Thursday, August 16, 2012
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This blog page was established so DeKalb County Police Officers including their family and friends may have a place to hold discussions, post news and vent without fear of retribution.
For all of these years, to be a supervisor in code compliance required a degree. Andrew Baker re-wrote the requirements and stated no degree required and hired his friend Jerry Silvers. I'm one of a few officers with a degree in the department and did not get hired. The officers wrote letters and sent emails for Andrew to get other people fired or moved and he slaps us in the face to hire his friend Officer Silvers as supervisor. Andrew Baker needs to be investigated by the FBI for all his dirty deeds in dekalb county government.
Dekalb County is so full of crooked employees (not always policiticans) that it is no wonder why one particular news station finds so much in Dekalb County to talk about.
Not a day goes by where every story some how always has a Dekalb connection. Sometimes its the Police, next Fire, and most of all, The BOC & the CEO. Its amazing that all this news can come up so fast from one area.
Very little of what is talked about is good news, and the majority is some sort of bad news.
You (the reader) would think that no other county in the country exists but Dekalb. Now, ask yourself....."Why is this ?"
There are at least 45000 other cities in this country that could and probably do make the news in some fashion at least once in a while. But why does the media concentrate on Dekalb?
The answer is very simple. This so much crime and other turmoil in this county that the media doesn't have to look too far, and therefore, because it is close to home, makes it cheap and fast to report.
How can the law abiding citizens and the various government agencies in this immediate area correct this?
To 0140 am I second that and I'm not in Code Enforcement. I will also say that it appears to be very, very mismanaged. Complaints backing up, citizens pissed off, and officers slacking off on a daily basis. Hopefully someone is already looking into Andrew Baker for all of the corruption in development. Where did Ms. Funny wind up after she was relocated form code enforcement? That was a real waste of taxpayer money!
Dont know anything about Andrew Baker, but I know that Jerry Silver is a good guy and a good worker. If a police officer does not have to have a degree to be a supervisor, then why should a code officer?
There may have been some politics involved, but the initial requirement should have never been to have a college education for code enforcement. It's hard enough for them to get employees anyways.
Dirty Deeds and their not cheap!
Shut up 1:40 am. You should know its all about who you know with this place.
FYI...the media tries to hit at least one story from several of the metro area counties in each telecast. I heard one of the media guys talking about it - so no matter what, there will most likely be a DeKalb story in every episode. It certainly doesn't help that DeKalb has a group of misfits in Decatur - and in the police department.
Is it a coincidense? That Andrew Baker and Jerry Silvers bought their BMW's from the same salesman. Maybe I should buy one and Andrew will give me a raise. I'm starting to believe what I read about Andrew the $3 bill.
OT, this is an open thread though.
I wish to discuss the “big” issues of DeKalb government.
DeKalb government in its current form is not working correctly.
The evidence to prove my allegations is the recent creation of the cities of Brookhaven and Dunwoody,
massive loss in tax revenues, the decline of core services to preserve new and extraneous services to the citizens, the rise in crime and decline in value of the citizens homes and properties.
No doubt that Ellis, Barnes/Sutton, Mays and all the rest will and do deny responsibility for the mess, that is not the case. The CEO and BOC deliberately created “special elections” designed to pass the big, expensive Greenspace I & II, and library bond projects and disenfranchise the majority of voters. DeKalb rulers then elected to screw the employees of raises and benefits to pay for the bonds. This is not hearsay, this is what everyone of us observed.
During the same time-frame, DeKalb rulers scored some huge raises for themselves, and interesting benefits and raises for political staff. This has resulted in the negative moral of employees in this radically biased, two-class form of government employment.
What created the climate to allow such poor leadership?
The CEO form of local government that concentrates power in one individual.
Leadership that is totally dominated by a single political party and ideology for the last two decades.
DeKalb is in deep trouble and the citizens continue electing the ass-hats that lead the county to this disaster.
Best of luck boys and girls!
Any word on Brookhaven PD? This gold badge is interested.
Let the exodus begin.....
Hold on Fred, furloughs are coming.
This is why Brookhaven, Doraville, and soon-to-be Tucker has become there own City because of people like Andrew Baker.
