Man',
WHAT is your problem? The cute girls in the shorts won't have anything to do with you?? (Hint: you might want to try getting your back waxed.)
You don't know why those officers are there (and I'll bet you're exaggerating anyway).
I wish Ethel would go smack you down, because you're such a toad (and completely clueless about what officers go through).
Go back to your bottle.
Ima Citizen.

Anonymous said...

To "The County Employee:"

At least we, as Officers, have to go through background checks, which is more than I can say for YOU and your co-workers. Your background check probably consisted of someone saying, "I went to high school with him, and we go to the same church, so you should hire him!"

Yes, we have the opportunity to work extra jobs. Maybe we wouldn't HAVE TO if this sorry county would stop being so crooked and corrupt so a decent salary could paid to us. You know, not every metro-Atlanta jurisdiction is facing financial troubles like DeKalb is! Why is that?