Monday, July 9, 2012

A Messeage From "Brookhaven Yes"

We received this in an email from "Brookhaven Yes". If there is a "Brookhaven No", or something similar, we will give them equal space.
If you want more police protection, a YES vote for the City of Brookhaven on July 31 will help make it happen.

DeKalb County and its coordinated “No City” Campaign are trying to convince you that “DeKalb has 1.7 officers per 1,000 residents. For Brookhaven this would mean a police force of 83 officers.” This is direct quote from their campaign materials.

This is a false statement. DeKalb has nowhere near 83 officers, and nowhere near 1.7 officers per 1,000 residents, allocated to our area.

Last week, we showed you that DeKalb County inflates their actual police numbers (click for article). Specifically, we published watch sheets (click for PDF), or officer schedules, from the North Precinct.

The watch sheets reveal that the 49,000 residents of the proposed City of Brookhaven have had no more than 3 to 5 officers patrolling our area and answering 911 calls on many occasions.

The proposed City of Brookhaven is expected to increase the number of police patrols to a minimum of 8 to 9.

Participants in a DeKalb County program known as the Citizens’ Police Academy were kind enough to pass along to us via e-mail the following information:

“Two weeks ago, a Captain from the North Precinct came to speak to us. According to the Captain, the North Precinct currently has only 60 sworn officers to patrol the 29 square miles which comprise North Precinct.”

Remember that the proposed City of Brookhaven includes approximately 49,000 residents and 12 square miles.

To get to the number of DeKalb officers currently allocated to Brookhaven, let’s do the math on the information furnished by the Captain: 60 North Precinct officers divided by 29 square miles in the North Precinct multiplied by the 12 square miles in Brookhaven equals…

ONLY 25 DeKalb County police officers allocated to Brookhaven.

You may not be aware that Major Kevin Ellison, the commanding officer of the North Precinct, is presently running for Sheriff of Dawson County. Major Ellison has posted some information on his campaign website that verifies the calculation we just made:

“In 2010, Chief Bill O’Brien appointed Kevin to the rank of Major and assigned him to command the North Precinct. This command consisted of 100 sworn officers and civilian personnel, a population of over 200,000, and a budget of 10 million dollars.”

Click here to see Major Ellison’s website. Click here to see a PDF in case the website is altered.

Here’s the math on the information from Major Ellison: 100 North Precinct officers (perhaps this is generous, because the quote also mentions “civilian personnel”) divided by 200,000 people in the North Precinct multiplied by the 49,000 people in Brookhaven equals…

Again, ONLY 25 DeKalb County police officers allocated to Brookhaven.

At 25 officers, DeKalb County allocates only 0.5 officers per 1,000 residents to Brookhaven. This fact, revealed in the statements of two leaders of the North Precinct, is further solidified by the watch sheets we showed you. It’s no wonder there are 3 to 5 patrols at times!

The Brookhaven feasibility study performed by the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia mentions 53 officers for the proposed city. This is not the final number of officers, as your locally elected city council will decide the actual number of officers.

However, it’s clear the Brookhaven allocation of 1.1 officers per 1,000 residents would be an improvement over the number of officers that DeKalb County is currently providing us.

1.1 officers per 1,000 residents will be an improvement over DeKalb’s 0.5 per 1,000, but only with your YES vote on July 31.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a North Precinct officer but, my experience with Dekalb tells me that those officers spend a lot of time in other areas of the precinct.... that may be their assigned territories but, they're spending time backing other officers or answering calls in busier territories, making arrests on Buford Hwy or writing tickets on 85.

Anonymous said...

Can't fight facts folks.

Anonymous said...

It obvious from looking at the posted watch lists that the pro Brookhaven folks are massaging the numbers in favor of their argument. They don't count the 180 units as working in proposed Brookhaven. The 180 territory doesn't all sit in the proposed city but a chunk of it does. Not to mention that the 180 units spend most of their time in the 190's, which is the Buford Hwy portion of proposed Brookhaven.

If Brookhaven creates a 53 man police department with a very basic command structure, four teams working 12hr shifts, and a four detective CID, they will have 7 to 8 officers handling calls per shift. With off days, sick days, training and such; this is likely to go down to 5 to 6 per shift. Even if you're able to put out the full 8 officers per shift I would guess about 4 to 5 of them would be assigned to work Buford Hwy.

Since DKPD doesn't work 12 hours shifts this is also not an even comparison. If North Precinct goes to 12 hours shifts, as proposed, it would have 17 officers assigned per shift. The true number would probably be closer to 12 with off days and such.

I'll be the first person to tell you that North Precinct needs more officers but folks in the proposed city of brookhaven are dreaming if they think they will realize any substantial increase in patrol presence.

