Is there day go by when the local news has no choice to show our negative side?
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The Terrell Bolton, Vernon Jones Legacy Lives On
Terrel Boltin lowered hiring standards so low, we are now left with the corrupt. Such a shame that the Internal Affairs Unit is just too busy investigating our own, that Chief O.B. has to come up with yet Internal Affairs 2.0
Is there day go by when the local news has no choice to show our negative side?
Is there day go by when the local news has no choice to show our negative side?
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Are they going to look into Chief Dale Holmes, or is he completely free to block us from investigating and prosecuting criminal activity? It sure feels that way to those of us in the trenches! First his secretary gets a free weed pass, now Farley's son's girlfriend can drive on a suspended license all thanks to Dale Holmes blocking the administration of criminal justice.
The news story is a crock of BS that shows nothing new and again mentions an officer who responded appropriately and was cleared.
Show me something from the Stan Watson case, the marijuana case or the "friend of Farley" case mentioned in previous posts and I'll think they're doing something...
OB did a good interview. Lets clean house and lock up the bad guys when they pose as Police Officers. Well done.
Nothing will change until an agency investigates that isn't under the thumb of the corrupt in Dekalb. Smoke & mirrors...
D angerous
E scaping
K illers
A nd
L ying
B astards
C oming
O n
U sually
N ear
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Y oungsters
Nothing will change. When they have to invetigate one of theirs they will stop the investigation an cover it all up as usual. Been here before.
Dear Chief, I appreciate what you say and know what you are thinking but realize that you can't say it. There ain't a trash bin big enough to put all of this trash in if you want to clean house. Please respond state or fed. prosecutors.
Well that's a step in the right direction. Chief OB needs to turn that new unit loose and see what kind of garbage they can drag in. Hopefully Chief Holmes won't obstruct any of their investigations like he has been known to do in the past. Go get 'em guys and clean house! Make us a respectable agency again. Please!!! Get rid of all of those Bolton hires, at least the ones that are left. I'm sick of working with perps!
Turn them loose Chief OB!
Hey you guys need to check your facts before trying to blame it all on Bolton. Many of these latest perps have been here for years. Lets see the proof that the standards were lowered during his tenure and the proof that they have changed under OB. The truth is they were lowered long before Bolton and you have been hiring perps for over 10 years now. See how many were pushed through by Dedrick.
Hate to ruin this feel good moment, but as we all should know, it starts from the top down. The likes of merit protected Holmes and other questionable management members will put a stop to the best intentioned initiatives. Not to mention the biggest impediment, the citizens you protect and serve It sounds like O.B. would love to turn things around, but without fresh people and new attitudes, not gonna happen. Carry on.
Things here in Dekalb are only going tp get worse. We have 2 months left before Chief OB retires and moves on. After that we're going to move backwards like we did years ago when Chief Moody left. Remember the days of Graham, Flemister, Farley and not to mention a few's coming back get ready.
Dekalb PD will never be the once great department it was. As soon as OB is gone Holmes & Wiz along with Ellis will fundamentally transform us back to cronyism. There will for sure be an all out attempt to demote and transfer certain what I'm saying... I'm still trying to figure out why nothing has been done about the Farley incident and how this as managed to escape the media...but why should I be's called media bias....Let me just say this to you all...there is no way that anyone would have prevented me from making that arrest and seeing that it was processed thru the jail ...I would have walked it thru myself and the first person that attempted to roadblock me would have found their ass facing obstruction charges and the shit would've been plastered all over the thing you never mess with an old dog cause that's when you get your ass bit!
Unfortunately Dale Holmes or Wiz Miller will be our next Chief. May God help us all. Dale is already treating subordinate personnel without respect, making mistakes on tranfers and going on profanity laced tyrades. He is a joke!!!!!!!!
Wow! anon 11:04, you sound you're one of them "old dogs"...never done anything or been anywhere, but knows it all. I'm picturing a career MPO.
Holmes could not poor piss out of a boot unless you drew him a picture with a crayon.
You know as soon as OB leaves....there going to fire up a big fat hog leg joint and party likes there's no tomorrow.
These two are going to make Farley, Graham & Flemister look like Gods by the time they are done with the county.
Watch and see......the storm is a coming....what are you/we doing to get ready for it????
As usual....not a damn thing!!!
Semper Fi!
Anon 5:09, you just haven't been gut punched by DeKalb hard enough yet, stay tuned it is coming.
Alright IA and news agencies it's time to look into the high ranking in Dekalb that are corrupt. How many people can put it on here before something is done? The officers don't need to be looked into as far as the weed, Stan Watson and Farley incidents. Who needs to be looked into are the ones that stopped the officer's from doing their jobs. They are not above the law and IA needs to dig the dirt because it's there. OB you have the files on these incidents. Turn them over to IA. Time to clean house from top to bottom.
