This blog page was established so DeKalb County Police Officers including their family and friends may have a place to hold discussions, post news and vent without fear of retribution.
Our commission chairman is corrupt. His appointed public safety director has resigned. We have an interim chief of police. So they turned to Tom Brown?
So who is it going to pick our new Chief? Surely it CAN'T be Ellis, whose rumored to want to place a Texas (again?) fraternity brother in place... I wonder if the BOC has put a hold on all promotions? (It was reported that they will not award any new contracts without "Outside Dekalb" recommendation.) How long are the good, honest, hard-working officers going to be punished for the cancer that has spread through this county? We've been helplessly watching and waiting for about 10 years now... Is the house of cards- the ENTIRE house of cards - going to FINALLY COLLAPSE? And at what cost? So disappointing that we boarded the Titanic so many years ago and we didn't even realize it. Just call me Jack.
Anon 6:43am.... what the hell does white and black have to do with anything?..... in the event that you haven't noticed, let me clue you in....most of the department is black. Ticket are issued to and most of our arrests involve blacks because the county is predominantly black.....Are East and South officers racist because they generally arrest blacks?.... if the population is predominantly black,your arrestees will be predominantly black.
Cut the black and white crap.... that has nothing to do with this.
I wonder if it was hard for the person who wrote the first response to come up with something that showed what a huge racist they are and throw out the race card, all in about four sentences.
To Anon 6:43 I don't know how you possibly think Burrell hasn't done anything wrong. Channel 2 made a couple of phone calls in an afternoon and found a contractor who claimed Burrell pushed him to donate to his campaign. Furthermore, you have to have Probable Cause to get a Search Warrant, which means the DA's office already has evidence. I'm thinking there is so much evidence and obvious corruption that they couldn't follow existing protocol to just ignore it. Directors and Chief's hired to look for corruption? Are you kidding? It starts at the top. You ever heard the phrase "idle hands are the devil's workshop?" Almost every single one of them has been doing something, whether its related to this event or not. Are any white people under investigation? 1. What does that have to do with anything? Corruption has no skin color or gender. The majority of the populous and officers in this county are black, so naturally there will be more black people involved. 2. Probably.
You will be having a large pension increase starting in April. The board postponed the vote until March for a 2%+ increase in the pension contribution of the 82.5% employees. This is actually a 25% increase in actual dollars.
AHH...The race card comes out early in this post. The race card is the perceived ACE card by many in any debate now in America because of the lack of intelligence,inability to have an intellectual discussion, lack of accountability and responsibility for oneself, and the inability to MOVE ON.
Congratulations to DeKalb County for becoming the biggest turd in the State of Georgia. From first to absolute worst in 30 years. Last one out don't forget to flush.
I hope they put all bad police officers under the jail. 99.99999% of the Dekalb Officers are good hard working dedicated men and women. Bad COPS are an extrene embarassment to all of us. I'm just sick of all the bad press on bad COPS in Dekalb. It makes us good guy's all look like jerks and it makes the job even harder than it is when our honor is in question. How can uniformed police officers do this on duty anyway? Where the hell are the supervisors anyway ? Just call me highly embarassed and sickened about all of this corruption in Dekalb.The down hill slide started in 2000.
Anon 3:08, where are the supervisors? We are fed up as well and dont give a shit anylonger, we too feel the sting of what the county has done to us as employees as well. We are just trying to finish our careers and leave this god forsaken place. We have upper brass that will not back us on our decisions, we have brass that collectivley change evals without asking the Sgt's opinion who is the one doing the evals. I have had several scores changed or been told to change my comments, I refuse, nor will I sign an eval that comes back changed. I have given up, my soul has been stolen, I can see why these things happen. Dont condone it and hate these asses who tarnish my badge that I have worked hard for but I get it. All I can say is that im counting my days, and the light is in sight!
Posting again: Can someone provide a list of all the appointments Wiz made using his good ol' buddy system? These appointments have to be suspect in all that is going on here.
Where are the supervisors?.... the sergeants are doing what everyone else is doing.... trying to do their jobs and not get written up. All accountability stops at the sergeant and line levels... blame is quickly shifted away from the white shirts in order to prevent them from being questioned or held accountable.
If the white shirts can find a fall guy/shift the focus, they are protected... if they can write someone up, they look like they're doing something..... they also get their name in something that will go up the chain....
Instead if standing with their officers and fighting for them, it is easier for the white shirts to put paper on someone. Look at me.. I held someone accountable for making a mistake while they were trying to make a difference.
Your supervisors, sergeants and line officers heard and understand.... punch the click, answer or clear on calls, back when needed.... punch the clock....go home.
We're no longer policing....were collecting paychecks.