Anonymous said...

When North had Dunwoody, they put 3 officers on the road; 121, 131, 141 and rarely a 142.
Dunwoody puts 3 on the road, period. They may have officers in the office but they have 3 on the road.
In no realistic universe will Brookhaven have 9 on the road. They'll have two or three just like Dunwoody

Anonymous said...

When North Precinct goes to 12 hour shifts they will be able to put 17 officers, 2 seargeants and 2 liuetenants on the street per shift.

Anonymous said...

This entire assessment is disingenuous at best. Even if you take their numbers at face value, that doesn't factor in the additional manpower that is available on an immediate, or at least a swift basis, by the county.

If a Major Crime occurs, or heck, even a burglary or 95 these days, we have instant access to a K9 Officer. The County government has access to a helicopter, a SWAT team, NET teams, additional precincts, STAR teams, traffic units, etc. etc. Is any proposed City of Brookhaven going to be able to match all that? Will they have the number of Detectives that DeKalb has access to? How about Traffic Specialists? Etc. Etc.

Sorry "Brookhaven Yes," but you're selling snakeoil to the citizens, and it comes at a pretty steep price. DeKalb may have issues, but the Police service that you receive isn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

Somebody did their homework......I don't believe this is solely about police presence. Brookhaven pays a lot in taxes, and again, get nothing for their money. This is another platform to sell to the public for the need to become cityhood.

BTW...the 180s are now having to handle the dump along Pleasantdale Rd and areas taken from Tucker. The 60s and 70s aren't patroled very often. One would say there is nothing to do and patrols aren't needed, but as a taxpayer, it's nice to see a police car cruise through the neighborhood. Especially when they are paying for it.

Anonymous said...

'Brookhaven Yes' be careful what you ask for. The number 1 priority for all small departments is generating revenue. Brookhaven police will sit on stop signs and red lights all day, issuing traffic citations with inflated fines. Go ask the folks in Dunwoody.

Anonymous said...

Alot of boots on the ground with 12 hour shifts. Dunwoody and Chamblee use it. Good plan Major Ellison.

Anonymous said...

10:56 AM - You need better sources pal!! your facts are grossly incorrect!

Anonymous said...

If I were living in Brookhaven I would want to incorporate for no other reason than to put more distance between me and the crooks in Decatur. Those fools look out for nothing but the folks THEY represent in SOUTH DeKalb, and dont care about north DeKalb at all. If The north end of DeKalb was really smart, they would completely separate from the south end of the county and start a new one. Until they do that then they will always be used and under represented. Just my opinion as a former DeKalb resident. Thank GOD I got away from there.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:29pm I can assure you that the 180 units spend far more time on Buford Hwy than they do on Pleasantdale Rd.

If the folks in the propsosed city are upset about how their taxes are spent. They would be far better served by focusing their efforts on replacing the county commissioner that represents them, or better yet eliminating the CEO position, than creating a whole new layer of government bureaucracy.

Anonymous said...

To 329 pm.
Don't know who you are but brookhaven is patroled often because I'm one of many that do it and the crime is low.

Anonymous said...

From an actual North Pct officer to Brookhaven Yes please tell the truth. These 3 watch list are the exception and not the norm, plus I noticed the task force watch list was left off your PDF and that you blacked out info that would of shown officer numbers. It is very common for Brookhaven to have 20 or more officers working from various units and off duty jobs on Fridays and Saturdays. Officers work their assigned territories, meaning they patrol their territories and yes occasional help the officer in the territory next to them that might be outside of Brookhaven but it's usually the other way around as lower Brookhaven more commonly known as Buford Hwy has the call volume that drives the precinct. You’re more likely to find the cars assigned to the 180s territories in Brookhaven. A proposed city would NOT be an increase in police however you try and divide up the numbers. I picked a day in May and looked at the watch list: 1 Major, 2 Capts, 1 admin officer, 1 motor officer, 1 crime analysis officer; DAY WATCH had 2 lieutenants, 5 sergeants, 19 officers, 1 civilian screening (takes minor reports over the phone);EVE WATCH had 2 Lts, 4 sgts, 22 officers, 1 civilian screening; MORNING WATCH had 2 Lts, 5 sgts, 20 officers; TASK FORCE had 1 LT, 1 sgt, 6 officers; DETECTIVES (not counted on precinct manpower) had 1 Lt, 1 sgt and 4 detectives. We, the officers at North Precinct, handle more calls, make more arrests and write more citations on a per officer basis and on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis than any of the neighboring cities. Brookhaven has a top tier police department with excellent officers. If branding your area is so important then lobby to change the precinct’s name from North to Brookhaven but don’t use us in your political games.