Anon 5:09......WOW...I mean WOW...
....well let me see. I do indeed know exactly who you are and its you who is truly scary...besides you are a lost cause and truly have lost your way.
Yours Truly,
GOLD Badge
Damn this feels good
There is no record of a female being booked into our jail on Sunday night or early Monday morning for driving on a suspended license.
Everyone is a product of their environment. Hold supervisors responsible for the actions of their officers on duty and on extra jobs. Where was the Sergeant or lieutenant when the offense occurred? Ask that question. Clean house of all the low lifes. Leaders, including the BOC and upper police staff should lead by example. I'm tired of reading bad news about my police department. It's embarrassing and demorializing.
@ Anon 5:09 I am sure that the citation will disappear too!!! Is this not a Federal Offense?
All this bad pub is due to a dekalb officer arresting a news reporter a few years other agency get the pub that dekalb gets.....check the public records from other metro agencies....and while we are talking about the corruption.......those of you that are interested check into the debt owed and paid to the city of dunwoody the interest on it.....officers getting furrow days to put money "back" into the pension....officers not getting raises.....contributing more to the pension and towards their health insurance.....why is the pension less now than it was two years ago......and why are the BOC still getting raises......put your life on the line to be complained on by the citizens then left out in the cold by the county....correction put out in the cold every chance they get....I pray for every officer but as it was previously stated look at the top as well.
You know you guys are funny. Follow me if you will. The topic is Lowering Our Standards. We have had the same standards for years, when did they change? I often read about people praising the chief. What has he done? When is the last time you received a raise? You say he is not running the department? You say he is a lame duck? So you agree if he won't stand up for something he will fall for anything? Bolton and Graham are lone gone, rest in peace Chief Graham. But you keep talking about the past, move on. Back to the topic at hand. You know the guy you all love to praise Rock on OB? Noooo not Obama. The Rock on OB that you guys love. Mr. CEO Ellis lowered the standards for OB. He was not even qualified for the job. My final fact. Bolton and Graham did have credentials for the job. So the next time you mention lowering standards. Think of Rock on OB!! We lowered the standards for him. I don't have a problem with that. The problem I have is the double standards and you should also.
It's not so much what OB has done, because he can't do much, which is a shame. We all know it. He's a token. You know what OB hasn't done? Embarrass us or do anything stupid! I don't care if he didn't have a 4 year degree before he got the job or not. What good did the 4 year degrees Bolton and Graham had do them? They were both fools!
Annon 11:24..Good points. You guys can't keep giving O'Brien Kudo's and excuses. This is ridiculous. Do you really think that he did not know what he was getting into as a Chief? Do you think Ellis and Wiz didn't tell him what he could and could not do. Really. Believe me he knew. I like O'Brien but what I don't like is the double standards you have put in place here....
annon 9:38.I am sure you are not a supervisor.Since it does'nt matter why don't you walk into roll call in the morning with SGT. stripes or better yet since it does'nt matter put on Captain bars.....And if you don't embarrass us you get to keep them.
I have a four year degree and it isn't from an online university or a diploma mill. That doesn't make me smarter than someone without a 4 year degree. I think you need look at what people know and their experience, not what degrees they have, because a lot of people in this department have very high, over-inflated opinions of themselves because they have bullshit degrees from bullshit schools or websites. A piece of paper you paid for doesn't make you qualified or smart.
O'Brien didn't have a degree but he is a hell of a lot smarter than Graham and Bolton combined. If you're too ignorant to see that, I can't help you. Like Ron White says, you can't fix stupid.
Mann I knew this one would start your fire!!. Anon 1:49 and 156 you make damn sense. Anon 9:39 Bolton convinced the county to purchase not one but six magic busses, one we still use. We still use ICP and a lot of his policies are still in place. And you call him an idiot? I sure as hell didn't agree with Bolton but he did take his command staff to the commissioners meetings and he got stuff done. He also asked for raises, when was the last time a chief did that? You have to ask yourself are things better now? Be honest and compare the apples to oranges. Again if you don't sand for something you will fall for anything.
Bolton was an idiot. That's why he was fired from here and his last job. You think the buses were a good idea? What good did they accomplish? They had to be guarded 24 hours a day by officers, cutting down on people on the road available to answer calls. They were a waste of money. The bueses were just another symptom of Bolton's car fetish and his need to showoff. They were his bling. How many cars did he have assigned to himself? Why did he spend all of that money on flashy worthless buses? It's was all about being a showoff with him.
