Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stan Watson Admits To Being Drunk, Can't Remember Driving, Calls Sergeant A Liar, Makes Accusations Of A Falsified Report

More outstanding displays by our elected officials. Stan Watson, admittedly stated he was "impaired" and can't remember driving. What a lying idiot.

Sergeant O.B. Parker tried to do the right thing, but was squashed by someone in the chain of command.

Sadly, this happened 2 weeks ago and Chief O'Brien is just now finding out. Some heads ought to roll over this, and we ain't talking transfers. Somebody needs to be demoted if not fired.


Anonymous said...

Just saw the Barnes Sutton story on the news. What a pathetic county this is! Her lawyer actually said we should not view it as suspicious that Sutton's two employees time cards were changed THE DAY AFTER CHANNEL TWO ASKED TO SEE THEIR TIME CARDS FOR THE DAY OF THE EVENT!! As soon as they were asked to produce time cards, their time cards were changed to show they used "comp time" to attend the event. Is that a FLSA violation? Lying on time sheets?, then changing the time sheets later to cover up that lie? I wonder if that is going on anywhere else in the county?? I wonder??

Anonymous said...

Amazing how these people keep getting votes...Vote for Stan, he can hang out and get drunk in s***holes and talk like a thug with the best of em! Then he'll slap a ho and drive off yellin "F--- the po-leese!"

Anonymous said...

No surprise. Don't all elected officials in DeKalb get special treatment from PD? Heck, Watson fled the scene drunk and still no arrest. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

These folks have no shame, and why should they? Fools keep electing them and cops and DA won't touch them

Anonymous said...

Stan Watson you can't even hang on to your own wallet yet you control Dekalbs.. And do you know drinking and driving are illegal? Gotta love the Tanqueray Lounge.

Anonymous said...

Don't talk about Stan Watson when the DeKalb Police Dept can not even make a DUI Arrest.

Where are the Feds, send in the Feds?

Both just a joke.

Anonymous said...

Where was Officer Dunn when we needed him?

Anonymous said...

If you missed the interview it was on fox 5. I hope that the police department IA do an in depth investigation. From looking from the outside looking in, sounds like the officer did his job by trying to stop an irresponsible driver. The officer was not the one who was drinking that night so why would he lie in a written report that you were driving Mr. Watson. Mr. Watson don't remember even driving down Glenwood. All this officer was doing was trying to protect the citizen of this county from people like you Mr. Watson. The same people who you suppose to be serving. This is the same person who is so drunk that he accuses someone of stealing his wallet which was later to be found in his car. Mr. Watson you then exited the club like a idiot who could not pick up females who probably saw your character a mile away and begin to call them out of their name. Do you address Ms. Sutton in that manner?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sgt Parker,

You rely on your integrity, your reputation and your word when you write reports and testify in court. This public official is calling you a liar. He is questioning your integrity and your honesty. A defense attorney could bring this up in court. One of your own county officials has stated you are a liar! That is slander! If I were you, I would sue him! Cops have sued over slander before and in every case I know of, the officers were victorious.

Keep up the good work, Sgt, and good luck with your lawsuit!

Anonymous said...

Where is the Sgt's audio tape?

Anonymous said...

Interesting....obviously something happened.... Sgt. Parker wrote a CYA report... which south lieutenant made the "call" that night?.... he or she needs to tote some days.

More slop out of South.

Anonymous said...

Sure wish they would post a copy of the good Sgt's report on this incident along with any possible
video taken at the scene.

Anonymous said...

We all know how it works, A Sergeant or a Lieutenant will not make the call to arrest a County Commissioner. They will call a Captain or Major to make that decision.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute didn't all officers get mini cams to prevent stuff like this where is the recording no video why?

Anonymous said...

Mystery Valley Golf Course owned by the County. Used by the Commissioners to illegally raise campaign cash. Need to dig deeper investigative reporters.

Anonymous said...

Either way, if that officer didn't make the arrest, he violated his oath of office and followed an unlawful order. He will prob get in trouble before the supervisor does. That's how it happens in DeKalb Gov! Stan could have joined the rest of the recent high ranking county employees on!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone just do what is right? Drunk or not, when the police arrive, party time is over! Just because your an elected official does not mean you can act a fool. While you are at work/home and a thought goess through your mind to act like a idiot, just think, "what would my mom think about this"? Better yet..the best thing a commander ever said, " How is this going to affect me in a negative way?" Alcohol talks trash and truth at the same time! You should have been transported Watson!. Anyone else would have been.... radio, I'm 10-15 sig 26/ or D.C. Who do you think you are?

Anonymous said...