I hope the CEO and the DA Office are investigating Andrew Baker. If this man is doing something wrong, then he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
What's going to happen when the lay-offs come?
Are half the Dekalb County employees running to Brookhaven for jobs? No way, we don't want the trouble.
The BOC keeps on keepin on. Last week they voted to accept more federal money so they can build three more senior/community centers. If you've been paying attention then you'll remember that last year the BOC considered closing existing senior/community centers because of budget shortfalls. Of course the seniors spoke out and the BOC kept them open. But the BOC just can't say no to that green from DC. Where will they be in a few years? Having problems keeping these places maintained and open, that's where. Just like they already have problems with the existing centers and just like the new libraries they built but can't open on time due to staffing shortages. DeKalb gov't will spend themselves to ruin. There's no fix because the majority of the voting public wants all these goodies and are content to re-elect the same losers that brought us to this point to begin with. It's only going to get worse. Leave while you can.
Brookhaven PD will most likely staff with many retired DKPD Officers that show interest but current employees more than likely will not be considered.
Community/Senior Centers!....damn...accepting federal money to build more is like a college or university accepting donated money for a new level budgets/tuition is off the chain because after you build it, you incur the annual expense of staffing and maintaining it. More centers, probably in South and East, that will not be used. Doesn't anyone up there understand the idea behind doing a "need vs. want analysis "! Donated/federally funded buildings should not be built until their upkeep/maintenance is paid for or endowed.
Here come the furloughs. Let's cut something not needed... fire and pd....forget privatization of sanitation or cutting back anything else.
They got me the last time but I PROMISE you if we are furloughed I will be spending that day(s) on my comfy couch safe in my undies.....Im not working for free!
KenC (and everyone else),
You can find the BOC approval of the community centers here:,%202012%20BOC%20Summary.pdf
Look at the end of page 6 and beginning of page 7.
Over $11 million in federal bucks. Everyone keep working hard and pay those income taxes so the BOC can give granny another place to chat and play bingo.
Is anybody else having a problem with their air conditioning being too cold in their car while they are sitting in the shopping center parking lot on their part time? Hope Brookhaven gives me a take home!
@2:28, from what I heard Baker is under investigation and they have a solid case against him. That Dirty Rascal!
@ KenC, Dekalb County should invest more effort and re-build the Senior Community Centers.
Thanks Anon 12:18 for the heads up! For the officers complaining about CADS problems it looks like some help is on the way with some consultants (which is what I a have been saying all along) so at least there is a chance the county might be willing to pay for someone to fix the damn thing. I take it that Director Miller was unable to fix it.
The three federal grants for the senior centers, I guess thats another victory for "shovel-ready" stimulous funds. Three years ago, word came down that stimulous funds would be available by the feds but only for social programs and projects. Looks like the county finally found a politically correct social program that the feds approve of. DeKalb was due for some of this grant money due to DeKalb's citizens support for Obama in the last campaign.
Who wants to bet that the "north" senior center ends up in central DeKalb?
Better yet, how is the county going to pay for the staffing? Lose some more police officers and EMT's?
Best of luck guys and gals!
Anon 1118....where did you hear that information from or are you just trying to stir up sh!t on the blog?
Poor, poor, pitiful stupid DeKalb Police officers. Don't you realize that the majority of citizens in your county DON'T GIVE A CRAP about the police department? And you and your friends and family don't live in DeKalb so you CAN'T VOTE which means the politicians DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOU EITHER. You have only a few options: Retire (if possible), get a job somewhere else. Whining and complaining is getting absolutely zero results. Winners take action --- losers whine. Much love to all da pimps behind da badge :-)
By Anonymous
PoliceOne Member
Recently, with the tragic shootings in Colorado, the mayor of a major city stated that he did not understand why cops in this country are not on strike until more gun control is passed in this country. He said this as he reportedly is thinking about my safety and the safety of police officers across this great country. It is clear to me that he has an agenda and really doesn’t care about the safety of peace officers.
But the Mayor is a big-time politician and as he has brought this idea of trying to keep cops safe, let’s take a look at what would make my job safer.
