Sunday, March 10, 2013

DeKalb Making National Headlines


Anonymous said...

Give them another chance AND our pension. I'm sure they'll get it together THIS time... Sarcasm if it wasn't painfully obvious. I love this mentality of give them a break cause they're a minority quickly turns into we all must suffer with them since they're the majority.

Anonymous said...

For once, can the race card not be pulled out like its a goverment credit card?????? This is about idiots making bad choices for thier personel gain, not race. I hate when black political figures, any group yell out that they are being discrimminated against simply because they are black. How about you are wrong and got caught?? When are we going to stand up and quite being scared of being called a racist?? How many times have I been called a racist in my career?? More then I can care to count, and it was all from J1s. But never from the real working black population that I have served for years with pride and professionalism. I can't wait for the courts to find these slimmy SOBs guilty based on the evidence.

Anonymous said...

I have been a Dekalb county resident for 36 years and I have been a very active member of this county and this community. My kids attended Dekalb schools and graduated and went on to college. I have supported this county and the commissioners and all of the emergency departments here in the county. I do not consider myself to be prejudice at all but I have to make a point here. This county started doing illegal and corrupt things when Leann leviathan left office every black CEO and police chief since then has been corrupt and has put this county in jeopardy of loosing the county seed. Even our school system is now losing its credidation Please incorporate what is left of Dekalb county into a city so we don't lose anymore to small cities who want to raise property taxes .

Anonymous said...

Sad thing is, black folks clamored to be treated equal for decades, claimed that they would do the right thing if elected to office. I am black, but Dekalb's black people in power have destroyed one of the most influential and prosperous counties in the US. Why? because those same black folks who begged for a chance to have power took it and abused it worse than a hobo with a blow up doll. And even worse, the black majority in Deklab keep electing the same corrupt black folks back to office! VJ, Ellis, Crawford Lewis, the list goes on. We had a duty, once we got the power that our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for, to serve the people properly. I would also argue that blacks in power should have made sure that they remained even further above any corruption than the white folks- because white folks were just waiting for us to screw it up! Why didn't we prove them wrong???? Sad.....

Anonymous said...

I don't care if you are black or white, male or female, young or old. My hope is that if you are engaging in illegal activities while in office (as in the all too frequebt "pay to play" schemes like what we are seeing in DeKalb county and others), that they will come after you. However, whether they nail you or not, the havoc you wreak and the collateral damage you leave behind will never be repaired. Burrell Ellis and Vernon Jones- take note of those that went before you such as in Detroit and Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. If you're going to find an article to post, at least try and find a respected paper. "National Headlines?" Come on.

World Net Daily is a haven for loony-toons that think the President is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Marxist Communist Dictator. They invite Rick Santorum to post his anti-contraception drivel there every week.

Granted, they didn't do too terribly bad with this particular article, though I see they're plugging Libertarianism down there like usual. They're using DeKalb's woes to push a political agenda; they have no wish to actually try and help solve its problems.

I respect this blog and the purpose it serves speaking as a police employee in Gwinnett County.

You all keep your chins up.

Anonymous said...

The new chief is not your friend. Nothing is going to change at all. He does not care at all. He is probably pissed off at all the whining. Screw him! He can't fix it ladies and gents NO ONE CAN. I give him 2 years and we'll have another in his place.

Question to ask yourself... Did any of the previous chiefs give a DAMN? Pick me pick me,,, clearing my throat......"Hell to the nope"I'm not a spoiled vet or rookie, but I've been around.

Anonymous said...

This county is basically fucked up and has been for over twenty years. Things started to go down hill after Lying Levatax finshed her term. VJ comes along a starts to line his pockets with anything he can get his hands on. He then trained his buddy Ellis to follow in his footsteps. Some friends of Ellis at the school system watched what Ellis was doing and the crookedness followed into the school system. Then followed by Watershed Mgmt.

The end result, the whole is totally has fallen apart and out of money. What has this proven, is that Dekalb County attracts every crook and thensome to what now is a dump of a county.

How much more can this county take?
Well, we could wind up like New Orleans after Katrina because we have imported some of their people.

I didn't bring that race card into any of this because by now, you as the reader of this blog, know who I am talking about. Simply put.....The couty has gone to hell.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY cash cow remaining in Dekalb is the pension fund. Though they continually try to pillage it, the only LEGAL way to disperse those funds is via payout to those vested in it. Realistically to become fiscally responsible again Dekalb SHOULD offer additional early retirements to anyone vested (82.5 plan) regardless of age (sliding percentage scale) to eliminate bloated salaries and positions. Hopefully after the indictments their replacements will be smart enough to do just that.

Anonymous said...

Well said anon 2:35pm

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell us which dept in Dekalb County is corrupt-free?