Anonymous said...

I have worked Brookhaven, Murphy Candler for 5 plus years. Never heard anyone comnplain.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:56
Get your facts straight....Dunwoody has 7-8 on each patrol shift and only allows 2 off per shift. Where do u get 3?

Anon 5:15
Do you really think Dunwoody (or Brookhaven) really needs to write tickets "to generate revenue" with the tax base that they have? Isn't just possible Dunwoody has the manpower to actually enforce traffic laws and answer calls?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:41

I am perfectly aware of current events, thank you. The argument remains valid. The departments that you have named are fine small departments with some good officers. They may even be more enjoyable places to work than the County; to each their own.

However, they simply don't have the resources that are available in DeKalb -- training resources, task force resources, specialized units, specialized detectives, immediate manpower, etc. I've worked North Precinct, and worked with Dunwoody, Chamblee, Doraville, etc. If it were my home or business, I'd still choose DeKalb Police, especially if my home or business was anywhere near Buford Highway.

Anonymous said...

I say again dunwoody get your own blog. This is ridiculous. I dont want more govt. The school system is raising my taxes. The new city in gwinnett is short on money that they projected. STOP, no more cities. If you speed from Atlanta to suwanee on P.I.B. you have the potential of being stopped by Atlanta,brookhaven,Dekalb,chamblee,doraville,gwinnett,norcross,Duluth and suwanee pd. We need less cities. Power isn't everything. Peace and tranquillity are. I don't wanna be harrassed for a cracked windshield or bald tires like a new city does. A new city needs money and you can't go out there and not produce aka revenue. Dekalbs ticket fines are reasonable think how much brookhaven will be. Just be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

Let me give you a clue, if you vote for city hood based on these skewed projections, you'll have no one to blame but yourself. If Brookhaven comes to be, they will get Buford Hwy. and most of their units will be down there on all the shifts. Dekalb County and North Precinct make it a point to have units assigned to the Brookhaven area, stay in the Brookhaven area.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with bashing North officers. They are professional and do a good job with what they are given. The issues are with the BOC and separating from Dekalb as did Dunwoody. Let's face it, the commisioners are crooks. There isn't a way to change it when a majority of the votes come from south of 85. This worked for Dunwoody and it will work for Brookhaven.

Also, manpower is pulled from the 60s and 70s to cover the heavy call volume elsewhere. That's what the problem is, then there is no police services. And don't count off duty officers working on weekends. Maybe some places wouldn't have to hire the officer if more presence was there. My point is this, brookhaven isn't against DKPD. Its against those asses in Decatur, constantly taking more in taxes every year and there is nothing to show for it.

Anonymous said...

Speaking from within DKPD.........Brookhaven has always gotten the shaft on manpower. The 70 car is the first to go when the watch is short. Who are you kidding!!!!!

As far as DKPD being able to pull resources together quickly and the soon to be Brookhaven PD not being able to handle something.........ever hear of a mutual aide agreement????????????

Lets not even talk about our CSI Unit which doesn't dust 42s for prints unless its a $100K. Are you kidding me?

Brookhaven residents........VOTE YES!!!!!!!!! stop paying for services you'll never receive.......

Dunwoody looks like its doing great!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its amazing to hear the nay sayers talk about all the task force officers, SWAT, K-9, helicopter, gang, traffic, detectives, crime scene, blah blah blah....that dekalb can magically summon if needed in Dunwoody.

Guess what, Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, Milton, Dunwoody and every other city in north Fulton have these same units or have created joint teams as is the case with SWAT. Guess what else...every one of these agencies has a mutual aid agreement with other agencies like Atlanta PD or Dekalb for their air unit....and have the cash to pay for it.

By incorporating into a city, Brookhaven breaks off from the crooks in Decatur and most residents are more than willing to pay more to get the hell away from anything to do with Dekalb Co. govt.

I own a business in Sandy Springs and live in Dunwoody. There is a night and day difference from when Fulton CO PD patrolled to how SSPD runs things now. For 10 years I never even saw a Fulton PD car stop in my parking lot unless I called them (it took 45 minutes for them to come take a report). Now I see officers actually having the time to patrol my back lot, I actually see officers having time to stop the crazy drunk drivers on Roswell Road, I see officers 4 at a time get out on foot and patrol the apartment complex on foot nearly every day next to me.

For the record Dunwoody receives less than 1% of its budget from traffic least its muni court can keep track of the money taken in.
How many tens of millions are missing from Dekalb recorders court?

The same turds said Dunwoody couldn't field a police force with the same coverage as Dekalb yet their presence has drastically increase, crime has gone down, arrest rates and solve rates on crimes like theft and burglaries which used to be pushed to the bottom of a stack or not even investigated by Dekalb PD are way up.