Has anybody heard anything about the county employee that works in facilities management that was caught working at the maceys distribution warehouse while being on county time and driving his county vehicle to his 2nd job after clocking in and then leaving his 2nd job everyday and getting back to clock out? I heard he was suspended for 3 days without pay but they are letting him use annual leave so he will get paid.There director instructed the employees over there to not talk about the incident.Why cant the employee be charged with theft? After all he was stealing county time.

Anonymous said...

About a year ago, we had commish sutton in handcuffs and confirmed code 4 for, of all things, bad checks out of gwinnett. Brass stepped in and she rode home free, SMH.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder why Brookhaven wants out!! OB is a stand up officer I would trust my life with. I've known him for years and I'm confident he tried to do the right thing. Its too late to make that DUI arrest now, but we do know Watsons true colors and what he really is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw this last night on the news and it made me sick thinking about what my spouse goes through every day, knowing he would also do the right thing and report something even if it was a higher up. Now, what would have happened if Watson had wrecked or injured someone??? The officer who reported would still be in trouble either way. What a load of crap for responsible, upstanding officers. Hate it for you guys, really!!

Anonymous said...

O.B. is a good dude and he did the best thing he could do in such a corrupt organization. Keep your head up Parker we all know the truth. Unfortunately you work for a government run by thugs, elected by a majority of thugs.

BeSafe said...

"I wasn't erested." Has Dekalb started something new by sending arrest warrants to suspects via email?
Leadership of Dekalb. SAD!!!


I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

I'm proud of you Sgt. Parker. If the County tries to throw you under the bus, rest assured that you've got a boat load of brothers and sisters in your corner who will fight to protect the reputation you've built for yourself. Shame on you Commissioner Watson.

Anonymous said...

How many more officers here are going to have their career and name tarnished by following these idiots orders? People only have as much power over you as YOU allow them. They can't make or break your career, YOU control that by doing the right thing. These pathetic come & go commissioners are powerless to manipulate those that are their own person and not expected to follow unethical orders like a mindless puppet. It's sad to see once great police officers I once knew clearly trying to cover for these losers (quite badly I might add) on the evening news. Don't let them bring you down with them, DO THE RIGHT THING.

Anonymous said...

How many of you have written tickets you wouldn't otherwise have due to pressures to build revenue by our ridiculous command staff? How would you feel if that citation had been issued to your mother? Use your officer discretion and common sense to conduct REAL police work and don't cater to these fools, you'll sleep much sounder.

Anonymous said...

And people wonder why cities are leaving Dekalb County to form their own government. Dekalb is going down the tubes. If you can, vote out all the incumbants on July 31st.

Anonymous said...

I.A better not bone Sgt. Parker. Why is it that our great Chief didnt sound on his side? This is complete horse sh**. If I were a commissioner I would have the integrity to admit I was wrong, this is who you (Dekalb resident) put in charge. YAY!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Could it be he was he trying to "Hire" those women for an employment opportunity ? ? ? Hope the two or three come forward and tell all we are all dying to know. Hey Chief OB way to back pedal like a NFL db.

Anonymous said...

"Wait a minute didn't all officers get mini cams to prevent stuff like this where is the recording no video why?"
1. Don't know about the rest of you, but mine worked for about 2 weeks and now won't record anymore.
2. The memory card is so small it only holds a few minutes worth of video.

With that out of the way think about the culture of the area, and then look at the people elected to represent. People like Barnes Sutton and Watson perfectly represent a lot of the obnoxious jackasses in south Dekalb. What's more is there are probably people believing Watson's story and making excuses for him.

Anonymous said...

Go Brookhaven Go! Your right any area with any intelligence would want out from under this thuggish government. Way past time for the state of feds to step in!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Sgt. Parker - I wish you the best in coming through this unscathed. How the heck do you make a decision in a situation like this that doesn't come back to haunt you?? It makes me sick that our elected officials behave like this. Is it any wonder that north Dekalb wants as little as possible to do with the County?? Maybe some of my faith will be restored if the voters GET RID OF BURRELL ELLIS !!!!

Anonymous said...

We aren't the only ones who have to deal with losers as elected officials. Sgt Parker should come out of this okay. Unfortunately so will the commissioner and I'll bet he'll be back at a bar in quick order. Elected officials of this ilk are just another hazard of this job. If someone obstructed justice then let's prosecute or terminate.

Anonymous said...

Power corrupts the weak minded.

Anonymous said...

So how long does it take to read a report and get a statement? The longer it takes for DKPD to respond the more significant a cover-up.

Anonymous said...

From now on guys simply make the lawful arrest and advise supervisors while enroute to intake. If they call it off tell them to come and take your prisoner from you and indicate same in your report.

Anonymous said...

He's adamant that he didn't drive, then he's adamant that he wasn't drunk. If you weren't drunk, who cares if you drove? Is he maybe worried there is proof of him driving, being drunk, or both? Come clean now, Stan. It'll be less painful to whatever career you have left.