Suggestion: Rather than waiting for honest leadership that clearly isn't coming, why not be a unified group as officers and immediately cease all revenue generating activities until your benefits, pay, work conditions, etc have been righted. Be your own role model as a group and stop allowing these unethical idiots to divide and conquer you time after time.
To the police..You guys need to band together.YOU hAVE THE ATTENTION all over the nation now.If it was me i would call all the officers to rally at Decatur.I would state that the officers at the rally are the NON-CORRUPT ONES wHO WANT CHANGES..then you will see who is corrupt or not and what supervisors support you guys.The corrupt officers and supervisors will not show their faces..
Sad to say, but the majority of the officers that work in Dekalb do not live in Dekalb. This is why the we can not get any good leadership. You vote where you reside. Move to Dekalb and make a change!!!!!1
I hope that someone does something about Rick in the Clerk's office. he has a business operating out of the clerks office on taxpayer's dollars!!!!! The Clerk is aware of this!!!
Ellis said he was out of town for the Presiden't visit. Right, like he wouldn't reschedule something to meet the President. Maybe someone could check his swipe card logs, or his computer login records to verify that. Or maybe someone working at his house could tell us if he was home or not?
As a uniform officer, I see Dekalb in all its glory.... not a chance in heck I'd move to Dekalb and do that to those I love and care for.... crime is off the chain,the elected officials are corrupt, the schools are suspect...the government is broke....literally and figuratively ..
Give me one good reason to move to Dekalb. ....Stonecrest/South Dekalb?... the proposed Soap Box Derby track? Garbage collection?
Why in the hell would anyone want to move to Dekalb. The fact is that the people of Dekalb elect their leaders. They choose to elect corrupt BOC and CEO's. They have to live with the consequences of their actions. They just voted them back in. It was in their hands and they chose the corrup AGAIN. There is no reason to move to Dekalb so you do your job, do it well and get the hell out at the end of your shift.
Look the county's elected officials are not smart they are comical and a good deal of the department's upper leadership has been comical. Now the news media is reporting every police fart as if it's news. The fact is the DA or the Feds or even Pine Lake PD hasn't published any criminal act by our brass, yet. Just a bunch a circumstantial and embarrassing data that has them looking incompetent, maybe they are but I don't really care. I get paid, work my APPROVED extra jobs and laugh my ass off at all the self appointed VIPs. The folks under investigation and even the ones not yet under investigation won't have the 82.5%. I will and over time I'll end up earning more by keeping my nose clean. The two f*ck sticks that sold their badge for a few grand, f*ck 'em. They were 2 out of 1000. We don't need to ever mention their names again. And Channel 2, please tell the DA that DKPD does have a gang database that’s over 11 years old and he is currently using information gained from DKPD gang detectives to prosecute cases, so have the feds. The spray painting that you’re standing in front of Mr. Lucie is not a gang message just monikers from taggers. As for Sheriff Brown does anyone know what he’s talking about? Does he know what he’s talking about? Can we get an interpreter for the Sheriff? This place is hilarious! Same sh*t in the 90s, same sh*t last decade and the same sh*t in the future.
Wow, you guys are still here? I guess yall are waitng for that take home car carrot in front of your face!The only problem is that 95% of you live outside the county so why would they give you a take home car to be present in gwinnett, jackson and walton county? Go write some more tickets guys so you can rack up some more revenue for recorders court so they can lose another 40 million dollars, sounds like a great plan.But hey you are doing your job!Go represent a CEO that the US secret service told to not show up in decatur or they would remove him.Do your job so you can get furloughed, if yall had any balls you would organize and strike and get national attention, but instead yall throw each other under the bus and brown knose your superiors who are corrupt and are yes men to a group of politicians that eventually will be indicted anyway.Your pension will go broke and is not backed by the feds.So, sleep in the bed that you made!
Loser 8:51. We don't work for the CEO. We work for our chief and she the best. If you hate this place why are you here,get your own blog or whatever you do. It's for real Dekalb officers.
To: Posting again: Can someone provide a list of all the appointments Wiz made using his good ol' buddy system? These appointments have to be suspect in all that is going on here. Can you please use some common sense? Who is it that you think Wiz appointed? Let's do the math. Currently 2 black A/Chiefs, 3 black Majors (although everyone knows Anderson just don't count). So that's only 4 blacks in command staff. Did Wiz appoint all the white command staff? Wouldn't Wiz appoint mor of his buddies? For a long time we had 2 white A/Chiefs and 7 white Majors. Is Wiz friends with Conroy, Gassner, Yarbrough? Ellison? Stathis?????? Geez, you have no common sense. Truth is, and no one ever wants to admit this, O'Brien made all the appointments- because they are all buddies of his. But if a black person is appointed, immediately it is a "suspect appointment." Really?? Let me enlighten you further- when the word came down that appointed folks needed to either be in college working towards a degree or already have one, guess who was scrambling--it was not the black folks, most of them have degrees! It was the white folks! Ask Mike Yarbrough if he has a degree in anything other than excellent hair care! So put that in ya pipe and smoke it!