Arrest and Prosecute to the fullest...

Anonymous said...

Do any of you remember when then CEO Liane Levitan went on her "every precinct & every watch tour" back in the mid 1990's and "asked" every single officer for questions and comments about what WE thought was wrong with the county? In my opinion. what she was really doing was getting a feel of the department before she handed the whole thing over to crooks. Also, she never answered my question when I asked "WHY HAVE OUR HIRING STANDARDS BEEN LOWERED AND WHY HAS OUR BUDGET BEEN CUT". Now we all know. She was selling us all out, and I dont mean just the Police Dept....I mean the ENTIRE county....every last citizen.
You have to ask yourself honestly...are you happy with how this turned out? Are you happy with how these elected officials have done thier job? Are you better off now than you were 20 years ago? Its just my opinion, but it seems to me that when you use your own childrens safety and education as pawns in some kind of racial power struggle, your priorities are totally wrong. Think of how many of these kids, who graduated school in Dekalb, who are now adults, and cant even find a job in DeKalb because all the jobs LEFT there, because of all the idiots that have been elected in the past few years. I remember when Memorial Drive and Northlake Mall area were absolutely booming and the whole county was a job hunter paradise. Think of how many of these kids are now in a graveyard because YOU voted to elect officials who defunded public safety and either pocketed the money or put it some "special project".
What happened in the past 2 1/2 decades.......we all know....but some folks are just too proud to admit they screwed up BAD....and prefer to continue to blame others....because they profit both money and power from it.
This is just the opinion of an old retired Dekalb cop...who was born and raised in Dekalb County.

Anonymous said...

What happened is that Dekalb overbuilt the hell out of apartments from between 1983 to 1988, and then refinanced the vast majority of them as tax credit properties ( based on income, or lack thereof) during Liane's watch.
Liane never met a foreclosed complex that she couldn't sign off on tax credits for her friends.
Vernon took over the housing authority ( at least the Dekalb portion) during his watch because he knew a "good thing" for his friends.
Everyone else got taken for a ride: failing schools, upped crime, closed stores, diminished tax base.
All that mattered then to Dekalb's leadership,is the same as what matters now.

THAT the "right people" get their take. Unfortunately, the
"right people" probably wouldn't take both hands to count on your fingers. Everyone else who's schools, safety, livelyhoods, and home values have plummeted are all
just collateral damage.
As long as bonds are issued, tax breaks are given, and legal fees are collected, all's right in
the domain of Dekalb's leadership.
The rest of the world be damned ( which is what will happen to Dekalb's leadership when they eventually meet their maker.)

Anonymous said...

As I move toward retirement from this place(unless the bottom truly falls out), what bothers me most is is that I will never truly be separated. Retirement checks will come (hopefully) to me with DeKalb County on them and I will have to revisit annually for my medical, etc. benefits.


Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight DeKalb is the only county with corruption? If I was so unhappy I would leave and never look back who's holding you here? Life is too short to be this unhappy what's worst is if you lady runs off with another guy you know what I mean Ken C?

T.C.B. said...

I'm glad to see a little unity being expressed .It's refreshing . Like R.K. said ,"Can't we all get along"? Probably not. That's the last thing the dept wants. Dissention and division gives them their abusive power. I trained many officers for many years. 99% I am proud to say I trained . They have made me proud . I never played that "light blue/dark blue" thing . Unfortunately , I've had to bury both . Remember , we all bleed blue . I don't have a clue to suggest what to do to save the dept , if it can even be saved . It,s up to you to get promoted , "don't forget where you came from" , and make the changes from within . Don't do like I did by giving up and doing my own thing. It's not fair to you , or those you could supervise the right way. The main thing is to have a safe shift , and sound.everybody comes home safe and sound .

Anonymous said...

Thank you Gov. Deal. I am black and I am glad you told the big mouths that you hoped you had picked some smart blacks.Wasn't
pizza being purchased at a
friends pizza and the chairman
paid for harrassing an employee?
There are skeletons in a all
Let us just do the very best we can for the Dekalb Children.

Anonymous said...

To 4:43 PM
We dont give a damn about someone elses corruption or how they do it in some other county. Whats important to US is fixing the Corruption and Lies in Dekalb County...for the sake of the children. Or, are you trying to take the focus away from how BAD it is in DeKalb so YOU dont get caught up in the investigation? FYI...WE wont leave until this place is corruption and crime free! Thats just what we do.

A DeKalb Officer

Anonymous said...

The moral in this dept has gotten so bad and the mentality of some makes it even worse.

This is for the new Chief. Chief as you take tours around the dept trying to get a grasp of what is going on I'm sure you've noticed the idiotic dual color patches that we wear on the uniforms. We look so ridiculous to other agencies it's like we can't make up our mind what patch represents the Dekalb County Police Dept.