Its not the Dekalb officers fault, its your leadership in Decatur.

Anonymous said...

If Brookhaven becomes a city and Mr. Davis is the Grand Pooh Bah that'll be great. I can imagine....

Anonymous said...

An interesting thread. Lot of thought going into this, its nice to see people thinking rather then the knee-jerk reaction from the CEO and BOC.
Much of the problem is the lack of DKPD sworn officers down 30 percent from the '90's. due to DeKalb leaderships decision to change the emphasis from doing the core services right to expanding non-core functions that has left the county spread so thin that vital services are not at the same efficiency as a decade ago.
Vernon Jones and the BOC did the citizens and the employees wrong with Greenspace I & II and the library bond issues.
Yes the citizens have some really spiffy new libraries and BS facilities such as the Horse farm at Orion, the Aqua-park and the church on Flat-shoals. All at the expense of core services such as DKPD. Even more insiduous is the salary issue from the lack of raises to pay for the bonds.
It is near impossible to hire quality employees for what the county is paying. Although many positions now require a college degree the candidates appear less qualified than ever and employee fraud and crime are way up. (it would be interesting to see the employee crime stats for the last decade)
You guys and gals are left holding the bag, citizen crime is up and there are fewer of you left to deal with it.
Of course quiet areas such as Brookhaven are going to get less police protection. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
I do not beleive the BOC are all crooks. They definately have a plitical agenda of providing "Bread and circuses" to the citizens at the detriment of core services such as DKPD.
The reason Dunwoody incorperated and Brookhaven is thinking about it is they are losing county core services and not receiving the goodies being showered upon south and central DeKalb.
This sux, mates!

Anonymous said...

With many cities nationwide on the edge of bankruptcy or bankrupt, is it a good idea to incorporate? I read daily of cities going bankrupt. With that possibility, all cities are facing the issue of having to raise taxes. If Brookhaven incorporates, I bet a budget shortfall will be one of the issues facing the new city council. With a weak commercial business base in the area, homeowners will have to pay higher taxes. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 334........really??? You're an idiot. First, the law states you shouldn't have a cracked windshield or bald tires. Unless you're a perp, why would you be getting harrased? Fix your car!!!

DeKalb is a prime example of BIG Government. It overspends and has to steal more from the taxpayers to try and pay for it. The department is so top heavy, I'm surprised it doesn't fall over. They refuse to cut the fat and abandon certain positions. They refuse to privatize departments to take the burden off the citizens. Why is that? Power........

Anonymous said...

Brookhave becomes a city and this Dekalb officer with 15+ years experience will be in line for a job.

Anonymous said...

Brookhaven yes, ya'll posted on this site which is normally associated with DeKalb Officers, but your info was wrong and we called you out. Please don't respond back by telling us (DKPD) that we're wrong about what we know and do everyday. Brookhaven as defined by your map is worked by far more than 3 cars per shift. The 160's territory always has a car assigned, the 170's always has a car or 2 assigned and the 190s always have cars assigned. The cars in the 180s spend a large amount of time inside your defined area. Ya'll forgot or purposely left out the Task Force officers who work in Brookhaven. We (DKPD officers) have worked very hard to make Brookhaven one of the safest areas in all of metro Atlanta and for Brookhaven Yes to disparge us is disheartening. BTW, trying to compare Dunwoody or Chamblee Police to the DKPD is NOT an apples to apples comparison. The DKPD officers and department have much greater experience, training and resources especially in the enhanced police service areas like SWAT, investigations-crimes against children or traffic deaths, and training-DKPD runs their own academy/in-service/gun range. We (DKPD) have and continue to serve Brookhaven with the best police service out there; much of what was told to the residents of Dunwoody and the areas around Chamblee about us was complete BS. The stories of DKPD not staffing territories came from disgruntled DKPD employees looking for a job (most of them were sub par DKPD employees anyway). We served those areas with excellant police service. DKPD has problems but at least it is still a police department with real opportunities. I think I'll apply for detectives/ the helicopter unit/ motorcycles/ training or maybe take the sergeant's test; does anyone else know if one of the small departments list that many opportunities to an officer in one year?

Anonymous said...

3:48 .....perfectly said.

I'm so tired of politicians using the police for their gain or as a distraction. Let them get their own city and see how their freedoms are reduced and encroached upon by substandard city cops. I say they join forces with dunwoody and perimeter mall security and really crush crime. Just remember that if your driving in brookhaven and you have a broken taillight that you were unaware of you will get stopped and get that $300 ticket.

Anonymous said...