I say this because it is not the law abiding gun owner that makes my job more dangerous. The things that make my job more dangerous in my opinion are the following:
1.) Politicians who are slashing public safety budgets. Public safety is a huge target for budget cuts as it is very man power intensive and that costs a lot of money. So to manage the budget that the Politicians ruined in the first place they slash public safety budgets. These things include, equipment like ballistic vests, weapons, radios, and squad cars. They lay off support personnel meaning they take officers off the street to handle other tasks. They cut training meaning I do not get to practice with my equipment and or learn new skills. Then they cut cops meaning I am either out of a job, or if I keep my job I am responding to more calls with less back up.
All of these things that make my job harder and more dangerous.
2.) Attorneys who refuse to charge criminals because they might lose a case. Often, prosecutors are elected politicians or work for one and are looking to either remain in office or are seeking higher officer instead of focusing on putting the criminals that we do catch behind bars. It is proven over and over that places that hold criminals accountable with swift and certain punishments have lower crime rates and hence are safer places for everyone, the public and me and my fellow officers.
3.) Judges that do not hold criminals accountable by putting them behind bars. These same judges make rulings that only serve to make my job harder, the criminal’s job easier and the victims...well, it seems not many people care about the victims.
4.) Police Leadership or lack thereof. I have talked to officers all over the country and it is clear that “leadership” in law enforcement is sadly lacking. When officers see their Chiefs sacrificing officers for political expediency officers stand up and take note. Officers hesitate because we don’t want to be next. We choose not to be pro-active but reactive. This allows crime to fester and grow and this only makes my job harder and less safe.
I would also point out that when and where law enforcement has strong leadership, you generally do not have corruption or use of force issues.
Finally I would like to point out that I would never go out on strike. Like I said I try and live my life with a code of honor and do the right thing. I find it despicable but not surprising that a politician would try and not only use a tragic situation to score political points but would also do it on the backs of hard working cops.
Where is your code of honor Mr. Mayor?
I think it is time that cops stand up and say “enough is enough.”
They have attacked our pensions, our pay, and our jobs. They ignore the sacrifices we make to keep people safe. It is high time that this become a national issue.
"Finally I would like to point out that I would never go out on strike. Like I said I try and live my life with a code of honor and do the right thing."
And thats whet the politicians count on, your dedication to duty versus their dedication to themselves.
To anonymous August 28 @ 1258:
If you are referring to my comments on the vacancies;
Go look up who qualifies as being counted and who does not qualify as being counted when it comes to calculating the unemployment rate. Same thing with when it comes to calculating inflation. Many politicians will tell you inflation is low. Many of us scratch our heads and go...this $20 bill buys less and less every week. What the politicians don't tell you is CORE inflation is low and that is usually the number they are reporting to you. Core inflation does not take the prices of food or gas into account at all. Wish I could keep all the money I spend on gas and food! Actual inflation is not as low. What image to you think those in charge want to project to you when it comes to inflation and unemployment? Most don't bother to examine what is being told to them, so they believe the source that reports it, which is usually the most untruthful person in our society-the politician.
Im not trying to stir up shit on the blog. Its a fact that the American Public is lied to 99% of the time by politicians of either party and data is manipulated by what is not being calculated or factored into data measurement. In America now, its all about image and not substance, which is why there is poor leadership in virtually every facet of modern American life.
-Anon 1118
I dont understand how a trained police officer, a sworn officer can be allowed or even want to be a career aide or other office lap dog. I can not believe that the staff allows this to occur. The county trains these people to be police officers not permanant clerks. They must have no self respect to stay in those positions forever. Or it must be the guarante of day shift and all weekends and holidays off forever.
Well said anon 1118!
But let's face it. while no one is eager to "stir shit up", it needs to happen.
Someone needs to take the "clue-bat" to DeKalb politicians and management because they have collectively made some of the dumbest mistakes possible.
I am not the smartest individual as many of you know. However I can predict what DeKalb political rulers will do in any situation possible.
Its simple. Take the stupidest decision or move possible for a given situation and you can bet your ass that is what DeKalb's elite leadership will do.
This sux mates!
Good day officers,
I live in the Wesley Kensington Apartment complex in Lithonia, GA and I noticed Tuesday (08/28)coming back to my apartment in the morning (10:30am) that there was a mid-sized group of about 6-8 teenagers standing in the breezeway of the 2nd level in the 10000 bldg waiting outside of one of the apartments.
