Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another Sad Day In DeKalb County History

Does it get any worse then this? The chief operating officer of Dekalb County is under investigation for corruption.

The entire school board is on the verge of being dismantled by the governor.

Now DeKalb leads the way in police corruption.

 This place is a cesspool. This county will probably never recover from all this. Who in their right mind would want to move their family to DeKalb County? What business would want to move to DeKalb County?

Read more here


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...on February 12th the leading news story on all Atlanta stations is of 10 officers accused of helping drug dealers! So this leaves one to wonder - did he commit perjury?!? As they say - what's done in the dark will always come to light!

Anonymous said...

This really makes supervision look grossly incompetent or in on it. Sad when outside agencies have to arrest your own officers because you either can't or won't.

Anonymous said...

Might start wishing you weren't so tight with those bar and club owners pretty soon. Part time that has taken control of how you conduct yourself. Trips to Colombia, loans, etc.

Anonymous said...

These are really low level arrests. Look to the bishop to see the kingpin.

Anonymous said...

Yep, narcotics has been aware of it for years which makes you wonder why a narcotics unit for all of Dekalb averages 2 working detectives a day. Ask some of the real cops that are no longer there and they'll tell you how they were told to stand down numerous times based on who they were investigating. Deklab is as bad as it gets, it's a shame it's taken this long to start cleaning it up.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:58 AM you may not know what your territory partner is doing but the Feds obviously do. Figure out how to do your job effectively or move along but don't make excuses for this embarrassment. YOU are the problem...

Anonymous said...

I do not condone these acts in no way, shape, form or fashion. I look at these officers being arrested, not only in DeKalb County but other neighboring jurisdictions as well and I think to myself RAISE!!! I personally know of several officers throughout metro Atlanta who work full time and part time jobs and still can't make ends meet. It was only a matter of time before such acts begin to take place. This is sad but true yet unfortunate that these men and women have embarrassed the hell out of us HONEST HARDWORKING OFFICERS!!!!

Anonymous said...

More today?

Anonymous said...

I actually think this is the fruit of what was planned years ago. You see if you intentionally refuse to pay police officers a decent wage, lower the hiring standards to where anybody can be a cop, even those who are borderline illiterate, then bitch and wait until some are made into supervisors, then have those supervisors protect other thugs in the department, you end up with a department that is RIFE with corruption. If politicians make certain decisions that intentionally ruin areas where businesses thrive, the whole area goes downhill and eventiually you end up with a county full of voters who would elect a Vernon Jones or Ellis, just like in Clayton County. This holds true in any area of governemnt service job, from sanitation, to public works, to law enforcement, to librarians. Dekalb, and all government agencies in metro Atlanta (and I think Georgia) have been set up to fail. So, be happy Dekalb voters. You and your children have to live and sleep there at night among the thieves and your children have to go to school there and somehow get an education in a war zone.
Retired HONEST Dekalb County Police Officer.

Anonymous said...

Is this the next Chief?

Joel F. Fitzgerald, Sr.
Chief of Police Joel F. Fitzgerald, Sr. Joel F. Fitzgerald, Sr. is the chief of the Police Department for the City of Missouri City, having begun his association with the city on April 27, 2009.

Career Start
Chief Fitzgerald possesses more than 21 years of comprehensive law enforcement experience ranging from patrol, investigations, and professional standards in the City of Philadelphia Police Department, to his executive level duties as Missouri City Chief of Police.

Career Responsibilities
Joel achieved success in organizational development as a change agent by executing innovative community oriented and problem solving policing strategies. He achieved this success through improving employee service orientation using “high performance” management. He is adept at strategic planning and instilling organizational accountability through COMPSTAT, intelligence-led policing, and neighborhood-oriented approaches. Under his leadership, the Missouri City Police Department achieved certification by becoming the 18th agency in the State of Texas to achieve “recognition” for standards of operational excellence and became a certified TCLEOSE training provider. Chief Fitzgerald is adept at developing benchmark characteristics in agencies seeking to foster cooperation and collaboration with all stakeholders in their communities and that work earned him the 2010 NAACP President’s Award for community policing.

Education & Family
Chief Fitzgerald holds a B.A.-Villanova University, M.B.A.-Eastern University, and is Ph.D.-ABD-Northcentral University. He is also a graduate of numerous internationally recognized executive management programs including the 2012 Harvard University Kennedy School of Government-Senior Managers in State and Local Government program, the Police Executive Research Forum Class #48, FBI-NA LEEDS #69, DEA-Drug Unit Commander’s Academy, and the Northwestern University School of Police Staff & Command. Fitzgerald serves on the board of the IACP Forensics Committee, the TPCA Legislative Committee, IACP Mid-Sized Cities Section, and numerous professional/service organizations.

Joel and his wife, Det. Pauline Fitzgerald, have three children, one of which is also serving as a member of law enforcement.

Please contact Joel F. Fitzgerald for more information.

Anonymous said...

Putting blame on lousy salaries and benefits is not the real reason here. You knew what the job was paying when you signed on, so do not blame the lousy salary. You knew that were not going to get rich doing police work. You signed on because you like the excitement, and knowing that you were contributing to the thought of doing something right.

