Before he goes off to prison for corruption, Burrell Ellis just keeps right on with his cronyism.
Just like his mentor, the corrupt convict Bill Campbell, Burrell has hired one of Campbell's former posse members, Jill Strickland as a county spokesperson. Her $125,000 yearly salary is coming out of the county's parks department.
Where have we seen this before? Remember when the commissioners stole 40 million dollars from the parks green space fund with the promise of paying it back? Has that money been paid back?
It seems like Ellis, before he is shipped off to possibly the same prison Bill Campbell did time, is just saying "screw it" and giving his buddies a clear shot at the county coffers.
More then ever, we have to make sure Bonita Ransom of Human Resources, another member of Campbell's posse and Ellis' underling, is not allowed a vote on the pension board. We shudder to think.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
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Ellis always seems to find money for his cronies. Wiz Miller's position is cut, Ellis find money to keep him on the payroll. Raises are frozen for all employees, but Ellis manages to find money for his little secretary to get a raise. Where is the long over due raise for police and fire?
Guys...if this is not a down right slap in the face....I don't know what is!!!!
125K a year????...Really!!!...A county spokesperson???? So what is she going to do???? Sugar coat blowing smoke up everyone's ass....when we already know this is happening!!!!
Thanks Mr. CEO!!!
The thing causing you stress is lack of information, not that hard to get, but certainly not on this blog. The borrowed money is being paid back, with interest. Just ask.
Ask who? Arn't our pension rep's supposed to keep us informed?
Anon 10:05.
If you're so knowledgeable why don't you enlighten us instead of just stating something is true without giving any details. A statement with a lack of any substantial qualitative information is usually a lie.
Simply fuck up after another. This is what the Dekalb County has become and will keep ongoing until every crooked SOB is either fired or indicted/convicted. Its that simple
Life in Dekalb up until 1983 and real leaders, Dick Hand, Bobby Burgess and legends before them will never return, just memories and very good ones too.
What do we do now? carpet bomb the F'ing place, what a disgrace!!!
That's a slap in every employees face, when he says budget cuts- increase insurance,pension,and no raises. They always have money for the special friends needing a job at 125 thousand.
How many more people are retiring or resigning from City of Atlanta? Does the CEO have enough money and positions?
Thought we already had a county sopkes person, Burke Brannen. So we need another one?
What happen to the headquarter parking lot marijuana investigation since the Director is gone ?
Is it still being covered up by the Command Staff?
Rumor 'du jour' at Courthouse this week is that Burrell is negotiating with prosecutors and offering his resignation from office as a bargaining chip. That's unsubstaniated, of course, but in the absence of real news rumors and speculation are rampant. Hiring of Jill Strickland was an extremely stupid move.
@ 3/20/2013 9:39am
Why did I jump for joy from your comments?
When Erkle resign everyone outside his circle will be happy. The only people that eat good in Dekalb County are Erkle friends.
Is anyone else's county health insurance all screwed up or is it just mine? Nothing taken out, then too much taken out, then too much refunded to me. What the hell is going on ? Anyone else?
Do we need to hire brain surgeons to do this job or what? I don't think so.
What's behind the recent push to start arresting REAL criminals on outstanding warrants, etc. with news media in tow? I'm guessing CEO wants to flood courts and get attention off him or SOMEONE is wanting to make a name for themselves. I'd like to believe it's because it is the RIGHT thing to do but we ARE talking about Dekalb County.
@ anon 3/20 6:30pm, the recent probation initiative is just commen sense and has nothing to do with the CEO. It IS being done because its the right thing to do. Persons on probation committed a crime and then committed another crime by violating their probation so it's safe to assume they are probably committing multiple crimes in the communities in which they live. Also, the operation was initiated by a sgt and an mpo in the uniform division.
The Warrant Round Up Has NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with the CEO's OFFICE!! That is an idea that was put together by some lower men on the totem poll! And by low I mean officers just like you. They have pitched it to the command staff and it got approved, they met with the chief probation officer, and put together the whole operation. They have done it because they actually care about this job and wanted to combat crime in DeKalb County. Thanks for your support!
This has been a favorite trick of the CEO's office for years. My department was funding two of the CEO staffers when I retired, my department could not hire qualified recruits due to low salaries, but it sure as hell could fund over-paid CEO staffers because of political pressure from the CEO's office.
After this story came out, I emailed April Hunt, complimented her on the story, and clued her in that this practice has been going on for years. Hopefully she will research and publish.
As for "rumor control" from the court-house that Ellis will resign to avoid prosecution. That sounds exactly like "Erkle", unfortunately my experience is DeKalb politicians do not leave the "cash-cow" until forced. The DA has had plenty of time to complete computer forensics and analysis of P/C's confiscated from Ellis and his crony. Most of us who have been keeping an eye on what's going down in DeKalb believe Ellis and others are "dirty". Ellis may be an extremely smart attorney, I doubt he understood computers or how they store data. When I heard the DA had raided and confiscated Ellis's computers I knew Ellis was in deep shit. This rumor from the CH is credible. I want to see how this plays out.
Stay safe guys and gals!
Those "lower men" should be promoted to command staff since they are obviously the only ones using good common sense there these days.
The new high paid Public Relations
person experience was simply conveying to whomever was interested was Cambells calendar.
And doing the same for Al Gore in
Money should have been spent
refurbushing some south side playgrounds.
When does it end?
How many times can you get put onProbation?
In DeKalb it,s always probation.
Get outside metro Atlanta and you will do prison time.
That,s why we have some much crime in Dekalb.
When they have a news worthy arrest, the person has been arrested numerous times in the past for serious offenses.
There is no fear of prison time in DeKalb.