The second sentence of this post started with, "If there is a Brookhaven no". Well there is, and we at North Precinct appreciate their support of us, DKPD, serving North DeKalb, Brookhaven, Ashford Park, Murphy Candler, Drew Valley, Hillsdale, Pine Hills and the rest of our community.

Anonymous said...

Is that how municipal officers determine if someone is a quote Perp, if they have bald tires?

Anonymous said...

This is clearly a political fight and police officers should stay out of it. It just serves to embarrass all when officers bash each other and and their respective departments.

All departments, whether county or municipal, have their strengths and weaknesses. The bottom line is the citizens have a right to determine what level of police services they want in their jurisdictions. This blog is so full of BS and incorrect information going back and forth it helps nobody.

Anonymous said...

Any officer who claims that Brookhaven is adequately patrolled by DKPD is a liar. You know full well that some zones go unassigned or the officers in those zone are always in another zone.

Even when their is crime like a break in, DKPD's CSI wont even respond.

Dunwoody is finger printing 100% of their car break ins and burglaries now and their solve rate on property crime is higher than DKPD could ever dream of.

I can remember a time when DKPD was the absolute elite agency in the state, now its just a joke thanks to the politicians and your command staff who could care less about anything other than sucking up to the politicians.

Anonymous said...

"This is clearly a political fight and police officers should stay out of it."
Wrong. This is something that officers will be directly effected by. While I agree that all the bickering is the product of people who can't logically argue, the fact of the matter is that this will have a huge impact on county revenue and officer presence on the streets. Therefore it is a matter for both officers, citizens, and anyone else who may be effected. Brookhaven is one of the last few areas with stable tax income in the county, and if they pull out of our tax pool, we will be even further stretched. That could mean any number of things up to and including layoffs, more furloughs, cutting services, etc. If I was a commissioner or higher up in county government (and actually gave a damn about the residents), I would be doing everything in my power to keep the city from pulling the same time, I can't blame Brookhaven for wanting to become its own entity.

Anonymous said...

I hear of a plan for G.S.P. to work accidents on all the interstates in the 5 metro counties. If s/o handle all warrants, and G.S.P. would take the interstates, maybe P.D.s could get back to policing. Of course DeKalb would probably say no thanks, we want the extra ticket revenue instead of preventing a few robberies / murders.

Anonymous said...

These are the same suggestions (12 hr shifts, GSP working 41s, etc) from years ago during the Brown Group study of which NONE were implemented as usual. Same old do nothing song & dance from good ole DKPD.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:17.

"Brookhaven is one of the last few areas with stable tax income in the county, and if they pull out of our tax pool , we will be even further stretched."

This is the type of flawed logic that is helping to drive Brookhaven away. Just like Dunwoody and other new cities were, Brookhaven is not satisfied with the level of county services they are receiving and believes too much of their tax revenue is being used in south DeKalb and other areas. Your statement just confirms that belief. Perhaps they don't wish to continue contributing to your tax pool.

Anonymous said...

Don’t allow a temporary fix for a permanent problem Brookhaveners.
This week you will see a beef up in officers simple because North has borrowed officers from other precinct to patrol your streets. Again, IT’S A LOAN!!! Thos officers will be back manning their own precincts once this vote is over and you guys will be back to 2-3 officers.
The plan is to borrow 2 officers per precinct/per day and send them to North, until the 31st.
Often when someone in Brookhaven picks up the phone and dials 911, its a life and death situation. You guys don’t have the quality of life seen in our southern cities, so when you guys call, we’re needed not now, but RIGHT NOW!!!!!
All this talk about going to 5 days/ 12 hour shifts, you haven’t seen anything yet. You think officers are jumping ship at an alarming rate now, wait until they have to burn fuel to drive in an extra day with NO PAY INCREASE!!!! Be happy with the 3 officers you guys have now, because if that happens, you guys will be lucky if you guys get 1.
P.S. 9 year Vet

Anonymous said...

@4:25..the Brookhaven city group posted here and dragged us into this fight..crying foul now b/c u got answers u didn't like is petty
@1:11..all territories are staffed and patrolled 24/7/365 (DKPD doesn't use the term "zones"). Anyone wanting to verify can check the watch list e-folder. Roll calls are held at 6am, 2pm, 10pm and task force at 7pm-ish at 4453 Ashford Dunwoody Rd if u want to stop by and tell us how we are "lying" ;)
@5:29..ROF LOL..GSP has NO plans to work the accidents on all the interstates in the metro, they run a skeleton crew, if anyone at all for the morning watch in Atlanta/Cobb/DeKalb/Gwinnett

Anonymous said...

