Wow! You know you look guilty if the county ethics board denies your request. When it comes to judging the commissioners on ethics, the ethics board is pretty much a joke.
Click here to read the AJC article.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
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Guess he should have been a PBA Member. In any case, Dekalb should follow other agencies lead and offer part-time employment. Officers could make up any pay difference with part time jobs as needed and the county would be off the hook for full-time benefits.
Just fricking WOW!!!
So let me get this right...... The CEO is now asking for permission from the ethics board to beg for money for attorney fees from the very crooks who paid him off to get County contracts and illegal business licenses. This guy takes the cake. I am glad the ethics board denied this rediculous request.
I see that Elaine Boyer and the Board of Commisioners are patting each other on the back because they had a 7-0 vote on the 2013 budget approval. Channel 2 news hyped the fact that they approved 44 new Fire positions and 25 new Police positions. In 2012 we lost over 150 Officers and in January 2013 alone we lost 30 Officers. Where is the math in this, 25 minus 180 equals..... NEGATIVE 155 Officers. By the time we fill an academy, graduate them, get them off FTO training we will lose another 60 Officers. BOC open your eyes wide this is a serious issue that the citizens of Dekalb need to know about. We are losing Officers at a record rate. The focus needs to be on retaining Officers not hiring rookies over and over again. This is not Walmart, an experienced well trained Officer is invaluable. We are going on our 6th year in a row with no raise for Police or Fire. Give us something, anything, to stay competative with other Police Departments. A take home car would be a good start for a sense of self worth.
Struggling and starving family man Officer.
Earth to Erkle...Earth to Erkle.....haven't you learned your lesson yet? You are already being investigated for shaking down vendors doing County business and now you want to do it all over again?
That stupid jerk who is the CEO of the messed up county mainly because of himself, now wants that same county to set up a legal fund.
How arrogant he thinks he is. He at the very best, should be thinking about his future with the DA's office and everyone else.
Actually, he was trained by his buddy, Vernon Jones, plus he added his owncronies to the mix.
Ellis must think that all of the voters in this screwed up county love him and that is why he was put back in office. These people have the heads stuck up their ass and this is one of the main reasons why the county is in the shape that it is in.
Well ain't that a kick in the ol proverbial nuts!!!!!!!
Why is this guy not on administrative leave? He's being investigated for possibly committing felonies, and still allowed to conduct county business. A poor officer would have immediately been placed on admin leave, and our brass would be infront of a camera talking about how despicable the officer is.
The brass hasn't said 1 word about this. So tell me chief, what should supervisors tell our officers in roll call to motivate them and raise their morale when the leader of this county is under such investigation? I hope he's innocent, but he should not be conducting business until the investigation has been completed! Chief, its the hypocrisy at this place that is killing our spirit.
UH he's not on admin leave because he has a law degree and is the CEO and YOU barely graduated HS. Don't believe the Democrat hype, we are CERTAINLY not all created or treated equal.
I'm still trying to understand the citizens of Dekalb County. They should be up in arms in protest of the wasteful use and the wasteful abuse of police officers being posted at Ellis's home. The entire 8 years Liane Levetan was the CEO not one time did her or her office misuse the police dept the way Vern and Lil Vern have done. It's appalling. Why do we not hear from the citizens or are all of them as big of idiots as the leadership.
Anon 1:59
Iv'e known plenty of people with law degrees who were criminals. I also know plenty of people with law degrees who are idiots. I don't understand your point.
Anonymous 9:48, u obviously never worked Center morning watch during her time at the helm. We use to send a Police unit to her house every morning to drive her down to her office. That seems like an abuse of power and misuse of manpower to me. That's where it all began, and snowballed from remember that Lt. Brown? Haaaa.
The Board of Commissioners is a representation of the citizens. So, they are happy with what they have running the county. The Police Department is a representation of the commissioners, so they are happy with the Police Department. What else is there to say?
Now Ellis wants a judge to sanction the DA's office:
@February 28, 2013 at 9:48 PM.....CEO Levethan.....yes, police had to sit on her home too...she had an assigned driver/executive protection from PD....told the police they were over paid......salary freeze, followed by a wacky salary study that got ignored....if u worked morning watch, forget about cashing your check til the following Mon b/c the acct that paid public safety was NSF by noon on payday Friday.......just no blog back then to b*tch on......ask that PIO Jacobs over at SSPD what happened to him when he spoke out...aahh the good yrs.....same sh*t happens everywhere...
Clearly the current agenda is to push all the veteran salaries out the door for police and fire dept and have public safety average a 2 year personnel age, imagine the savings and obedience.
Shut up, do your job, write tickets and dont you dare question authority!
They say that first empressions are lasting empressions.....the 1st words out of the new chiefs mouth ....and on video were....
"there will be no pay raises at all!!!"..the 1st words out...