Why is Ellis still allowed to conduct county business? Any other county employee under such investigation would have been immediately placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation.
You have a point about the number of black supervisors vs white supervisors who were who were appointed to command staff or specialized positions. Anyone can have their opinion but the numbers are concrete and not subject to debate. I concede that O'Brien had his buddies who he took care of regardless of qualifications. You have to concede that Wiz did the same thing at times. But Wiz and O'Brien are both gone now so it's time to move on.
By the way there are some real dumb asses in this department with degrees. The whole bit about these supervisors scrambling to get some worthless on line degree is laughable. How could this possibly make you more qualified to be promoted? This is becoming a substitute in our department for all of the more genuine qualities that we should consider for police command staff. Work ethic, integrity, loyalty, leadership abilities and overall knowledge of law enforcement is being replaced by a worthless piece of paper. You can work your ass off for 15 - 20 years or be lazy as hell and go buy a worthless on line degree and move to the front of the line. I guess the choice is simple for many people huh? For those who would argue against my points I will close with this bit of information for you to sit and ponder. Sonya Porter has a degree. I am done.
To February 16, 2013 at 12:39 AM: You just had to throw in the race card again, HA! Racism against blacks is just not relevant in this county anymore. Yes, we all know OB and others have brought up their people, but they aren't involved in what's going on right now as closely as the Wiz. Quit deflecting the issue by bringing up race and the fact that you admire Yarbrough's hair and stay on point!
The reason nothing will change around here is mainly due to US. Look at all this pointless bickering over race, who appointed this guy and that guy...Who gives a shit ? Were stuck with shit no matter who is in there because no one is a leader nor are they allowed to lead because some self absorbed moronic politician will strike them down if they do. We are so busy fighting each other over bullshit that the things that count are ignored. Everyone in this dept of every race can make a case about how they got screwed because of race, buddy system etc...Fughetaboutit and move the hell on to the real fight!
Take a page from Andrew Baker playbook. Page #1, always tell other employees to sign off on zoning issues and permits, then I (Andrew Baker) collect the side money. This way, the employees are being investigated and not me(Andrew Baker).
ENOUGH of the race thing horse sh*&... You better get on the blue thing if you ever want to see a thriving work environment again in Dekalb and eliminate the corrupt garbage. Obviously there will be some cronyism from anyone put in those positions, people want to be surrounded by those they trust as would you. You're going to have a long hard career otherwise so shape up.
I guess this means Ellis won't be photoshopping himself into a campaign photo of him with Obama like Vernon? And you wonder why the rest of the world thinks Dekalb is lost.
To 12:21am,#1, No matter who your chief is you are still not getting a take home car. They just dont value you as a county employee. And should all the sanitation workers get a take home garbage truck? or the I.T. department get a take home vehicle? What makes the police Department think that they are so important that the taxpayers of the county owe you a ride to and from work on there back?#2, You do work for the board of commisioners and the CEO and the citizens of dekalb county.If they want to elect incompetant leaders that is there right as voters and citizens of there county. I bet you are not even a resident of the county!#3,I know that you will be taking home less money 3months from now than you are taking home today, that is a fact and will come true.That is because your leaders do not value you and instead of taking a piece out of me you should be organizing a ticket strike or a strike in general. But you are to busey brown knosing or trying to get a take home car so the residents of the county can foot the bill for you to drive to and from work. You are no different than your corrupt leaders and that is why you will get nowhere!
Can someone tell me why Mekka Parish was taking up a seat in the last Instructor Training class that was given at our academy. Lots of people would have loved to have been in that class, but a civilian from the Tebo era took up a seat that could have been occupied by an officer! Why the hell is she still around? Why can't be like every other department in the country and have sworn officers serving as Public Information Officers? Instead of spending a week in Instructor Training, maybe Mekka could have spent that time updating our county's website! What a joke that is!
To Feb. 16 at 12:37pm: My post really was not geared towards race, I was responding to the person who was asking the dumbass question about Wiz Miller's "suspect appointments." I do wish that racism was not relevant anymore, but you only hve to look around to see that it is. Clearly OB chose a bunch of white folks to appoint over any black folks who were just as qualified or even more so...that is racism. I personally do not care who gets appointed, as long as they have some balls and some brains, but Yarbrough has neither, and a lot of the others on high do not also, black and white alike. To Feb. 16 at 12:16pm- As far as the poster who commented on Sonya Porter having a degree...I promise, I almost typed the same thing, but I did not want to be too cruel to the poor girl- what with being suspended for calling someone the n word and all. My post was simply stating a fact, that more blacks in Captain or above positions have degrees than the white folks. I never said their degrees were in nuclear physics or that they were all that hard to get. Still, the push is on for appointees to have a degree-ask any of your buddies in the white shirts. I do wish that we could all just "get along" but I doubt that will ever happen- too many people simply have their own agendas to complete and don't give a damn about the department.