Twice I've seen replies in this thread about how much higher Dunwwody's clearance rate is than DKPD. I would really like to see this backed up with some numbers. I have a feeling the clearance rate for "Part 1" crimes is about the same. Any increase that Dunwwody sees is probably from all the shoplifting cases generated by Perimeter Mall.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any mention of a GANG TASK FORCE. We have a task force with Dekalb County PD. SUR13 Gang is out but 18th gang is moving in, Drew Valley. They have a tag on the back of a street sign at Drew Valley and Skyland.
DeKalb PD is always cordial and takes reports, does Courtesy Checks on "solicitors" and unsavory looking people who don't live in our neighborhoods. Brookhaven PD won't fingerprint for break-ins either. With over 100 gangs in the ATL, who do you think has the manpower to address the issue? It's not going away.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is in the works to have officers trained in crime scene processing. Some officers have already had the class. It would make sense for the invistigating officer handle this and it would be more economical/cost effective.

Anonymous said...

Guys....GSP is in the works with Gwinnett to work thier 41's on the interstates....they have an academy right now that when they graduate....a majority will come to the metro to handle these in Dekalb???...prob. not....we don't play well with others......go figure.

Anonymous said...

Guys and girls quit kidding yourself trying to defend our organization. We know that we are a revenue based led by crooks department. Yes, I agree it is sad to admit but we all know that Brookhaven gets neglected. When they clean up the apartment complexes the gangs will disappear also. Just watch the recruitment video every now and then so that you will keep feeling good about your employer. Wait for those August furlough announcements one the election is over. Haven't seen Dunwoody furloughed have you?

Anonymous said...

Have line officer process the crime scenes at "minor" crimes. My officers don't have enough time to answer calls and process crime scenes. I carry a fingerprint kit and don't have much time to put it to use now.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps supervisors could respond at their leisure (as if they would any other way) and process these scenes.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps supervisors could respond at their leisure?...I'm hoping you're not referring to sergeants.

Sergeants don't have the luxury of time or leisure to process a crime scene (or do anything proactive). They're too scared to do anything other than listen to the radio, clear on calls and be en route to back or assist on calls.

The white shirts holding sergeants accountable for everything and jamming them up in order to insulate themselves from any accountability. Gone are the days of sergeants getting involved or "stirring things up". Sergeants can't afford to be focused on anything but the radio and keeping up with what is going on around them.

Being proactive or doing more than they are currently tasked to do is a good way to miss something and get suspended.

Anonymous said...

aayyyeeee....Give me the kit an I'll toss some dust even when I know there's no crime scream and I really don't care what a black shirt or a white shirt has to say. In my entire career I've never had the "time"; make the "time". Some of u guys act like u can't wipe ur ass without an instruction manual; you're a DeKalb cop and we've always done more with less! Of course thy're going to $#*t on you; they're politicians that's what they do best! Most citizen will tell you they respect cops but what they really love are firemen just get over it and move along. Brookhaven gets 5 or more cars a shift when there are territories in other precincts that are the size of Brookhaven and they might get 2 cars: 590s, 530s, 420s,360s or 380s. What's this fascination with Dunwoody? Don't worry, someone there is bitching too.

Anonymous said...

GSP got a D.O.T. grant to run 4 academies. Since the state knows they will be tasked with the interstate 41's soon, when DeKalb is running 6 cars for the entire county, they are being proactive.

Anonymous said...

You show 4 watchlists...didn't you get several hundred with your open records request? So, you pick and choose...what's the percentage of 4 out 800+??
What gets me is that no one from the department will get on TV and call the proponents on incorporation out. Why??

Anonymous said...

A house gets burglarized. Homeowner chases the perp who is carrying the flat screen. Perp drops the tv and gets away. Call is dispatched as a priortiy 2. 20 minutes for the officer to respond. TV doesn't get processed for prints and CID doesn't respond. One will never know, but maybe a print could've been lifted and submitted to the GBI. Now tell me, DKPD doesn't have time to use the kits and CID is too busy playing on FB. Then why the hell is DKPD needed? Nothing was done except a report and now it will be another suspended case. Better yet, uniform will eventually catch a 42 perp in the area and CID will just close all the cases in the area on the perp and say MO as the probable cause on the bullshit warrant. Unfortunatley the flat screen didn't get processed so there may just be that physical evidence needed to prove guilt. This is why smaller government is better. Smaller territories to police and one can be more proactive to actually police instead of just report writing. What's really funny is when the officer tells the home owner the remedies available to them. WTF is that??? It's vote Brookhaven YES because DKPD isn't what it used to be.

Anonymous said...

@9:33pm...Please give the case # for this burglary.cause right now this looks like another made up story. "CID is too busy playing on FB:, can you translate "FB"? "Say MO as the probable cause on the bullshit warrant"; if the case you are complaining about is suspended then there will not be a warrant sought b/c of MO. Proactive? DKPD made 44,780 arrest in 2010, would like us to not be proactive and see how things go?. I'm calling BS on your allegation, I think your just some marginal officer looking for a another job cause the grass is always greener for you on the other side of the fence.

