Saturday, February 2, 2013

Paying To Play, Thats' How We Roll!

You can read the AJC article here.


Anonymous said...

J Max Davis needs to watch this. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

I had someone tell me earlier this year that he had been approached about making a contribution.... though it was not said, he understood what needed to be done.

Anonymous said...

Just hope if it comes down to it the prosecute and don't just let him ride off into the sun set

Anonymous said...

And the coverup begins... A secret hearing was just held that sealed the vendor records etc.

Anonymous said...

Elaborate.... who, what, where and when on the cover-up.

Anonymous said...

Corruption is what this country operates on and has since unions started collecting dues. As idealistic as it sounds, there is no removing corruption. Arrest one and the next one is ready to take their place. All you can do is take care of yourself and your family the best you can. Don't let worry and frustration take years off your life, enjoy your grandchildren.

LoFlyer said...

I more than willing to bet that "Erkle" (Ellis) beats this one. The CEO is very intelligent and a successful lawyer to boot. No doubt he is running scared. I suspect the most damaging evidence is on the confiscated computers, it takes about two weeks to analyze this stuff.
Be safe out there guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

Here's the elaboration:

Anonymous said...

Of course the judge is going to do whatever the incumbent CEO wants. Justice is not blind by any means, just ask Gregory from Meet The Press regarding his non prosecuted felony gun violation.

Anonymous said...

How can a Judge justify keeping records secret when it involves taxpayer money. This should all be open to public review.

Anonymous said...

Investigators from the Homeland Security Division came to my office three years ago asking questions about two contractors. One was Metal and Materials Engineers. I called them back later to give them the information they requested. The investigator said they were no longer investigating.What happened?

Anonymous said...

If James requested that the investigation be sealed, it's probably because it is still going on. If Ellis requested it, he's got something to hide.