Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Open Comments


Anonymous said...

Really nothing else to say. Take a deep breath and try to swim to the surface once the ship sinks.....

Anonymous said...

The CEO response in media today more or less said defend me because I'm one of you. He might as well have been wearing a FUBU (For Us By Us) shirt, though I suppose playing this card has traditionally worked. Good luck guys, YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT...

Anonymous said...

What this county needs is a big ENEMA!!!!....Starting in Decatur...and end at the crystal palace!!!

Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor that a major resignation is in the works. Also heard that Sheila Edwards was Kevin Ross' wife or ex-wife when she got her big paying DeKalb gig. Does anyone know if that is true?

Anonymous said...

For the life of me I can't understand why ANYONE would waste their lives and careers in this criminal run county. Birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

just want to go on record as saying that i love being a cop and i am damn proud of the work I do as a dkpd officer, and that i am proud of the team of outstanding officers that i work with. its not perfect, but nowhere is, and a little more introspection and less complaining would do wonders. also, a return to adherence to the standards put in place would help, too. lastly, a brief poem: "Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause; He noblest lives and nobles dies, who makes and keeps his self-made laws." sir richard francis burton

Anonymous said...

Look for a big resignation coming real soon. This is coming from a reliable source. Heard that someone's staff is doing a lot of scrambling at this moment.

Anonymous said...

Is the resignation PD or Decatur?...either way... nothing will change....

LoFlyer said...

I have been keeping up with news about the CEO, let's hope some good comes out of this.
OT, what the heck, its an open thread!
I know most of you dislike weapons training and practicing shooting. This is for the few that are thrilled at the chance to practice with free guns and ammo provided by your employer.
Take a look at the sport of skeet/trap shooting, fair-warning. it ain't as easy as the professionals make it look on TV.
It is extraordinarily satisfying, I can't explain it.
Its fracken' dynamic as hell and fast moving. You have to make your move right then and there, almost instantaneously, there is no fracken' around with this. Either you hit or miss. It requires confidence in yourself and your weapon.
Wikipedia link is:
The sport is fairly inexpensive to buy into for a beginner. A used shotgun, preferably a 12 gauge over/under, 100 rounds of 12 gauge 7.5-8 shot, 100 clays, a shotgun shell carrier vest or belt, hearing and eye protection, a hat or cap, and a skeet/trap range. Total cost for me was around 400 bucks. (used Remington 870 20 gauge pump.)
I fell into this by accident, my local public range at the Charlie Elliot WMA, (CE WMA) about 45 miles east of Atlanta, received a grant from the NRA and others to build a skeet/trap range. They built one hell of a range, state-of-the art in all respects. The landscaping needs some help but besides that, this place is shooter heaven.
DNR requires a 23 dollar WMA yearly permit to use the ranges. The permit can be purchased over the Internet or directly at the Charlie Elliot nature center. (its cheaper at the CE center)
Link to CE WMA is:
I hope you will join us!
Best of luck guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

Resignation I doubt very seriously...

Anonymous said...

To: anonymous 2:15
From: All of us

You must be new. You sound so appreciating to be employed, how nice. Duh, we ALL being the POLICE and most of us are PROUD of the work we do, DUH, we ALL know no where is going to be perfect. Complaining and venting is what we do ROOKIE! If you don't like the blog, get off, What the hell do think this site was created for?? We keep eachother informed and we ask eachother the hard questions. Keep up the good work and stay proud. All that Noblest junk from sir whats his face won't help this sinking ship. And don't come back with some stupid comment claiming not to be a ROOKIE, trust me man, we were ALL there.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11:15