One of these kids asks me if I have a cigarette from a distance as I headed upstairs and I told him "no". I made sure to keep a far distance between us.
Anywho it seemed off that that many kids would be there hanging around at that time of day seeing that it was a school day, and for that reason, I suspect that they were possibly engaging in some illicit activity with one of the renters below me in apt. 10201.
Could you see to it that there is better monitoring of the complex in the daytime when people are likely to be away at work? I live here with close relative and I would be devastated if someone harmed them.
Thank you,
Is it appropriate to ask about a DUI arrest here? My DUI Attorney seems to be pushing me towards a plea of DUI since i risk 10 days in jail and a 12 months without a license vs. 4 months. with a limited license. I also got a speeding ticket. The officer is on that task force and a high producer. I look pretty good in the video but the officers report makes me look like i was drunk and I'm not great at heel toe. Unfortunately because i failed the breathalyzer in the field which I decided to refuse the breathalyzer at the jail.
I guess i'm wondering how many hours of community service, can i pick the non profit, can i get them to at least lower the speeding? I already was in jail for 16 hours will the jail because of the way they run hold me for only 8 or the whole day since that's the way it seems they run. etc. etc.
I'm just wondering if people hear have experience with what sentences are handed out on the pleas. its a first time. and its judge ross
To 11:51 am I recommend moving. To 4:27 pm that is what you pay a lawyer for, quit drinking and driving. You probably don't deserve to have a license. Obviously quite a few of us have been telling everyone that this is a public voice what ever concern you have page. Oh, I forgot 4:27 pm may actually be one of our own in light of recent events! Now lets get back to bitching about DeKalb and each other!
How many officers do we have left?...I've heard over 50 have left since July....yes July, not January.
Just saw that a citizen has donated just short of 10 grand to the county. For the purchase of radar detection signs, to be placed on the By-Way in the Emory area. Hmmmm let me guess how the BOC will handle this...Hey we have $10,000, to purchase radar signs. Hey we already have two of those signs, that we never use. One BOC member says to the others. Hey let's put the signs we already have out there on the By-Way. Another member says "what about the donated funds?". Other member "what about them?". Hey seems like a surplus let's do lunch, or how about a trip, someone google exotic government seminar locations, and see what comes up..We got 10 grand to blow. JUST SAYING!
To 11:58 AM you are right on the money. Watch those existing signs disappear before our very eyes. 10 Grand on top of the taxes that area already pays. Wow, no one incorporation has become the fad! Brookhaven would probably put a real life police officer in a car at the location.
Guess the county has learned that it is cheaper to train civilians who will quit than all the officers who are leaving in droves for other Departments or the private sector.
From the AJC....
DeKalb citizens police academy graduates 45
Hello officers! I see you eating at restaurants clearly inside the city of Atlanta and doubled-up! When I ask why no one has came to check on the delinquents sitting in the breezeway of my apartments selling drugs on a continuous basis; you tell me to call the police. What are you good for? Dekalb sucks! I guess the next time I see someone running from you guys on Flat Shoals or Candler Rd, I will look the other way too.
Anon 2:16pm, not every officer is awarevof every complaint in the county, nor are they responsible for every complaint. Officers should also be able to eat without people complaining that they are eating. You get meal breaks, right? Why do people feel the need to complain when officers eat, or harass them when they are taking a well deserved break?
@anon 2:16pm how about you join the police dept and take care of the drug dealers yourself clearly you have more info then we do since officers have to starve while you complain about the same dope boys who you cry for that were stand up students and good boys before they got locked up or shot for fighting the police that u called because.they were sellin drugs in your breezeway... Piss off and move to Brookhaven.
Anon 216 is just one of those a-holes that complain to our command staff and then guess what happens....One of those memos come out telling us where not to eat or how many of us can eat or not eat together. It is ridiculous. We have to eat. We are human after all. That may be the only stress free part of the day we have...if we are lucky. Sometimes we have to pack up our lunch because of a call.
If you feel your getting shafted anon 216, complain to your elected "leaders" and the voters that voted these "leaders" into office. Believe me, they bear more responsibility than anyone else as to why there are not enough Officers out here on the streets.
-Anon 1118
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