"Start over from Square One. Everyone sworn, out on the street. No bullshit. Bring back retired guys for inside jobs, part time. No more B.S. Fire ALL medical abusers. Hire new recruits, have knowledgeable retired guys instruct them. Shut down the helicopters. Basic street policing, with real Supervisors. Demote the incompetent Merit Hacks back to Patrol, they get no guarantee of being a Supervisor forever, they didn't earn it legitimately. Cut ALL White Shirt salaries 20%, and another 10% 1yr. from now if positive crime-reduction results [not lying stats] aren't at least 25% better. Run the Dept. like a business, you produce results, at what you are assigned to, or you are demoted, or out. Women who have worked the Office their entire careers, out in the streets, and if you can't hack it, you are terminated, period. Same with the Office Boys.
Illegals get deported. Only enforce firearms laws against convicted Felons, unless a gun related crime in progress. Leave the Citizens ALONE. They HAVE the Constitutional right to protect themselves from these savages and killers, Coppers CAN'T be everywhere, and we know it. American citizens are FED Up. They deserve better than paying sky-high taxes for living in a Hellhole of Murder and Violence, AND INCOMPETENT POLITICAL AND POLICE Leadership".
Saturday, August 25, 2012
This Guy Will Never Get Promoted With Such Ideas
Anonymous says....
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I like this guy! I am willing to come back and work for someone with a no-nonsense approach to police and government. One big problem DeKalb government has is the requirement for a college degree for management. This is BS, I have seen managers that are extremely smart, with masters degrees, hard working and don't no jack about managing people.
Now let's talk about county management by DeKalb's elite leadership.
When was the last time any of you saw 'em? It had to of been on TV glibly explaing away some frack up because you sure haven't seen one in your department. As much as I despised Vernon at least he would get out and talk to the troops.
Dekalb government; stranger than fiction.
The very best of luck guys and gals!
Ken, this is partially because many whom have a college degree obtained it while on the clock. They spent their time doing on-line classes and not their job. This leads to a degree and no real world street experience. This degree issue has led to some of the sorriest managers in the county.
The end of DeKalb began with section 8. The same political will that introduced it, is the same political will that let the rest of the county become what it is. No intelligent person will live or run a business in a lawless ghetto. If property in DeKalb is ever deemed valuable again for some reason, see how fast law enforcement becomes a priority.
That whole rant has got to be some of the biggest horseshit I've ever read.
Dammit, Mom. I told you to quit posting on this site.
Running this place like business was one of the biggest contributors to the down fall. We are cops not customer service bitches. Customer service started the practise of taking every citizen complaint as the truth, putting more sworn officers in offices, and wasteful National Night Out and other community hug-a-cop crap. it is why our brass and some of my peers quake. Your crime reduction by what ever, is going to be judged by the very same people it will affect.
Realistically the retired officers working office tasks and uniform officers able to complete a report that makes sense would free up more time than you could imagine. Sgts. should not be afraid to push a report back to the officer and tell him he did crappy work and fix it, Sgt signs it he authored the crappy work. Make the FTO a pay raise. This is a great start towards fixing our internal problems and weeds out our poor quality fellow officers.
Start over with the focus of this blog, and target the commissioners and get the citizens on board. It is losing it's usefulness. This blog turns into a bunch of bickering kids making us all look like bafoons, just like crooked news story cops make us all look bad.
Where is the loyalty & comeradery we use to have?
Shut up don't you have a Star Trek event to go in the middle of no where. You retired from the IT department and probably don't live in DeKalb so why do you care anymore. Get a life or man/woman whatever you are into and stay off the police blog loser. We get it you think blacks ruined the county and the country. You have lost all creditable because most of your comments are race related. This probably won't be posted because most readers of this blog think you know so much and your comments are fact based but aren't.
The only time they won't post it, is when you mention Buck West in a posting
An individual could have every degree under the sun and still be a blundering idiot. Just because that person has book sense, doesn't mean that individual has common sense. Also, a good personality MUST common sense. Most important, the individual must have a good command of the English language including the the excellent knowledge of spelling.
If the individual cannot get the message across, it all doesn'gt mean squat
I realize that what I am about to state is not pertaining to the subject being discussed.
I heard that the scumbag that killed Det Robert Shane Wilson of Doraville PD was indicted the other day on one felony and 3 misdemeanors. Has anyone heard about this?
Anon 12:24 AM.
Thanks for your kind words.
For your information I have a great life and lots of interests and activities to keep myself occupied and out of trouble.
I lived in DeKalb county for 40 years and made a 25 year investment in the county as an employee. I refuse to sit back and watch the county political rulers run the county into the ground with out trying to prevent it. I proved conclusively with my EEO-4 numbers that DeKalb government has a problem with institutional racism with an approximate ratio of something like 70 percent black whilst the county population ration is something around 60 percent. Some larger departments such as the DKSO have a ratio of over 92 percent black employees. I made my point and moved on, but you haven't.