Why dont you learn how to spell before you criticise someone else for being proud of what they do. Yes we all know how bad it has gotten here but we should all be proud of who we are and what we do. Like Anonymous 2:15 I love what I do and the people I work with and I am not a rookie. Yes we could all use and deserve a raise and yes we do need to vent once in a while but when you come to work all that needs to stop and we all need to do our job the best we can so that we can ALL go home at the end of the shift. We as Officers will always complain no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Sheila Edwards was Ross's girl friend I believe.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:15, Your perspective is great, don't let the whiners drag you down. Nothing is more irritating to a constant complainer than someone who outworks them with a smile on his face. Even if those above you have no honor, you can still bring your best to the street every day and do your job with integrity. The poem is a great one.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I left DeKalb, and trust me things are much better else where. It may not be perfect, but it's refreshing you feel like you matter as an employee and that your contributions make a difference. To my brothers and sisters still with DeKalb, get out while you can. The rabbit hole is deeper than many of you can imagine.

Pro Higgy said...

I want Higgy Baby back, damn Im mad as hell.

Anonymous said...

"Why dont you learn how to spell before you criticise someone else for being proud of what they do"

Well looky looky! You don"t spell don't like "dont" and "criticise" smh, try "criticize" I too am proud of what I do, just not who I do it for! Where there are police, there will be complaints. I'm not going to get on you about your grammatical errors. Most officers I work with come to work everday and go out there and do a fine job without complaining. Looking at a lot of the comments on other page, there are lots of grammatical errors. Who cares????

Anonymous said...

when you are taking fire, you know you are doing the right thing. mission first, always mission first. im not ashamed to be new at this job, but i am no rookie in life. i have served in every combat arena you have heard of in the last 20 years, and few you probably havent. every shift i look around and i see nothing but opportunity in this county. i am a firm believer in actions, not words. ask anyone i work with and they will tell you i put my pride into action and it wont be blunted or tarnished by the words of others. you are my brother, and you can count on me to split the gates of hell to come to your side when you need it. all i ask of you is to give your best, all the time, every time. i promise you that you can demand the same from me. let me say it again, you are my brother, and you can count on me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:50pm

If you are so glad you left the county, why are you still posting on this blog. The day I complain about my JOB is the day I QUIT. If we really want to make a change, let PD start packing the room on board meeting nights (so we can really let them know how we feel). So until the day I leave I'm going to continue to give 110% at work every day.( And no I'm not a FREAKIN ROOKIE).

Anonymous said...

All I hope is that they don't screw up our pension. The pension is the only damn good thing about working here these days....since about 2000 I think. But then again hope they don't screw up our pension is a big, big hope because have you ever seen anything that Democrats didn't screw up? Tell me please, because I really want to have hope and know if there was ever anything that the Democrats have not screwed the hell up !

Anonymous said...

We are in this together! Love or hate this job!!!!! Thanks Anonymous 6:26 for putting that into prospective. Be safe ladies and gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Is there any good news on the horizon?

Are there any indictments really pending....or is all this the usual fluff to make it look like people are doing something?

Is this special IA unit going to go after the protected/corrupt?

Will we ever see the removal of those who shouldn't even have badges from the ranks of sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major and assistant chief?

Anonymous said...

Brookhaven: the proposed budget for 2013.....no police department this year but, that looks to be the future in 2014.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the city of Lakeside is in the beginning stages of annexation as well.

Anonymous said...

So, I'm watching channel 2 and I'm looking at the story of the mold in the Atlanta's Swat team's bathroom. Hmmm??? The mold in East precinct/Dekalb's training facility is a common sight. It went from being an eye sore to, oh, that's just Mr. Mole hanging out today. The decaying building is falling apart. Just nasty! I still love my job though.

One City Up...another on the Horizon said...

"and the start of a Brookhaven police force in 2013. "

Brookhaven Budget Press Release:



Balanced budget proposal presents fiscally responsible and service‐driven principals for healthy, long‐term governance

Brookhaven, GA, January 25, 2013 —

Brookhaven Mayor J. Max Davis today submitted the first ever City of Brookhaven budget recommendation to City Council. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 budget anticipates enough revenue to support a responsive and transparent organization and provides an economically stable approach to creating a well‐maintained, safe and financially sound city.