Anonymous said...

"If you don't like it..then leave". Don't worry, a lot of people have and a lot of people are working on it.

I see this theme of "If you don't like it then leave" when people complain about the long list of F'd up things that go on here. Here is another example of it. Don't speak up should just leave, or sell yourself out, like the command staff here does. Sell your ever loving soul,keep your mouth shut, and let the corrupt wheel of county politics spin for that extra retirement money. It took the chief 2 weeks to hear of this and to see this incident report? Guaranteed the chief got a call from Watson 2 minutes after he got to walk away.
-Anon 1118

Anonymous said...

Its something how this POS has selective memory. Typical thug!!

Anonymous said...

I see the Champion newspaper is scared to touch the Stan Watson story...

Anonymous said...

This is typical DeKalb County. We wonder why the department is going into the toilet ?! Really ?!

Consider the source. The citizens of DeKalb County elect these bastards and continue to re-elect these incompetent and corrupt idiots every election cycle. I'm surprised Chief O'Brien has had the patience to stay in this sh&@%t storm. Reach out to the community to stop crime ?! Maybe they should reach around and pull their collective heads out of their asses and elect an county government who gives a crap about them AND the Police department.

Anonymous said...

It'll be under the rug with the HQ dope parking parking lot fiasco in a week. Politicians and those connect get away with all kinds of crap in Dekalb.It was the same way when the "Smart Ass White Boy's" were in charge only they were smarter getting away with it ..............most of the time.

Anonymous said...

@July 26, 2012 5:53 PM...yea we know you probably could not do the minimum number of push ups or quiver in fear at the prospect of working south pct; idiot politicians are a hazard in DeKalb, Atlanta, Fulton, Gwinnett, Clayton or anywhere....anyone remember the lookouts given on south reference the civil rights icon and his cadi signal 26?.....Focus on the problem here, who let Stan go and why? We answer that question and deal with that answer appropriately then Stan doesn't deine our department.

Anonymous said...

To: Either way, if that officer didn't make the arrest, he violated his oath of office and followed an unlawful order.

O.B. did not violate his oath of office. You sound like an idiot and don’t know shit.An officer has what is called officer discretion. He used that discretion and was acting under the color of law and in good faith. He advised his supervisors and they advised him, that an arrest would not be made. Not an unlawful order, but it probably would not have been handled the same way, if it had “NOT” been Stan "the asshole" Watson.

The fact is that he did a report was great. This showed that an incident occurred and why he handed it the way he did. It was a C.Y.A. report for him and a tell all, showing the way things were handled and why. This will protect him and if they do fuck with him, he will get paid.

Didn't like it here anymore, so I left!!!! AKA "M Gone and Happy"

Anonymous said...

Can anyone give me the # for IA? I got arrested last night, but I don't remember doing shit, so it couldn't have happened! I need to take advantage of the DKPD "Hug-A-Thug" program while the gettins good!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys do know I.A. only investigates employees of the PD, it can't investigate Watson. Now that Watson publicly said an I.A. Investigation was going on in the media, we started one. We all know what happens now, Sgt OB while get sustained for some "technical" b.s. By I.A. To make Watson happy and to give him an out with the media.

Anonymous said...

So you had this Crook from the Board of Crooks and you let him go !

Holy Mackeral Andy !

Is there not a pair of balls on the force any more ?

Just unbelieveable ?

Anonymous said...

I'm making the arrest no matter who the jackass is. My boss can take the heat for the uncuffing and unstuffing. All this looking out for the politically connected is not worth the trouble and the possible and most likely disciplinary action. These are politicians people, all self serving, what can this MF do for me jackasses.

Anonymous said...

Watson should have been arrested and booked into the jail. The media should have then been called. What could they have done to Sgt. parker? If they would have tried to retaliate DeKalb would have been open for the biggest lawsuit ever then the feds would have had no choice but to get involved. No supervisor no matter the rank can make an officer not arrest someone because is there a story comes from the state of georgia map from that supervisor. let the state patrol stop him I bet he goes to jail no matter who he is.

Anonymous said...

You all work for a corrupt county. That's fact. This is just like the "weed incident". Officers trying to do their jobs and higher ups stepping in and taking over. It's ridiculous IA looks into these officers for doing their job, but I know they're just doing what they're told. It's time to grow some balls and put all of this information together. Get all the reports and evidence to the news. Time to replace the corruption in Dekalb.

Anonymous said...

Grest job Sgt Parker and to Dale Holmes your pissed off huh? Your dirt is coming more and more to a head.It is just a matter of time before you can no longer hide and Wiz nor the CEO will be able to hide the dirt that three of you do.