Monday, February 11, 2013

In The Mist Of Burrell Ellis' Corruption Investigation, Wiz Miller Resigns

Today, Wiz Miller announced his resignation. It's interesting the suddenness while the corruption of Burrell Ellis being investigated.

Is Wiz being a typical rat fleeing a sinking ship, to surface later to testify against Ellis?

Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

I heard Burger King was recruiting him pretty hard. Only in DeKalb could someone who can barely construct a sentence be placed in the role of Public Safety Director and then COMMUNICATIONS Director. Then he resigns, not terminated, resigns.

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed this is what happens when you screw people over. Burrell's dirt is catching up with him, he has turned on Wiz and now he suddenly resigns. Good riddens he needs to take the rest of the rubbish Dale Holmes and Annette Williams-Lane-Woodard whatever the hell she wants her name to be this week with him!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He did the right thing. I'm proud of him. I knew him before he was a cop and always respected him.

Anonymous said...

10:31 you need to lay off the pipe. Name a single positive thing Wiz did for public safety. I'm waiting.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Wiz did the right thing or not. I don't know why he is leaving and I will not act like I do. As the Blog Master said, maybe he will testify against Ellis if he has information but only time will tell.

To Anon 9:30
Should Wiz also take the couple of black Majors with him and thereby ridding the department of every black officer in the command staff? Would that make you happy? If you are going to make ignorant comments perhaps you should 1) Learn to spell or 2) Learn to use spell check.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of that line from Animal House before they take out the parade.....Flounder...I think he said, "this is gonna be great!"

Anonymous said...

You try to shoot your husband in the parking lot one time and no one ever lets you hear the end of it.

Anonymous said...

To anon 12:15
Get off your racist horse. Would it be good to rid the department of corrupt black officers. Hell yes. Just like it would be good to rid the department of any white corrupt officers. I'm so sick of the race card. This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with corruption and abuse of power plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

So WIZ maybe you should take Newt with you. Like party to a crime said this is a felony. The DA in gwinnet county is not to be messed with. (party to the crime that took place in Gwinnet). And we know that Dekalb DA is trying to make a name for himself lookout TAC officer you may have two DA's after you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another Dekalb Officer arrested. Federal corruption probe. Who is it? Wiz?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the support on this blog for the Director. He may have been a good officer in the past but, he changed as soon as he took the Director position. He is as corrupt as Ellis. He and Chief Williams covered up corruption throughout the entire county. I will eleborate more on this as soon as they are both gone.

Blog Master, I am disappointed in you as well for this comment.

"Is Wiz being a typical rat fleeing a sinking ship, to surface later to testify against Ellis?"

Wiz has obstructed investigations and had his hand in unethical contracts involving Public Safety. He needs to be sitting in the pokey next to the CEO.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:15 AM, your comment only shows your ignorance of what's going on this county. Race has nothing to do with their deeds.

Anonymous said...

And it all comes crumbling down... There is no honor among thieves. How many instances does it take for perps to realize this?

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of folks dreading that knock on their door right now haha. My how the "mighty" have fallen. Guess who's next...

Frustrated Vet said...

Anon 5:30PM... the high and the mighty have not fallen.... we have rank that have committed crimes and done things that should have had them in jail or out of the department years ago...they still have badges...they've been promoted ... and have even been or are being given awards ..... a few here and there have fallen but, the game continues.

We still have scumbags in high places protecting the lower level scumbags that continue to be promoted and protected from being held accountable or fired. Those who get fire made the mistake of not being in the clique.

DKPD is only good for pension if you're under the old plan or good for two years of training before jumping to a better agency.