The recommended budget provides $15,715,000 in anticipated revenues and includes funds that will be used for service enhancements and the start of a Brookhaven police force in 2013. The budget also recommends remaining within the 3.35 millage rate cap as outlined in the City charter.
“Our financial health reflects our City’s overall strength, and we must strive to be fiscally healthy,” said Brookhaven Mayor J. Max Davis. “The 2013 Brookhaven budget recommendation represents a concerted effort to present a balanced budget, containing no surprises, helping us create a vibrant and service‐oriented City.”
To properly address cash flow needs, the City approved and executed a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) in the amount of $5.4 million for its FY 2013 budget at an interest rate of 0.60 percent. These funds help the City responsibly deliver services almost immediately without having to wait on tax revenues to begin flowing.
“We understand and anticipate our revenues will be lower in our first year,” said Mayor Davis. “Our proposed budget is in line with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government Feasibility Study for Brookhaven figures for year one. We will closely monitor both revenues and expenses throughout our first year, setting ourselves up for success in the years to come as all revenues due to the City are scheduled to be received starting in 2014. It demonstrates our focus on accessibility, transparency and provision of the level of services our residents deserve.”
The City Council will review the budget recommendations and plans to hold a public hearing on the budget on February 26, 2013, at which time Council members will discuss budget items and address any questions they may have concerning the recommendation.
For additional information on the City of Brookhaven visit, www.brookhavenga.gov or call 404.637.0500.
Media Contact: Bob Mullen
770‐710‐7783, mobi

Anonymous said...


CHICAGO (CBS) —Contract demands by Chicago police officers include much higher pay and something you might not have imagined.

Chicago police are reportedly proposing in negotiations that their pay increase by 12 percent over two years.

The union also wants officers to get extra money because they are required to live in the city.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the union is proposing a residency stipend of $3,000 per officer.

Police also want to pay less for their health insurance and get more money for their uniform allowance.

The Sun-Times reports, officers also want to reach the top of the pay scale after 20 years, rather than the current 25 years.

To top pay for a patrol officer is $86,000 a year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Dekalb hadn't run off all the experienced officers a victim's vehicle wouldn't be returned to the victim containing the SUSPECT'S WEAPON AND HOODIE. WTH...?

Anonymous said...

Ellis sent out an email to all county employees saying he's concerned about what's going on with the Dekalb school board. He's got a lit of nerve!! We're concerned about YOU, Ellis!! Why is the investigation into being sealed?? Why do you need high dollar attorneys?? If I did nothing wrong, I wouldn't waste my money on lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Chicago also is about to get overtime for every phone call and email read regarding work after hours as it should be. Dekalb is so far behind we are WAY past the point of recovery. I start my new career in 2 weeks elsewhere :)

Anonymous said...

So when you give someones address out and an assualt take place are you a party to a crime? You know it was not to bring that suspect flowers but to kick some victim's ass..And if you did it on duty isn't that another offense? O.C.G.A. 16-2-20 (2010)
16-2-20. When a person is a party to a crime

(a) Every person concerned in the commission of a crime is a party thereto and may be charged with and convicted of commission of the crime.

(b) A person is concerned in the commission of a crime only if he:

(1) Directly commits the crime;

(2) Intentionally causes some other person to commit the crime under such circumstances that the other person is not guilty of any crime either in fact or because of legal incapacity;

(3) Intentionally aids or abets in the commission of the crime; or

(4) Intentionally advises, encourages, hires, counsels, or procures another to commit the crime.
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Georgia may have more current or accurate information.

Anonymous said...

Party to a crime?... is this in reference to using NCIC/GCIC for someone else....and a cover-up?

Anonymous said...

Wiz Miller announces retirement effective at the end of the month on the same day it comes out that Ellis is fighting for access to the grand jury's sealed documents... and that there was also a criminal investigation underway... hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Using NCIC/GCIC for personal reasons is a FELONY. You'd be surprised at the agencies that fail in their sworn duty to prosecute officers for this.