7:27. Fyi I have a take home car. We don't need former (fired/left in lieu of) people contributing to problems here. And its nose not "knose". I see one who doesn't have a degree. Don't worry about my slight pension increase. You should read a Dave ramsey book or two about your finances. Don't live beyond your means and you can manage your finances fine. Oh and it doesn't matter who's chief or CEO, if you speed in Dekalb you'll be paying,lol.
Will the FEDS come down on the folks guarding someones house that is committing fraud? You know protecting criminals. But then I heard they are there due to high traffic flow . But it appears that the high flow is cars from the DA's office.
I'm sorry - I've been gone awhile...Mekka Parish is sitting in an Instructor's Class? How did that happen? Is the class @ GPSTC or is it at DeKalb Academy? When I left, the only place you could go to get instructor certified training was @ GPSTC or one of their satellite campuses....departmental academies were not allowed to do instructor training for certification - you MUST be a POST-certified Master Instructor to train instructors for POST certification. Who @ DeKalb has that certification? AND - GPSTC required a letter from the Chief explaining why a non-sworn person needed to become an Instructor for sworn personnel. Now - to get certified by POST - you have to show you went to a POST certified program. I sure hope POST is reading this (I know they do for grins and giggles). It's just not a sane utilization of personnel and resources. I'm sooooo glad I'm guys and gals deserve better.
To 8:38 am we all know that you are a butt kissing ticket writing brown NOSER! We know that you love your take home car and that it allows you to run many errands, flirt with girls at your part-time and run out county gas patrolling for security companies. You don't have to explain yourself and why you love your take-home. Go back to your same areas and get your quota and then go hide as usual.
Sheriff Brown is campaigning. He's smart by not aligning himself with the other corrupt leaders of the county. He doesn't want anyone looking at his campaign disclosures and ties to county contracts, jail, bonding,courts, and commissaries contracts.Hummmmm who contributes to his campaign and golf tournaments? Don't worry he'll rescue and save the Dekalb Police Department! Frustrated Dekalb tax payer!
The problem with the IT class was that they let anyone take it, not that anyone was cherry picked. They let more than twice as many as allowed by POST take the course.
They still flunked about 20 to 30 percent of the students.
I. T. is not the only joke , or departmental embarrasment. They still send "some personel" to motor school , that don't pass simply because they can't , or don't know how to ride to begin with . It get's much worse ! They also send "people" to these firearm's classes that can't qualify to even stay in the course. Why do you think they hold their own classes now. ( so they can give "them" unlimited chances to pass ) . They used to give them " unlimited ammo " to just qualify at the department. DAMN , JUST DAMN !!!!!!!!!
re: Feb 16,02:21 am . You were smart enough to leave , but not smart enough to move ? Hey, next time some "PROBATION PERP" breaks into your house , steals your car ,robs you or invades your home--- call sanitation, or I.T. ! Let us all know how that work's out for you. Nobody , that's nobody, with a room temp i. q., would "WANT" to live in this county , because of the idiotic, moronic, uninformed, voter mass here. That's precisely why all these intelligent, informed voters are forming their own cities ! We still stay here, regardless, so we still have the "hard earned right" to complain . YOU BAILED/YOU DON'T ! Go hide in your house and leave this dangerous job to the professionals , Mr or Mrs Taxpayer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So who is it going to pick our new Chief? Surely it CAN'T be Ellis, whose rumored to want to place a Texas (again?) fraternity brother in place... I wonder if the BOC has put a hold on all promotions? (It was reported that they will not award any new contracts without "Outside Dekalb" recommendation.) How long are the good, honest, hard-working officers going to be punished for the cancer that has spread through this county? We've been helplessly watching and waiting for about 10 years now... Is the house of cards- the ENTIRE house of cards - going to FINALLY COLLAPSE? And at what cost? So disappointing that we boarded the Titanic so many years ago and we didn't even realize it.
Just call me Jack.
Anon 6:43am.... what the hell does white and black have to do with anything?..... in the event that you haven't noticed, let me clue you in....most of the department is black. Ticket are issued to and most of our arrests involve blacks because the county is predominantly black.....Are East and South officers racist because they generally arrest blacks?.... if the population is predominantly black,your arrestees will be predominantly black.
Cut the black and white crap.... that has nothing to do with this.
