Thursday, August 2, 2012

North Officers To Be Shifted Southward

"Take A Wiz" Miller says with the creation of a Brookhaven police department, north officers will be shifted to high crime areas within whats left of the county. He goes on to say after years of losing police, fire and civilian personnel, things will magically stabilize after the shift.

Yeah, right.


Anonymous said...

Really? What other choice would you have to do with the officer's. Must have spent a lot of time planning that out! There is not a lot of crime/violent issues because good people who have values for life live there.

Anonymous said...

A monkey could have figured that out channel 2. I still can't believe this piece of shit still has a job. As far as overseeing critical dekalb agencies, don't kid yourself. This guy is smoking weed and banging his secretary while not showing up for work half the year. Why not interview Wiz and ask him how he plans on this stability coming about? Seems from the interview he just assumes it will magically happen. Great plan Wiz.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wiz...No s**t.

Anonymous said...

Whos going to be running the new Brookhaven Police?

Anonymous said...

Move all north officers further south means more officers for the unbelieveably short staffed uniformed division right???...I bet most of the overage goes to specialized units as usual....more narcs to follow the DEA around instead of figting OUR STREET CRIME AND LOW LEVEL DOPE DEALERS.More aides AKA personal butlers to the high staff and more to the usual BS assignments. White shirts need to learn how to keep the streets safe for once.

Anonymous said...

I heard his office smelled of marajuana!!!...Oh that's right...they had to walk past his aid to get to his office.....funny how air circulates.

Anonymous said...

And this guy states he has a degree???? Good God..any of us could have figured this out...and we are paying him 186,000.00 a year to show up only half the year and have sex with his aid!!! about stealing the county blind. What a waste!!!
Once again it proves that we are WAY...WAY to top heavy. To many white shirts and not enough black shirts on the streets...OOOhhh that's right...the few white shirts that worked the streets and backed other officers up were either forced out or de-moted.

Some will say...then get out!!!....leave....go else where.

It used to be in the day...people feared Dekalb County when people find out that I work there....they say.. "I'm so sorry"...or say "how in the world can you work there"....civilains and other law enforcement. after 21 years the twinkle in my eye is not as bright as it used to be and I find myself having trouble stand up straight with pride...and once again for those saying get.....get out.....
Trust me...I have been putting appications out's just a matter of time before I walk down to supply with a box full of equipment.

Anonymous said...

Director Miller, with the days getting shorter, it gets darker earlier and earlier, can we expect police officers to be turning their headlights on earlier and earlier?

gresham resident said...

So after we all been robbed "shit blind" to where their ain't much to take no more here in S DeKalb, Now South DeKalb will get more police.

Well ain't that just dandy, we sure need more police to protect the gamblers and thug bars in East and South DeKalb, don't we.

You are all guilty of "Failure to Act" by allowing these thug bars to have all these illegal video poker machines, drugs and prostitution while you sit down in your Uniform and have a "free Lunch" not 20 feet from all this shit.

And you complain about how some vote and the respect that you do not get all the while you sell your badge out for a cheeseburger.

When do we get an honest police force out of the South Precinct.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:13. You get it when this behavior is not tolerated anymore. It sounds like a "cop out" no pun intended, but the citizens steer the ship with votes and pressure on Decatur and the upper police management. Believe me, most officers are doing their best to handle 911 calls not to mention ticket quotas. YOU the citizen are paying the price for the lack of management through crime, waste, theft (90 million dollars from traffic court) lower education standards, property values, and the list goes on. I know this is not what you want to hear, but it is the truth. When you apply pressure in the proper places long enough, you will slowly start seeing results, but I gotta tell you, you didn't help your cause last Tuesday not to mention the last 20 years. Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Wonder if ol Wiz used that map to find his office, or a new GPS? Just saying..

Anonymous said...

Hey Wiz how much did it cost the county to send your chosen Captain's and their families to the FBI National Academy conference in Dallas Texas on county time and in county vehicles. I really hope we do not have furlough days when we are spending money for useless trips. We are no better than the GSA.

Class of '99 said...

Officers have and always have been the lowest on the pole. Even road and drainage will tell you, stop the leak before the clean-up. Officers are told to clean-up as the leak get bigger from the CEO and BOC. As I told citizens for years, I just work here. Well I use to work here. Most supervisors are running scared or just waiting for retirement. The others realize the system of policy is biased and broken to enforce. What that leads to is a bunch of ticket writing Nazis who couldn't do a DUI to save their life. Veteran officers who just do enough because they see the writing and cant move on YET. Officers are resigning left and right and supervisor who have dedicated most of their adult life retiring secretly because they dont want to be bothered, thats sad...Captain Williams. Then there are chief with their head up WIZ and CEO ass so far they think the sun is still shining. You can only fool people for so long before they wake up.