As one who is not scared of a knock at the door... I see those who should be scared... sleeping like babies. With Wiz leaving, some of those not scared should be... their protection just rode off fat and happy in sunset.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:57

I have no problem calling someone out who has done something wrong regardless of their race. I do have a problem throwing a blanket over an entire group of people and stating that they are, "rubbish" or "corrupt" to quote a couple of posts regarding Assist. Chief Williams. Give me a specific example of something she has done that would warrant calling her corrupt. The vast majority of people who worked for her in CID loved working for her. The vast majority of people who work for her in Special Ops love working for her. I will be waiting on your specific example of how she is tied to corruption.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Baker in Planning is next.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Baker and Elijah Watkins need to be next. Time to cleanup all the corruption. Time to get the club owner's who have P.D. and licensing in their back pockets.

Anonymous said...

Don't know anything about Williams, but definately do about Holmes. What's he gonna do without his sidekick to stop investigations. Time to look at Holmes next. Let the house crumble!

Anonymous said...

No surprise that Ellis doesn't want the public to see the special grand jury report. Last week's closed court hearing was all about keeping it out of the public. He wanted to see the report before it was made public probably for two reasons: 1) So he can find something in it that would allow him to challenge its release, and 2) If that fails, then at least his lawyers will have 10 days to prepare talking points for his defense to present to the media.

Interesting that Ellis got a copy of the report on Friday and Miller announced his resignation a few days later.

Anonymous said...

Could someone look into all the people Wiz placed into their positions simply because they were buddies? I would like to see that list and where it goes from here!

Anonymous said...

Guys...just remember....with Wiz out of the picture....he is laughing all the way to the bank.....155,000.00 a year is what he walks away with....who's laughing now.....self preservation kicked in and he's 10-8.....don't know about you.....that math I failed in high school is coming back to haunt me.....155k a year for life??? sure sounds like a hard ship to me!!!...NOT!!!...

Ol Take a Wiz Miller is laughing all the way to the bank.

He should have been fired!...that's our 155K raise walking out the door on the backs on the working grunts in this dept.!!!....FOR THE REST IF HIS LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

For those who continue to bash Annette Williams: is the incident with her ex-husband that happened over 20 years ago all you got? Pretty weak, dude. Nothing else? Ok, let me give you some facts. If all you got is something from 20 years ago, you got nothing..bupkiss. Tell me something about her that she has done that is corrupt..oh, I bet I know exactly who you are..maybe somebody in a unit that screwed up bad and she had you in her sights..oh yeah, you know who I am talking to...because she did not tolerate your ineptness and excuses, now you try to throw salt! I have never heard anything "corrupt" about her. Except maybe that she demanded hard work from people..hmmm, yes that definitely goes against the grain here at Dekalb..

Anonymous said...

Ah the race card, played so often in this game we call the "blog." Here are some fun facts for you: We had a white Chief for almost 4 years who made no significant positive improvements to our police department. We are worse off now than we were before he took over! We have had more officers arrested and federally indicted under OB than we did under Tebo, Graham & Moody combined! OB took care of his "boys" before he left- Padrick & Catlin. No one ever says anything about that on this blog!! Also, OB got the hell on without so much as a "see you later" email to anyone. That really shows his dedication to all of us. So, I say that race has NOTHING to do with it. It is about leadership. Speaking of, wonder what in the world will happen to Bentley & Mooneyham now that they will be jsut another Lt here. Wonder if they will be able to look those folks in the eye that they stabbed in the back while they were in the Director office. Funny how karma works, idn't it boys?

Anonymous said...

To 12:47
I agree, taking an incident 20 years ago and hashing it up again is stupid, no one really cares.

To 12:47 and 9:13
That's great that you think she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. When she was in CID, she commanded it as business as usual. Sure she tried to increase the number of detectives? Did she try any new policing models to make her job and everyone under her more efficient? No! She bought some software to help here and there, but did she try to purchase any equipment/software that would help CID as a whole, each and everyday? No! I was there, we tried to push good software through that would have helped all of CID and the Department. Our proposals collected dust. The County will buy these items, but it takes considerable effort and time to push them through. The key word here is effort.

Did Miller take care of Asst. Chief Holmes? Probably, since they appear to be very good friends. Did OB take care of his friends? You bet he did.