I wonder if it was hard for the person who wrote the first response to come up with something that showed what a huge racist they are and throw out the race card, all in about four sentences.
To Anon 6:43
I don't know how you possibly think Burrell hasn't done anything wrong. Channel 2 made a couple of phone calls in an afternoon and found a contractor who claimed Burrell pushed him to donate to his campaign. Furthermore, you have to have Probable Cause to get a Search Warrant, which means the DA's office already has evidence. I'm thinking there is so much evidence and obvious corruption that they couldn't follow existing protocol to just ignore it. Directors and Chief's hired to look for corruption? Are you kidding? It starts at the top. You ever heard the phrase "idle hands are the devil's workshop?" Almost every single one of them has been doing something, whether its related to this event or not. Are any white people under investigation? 1. What does that have to do with anything? Corruption has no skin color or gender. The majority of the populous and officers in this county are black, so naturally there will be more black people involved. 2. Probably.
You will be having a large pension increase starting in April. The board postponed the vote until March for a 2%+ increase in the pension contribution of the 82.5% employees. This is actually a 25% increase in actual dollars.
AHH...The race card comes out early in this post. The race card is the perceived ACE card by many in any debate now in America because of the lack of intelligence,inability to have an intellectual discussion, lack of accountability and responsibility for oneself, and the inability to MOVE ON.
Serenity Now
Hmmm. Wiz resigned right after burrell got everything from the grandjury.
Congratulations to DeKalb County for becoming the biggest turd in the State of Georgia. From first to absolute worst in 30 years. Last one out don't forget to flush.
Why is anon 6:43's post gone? Now no one can see what a retard he is and why everyone else is calling him out on it!
I hope they put all bad police officers under the jail. 99.99999% of the Dekalb Officers are good hard working dedicated men and women. Bad COPS are an extrene embarassment to all of us. I'm just sick of all the bad press on bad COPS in Dekalb. It makes us good guy's all look like jerks and it makes the job even harder than it is when our honor is in question. How can uniformed police officers do this on duty anyway? Where the hell are the supervisors anyway ? Just call me highly embarassed and sickened about all of this corruption in Dekalb.The down hill slide started in 2000.
Sorry Anon 6:43's comment was deleted. We had a technical issue and several comments were inadvertently deleted.
Maybe they will re-post?
POST dropped the ball according to WSB as all the officers arrested were previously investigated by POST with no certifications revoked.
Head of watershed just resigned.
Anon 3:08, where are the supervisors?
We are fed up as well and dont give a shit anylonger, we too feel the sting of what the county has done to us as employees as well.
We are just trying to finish our careers and leave this god forsaken place.
We have upper brass that will not back us on our decisions, we have brass that collectivley change evals without asking the Sgt's opinion who is the one doing the evals.
I have had several scores changed or been told to change my comments, I refuse, nor will I sign an eval that comes back changed.
I have given up, my soul has been stolen, I can see why these things happen. Dont condone it and hate these asses who tarnish my badge that I have worked hard for but I get it.
All I can say is that im counting my days, and the light is in sight!
Were these the same technical issues that prevents comments about Chief Woodard from being posted?
WSB just reported President admins told Ellis he wasn't invited to event in Decatur today.
As 4:44Pm pointed out, Joe Basista is gone:
Ellis gets a copy of the special grand jury report and the next week Miller and Basista resign.
No police chief.
No director of public safety.
No watershed director.
No planning director.
No chief executive officer
No school board
No school superintendent
The wise ones left years ago.
Now the rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
Posting again: Can someone provide a list of all the appointments Wiz made using his good ol' buddy system? These appointments have to be suspect in all that is going on here.
Where are the supervisors?.... the sergeants are doing what everyone else is doing.... trying to do their jobs and not get written up. All accountability stops at the sergeant and line levels... blame is quickly shifted away from the white shirts in order to prevent them from being questioned or held accountable.
If the white shirts can find a fall guy/shift the focus, they are protected... if they can write someone up, they look like they're doing something..... they also get their name in something that will go up the chain....
Instead if standing with their officers and fighting for them, it is easier for the white shirts to put paper on someone. Look at me.. I held someone accountable for making a mistake while they were trying to make a difference.
Your supervisors, sergeants and line officers heard and understand.... punch the click, answer or clear on calls, back when needed.... punch the clock....go home.
We're no longer policing....were collecting paychecks.
Today, I told my co-worker to keep notes on every permit ANDREW BAKER has had you sign off on. Enough is Enough.
ANDREW BAKER get the zoning officers and planners to sign off on permits and ANDREW BAKER collect the under the table money.
If anyone knows ANDREW BAKER, you know he would love prison.
Haha get off the county tit boys/gals. There's a whole other world out there.
