Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Vernon Jones Calls The Grand Jury "Irrelevant"


Anonymous said...

What does it matter??? It doesn't matter with DeKalb voters. After all the BS in the BOC, the residents again vote the same cronies back into office. This county sucks and its a shame I'm stuck here and can't leave my job.

Anonymous said...

Vernon, you're the irrelevant one! Read between the lines here. Vernon said he was told by his lawyer not to answer "irrelevant" questions. In this context, "irrelevant" means INCRIMINATING! Why else wouldn't you answer them? If they were really irrelevant, what's the risk or harm? Vernon is as dirty as they come, and it's finally coming out!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess everything is fine in DeKalb County. The incumbants are back in office so the crime rate is acceptable, so it is ok:
That most reputable businesses left,

P.D. officers getting arrested and quitting left and right,

That Brookhaven could have left or did leave. Rest easy folks, all is well.

Anonymous said...

Too bad no one asked about the money from the notorious club in Avondale that was picked up from a company in Doraville on a monthy basis. I am sure he would not have answered that either. What a facial expression that would of been priceless. Oh and yes our homeland and the alphabet police has had the info and has sat on it for at least 2 years. Robert James = Lawyer over his head

Anonymous said...

Vernon refusing to answer softball questions by a compliant DA and grand jury.
Why am I not fracken' surprised?
Best of luck guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

Seems like the FBI doesnt care about what goes on in Dekalb....too busy arresting county commissioners in Gwinnett I guess.

Anonymous said...

I call b.s. on 8:22, I dont see H.L. sitting on that type of information. If you have first hand knowledge bring it forward to them.Rumors do the alphabet soup no good.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:02 PM, you are not stuck. You can leave any day now.

Anonymous said...

Wonder who got rich from all of Vernon's land deals the county did with the Park Bond money.

He came in poor and left a very rich man in eight years.

Does the pattern still exists?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Dekalb voters you did it again. Great reading of Stan Watson's reason for events that took place. It is in Dekalb Crossroads paper. @9:57 pm Instead of calling BS like a little kid go ask homeland and see if someone is really BS-ing you. But what you have to remember there is still an open homicide of a DKPD officer that the Feds never got into so why are you surprised that this alleged deed is not investigated? And apparently it only looks like PD and Fire really care what happens to the county so don't stress too much on what is written here or you won't make it to that 64% pension.