There is no other police dept anywhere in Georgia and probably the entire Nation that has multiply color patches. It looks stupid and the idiot that came up with the idea needs to be ran out on a rail. I've been told it was the former mini-Chief's idea which certainly doesn't surprise many of us. Everywhere you go within the department and look at all the Unit's letter head there is but one patch. It's the patch that clearly has the color Eagle on it.

When you look at that ugly ass silver patch you have no idea what is perched upon the scale....I guess it looks like a Crow...or maybe it's a pigeon....anyway this mentality of Hey you're not goood enough to wear the official Dept Patch needs to change. I mean seriously, all the supervisors wear Gold Badges and have their rank displayed is that not enough. It seems to be completely fine for every other police dept around to have one patch.

I just be damned....I forgot we're talking about Dekalb Co Police Dept...the place full of Egos.

Anonymous said...

@10:04 pm,

That's your complaint? Really?

Anonymous said...

I think he/she is complaining about the depatmental patch.....if you can even believe that. I think just about everything within the dept needs to be revamped, including some massive egos floating about, but...the patch? Thats so far down the list that it begs to wonder where that commentors true values rest....whether things just look good or if they really work.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:04 I agree,
It does seem a little trivial with all of the other problems we have in this place but that's one that can be easily fixed.

I agree it does look quite ridiculous having different uniforms. It clearly shows how inept our leadership has become. I can only hope that the new Chief can make positive changes. We know that pay raises are off the table but it never hurts to have a starting point.

Anonymous said...

The morale is bad and getting worse, it's crazy that we can't stand together as a department and show unity everyone is out for themselves the past six years my check has decreased while inflation has increased. We have not had a raise or cost of living increase in six years our morale stinks and no one wants to be here but most of us are stuck.
We are so top heavy that the brass has to make up shit to do just to look busy. On top of no raises and not being able to take vacation because some one else has it off or you can't afford to go anywhere we have supervisors just screwing with officers because they can. We need for people like newton,Ruffin,white,yarbrough,Harris and all the other power hungry bullies to be given some of their own medicine. We need supervisors who will lead by example and back the officers.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks our uniform looks like a $8 an hour security officer outfit. You know having to wear an ugly ass uniform is also a moral buster. There was a time when DKPD was the best dressed police dept. That cheesy ass silver patch is just down right freakin ugly.

I'm just glad that I only have 3 more weeks to put it on, then I'm with Gwinnett PD...Adios...

Wish you guys luck w/the new Chief

Anonymous said...

If I live 15 miles from the county and don't do steroids can I try out for swat....or do I have to live 50 miles from the county be on steroids and have an arrogant do these guys get away with violating county policy all the time.

Anonymous said...

I think if you'll break down your actually take home pay you fail to make the $8.00 an hour.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:38

The SWAT guys are always cool with me. Maybe it's just you?

Anonymous said...

There are some sad common denominators in examining the bafoon fest that merits this legitimate comparison that no one really seems to be too embarrassed about. Maybe It's more glaring to me because I'm from elsewhere (not that anywhere is perfect) but I have never heard or seen anything like it. It's like a sick episode of twilight zone meets fantasy island meets groundhog day with no happy endings EVER!

1.The Victor Hill/Clayton debacle.
2.Clayco/Edlrin Bell vs. commissioners shenanigans
3.Clayco accreditation loss.
4. Dekalb accreditation threatened
5. Atl. School cheating scandal
6. Dekalb school board poor governance.
7. Sheriff Jackie Barret/Fulton County Sheriff's debacle
8.The former half baked/half fried homogenized, pasteurized Atl. Mayor (I can't think of his name) jailed by the Feds.
9.Dekalb Sheriff Elect murdered
10.Ellis' probe.
11.Dope dealing and planting officers abound
12.Lying cops who killed a 95 year old Grandma...(and didn't get what they deserved as punishment)
13. Morris Brown looses accreditation and President found guilty of messing the $$ up.

And most of these things are within the last few years, many within just a couple.

My advice.. leave while you still can. Because it's getting to the point where when you fill out an application, they'll reject you just based on where your from.

Anonymous said...

I think what 1004 is trying to say is that the divide between command staff/supervisors and the troops is not only felt but it is visible. The divide is clear with the color of the patches, and that my friends is something that should be addressed. Im surprised that they haven't put "DeKalb Police" in gold letters on Sgt and Lt cars yet so they could match the uniforms. That seems to be the priority...matching cars and uniforms

-Serenity NOW

Anonymous said...

@6:20 (serenity now),

Whatever. Do your job or leave. I'm not happy with what's going on either but the patches are the the LEAST of our concerns. I work my ass off and do my best. Stop crying, do your job or leave. Those are your options. If you don't like it, go elsewhere. This crying is getting old.