Suggestion: Rather than waiting for honest leadership that clearly isn't coming, why not be a unified group as officers and immediately cease all revenue generating activities until your benefits, pay, work conditions, etc have been righted. Be your own role model as a group and stop allowing these unethical idiots to divide and conquer you time after time.
To the police..You guys need to band together.YOU hAVE THE ATTENTION all over the nation now.If it was me i would call all the officers to rally at Decatur.I would state that the officers at the rally are the NON-CORRUPT ONES wHO WANT CHANGES..then you will see who is corrupt or not and what supervisors support you guys.The corrupt officers and supervisors will not show their faces..
Sad to say, but the majority of the officers that work in Dekalb do not live in Dekalb. This is why the we can not get any good leadership. You vote where you reside. Move to Dekalb and make a change!!!!!1
I hope that someone does something about Rick in the Clerk's office. he has a business operating out of the clerks office on taxpayer's dollars!!!!! The Clerk is aware of this!!!
Ellis said he was out of town for the Presiden't visit. Right, like he wouldn't reschedule something to meet the President. Maybe someone could check his swipe card logs, or his computer login records to verify that. Or maybe someone working at his house could tell us if he was home or not?
As a uniform officer, I see Dekalb in all its glory.... not a chance in heck I'd move to Dekalb and do that to those I love and care for.... crime is off the chain,the elected officials are corrupt, the schools are suspect...the government is broke....literally and figuratively ..
Give me one good reason to move to Dekalb. ....Stonecrest/South Dekalb?... the proposed Soap Box Derby track? Garbage collection?
YOU do something about it and stop waiting for others.
Well at least the department is getting SOME use out of those mandatory "yearbook" photos.
Why in the hell would anyone want to move to Dekalb. The fact is that the people of Dekalb elect their leaders. They choose to elect corrupt BOC and CEO's. They have to live with the consequences of their actions. They just voted them back in. It was in their hands and they chose the corrup AGAIN. There is no reason to move to Dekalb so you do your job, do it well and get the hell out at the end of your shift.
Look the county's elected officials are not smart they are comical and a good deal of the department's upper leadership has been comical. Now the news media is reporting every police fart as if it's news. The fact is the DA or the Feds or even Pine Lake PD hasn't published any criminal act by our brass, yet. Just a bunch a circumstantial and embarrassing data that has them looking incompetent, maybe they are but I don't really care. I get paid, work my APPROVED extra jobs and laugh my ass off at all the self appointed VIPs. The folks under investigation and even the ones not yet under investigation won't have the 82.5%. I will and over time I'll end up earning more by keeping my nose clean. The two f*ck sticks that sold their badge for a few grand, f*ck 'em. They were 2 out of 1000. We don't need to ever mention their names again. And Channel 2, please tell the DA that DKPD does have a gang database that’s over 11 years old and he is currently using information gained from DKPD gang detectives to prosecute cases, so have the feds. The spray painting that you’re standing in front of Mr. Lucie is not a gang message just monikers from taggers. As for Sheriff Brown does anyone know what he’s talking about? Does he know what he’s talking about? Can we get an interpreter for the Sheriff? This place is hilarious! Same sh*t in the 90s, same sh*t last decade and the same sh*t in the future.
Wow, you guys are still here? I guess yall are waitng for that take home car carrot in front of your face!The only problem is that 95% of you live outside the county so why would they give you a take home car to be present in gwinnett, jackson and walton county? Go write some more tickets guys so you can rack up some more revenue for recorders court so they can lose another 40 million dollars, sounds like a great plan.But hey you are doing your job!Go represent a CEO that the US secret service told to not show up in decatur or they would remove him.Do your job so you can get furloughed, if yall had any balls you would organize and strike and get national attention, but instead yall throw each other under the bus and brown knose your superiors who are corrupt and are yes men to a group of politicians that eventually will be indicted anyway.Your pension will go broke and is not backed by the feds.So, sleep in the bed that you made!
Disgrunted former employee!
Loser 8:51. We don't work for the CEO. We work for our chief and she the best. If you hate this place why are you here,get your own blog or whatever you do. It's for real Dekalb officers.
To: Posting again: Can someone provide a list of all the appointments Wiz made using his good ol' buddy system? These appointments have to be suspect in all that is going on here.
Can you please use some common sense? Who is it that you think Wiz appointed? Let's do the math. Currently 2 black A/Chiefs, 3 black Majors (although everyone knows Anderson just don't count). So that's only 4 blacks in command staff. Did Wiz appoint all the white command staff? Wouldn't Wiz appoint mor of his buddies? For a long time we had 2 white A/Chiefs and 7 white Majors. Is Wiz friends with Conroy, Gassner, Yarbrough? Ellison? Stathis?????? Geez, you have no common sense. Truth is, and no one ever wants to admit this, O'Brien made all the appointments- because they are all buddies of his. But if a black person is appointed, immediately it is a "suspect appointment." Really?? Let me enlighten you further- when the word came down that appointed folks needed to either be in college working towards a degree or already have one, guess who was scrambling--it was not the black folks, most of them have degrees! It was the white folks! Ask Mike Yarbrough if he has a degree in anything other than excellent hair care! So put that in ya pipe and smoke it!