So after 6 to 7 years without even a cost of living pay increase....what do we have to look foward too???
Improvimg the morale problem!!!...last time I checked....Ga. Power does not care about my morale problem....and what few dollars I have after paying what bills I can pay from month to bypass to every other month is no laughing matter....
Before you get on your hobby horse and say I'm livinf beyond my means....I have 1 car that is a 1992 with 196k on don't even go there....and a home with 3 bedroom and 2 bath on a half try another approach.
been here over 18 years now....and am loking hard to get the hell want answers to the problems....come together as a unit and band together as time to show up at commissoners meetings....which we all know that we won't....and they know that.....until then..
Shut up and do your job and take what little they give you and be happy!!!....before you shpw your ignorance and spout off to this post....think about what our problem really are within this dept....before you go off on me and complain about mis-spelled words....guess thats the gut wrott wiskey I'm drinking that keeps me on this side of the line....
I know...go head and stand up on your soap box and point the finger that I have no pride....I have bled for this county....given them a marriage and even a heart point your finger at the real problems....almost out...hoping the S.S. Dekalb will stay up-right for a little longer with the new manager at the helm.
Signed.....a vetern
what few are left!!!
Let us bow our heads and prey!!!
Some observations on CEO Burrel Ellis.
Many DeKalb employees believe there telephone calls are recorded. That is a misconception, specific call centers such as 911 are recorded but 99.9% of the total voice traffic is not. What the county does get is a log of telephone numbers that are dialed. This was why Ellis was going across the street and making campaign solicitations from his friends offices. Ellis feared having his phone calls tracked.
Ellis had no credible opposition in his last election. He needed no more than half a million for his campaign and probably less. My understanding is Ellis spent 3/4 million on his campaign leaving another 3/4 million for contingencies such as hiring his vaunted "dream-team" of defense lawyers. I can only speculate how long 3/4 of a mill will last with the high-priced lawyers Ellis has retained, best guess is six months to a year, plus whatever contributions Ellis can obtain in the duration. My assumption is that Ellis can afford his lawyers for about a year and a half.
I want Ellis out of office ASAP but the reality is that Ellis's "dream-team" can out-gun and out-think the DeKalb DA's attorneys.
My thoughts are the longer DA James can draw out the legal process, the chances are better that Ellis will spend through his legal "war-chest" and J. Tom. and company will depart when the cash runs out.
I want Ellis nailed and I see patience as the key in this game.
It is obvious that after three decades DeKalb's CEO form of government does not work and is draining a lot of fracken' cash from the counties budget for negligible results.
Be safe out there.
Having an executive protection detail and/or a driver from the PD is far from corruption and no where near the same league as the kind of shenanigans that Ellis is displaying.
Many here may find this hard to believe (like Police officers not working without contracts, "20 & out" with half pay and a hefty variable supplement upon retirement, COLA and negotiated and voted on working contracts that have percentage points compounded and then given to the cops in lump sums as back pay during contract lapse periods, night differential putting an extra few grand in your pockets for working between 1500 and 0600 and union delegates assigned to EVERY PRECINCT addressing the troops at roll call after telling the Pct. commander to hit the bricks while we hold private discussions about whatever we want that can make "the job" better) but in places like the NYPD.. EVERY SINGLE RANK from Sgt. on up has a "driver" assigned to them (who they can choose) during EVERY day they're at work. So for a CEO, Mayor etc.. to have one on or off duty is missing the point. It's "Small ball" and not a segue to corruption nor a big deal .
They beat us down so bad and Jenny Craig us so hard that we start squabbling over crackers instead of demanding and addressing steak issues which is what they want.
On the other hand, Hiring and then keeping Rural metro Ambulance when he was SPECIFICALLY WARNED NOT TO due to a bevy of illegal practices, dishonest behavior and poor performance YET in an apparent effort to DERIVE IMPROPER benefit, he decided to hire and then retain them anyway! Not to mention his unethical relationships with Rural metro linked staff.
Did I mention that Rural metro Ambulance aka EMS Ventures Inc. was just sued by several people for some of the most outlandish and over the top employment practices this side of the Mississippi? And yes, while operating as a Dekalb County entity!
It appears as if Burrel "Mr. Magoo" Ellis has done it again!
I was told by a north precinct captain, that they only got (2) two rookies from the academy today . All that invested time and money and only (2) two warm bodies . AND, AND --THEY WILL PROBABLY QUIT AND GO TO ANOTHER AGENCY WITHIN THE FIRST YEAR HERE, IF THEY DON'T GET INDICTED FOR BEING "CLOSET PERPS"! What happened to the program that hired seasoned/experienced officers from other agencies . Guess they heard how screwed up DeKalb is, and didn't even bother to apply. W.T.F.--- over. Thank God there are some good officers left here.
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