Saturday, January 5, 2013

Open Comments


Anonymous said...

Any truth to rumors that a number at the top have been told to retire and are being pushed out?

Anonymous said...

Where are the damn yearbooks that some of us paid for??

Anonymous said...

Any word on who the Brookhaven Chief will be?

Anonymous said...

Now that we finally have some new cars coming in lets give take home cars to senior MPOs and up before we loose all our Officers.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

I'm using the tape. I'm showing Jeffrey my Emmy tape. We are watching history.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Ellis, furlough that! I hope they have some good evidence on you and all of your croonies. About time they start to wake up these criminals running this county. School Board you too!

Anonymous said...

Any news regarding Suzanne Kaulbach?

Wondering said...

I'm not a cop, so call it a dumb question, but why do officers need a take home patrol car?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:38...Take home cars are also an incentive to keep good officers here since the can't can't afford to pay them properly. Specialized units need take home cars due to the call outs during the night, unless you want to get stuck with that overtime bill. The officers can drive straight to the scene instead of having to go to Lavista, get a car, then drive to the scene.

Anonymous said...

To 1:06 PM just curious when was the last time TAC units or ICP units were called out at night. Are there not officers on duty at night that can write a speeding ticket if the need arises. They still get overtime if called out regardless of where they are coming from. All officers are subject to being called in if a large event were to take place so what is the difference? I know of a lot of errands being run and not many late night responses.

Anonymous said...

An a lot of these take home cars are being used daily on Extra Jobs. Dont give me this "Oh the job is also paying the required $50.00 per eight hours use" crap either. We know that only at best 10% of the cars on extra jobs are paying that fee.

Anonymous said...

Icp/net have take homes???

Anonymous said...

To anon 4:50 PM.... HAAA Are you sitting on the CEO's house 24/7? Have you been out a dozen times at 3:00Am on TSU call-outs? How about the the SWAT call-outs when major roads like "L'ville @ Mtn Ind" are shut down at 4:am? Or, how about being called at 10pm that you have to be in at 4am to sit on a water main break or gas leak??? GFY Jealous self! You have no idea what you're talking about! Maybe, apply yourself and you could have my position! Or better yet.... Do your research before you try to name names and blast units you know nothing about.... Hey folks, that's EXACTLY why Special Ops doesn't take "rookies" or "slugs"....

Anonymous said...

i was told during gears training that to purchase on copy of a 41 report on line, it cost $11.00, with $6.00 goint to the gears company, and $5.00 going to Dekalb County. this should add up to a fair chunk of change, any one have any idea how much revenue has been generated and where that money goes, who has oversight on it?nnspubl 1915

not convinced said...

It seems the only perk of a take home is to park it in your own driveway to deter crime or flex your nuts in the neighborhood, and to leverage a better part time job by having a patrol car with you at the bar. I'm calling BS on the frequency of late/after hours/call-in responses aside from those in SWAT. Screw the take home, how about a retroactive cost of living adjustment reflective of good ratings on performance reviews since 2006?

Anonymous said...

Not being a rookie or a slug, I can tell you that quite a few of these Special Ops. take home units are sitting on cash paying jobs when they are out at 2am. Riding around patrolling for security companies, working road races, or guarding CDC. Don't try to justify the argument of overtime. These units are used as a benefit to encourage ticket revenue and we all know that. Special Ops guys laugh about it all of the time. That might be why you get so damn defensive when someone points that out. Also 2 years does not make you a veteran.

Anonymous said...

We would accomplish more by abolishing take home county vehicles for administrative personnel rather than give them to patrol officers.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the drunk driver who killed an Atlanta Officer in February has already pleaded guilty and been sentenced to 16 years in prison, but the drunk driver who killed the Doraville Officer over a year ago has had nothing happening with his case? What's going on DA's office?

Anonymous said...

You answered your own question.. she plead out.....the drunk driver who killed the Doraville officer has money to spend on lawyers who delay and twist the he gets a lite sentence.

Anonymous said...

Because the APD DUI was easy for them to hate and all showed for the sentencing. Dekalb's is well liked and though of as "one of them.'

Anonymous said...

The DeKalb DUI perp who killed the Doraville officer is a drug dealing piece of shit with prior DUI's and he was going the wrong way on the interstate. That case is a piece of cake. I know that a defense attorney can stall a case with motions, but it doesn't appear that we've even gotten to that point yet.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Tucker officers sitting on the CEO'S house. Like man power isn't hurting already.

Anonymous said...

Got to go the Falcons game today. I have to say all the APD officers who I encountered that were directing traffic, were a bunch of pricks! I hope our guys don't act like that when dealing law abiding citizens. They need to lose the attitude.

Anonymous said...

Are the officers using the take home cars on extra jobs handling calls nearby? Especially in the shopping plazas and so forth...

Anonymous said...

@January 15, 2013 at 12:12 PM ....yes

Anonymous said...

The answer to 12:12 question is no. At least they are not transporting to the jail. They will respond if it sound serious or interesting but a unit on duty will be called for the J1. The employers that are paying them would not tolerate that their personal unit is 10-7 at the jail. These units working J2 will call an on duty unit to transport from the club or center that they are working at if need arises. In other words the tax payers and on-duty units are not benefiting from a take home working J2 any different than an officer there in his or her pov. Some units patrol multiple locations that security companies are being paid to patrol. This leaves the gas to the good old taxpayers and the profits to the security company.