Anonymous said...

12:22 @ 9:33 I agree. We want names case numbers as well as times and dates. If you put this on here then back it up so we can address it.

Mr. Davis of Brookhaven Yes has repeated a similar story, but he has never named whom he spoke with or if he even formally made a complaint.

Anonymous said...

The victim is a county employee and I'm not going to post their case on this blog. I'm not making the crap up!!

Anyways, I think you are missing my point. A majority of burglaries are solved by uniform, the backbone of the department. It's CID that drops the ball.

So, you want to put up stats on how many arrests were made in the county? Who cares....Why don't you put up the stats on how many crimes were committed? Lets just stick with burglaries and robberies, we don't want to overwhelm the citizens of this county with those numbers.

Anonymous said...

@1:24.. Are we going to play SHOW ME YOURS AND I’LL SHOW YOU MINE? You said DKPD wasn't proactive and we give you the arrest numbers that show activity, then you say, "who cares". You want to know about crimes committed, sure but first a kind of disclaimer. A lot of people report crimes and even get case number. Those are the incidents seen on Crimetrac or in the local paper. Those incidents are reviewed/investigated and many are shown to be something else; robbed or was he ripped by a prostitute or dope dealer, burglary or was rent due, car was stolen or did it get wrecked in Atlanta after a night of bar hopping. So you don’t miss my point, BOTH uniform and CID both has a role to play in solving crime. Of all of DKPD’s precinct’s North Precincts is probably the least busy in terms of calls for service and criminal activity.
North Pct with 100 officers assigned has a population of 75,000 to 100,000 living in the unincorporated area and for 2011 the reported (not validated) incidents were 221 robberies and 909 burglaries.
Sandy Springs with 127 officers has a population of 85,000 and reported 121 robberies and 721 burglaries.
Marietta with 132 officers has a population of 55,000 and reported 154 robberies and 772 burglaries in 2010.
Smyrna with 90 officers has a population of 51,000 and reported 72 robberies and 389 burglaries.
Straight up number to number comparison like, officers, population and reported crimes are all only part of the equation. Buford Hwy is different in many ways from Roswell Road which is different from Franklin Road which is different from South Cobb Pkwy. All present different and unique challenges to the officers who work there.
In 2010 : FBI Part 1 crime index % of cases cleared 67% in DeKalb compared to the national average of 31%.
You may not be "making the crap up" but what you think happened probably isn't what actually happened. For example nobody thinks the fire department gets there fast enough when their home's on fire or AAA is quick enough when their car breaks down. I don't know why you or the cityhood advocates want to constantly gripe about DKPD, maybe you need a villain to get out the vote, maybe you don't understand what police work is really about or maybe you just don't like police because they're authority figures but DKPD's North Precinct Officers made 6,683 arrest last year which had a direct impact on crime, it dropped; crimes against persons by 27% and crimes against property by 16%.
BTW about finger prints, an AFIS quality print is a difficult to recover especially in the field but when one is recovered DKPD has an in house latent print examiner. DKPD rarely refers prints to the GBI because of their back log. I'd like to know if your friend told the officer that he would like to surrender his TV as evidence so it could be process for prints or did they just want their property back?
A new city will not create a utopian crime free world. Ask Dunwoody they claim to be patrolling their area with twice as many officers as DKPD did (I disagree with that claim) but crime rates have remained static and they are requesting additional funding for more officers (no this is not a knock on DPD).
Again if you could provide the case number or any type of way we could check up on your claim; a street name, date or something similar. I've looked but couldn't find anything similar to your claim. Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Cheif Grogan asked for more officers during a meeting with the mayor and city council. He did not get what he said he needed. That is sad. The city council spends alot on parks and is willing to fork out big bucks for signage to promote the Smart City. Sadly police are not a top prioroty in Dunwoody.
We wish our brothers at Dunwoody P.D. the best. Fight the good fight.

Anonymous said...

You are incorrect on the AFIS unit. There is only one person there and two examiners are required to validate a comparison. Its a waste of time to submit them there since you would need to turn around and take it to the GBI to verify the hit. The backload there is not backed up as you seem to think and the equipment used to examine prints is better.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again! More people who don't live in Dunwoody trying to convince everyone Dunwoody was better off before they became their own city. Ask the people of Dunwoody how much happier they are now. Ask the Dunwoody officers how much they make, how big their raises are every year, and how much they all love their brand new take home cars.

Anonymous said...