Why is Ellis still allowed to conduct county business? Any other county employee under such investigation would have been immediately placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation.
Anon 12:39
You have a point about the number of black supervisors vs white supervisors who were who were appointed to command staff or specialized positions. Anyone can have their opinion but the numbers are concrete and not subject to debate. I concede that O'Brien had his buddies who he took care of regardless of qualifications. You have to concede that Wiz did the same thing at times. But Wiz and O'Brien are both gone now so it's time to move on.
By the way there are some real dumb asses in this department with degrees. The whole bit about these supervisors scrambling to get some worthless on line degree is laughable. How could this possibly make you more qualified to be promoted? This is becoming a substitute in our department for all of the more genuine qualities that we should consider for police command staff. Work ethic, integrity, loyalty, leadership abilities and overall knowledge of law enforcement is being replaced by a worthless piece of paper. You can work your ass off for 15 - 20 years or be lazy as hell and go buy a worthless on line degree and move to the front of the line. I guess the choice is simple for many people huh? For those who would argue against my points I will close with this bit of information for you to sit and ponder. Sonya Porter has a degree. I am done.
To February 16, 2013 at 12:39 AM:
You just had to throw in the race card again, HA! Racism against blacks is just not relevant in this county anymore. Yes, we all know OB and others have brought up their people, but they aren't involved in what's going on right now as closely as the Wiz. Quit deflecting the issue by bringing up race and the fact that you admire Yarbrough's hair and stay on point!
The reason nothing will change around here is mainly due to US. Look at all this pointless bickering over race, who appointed this guy and that guy...Who gives a shit ? Were stuck with shit no matter who is in there because no one is a leader nor are they allowed to lead because some self absorbed moronic politician will strike them down if they do. We are so busy fighting each other over bullshit that the things that count are ignored. Everyone in this dept of every race can make a case about how they got screwed because of race, buddy system etc...Fughetaboutit and move the hell on to the real fight!
Serenity NOW
Take a page from Andrew Baker playbook. Page #1, always tell other employees to sign off on zoning issues and permits, then I (Andrew Baker) collect the side money. This way, the employees are being investigated and not me(Andrew Baker).
ENOUGH of the race thing horse sh*&... You better get on the blue thing if you ever want to see a thriving work environment again in Dekalb and eliminate the corrupt garbage. Obviously there will be some cronyism from anyone put in those positions, people want to be surrounded by those they trust as would you. You're going to have a long hard career otherwise so shape up.
I guess this means Ellis won't be photoshopping himself into a campaign photo of him with Obama like Vernon? And you wonder why the rest of the world thinks Dekalb is lost.
To 12:21am,#1, No matter who your chief is you are still not getting a take home car. They just dont value you as a county employee. And should all the sanitation workers get a take home garbage truck? or the I.T. department get a take home vehicle? What makes the police Department think that they are so important that the taxpayers of the county owe you a ride to and from work on there back?#2, You do work for the board of commisioners and the CEO and the citizens of dekalb county.If they want to elect incompetant leaders that is there right as voters and citizens of there county. I bet you are not even a resident of the county!#3,I know that you will be taking home less money 3months from now than you are taking home today, that is a fact and will come true.That is because your leaders do not value you and instead of taking a piece out of me you should be organizing a ticket strike or a strike in general. But you are to busey brown knosing or trying to get a take home car so the residents of the county can foot the bill for you to drive to and from work. You are no different than your corrupt leaders and that is why you will get nowhere!
Disgrunted former employee and resident.
Can someone tell me why Mekka Parish was taking up a seat in the last Instructor Training class that was given at our academy. Lots of people would have loved to have been in that class, but a civilian from the Tebo era took up a seat that could have been occupied by an officer! Why the hell is she still around? Why can't be like every other department in the country and have sworn officers serving as Public Information Officers? Instead of spending a week in Instructor Training, maybe Mekka could have spent that time updating our county's website! What a joke that is!
To Feb. 16 at 12:37pm:
My post really was not geared towards race, I was responding to the person who was asking the dumbass question about Wiz Miller's "suspect appointments." I do wish that racism was not relevant anymore, but you only hve to look around to see that it is. Clearly OB chose a bunch of white folks to appoint over any black folks who were just as qualified or even more so...that is racism. I personally do not care who gets appointed, as long as they have some balls and some brains, but Yarbrough has neither, and a lot of the others on high do not also, black and white alike.
