Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Police Captain Jailed

Captain Suzanne Kaulbach was taken into custody after a six-hour warrant application hearing Monday in front of a Clayton County judge.

Investigators believe her partner's son and two other teenagers were responsible for the thefts, Channel 2 said.

The police captain said she didn't know the boat, two ATVs, a dirt bike and other items were stolen.

"I would not have bought new tires for one of them if I thought it was stolen, and I would not have left them on the property if I thought they were stolen," she said.

She was charged with theft by receiving stolen property.

A DeKalb County spokesperson told Channel 2 that Kaulbach is on administrative leave.



Anonymous said...

This ought to be interesting.

"A DeKalb County spokesperson told Channel 2 that Kaulbach is on administrative leave."

The sergeant from South was terminated once his indictment came down.

Hope it is not true. I once worked for the Captain and thought she was a great supervisor.

Anonymous said...

Wow, didnt see that one coming....

Anonymous said...

I just don't believe she would blatantly house stolen items on her property, and big ticket items at that. Not something you can conceal within the home, like a tv or laptop, etc. I hope this works out in her favor...

Anonymous said...

The state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the SHE willfully and knowingly possessed property which was stolen or she should have known was stolen. Will never happen.

This lady is by the book and a good supervisor and cop. Sounds like someone in Clayton County is just trying to get a ribbon for locking up a police captain.

Anonymous said...

Boat, Atv, bike..."that teenager must be cutting alot of grass" Brahahahhhh!!! She didn't know...really, police = investagative skills.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To be jailed for these charges without bond, what a bunch of bs. Based on Clayton County's interpretation, I guess this means that anytime they catch a 42 perp living at home with his parents, that they are going to j-1 the parents; too. Not!! I think this all based on her lifestyle.
You know, she's a private citizen in Clayton, not a cop. Do all adults charged with TxRec get no bond? Most likely not. Since when, as a private citizen you're held to a higher standard than anyone else? Appears the whole case is based on assumptions.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? How stupid is this? She knew she didn't buy the items. Did she bother to ask questions or simply say here's some money buy some tires. I don't believe she had anything to do with this however how many others are arrested for the same thing. As a Captain I would expect more.

Anonymous said...

The DeKalb District Attorney would not even thought or address this type of crime.

This is all political and revenge type prosecution.

I guess it whoever you make mad.

Anonymous said...

I want to see how this plays out. It's difficult to understand the story.
I just love how the media has its new politicaly correct term of partner to avoid describing the sex of the boyfriend/girlfriend live-in to placate the gays and make everyone feel inclusive and warm and fuzzy.
It is also more than interesting that her partners son has not been charged or arrested.
Girlfriend/boyfriend kids are a touchy issue between "partners", many of us have been down this road and you know the kid is up to something but avoid discussion with your "partner" because they are not your child and "partner" takes questioning of their kids actions negatively.
When the kid comes up with high-priced toys beyond their financial means it time to ask questions. For the captian, it could mean her job.
It certainly makes DKPD look really bad.
Best of luck guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

Hey can you purchase me some tires for my new bike. Where you get that bike? Hey why is there a boat in the driveway ? Whose ATV is this? 3 easy questions any normal person that doesnt have a handicap would ask. Just saying. PERP PERP PERP all of em. Ignorance doesn't mean innocence.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is so quick to judge Captain Kaulbach. She is one heck of an Officer and the people on here who are judging her apparently do not know her at all. By the way the boat and atv's are pieces of crap and not new. I am sure if it had been new it would have definitely drawn attention.

Anonymous said...

I guess Clayton County is getting back at Dekalb for locking up their Officers...hence a Clayton County Police Lt....You know what ever happened to professional courtesy....Dekalb has developed that reputation for locking up other agency police along with our own....well at least one in particular...

He'll be back out there looking for another feather to put in his hat....

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is missing the point. There is no conspiracy here. I'm sure the Clayton County Police Dept. has better things to do then prey on our officers. What ever happen to a crime being committed and a group of detectives investigating that crime. I'm sure Capt. Kaulbach is a great officer but a crime has been committed and CCPD is investigating the CRIME. It just so happens that the suspect in this case is a Dekalb County Police officer. WOW if y'all really think the CCPD has a hidden agenda then you are not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of this profession. Since I've been here I have seen a lot of people come and go and some of them I considered friends. As soon as they were investigated and sent on their way, I made the decision that I can not associate myself with them. I am a Police Officer, I took an oath to hold myself to a higher standard and hold my fellow officers and friends to a higher standard than the normal Joe on the streets. If they can't then they are no friends of mine nor are they friends to the badge. The truth will come forward and the right people will be charged. Until then pray for our comrade and hope she is innocent.

Anonymous said...

DKPD had this false pretence that they were the biggest and the best in the SE. What a bunch of crap. DeKalb was too cheap for extensive investigations and was outshown many times by other departments, including APD and many others. Tricky Dick and his cronies caused this and look at them now!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:52 what year did you get terminated from the department for substance abuse? Or did you get washed out of the academy? An old man told me once, some statements don't deserve a response.

Anonymous said...

This Blog reminds me of Fox News. You can't justify stupidity. What's good for one is good for th other. Will the captain in internal affairs force her to resign? No she's not a TeBo hire or is she? Rock on OB!

Anonymous said...

To the person that wrote the 7-17, 10:32 post: The partner, partner's son and his girlfriend were all arrested. FYI - The son is still in jail. The DA had a major point in that questions should have come up when the items appeared at the house, especially knowing the son did not have a job, and neither did his friends. To be a police officer for that many years and not have any questions indicated the captain didn't want to cause problems with her girlfriend and turned a blind eye. So sorry, but wrong is wrong, whether you are a cop or not.

Anonymous said...

only one thing to say......when you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas....I hope the relationship she has is worth losing her career and going out in shame ......

Anonymous said...

for the person who stated "when you lay down with dogs" who are you to say that the cpts partner is anything but a good person. The actions of her son do not mean she is a bad person. Unless you know her personally you have no justification on your comment other than pure ignorance. And since I do know her personally I find your ignorance amusing. Did you grow up in one of those backwoods, inbred homes? or are you just a jealous ex.

Anonymous said...

I'm she's a great person. Her son just turned out to be a serial burglar and she wasn't smart enough to pick up on it going on right under her nose.