To 12:54
You are misinformed. Ask anyone in the Academy how it was under Graham and particularly Tebo. They will tell you that they had recruits screwing up so badly, they needed to be fired on the spot. Yet, they were told by those Chiefs to write them up and let them continue in the Academy. They had recruits who wouldn't show up for class at the Academy for 3 days, upon their return, they were given a soft write up and allowed to continue in the Academy.
The process of time caught up to them and they happened to get caught under OB's reign. Could OB have done a better job? Without a doubt!
The final decision maker on each and every decision wasn't OB, it was Miller.
True, we never received a formal letter/email from OB saying goodbye. This shows a lack of professionalism. I never received a formal letter or email from Miller; either. I saw it on the news. Again, a lack of professionalism. Both are going to laugh all the way to the bank as they collect their fat pensions.

Anonymous said...

We had a white Chief who could barely use the bathroom without first getting permission from Wiz and Ellis.

How many of those officers indicted or fired were hired under OB? How many of those indicted or fired were part of Vernon's crew? Graham, Tebo, Don Frank, Willie Durrett. How many of Ob's crew have been indicted or fired?

Anonymous said...

12:47AM, no comments about the Chief Woodard - ex-husband shooting incident have been posted, so what are you talking about? Are you the blogmaster, or are you connected to the blog master and know that a lot of comments that were submitted have not been posted?

Why the censorship? Why are some people fair game while others get protection this blog?

Anonymous said...

What's the point of this blog anymore? Someone asked for one thing Chief Williams has ever done. People submit comments answering that question, but they don't get published. Why? If this is how things are going to work, then this blog has no place pointing out cover ups and favoritism in this department.

Anonymous said...

If you think OB was running this department, you obviously don't read your General Orders.

Wiz issued a General Order that said any and all requests for police services and police resources must be sent to his office for approval. I can post it is you missed it.

Wiz must approve everything? Really? Isn't that what we have a Chief of Police for? If everything has to be cleared by Wiz, what the hell was OB there for?

Face it, OB was a token. He knew it. That's why he left silently like he did.

Anonymous said...

6:20pm, Someone said something about "shooting at your husband in a parking lot" trying to be sarcastic- they are referring to the incident she had with her ex-husband forever ago. And no, I am not the blogmaster; I have had several theories about who the blogmaster is, but so far I have no concrete evidence. He/she is a slippery one!
12:10pm- My point about Williams is that she has not been accused of any corruption. And, she is a good person who tried her best to lead by example. How do you know that she didn't try to get some things pushed through? Didn't you all get laptops under her command to replace the worn out PCs? Absolutely Wiz took care of Holmes. And show me research that says that the same people who screwed up in the academy under Tebo & Graham are the same ones who got indicted/arrested. Nope! AR Robinson- 11 yr vet. Kaulbach-24 yr vet. Frank- 20 yr vet. Durrrett-19 yr vet. All hired under Burgess. I am not saying that OB is directly responsible for the actions of these people, but he damn sure should have tried harder to send down the message that garbage would not be tolerated. OB was a nice guy- way too nice. And keeping Higdon as a Major was just a travesty.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any posts about a shooting in a parking lot. You must be talking about a comment that was never posted.

Anonymous said...

First Wiz Miller resigned...then a day later Joe Bastita, Agency head in charge of the Dekalb Watershed it is confirmed that Massey-Bowers has been terminated from their fat lobbying contract that paid them $150,000 a year for last 5 years. Sure, they had to pay Kevin Ross a kickback of 1/3, but that's still $100,000 a year for 3 months work when the General Assembly is in session. It will be interesting to see if Bruce Bowers goes down with an indictment, as his Daddy is Mike Bowers, former GA Attorney General and still a very connected political power in this State....and Lewis Massey is the ex-GA Secretary of State and has powerful friends.

Anonymous said...

Video @4:05

"The vast majority are honest, hardworking THUGS" (??)

Freudian slip ... oops!