Anon 608....why would the victim have to surrender their TV as evidene?Crime scene kits are being hauled in supervisors trunks like old luggage. Why wouldn't the TV be processed on scene? That seems to be a more reasonable thing to do. Why doesn't crime scene respond to burglaries anymore?

Anonymous said...

Since Buford Hwy is in economic decline maybe the Brokehaven PD will have Used, Not Brand New cars, to drive home in... ;(

Anonymous said...

People in Dunwoody have in fact told me they don't like getting tickets from Dunwoody PD for petty things DeKalb never tagged them for..

Anonymous said...

I should have said to ask people not breaking the law how happy they are with Dunwoody police. I would imagine criminals and violators wouldn't be happy. If you don't want a ticket, don't speed or run red lights.

Anonymous said...

Anon North makes a lot of arrests and crime is down. How about the rest of the county? Those are the numbers you don't like talking about. And regarding prints...are you saying since its difficult to lift a print and the GBI is backlogged, we just don't do them? The smaller agencies process entering autos and burglaries, and get hits on the prints. I guess those officers are better trained at crime scene investigations. IDK!! Smaller government allows the officers to do more thorough investigations. I've already read how you don't have the manpower due to calls. If north and brookhaven will have about the same amount of officers working, how will they not be able to have time to proactive police when there isn't as much territory to cover?

Anonymous said...

Small government. Is small. Little brother to big government. Still not good. Small government is like your local HOA on steroids.

Anonymous said...

@4:11..the rest of the county is up to the rest of the pct's. Y r u bitching bout about the north pct officers doing their job. R u one of the Brookhaven Yes members or supporter? When the county hands out the kits then the officers will do the printing, yes we have the time. Small depts "are better trained at crime scene investigations" please show me some proof. Small depts generally exist in wealthier areas with far less crime which translates to more time on their crime scenes; but y do they have crime scenes at all when the politicians said crime would disappearr it u vote for my city? "Smaller government allows the officers to do more thorough investigations", show some proof. Small departments have less overall resources, less experience and less access to training. "You've already read how you don't have the manpower" , u don't work here so u really don't know. The small dept's call DKPD for help on crimes not the other way around.One more thing on prints, DKPD latent examiner determines the number of points and enters them into AFIS. The physical prints is only rarely sent to GBI for comparision to possible suspects. The GBI requires less points than DKPD to make a match. Can't find where 6:08 said, "just don't do them", the policy manual spells out printing in 4-15.

Anonymous said...

@12:22 p.m.

"Please give the case number for this Burglary, [be]cause right now this looks like another made up story."
Has there been a sudden rash of "made-up" stories regarding the use of CSU at Burglary scenes that the rest of us aren’t aware of? A little hint, super-cop, if the complaint is repetitive; it's probably true.
"If the case you're talking about is suspended then there will not be a warrant sought b/c of MO."
I think you’re making his point on this one. Perhaps the case wouldn't need to be suspended if the proper investigation was done and evidence was gathered at the time.
"Would you like us not to be proactive and see how things go?"
If this is your idea of being proactive (not processing the scene), then please, by all means; be "less" proactive and let's get some stuff done right!
"I think you're just some marginal officer looking for another job [be]cause the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"
Why would you call him/her a "marginal" for pointing out what wasn’t done? It would seem to me that he/she would be considered the opposite. Doesn't it make more sense that a "marginal" officer would do something like…
*dismiss the complaint as fabrication;
*attempt to somehow show that the number of arrests made county-wide is the single most important factor in crime prevention;
* accuse the officer of wanting to go where, "the grass is greener"
I think you can see where this is going...?

Anonymous said...

Who said north officers were being bashed? You jumped to conclusions. North officers do a fine job and I know they wish they could do more. The burglary incident happened on another precinct, but its a common occurance in the county. Maybe I shouldve been more clear but you begin throwing out pointless stats and making excuses. You still miSs the point, but arguing with an admin officer with no cid experience is a waste of time. Have a nice day!

Anonymous said... the burglary happened in another pct........hmm...I thought the story and post were all about how bad DKPD was to Brookhaven

Anonymous said...

To all the ignorant ass-munchers that oppose creating Brookhaven:

1. If you don't live in that area, you have no skin in the game so STFU.

2. People don't go around creating new cities as a hobby. They do it because they (correctly) perceive that they are receiving very little value for the taxes they are paying.

3. You're just pissed because the rich people are going to relieve you of access to your wallet.

If people want and can afford to create their own city gov't let them... People in Dunwoody seem to like their new govt. If they can't afford it, they can give back the charter just like Tucker did in the Depression.

Seems like what we have here is a group of county employees that don't like their employer's revenue base threatened and that is the sole concern for them.

Anonymous said...

Bed Time Heimer