Anonymous said...

So the CEO hires another mouthpiece to try to help cover up all his criminal activity, guess Old Burke just wasn't cutting the mustard. Taking $125,000 away from Parks Dept to hire her too. That should help a few more of our DeKalb Towns decide to incorporate.

I'm officially moving out of DeKalb.

Welcome to the crazy train Chief Alexander, I wouldn't unpack if I was you.

Anonymous said...

This might be a little off the subject but didn't really know where it would be appropriate to post.. Ted Rhinehart, Chief Operating Officer for DeKalb Infrastructure (including good old watershed) just retired. Rumor has it he's been hired by Brookhaven. Guess the ongoing investigation into alleged corruption in many of the county departments doesn't have a thing to do with these retirements and resignations that seem to keep popping up all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous March 16 6;00PM

You left out Hank Johnson Guam might tip over speach...

Anonymous said...

Not to be outdone The DeKalb Police Dept will be featured Monday in a Ch 2 Action News report concerning a vintage Ford Mustang hidden by some "doumbass" DeKalb Officer.

Someone please tell me how OBrien was any better than TBo ?

Anonymous said...

The absolute worst in this entire scenario aren't the corrupt CEOs, the dim witted elected representatives and board members, but the ones that knew better and continued/continue to tow the line for their own advancement. These are the real cowards that know right from wrong and rather than make a stand for what's righteous and defend the innocent they follow orders and corrupt agendas bestowed upon them and their cronies. These are ones you expect to turn and run in a fight (not that you'll ever see them in one) while you breath your last breath defending the meek of the world. They have NO place in law enforcement or any other courageous arena of the world. May their rewards be granted upon them expeditiously.

Anonymous said...

@12:15, if you believe everything the medina say, then you're IQ is waaaaay below average. When you hear what the media has to say, then ask those who know. Of course, you're not that smart. I'll be waiting. And waiting. If you're smart enough to figure this out, call me.

Anonymous said...

Do your job or leave. Do your job or leave. Do your job or leave...go elsewhere. blah blah blah. I do my job and do it well thank you very much.

I made an obvious observation and posted it, and your response is..."do your job or leave" which was mentioned twice and "if you don't like it go elsewhere" was also mentioned in your short,non substantive response to my comment.

You sound like someone who supervises here. Try to come to the table with a better response than saying the same thing over and over. Attack the point I made instead of saying "if you don't like it leave" because if there is anything people here are sick and tired of hearing around here is "if you don't like it leave". Its part of the many parts of the morale problem in this place.


Anonymous said...

Just FYI for those wondering about the type of bird on the silver patches....It's a "Dodo Bird"....

So can we just accept the fact that the use of common sense in Dekalb Co is now "EXTINCT".

Anonymous said...

I love this department. They will fire you or have you resign for sleeping with prostitutes, however if you run someone on GCIC for a friend and give that friend the persons information and that friends goes and damages that persons property and then that friend tells the investigating police department they got the information from their police friend and it goes to IA and the officer gets suspended you for a couple of days and not even kicked out of Tac. There's something seriously wrong here!

Anonymous said...

I think P.O.S.T. should get involved and revoke the Officers certification.

Anonymous said...

If they are made aware of the violation (O.C.G.A. 16-9-93) they would have to take action or be negligent. Here is an identical incident

Anonymous said...

How the hell can one officer go to prison for a felony and one get 2 days suspension for the same offense? Where is media at on this one?

Anonymous said...

Three words: Protected Female Officer.

The employee manual needs to be updated to show the rules for the protected females and everyone else.

Old war horse said...

I just watched the "swearing in" of the new chief on channel 2 . The two deputy chief's were sitting there , beaming like two proud "soccer mom's". My GOD , you would have thought you were at a cub scout meeting . Good thing this guy is a psychologist , so he can at least treat himself . He is going to need to, if he ever realizes just how incompetent and self serving his command staff really is . Wait until he has to start dealing with these metro Atlanta " SUPER PERPS ". Hunker down, weather this new storm, don't do or say anything stupid , and above all else--- "WATCH YO 6" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is time to get rid of some of our current BOC members, State and House delegation members. We need someone who is going to be committed to DKPD and DeKalb County. We need to get rid of Howard Mosby, Stan Watson, Burrell Ellis, Larry Johnson and all the other croonies in office. What do you all think?

old warhorse said...

Good luck with "trying" to get rid of the BOC "people" . The "it's our turn" mind set here will never be gone . If Victor Hill can be re-elected as Sheriff in Clayton County , it,s only going to continue the downward spiral , until competent, intelligent,honest people can be found and voted for ! It,s not only law enforcement, it's the military , corporate world , and every thing else in this country . Look at the mess this country is in because of the White House !!!!!