The Foreman for the Special Grand Jury has filed a lawsuit against the Judge for not releasing their report to the public. Burrell has hired a couple of slick lawyers who have done an effective job so far in keeping a lid on the report. I imagine if the report is made public that Burrell will be forced to resign.
Is is just me or does anyone else notice that everytime we get a new Chief all the brass rushes to do some kind or special initiatve to pat themselves on the back. Well this time it cost a grandmother and her 3 year old grandsons life. Great job Strike Force, and I thought we had a chase policy. I like how its already being covered up though. The usual "I lost sight of the vehicle and just rode up on the accident" come on thats B.S. ....... I wonder how much money the County will settle this law suit for? Great job nothing to pat your back on for this one.
Anything being done about crime now is just people trying to hang on to their chief job and look good for the new and pony shows are about to commence folks...stick around and watch everyone impress the new chief.
To anonymous 8:32 : Many thanks to those officers who took the time to initiate the sweep. It took many more than just these few and these thanks should be spread to all involved. Wish these people in command would listen more to our street officers. After all, they are the ones out there who are risking their lives for we citizens and getting very little in return from our elected officials! Stay safe, DeKalb's finest, and know that there are many who have the utmost respect for you and the jobs you all are doing. How sad that our judges cannot see why these repeat offenders who continue to violate the law wind up back on the streets, doing the same things they have always done: disrespect the laws, disrespect our officers and continue to be the thugs that they have always been!
The rotating door in our courts is about to change with a new movement of holding these judges accountable for repetitive offender's actions when a clear criminal history is shown the judge becomes grossly negligent. They should never have been exempt from civil suit, the rest of us at greatest risk aren't.
There was no indication by witnesses that there was a pursuit. Even if there was, the perp driver is solely to blame.
Anon March 21, 2013 at 2:17 PM, you are a liberal idiot.
The police did not kill those two people, the perp with no regard for anyone's life but his own made the selfish decision to drive like the thug he is. Get a clue, moron, people choose to run and sometimes the violence these thugs create leaks out into the innocent public and people get hurt. Is is sad? Yes. What if it was my/your/whoever's kid? Typical liberal question people who have never had a crime committed against them would ask. The answer is a hard pill to swallow, but in the times we are in and the violent society (especially in DeKalb) we live in, violence is just a second away in any direction. The police did a fine job...didn't hear about them not using due regard in catching up/chasing. It's all on the perp.
Anon 2:17
You have to be one pathetic POS to blame the death of a child on Strike Force. I hear those dudes on the radio locking people up all the time. Did you see the news and the criminal history of the perp who hit the family? Sounds like Strike Force was trying to arrest a career criminal, the perp runs and hits a family. And now you are trying to make it the police officers fault. Wow! A new low for ignorant posters!
Anon 2:17
Were you there when Strike Force pulled the perp over? Were you there when the crash happened? There was no chase, but again I ask were you there? It is a horrible accident caused by the perp, not the police. Get your facts straight before you run your mouth. I pray for the family that was killed because some perp was out of jail when he should still be in jail.
@anon 2:17,
Get your facts straight before spouting your propaganda.
Chief why don't you ask some key personnel why they left critical positions within the department, like why did everyone abandon Major Felony and why do the ones still there want to leave. Why was Captains switched out instead of doing the right thing and making protected individuals accountable instead of trying to hide them. I sure hope you see through everything and talk to those mentioned and maybe they will tell you the truth. Lets get this department headed in the right direction.
It's sad, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to work MFU anymore. Detective needs to be a rank because you can only brainwash people into being the county's bitch for so long at the same pay as the guy who writes 2 tickets and goes home with no worries.
I'm proud of my time, but glad to be out. So is the family I had to get to know all over again.
2:17 and 8:15, you're both idiots.
There was no chase.
Even if there had been a chase, our chase policy and the chase policy of every other department in the country would have allowed a chase. He was charged with Aggravated Assault. That's one of the "seven deadlies" we can chase for! I have heard what led to that charge, but I wasn't there so I'm not going to discuss it and we shouldn't be discussing matters as sensitive as this on the blog. If you weren't there, shut up! Next time it might be your call. Would you want people who weren't there and who don't know what they're talking about spreading false information, incorrectly influencing public opinion?
did you hear the victims daughter on the news? she stated "someone is going to have to pay for this, because of how and why this chase happend". Wow...seriously?? The someone who should pay is the career perp convicted of pimping,battery,drugs,terroristic threats ect. The reason it happend was because this p.o.s fled after trying to kill a police officer....but of course, this is dekalb, where the officer is always guilty untill proven innocent. I will be the 1st to say I dont agree with everything dkpd does, but for Gods sake people, how about speaking out against the actions of a perp, that caused blatant and obvious death and carnage, instead of the same old "my family needs to get $$$paid$$$$ speaking point"!!!!!!!!! its funny how the when people go on television all they want to talk about is getting a payday and locking up officers, instead of actually adressing the bigass elephant in the room; you know, the elephant that killed a woman and baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon March 21 2:17,
How on earth can you even imagine those officers were responsible for the accident and death of the child and grandmother? If you are a police officer, especially a DKPD officer, please leave!! Go back to corporate or unemployment...wherever you came from from. Clearly you have no idea what policing is all about. The habitual perp caused the accident when he ran from officers who were trying to do their job. When officers are performing thier jobs in good faith, instead of complaining about politics or other BS, nothing but there safety matters. You are definetly part of the problem. Good job to the real DKPD for staying safe and still trying to do your jobs, despite all the drama around you...not only from media but also from within your own ranks. Annon 2:17..take your complaining, fake DKPD ass somewhere, Quik Trip is hiring!
That's what an entitled litigious society produces in mass. Better get used to it, move, or find other work.
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