ICP wasn't invented by Bolton. The way he did it was stupid. Every precinct didn't need 10 officers doing nothing but going to meetings and listening to people complain. One or two officers per precinct is all you need for that. ICP under Bolton was nothing more than Bolton's entourage, more bling for him to showoff with.
Bolton also prevented the son of an famous local bishop from being booked into jail after he ran from the police in his vehicle. The handcuffs were removed at the jail and he wad free to go.
Anon 10:00 I bet you agree that a man should show his birth certificate and it doesn't matter if the other doesn't show his tax records for the past 10 years. You guys are so one sided. Its kinda like the Kaulbach situation, you didn't see anything wrong with what she did, you defended her. Can anyone tell me what Rock on OB has done? Ok the ugly black shirts and the spot lights on the units. What else I'm serious? Anon 12:32 you totally missed the point
So Bolton was a better Chief because he went asked for raises we never got? That one attempt at something good for us makes you overlook all of the embarrassment and damage he caused to this department? The worthless magic buses he wasted millions on, the wasted man hours baby sitting the buses, Margarita Williams who never worked a day of law enforcement in her life being the equivalent of a Deputy Chief, 8 cars assigned to himself including a few high end drug seizure vehicles, firing an officer for not registering his vehicle while he's living in a camper in Stone Mountain Park that also isn't registered, spending more time in Texas than in DeKalb, transferring and punishing a captain because she dared to give a hug to the sheriff at a community meeting, leaving the state for a meeting in TX only a few hours after officers Barker and Bryant were killed. I can do this all night! All that stuff is ok, because when the county wasn't facing budget shortfalls, he asked for raises and failed. Maybe OB hasn't asked for a raise for us because he's smart enough to recognize it isn't going to happen. The county has been cutting its budget every year. The board sucks and wastes money, but when ever department is being forced to make cuts, you would have to be pretty stupid as a department head to think you're going to get raises for your employees. Please, tell me more about how wonderful Bolton was. I could use a good laugh!
Anon 6:37 you totally missed the mark. If you did read the entire post it did mention no fan of Bolton. He is no longer here. What has the current administration done? You mention the economy and you feel a pass should be given. Well I know one guy that's not getting a pass and we know the crap he inherited. Forget Bolton tell me what OB has done?
10:30, given the current state of affairs in the county, where do you think OB has dropped the ball or been neglectful in his duties to the department and us? You mentioned raises before. Do you really expect him to go to the county commissioners and ask for raises for us when our police department budget has been cut by 10%? What good does it do to ask for a raise when you're fighting against furlough days? He did go to bat for us over the furlough day issue. He went to bat for us over Bonita Ransom screwing us over on our vacation days. What hasn't he done that he actually could have done?
OB hasn't dropped the ball.... he locked in a pension at a chief's level and made a solid future for himself and his family. He had a limited hand and played it for what it was worth..... he did what he could for us...on a limited leash.... and took care of his family
.....that's okay in my book.
I am not a Police Officer.I am a female citizen, who has nothing but respect for the Dekalb Police Department. In every organization
there are some rotten apples.CEO
Ellis says he graduated from an
Ivey League college. It wasn't Harvard.The voters gave him another 4 years. The Last 4 years
were bad enough the next 4 will
be worse. Chief Obrien is a
decent guy who can only do so much.
How can I respect our Commissioners when Stan Watson
gets drunk creates a scene and
and creates a dumb ass story and
expects the public to believe it.
And, he wants to be CEO? Well in
four years ,South DeKalb will
be the County.
To anon 10:00
You're right on target with the bullshit degrees people are sporting from no name schools. You could pay someone to be you and log on and take all the classes and get the degree. I'm thinking of getting my Masters Degree from the University of Prussia. For those of you who don't know your history, Prussia ceased to exist at the end of world war 2. Some of the "universities" out there only exist on a web server, or a single office in a office park.
To anon 11:47
I doubt we are going to hear anymore about the Stan Watson episode. As far as the weed case, I don't think anything was ever proven. There wasn't anything concrete that the person in question ever used weed. There wasn't anything beyond the smell of what was thought to be weed.
To anon 11:24
True! Everyone misses the point. But, at the same time you fail to acknowledge that there were others less qualified, hired to fill high positions here in the past. The bigger question is, "Why was OB given the Chief's position? Doesn't Dir. Miller carry a higher authority?"
Sounds like a bunch of excuses. Maybe we should give him a pass, after all the job was held for him.
Sounds like you can't answer the question.
Anonymous 10:03, OB was given the job so CEO, and Wiz would have a fall guy....When the shit goes south...Daaaaaa.
I think the point has been proven. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
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