Saturday, October 6, 2012

Special Prosecutor Named In Stan Watson Cover Up

Attorney General Sam Olen named Charles Spahos special prosecutor into the Stan Watson cover up at the request of DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston. He is the solicitor general of Henry County and was appointed executive director of the Prosecuting Attorneys Council in July.

Read more here


Anonymous said...

After this, they can investigate why officers that have cost citizens of the county millions to train are leaving faster then they can replace them. Ticket quotas, rediculous call volume per unit, etc.

Anonymous said...

we all know that they wont prosecute drunk ass watson so whats the point. If the Feds dont investigate him for using his position to TRY influence police not to arrest him then its all a waste of time!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously...the Feds? Hahaha.... Think they got enough stuff like let's say terrorism and such to investigate. Who the hell cares about investigating a small time county commish. Feds won't even prosecute most bank robbery cases. Needless to say what happened that night will be all that happens. The rest is just a media show slap on the wrist for him.