Obviously you have an issue with me stating the facts. I am occasionally wrong and get called out on it. When I discover I have made a mistake I admit it and move on.
Now I am going to explain one last thing to you about why I comment on this site. The county and I have a contract for my pension at a fixed rate. It is the responsibility of the county to pay me for the rest of my living days, however the county has the option of fracking up and creating situations that allow large areas of the county to incorporate and opt out of much of the county taxes which leaves the county less revenue and employee contributions that pay into to the pension fund that pays for my livelihood. At the current rate of stupidity the county will likely declare bankruptcy in another decade and renegotiate my contract for my pension at a much lower rate. I have a vested interest in keeping the county solvent and running efficiently which appears to be the exact opposite of the plans of the CEO and BOC. The AJC refuses to publish any op-ed pieces from me, so this blog is the only game in town for me and my views on the sorry mess known as DeKalb government. I want even get into a sorrier mess know as the DeKalb County School System. I didn't work for them and know very little about the DeKalb School System except It was a hell of a lot better when I graduated 35 years ago.
I hope this adequately explains my position on the subject.
Best regards,
I think this may deserve a new topic...can someone please explain to me how in the hell this happens?
And I quote:
Budget documents show the county ended 2011 with a $14 million surplus in its police fund — money that it spent to lower the unincorporated rate for police in 2012.
This article is not to be missed...
Your usual long rant didn't explain your hatred for blacks, sorry buddy try again.
To Anon 12:24 AM...
"You have lost all creditable because"
You are an idiot. Get a dictionary if you want to impress us with any of your thoughts.
And, NO, I am not KenC. I am a retired DeKalb County Police Sergeant and I have watched DeKalb spiral into a ghetto in the past 30years. I had a 1st hand seat to watch the show as well. I was born and raised in DeKalb and watched a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family turn into a dump.
Based on your beliefs that all of us are racists, explain to me what happened in the past thirty years that made DeKalb such a wonderful place? Was DeKalb turned into a "paradise" or a ghetto? Explain how the 2nd weathiest county in the entire eastern half of the United States can become what it is today.
KenC may be a nerd, but he knows his facts. I dont know the man, and have never met him, and have no clue of his race or any other aspect of his life. He also knows how to spell, and that impresses me. That used to be a requirement around here. I know this for a fact because I am a product of the DeKalb County School System, but what happend there is another topic.
What happened to the special Police fund that the Police Chief was in charge of and commissioners and ceo could not mess with?
Are we talking about the Ken C who rarely posts facts, who would rather bitch and moan? The one who always says "would of" instead of "would have"?? Maybe you need to re-read his know-it-all rants.
Paradise or Ghetto? Which has Dekalb become?
More Jobs Or less?
More crime Or less?
Better Quality of life Or Poorer Quality of life?
Higher standards in DeKalb schools
or Lower standards?
Better Police services or worse?
I dont know who Anon 8:11 AM is but he hit the nail on the head.
What really pisses me off is to watch some of you covering for some extremely poor decisions made by DeKalb political rulers that drastically effect the citizens and the employees.
The fact remains that DeKalb rulers have made some near insane decisions that resulted in the most affluent and financially secure areas with the highest property values incorporating and divorcing themselves from the county. Under Vernon Jones, the county encouraged the incorporation of the City of Dunwoody with commissioners making some very asinine, irresponsible, and arrogant statements and refused to negotiate with Dunwoody citizens valid complaints. With Brookhaven, county leaders were not near as arrogant and proved to the Brookhaven citizens that the dominant political party controlling DeKalb government does not fracken' care about the citizens. I begged to several high-ranking DeKalb management staff with influence to hold town-hall meetings and negotiate with Brookhaven citizens in good faith and accommodate the Brookhaven citizens. The approximate answer I got back was "We work for the politicians and cannot tell them how to manage DeKalb affairs". Very true but also displays how intimidated DeKalb's management is, that they refuse to stand up for the good of all DeKalb citizens when they know DeKalb politicians are acting recklessly with no debate on the issue.
Anyone stating that DeKalb "losing" Dunwoody and Brookhaven is a positive direction for DeKalb government needs to seriously examine their beliefs about good, effective local government. I have little control over what the CEO and BOC do with DeKalb government. As a employee working under "Vindictive Vern" I was powerless to make any effort to prevent the loss of Dunwoody without getting fired. As a retiree I am near "untouchable" and made an effort to get the commissioners to negotiate with the citizens of Brookhaven. That didn't happen either but I did make the effort. I am truly sorry that effort or speaking out against this insanity pisses some of you off. Frankly I wonder about what are the goals and direction that you want the county moving. Currently it is failing rapidly and anyone who refuses to see the reality of the situation does not deserve the respect of a reasoned reply.
I will be out of town for several days and my laptop is in the shop for repairs, so I will be out of touch till Sunday night.
Best of luck guys and gals!
Dekalb would have made a similar merge years ago if they were fiscally responsible (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/30/13504614-one-of-most-dangerous-cities-in-us-plans-to-ditch-police-force?lite).
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