To Feb. 16 at 12:16pm-
As far as the poster who commented on Sonya Porter having a degree...I promise, I almost typed the same thing, but I did not want to be too cruel to the poor girl- what with being suspended for calling someone the n word and all. My post was simply stating a fact, that more blacks in Captain or above positions have degrees than the white folks. I never said their degrees were in nuclear physics or that they were all that hard to get. Still, the push is on for appointees to have a degree-ask any of your buddies in the white shirts. I do wish that we could all just "get along" but I doubt that will ever happen- too many people simply have their own agendas to complete and don't give a damn about the department.
Did Vernon really photoshop himself in with Obama??? I want to see that! Can you post a link? Thanks!
7:27. Fyi I have a take home car. We don't need former (fired/left in lieu of) people contributing to problems here. And its nose not "knose". I see one who doesn't have a degree. Don't worry about my slight pension increase. You should read a Dave ramsey book or two about your finances. Don't live beyond your means and you can manage your finances fine. Oh and it doesn't matter who's chief or CEO, if you speed in Dekalb you'll be paying,lol.
A message about words and their meaning.
From this point on, the words "racist" and "racism" will not be allowed to be posted in any comment unless used in proper content.
We seriously doubt there are any true "racist" i.e, proponents of Adolf Hitler, within the department.
But we will agree prejudice and bigotry still exist.
So, if you really can't get passed your prejudices and bigotry, please use these words in your rants.
Thank you for your understanding.
Here's the photo of VJ and Barack Obama photoshop
Will the FEDS come down on the folks guarding someones house that is committing fraud? You know protecting criminals. But then I heard they are there due to high traffic flow . But it appears that the high flow is cars from the DA's office.
I'm sorry - I've been gone awhile...Mekka Parish is sitting in an Instructor's Class? How did that happen? Is the class @ GPSTC or is it at DeKalb Academy? When I left, the only place you could go to get instructor certified training was @ GPSTC or one of their satellite campuses....departmental academies were not allowed to do instructor training for certification - you MUST be a POST-certified Master Instructor to train instructors for POST certification. Who @ DeKalb has that certification? AND - GPSTC required a letter from the Chief explaining why a non-sworn person needed to become an Instructor for sworn personnel. Now - to get certified by POST - you have to show you went to a POST certified program. I sure hope POST is reading this (I know they do for grins and giggles). It's just not a sane utilization of personnel and resources. I'm sooooo glad I'm guys and gals deserve better.
To 8:38 am we all know that you are a butt kissing ticket writing brown NOSER! We know that you love your take home car and that it allows you to run many errands, flirt with girls at your part-time and run out county gas patrolling for security companies. You don't have to explain yourself and why you love your take-home. Go back to your same areas and get your quota and then go hide as usual.
Yes DKPD Training has put on a number of IT courses. No longer gotta go to GPSTC. The students for this class, however, are "cherry-picked."
to Anon 2/18 6:41 PM: Who is the Master Instructor @ DeKalb?
Sheriff Brown is campaigning. He's smart by not aligning himself with the other corrupt leaders of the county. He doesn't want anyone looking at his campaign disclosures and ties to county contracts, jail, bonding,courts, and commissaries contracts.Hummmmm who contributes to his campaign and golf tournaments? Don't worry he'll rescue and save the Dekalb Police Department! Frustrated Dekalb tax payer!
The problem with the IT class was that they let anyone take it, not that anyone was cherry picked. They let more than twice as many as allowed by POST take the course.
They still flunked about 20 to 30 percent of the students.
I. T. is not the only joke , or departmental embarrasment. They still send "some personel" to motor school , that don't pass simply because they can't , or don't know how to ride to begin with . It get's much worse ! They also send "people" to these firearm's classes that can't qualify to even stay in the course. Why do you think they hold their own classes now. ( so they can give "them" unlimited chances to pass ) . They used to give them " unlimited ammo " to just qualify at the department. DAMN , JUST DAMN !!!!!!!!!
re: Feb 16,02:21 am . You were smart enough to leave , but not smart enough to move ? Hey, next time some "PROBATION PERP" breaks into your house , steals your car ,robs you or invades your home--- call sanitation, or I.T. ! Let us all know how that work's out for you. Nobody , that's nobody, with a room temp i. q., would "WANT" to live in this county , because of the idiotic, moronic, uninformed, voter mass here. That's precisely why all these intelligent, informed voters are forming their own cities ! We still stay here, regardless, so we still have the "hard earned right" to complain . YOU BAILED/YOU DON'T ! Go hide in your house and leave this dangerous job to the professionals , Mr or Mrs Taxpayer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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