Taking bribes and working for the crooks was a thought and act in stupidity and you didn't value your self respect, your family, your friends, and most important...your freedom.

Now that the Feds have caught up with you, you begin to wonder where did I go wrong? If you have to think about that one question, then you had no business in law enforcement in the first place. So now, take that dumb ass body of yours and get that taste of Federal prison for the many years to come. No more wine, fancy meals and clothes, cars, housing, and all of the perks you thought you were going to have for being on the "take" of some thugs.

Now you have joined the ranks of those thugs and you can look forward to make mail wagons for the Post Office.......Aren't you lucky?

Anonymous said...

It's a start....but, the riff raff is still in place. These are just low level, small fish...when are we gonna see some white shirts picked up by the feds or the "special IA unit"? Higdon doesn't count....leaking internal documents is relatively minor stuff.

Anonymous said...

This is the Police Dept you end up with when you have Bad Officers sitting down and having "free meals' within ten feet of Illegal Video Poker Machines. We citizens of DeKalb are sick of this. Your "Failure to Act" has destroyed many neighborhoods. Well here come the FEDS, enjoy ! Your days are numbered !

Remove the Bad and Promote the Good for the better of DeKalb for we still have many Good Officers !

And for you Officers that descided to sell your badges for a cheese burger, you might want to get a test for HEPATITIS with all of the felon cooks spitting in your food at these corrupt bars. stupid

Anonymous said...

Higher pay wouldnt change this, these same officers would have done it anyway, a thug is a thug..the sad thing is I'm certain there was enough in their past that would have kept them from getting hired anyway 20 years ago. Dekalb police dept is only several hires away from either becoming crips or bloods instead of DKPD.

Anonymous said...

Blaming corruption on the lack of pay raises is Bogus. Blaming the quality of the officers you are attracting due to pay may be somewhat valid but even if Dekalb was at the top of the pay scale I would advise all to avoid the cesspool called Dekalb. Dekalbs head is rotten sorry Vern and Burrell but true. I remember Dekalb at the top and even then we had isolated crooked cops but it was rare.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:44 AM looks like you've been shut down with your ridiculous excuses for these actions so gather what dignity you may have remaining and LEAVE.

Anonymous said...

Looks like supervisors should have been more concerned with the drug traffickers working under their noses than the amount of tickets they generated. When will DKPD brass get a clue?

Anonymous said...

Let's not stop here; start from top to buttom and root out all corrupt officers, supervisors, managers, and whoever else that's involved. Leave no hiding place then maybe we might see a brighter future ahead.

Anonymous said...

When TONS OF DKPD supervisors are telling their officers "don't get involved in anything that will cause me to have to do any paperwork" or "make any work for them" and then you sprinkle in the other valid complaints listed here regarding pay, lack of moral, progressive leadership and lowering of standards because the job has turned into a "please come work here because we're begging for another sucker to join up and hump calls" instead of looking for the best and brightest candidates (who mostly know better than to join DKPD by now anyway).... yep, cops get lost, disappear, start doing drug deals and other things because hey... at least they didn't directly bother their Sgt's and ELTEES and force them to do any extra paperwork :)

Anonymous said...

To Anon 12:24.
You are an idiot. You are really comparing a video gambling machine incident to officers providing security for gang member drug transactions? Every single gas station in Dekalb county has a gambling machine. Without direct evidence of a cash payout, it is perfectly legal. But, then I suppose you don't go into any gas station in Dekalb to buy a soda because they have a gambling machine inside? If you did you would be ignoring criminal activity, you corrupt A-hole. Only an idiot like you would compare something so mundane to an officer providing security for gang members cocaine transactions. You are probably a lieutenant, your simple mindedness gives it away.

Anonymous said...

1:36PM, if someone tells me something, but they don't tell you, should we hold it against you that you don't know? Use your head!

Anonymous said...

If you've ever sent up a package to the idiot powers that be here you know why less is more.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you really think that Dekalb County would hire someone as qualified as Chief Fitzgerald seems to be? Do you really think he would come here if he did the sligest bit of investigation into the caliber of idiots he would have to answer to? And if he did stumble into this mess, how long would it be before he bailed out in the middle of the night screaming what the hell did I do to deserve this nightmere. Think.

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell got a free trip to Colombia? Was it a prize for ticket revenue? Clean it all up please!

Buzz Lightyear said...

Its interesting at how some comments don't seem to make there way onto the much for for having a venue to openly express yourself. Even now your views and comments are being monitored by Big Brother Blog Master.

Mister Blog Master can you do some splainin....why do you feel the need to only post what you like. I'm waiting on your response.

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC... Now I have to worry about my territory partner being a gang member. Do we even bother with background checks any longer?

DeKalb Officers said...

To Buzz Lightyear:

Here is your response to "why do you feel the need to only post what you like" (By the way, you should have ended your sentence with a question mark).

The reason we post "what we like" is because it is our blog page. We own it. 1st amendment doesn't apply here.

If you don't like what you read, or your feelings are hurt because we don't post your constant barrage of the actions of an individual, for which you have no first hand knowledge, then don't read our blog.

Simply stay away.

Oh, and if you think your rebuttal will be posted, think again. We are having the last laugh. Ain’t moderation a bitch?

Very Sincerely,