Saturday, March 23, 2013

Open Comments


Anonymous said...

Rumor has the pension is seriously under funded because the county has not made their share of contributions. Is that true? Can someone please elaborate?

Anonymous said...

Did the retirees get a COLA from the last pension board meeting?

Anonymous said...

Yes I'd suggest pulling your money out now prior to the inevitable bankruptcy filing. To those of you smart enough to freeze and leave, congrats. To those of you still there still funding it I feel sorry for you in that you'll more than likely never see a dime from your investment. It should have become optional years ago.

Anonymous said...

Max out and buy back any POAB you can folks. It's going to be the only retirement you end up with from this dump.

Anonymous said...

I seen Bettye Davis at a few rallies with Supt. of Dekalb County School Michael Thurmond, don't tell me she is trying to kiss his butt as well. Bettye was up to her old tricks such as, smiling and hand shaking all over the place. Is Bettye Davis ready to defect Dekalb County Government and move on to the School District? Time will tell

Anonymous said...

Word at the last pension board was when the employee contributions went up the counties contribution was also suppose to go up. The county has not paid their increase contributions in 3 years.

Anonymous said...

For the ones that are not aware there is a new pension increase for the employees under the 82.5%. It has been on the table and has been defered again until the April 9th board of commissioner meeting. They want to raise it from 8.63% to 10.48%.

Anonymous said...

Any word on a blue order soon?. I hear we have some very good Sgts being promoted to LTs and LTs being promoted to Captains. We need a change through the chain of command.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say again how much I love being a cop, and how proud i am to put my uniform and badge on. I am also excited about our new chief and hope that he has the intestinal fortitude to stick to his guns and see this thing through. New leadership is great, but i cannot stress enough how we, the individual street beating cops, are the key to the future of the department. We must demand nothing less than the best from ourselves. We must hold eachother accountable for our actions. We must bring only excellence with us to work, and demand the same from eachother. We are the future, we hold the key to the succes of this department. It starts and ends with each of us doing a gut check before each shift, and coming to work ready and determined to be the very best. As i end every post, you are my brothers, you can count on me. i will split the gates of hell to come to your aid, should it be needed. and yes, as always, i may be new at this job, but i am no rookie at life...

Retired said...

Indeed! Join POAP! Buy it all back. Mine just kicked in. Sweet!

Anonymous said...

There's a pretty interesting edit war going on over at Burrell Ellis wikipedia page.

Info on the corruption trial keeps getting deleted, and lots of favorable info keeps getting added.

Anonymous said...

The smart thing would be to buy the 82.5 people out and move on. The savings after that would rebound the County.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:04
Promotions? Are you kiding, we need to eliminate some positions as it is. Get rid of North Precinct as a start and spread the Officers and Supervisors throughout the other Precincts. We are top heavy as it is. We do not need any more Lt's or Sgt's..... Period... I realize that you want to get your 5% but hopefully the new Chief streamlines and gets rid of some wasteless positions. Forget Promotiins.

DeKalb Officers said...

Anonymous said...

The silence on the condition of our pension is deafening. Suspicion abounds because of all of the negative goings on in the Dekalb Co government and the failure of our pension rep's to keep the mushrooms informed. On a side note I have come to the conclusions that black democrats can not run a damn thing properly. Time for black republicans to take over if their are any in this godforsaken region of Georgia.

Anonymous said...

According to the last pension board minutes Decatur Capital was finally recognized as a perpetual under performer (scam) and it's 16 million equity redistributed bringing total fund to back over 1 billion. At least they realize we ARE watching now. The BOC should be aware they TOO can be forcibly replaced just like the school board members.

Anonymous said...

Burrell Ellis Wiki Page is impressive to the unknown.

The Officers who start these topics, are you afraid of talking reckless about your boss? The boss you serve and protect everyday. I'm just saying.

If "Erkle" goes down, will those handcuffs be extra tight on him, just like on all preps?

Anonymous said...

Promotions????...REALLY!!!!...Are we not top heavy already???? Damn...
Make the Sgt's work like they do in other jurisdictions....and quit letting the Lt.'s sit on there ass and make the Sgt.s run the shift.
Yes allow the Sgt's to still be there...but make them answer calls as well....some already do...others...just key the mike to can tell which Sgt's are working Sgt's and others are not.....
Now before you open you're mouth and say to be quiet....I'be been acting Sgt. for some time...I see how things are don't even go there....we've got a Lt. about ready to be promoted to Capt....she is #1 on the list..yet she was booted out of a unit because she could not manage a unit with 12 officers in it...and proof that she treated those 12 like something the cow left behind....she was given the answers to the test from an Asst. Chief....and now we exscpect her to lead a Prec.????
We also have Lt.s that leave work and cross over into other counties and handle...shall we say J2....while on duty!!!
And we all know who the Sgt's are that are here to collect a paycheck and point the fingers at others so they don't get demoted....
We need to clean some serious house before we start promoting....and they need to add a common scense section to the promtional part of the exam.

Before I close...we also need to come together and go to the BOC meetings....since we can not have a union....this is the only way we can show a bit of support for each other....

The BOC knows we won't...they use that the thier until then.....bend over and take it!!
Bow our heads in shame and pray....until we work together....there is no hope.

Hope the new chief starts using his degree to figure this place out and see through some of the bullshit around here.

Anonymous said...

I think the pension board knows we are watching and are ready to whats right for "us" due to any further mismanagement of our pension such as the fiasco loan to the county for the fiasco early out last time and the fact that we know what the stock / investment returns are and that the board better keep up with returns and non performing investment advisors. I dont care if the firm is white, black, blue or green. If they dont get the returns that they should, eject them ! I notice that the FOP has started putting out a news letter on the pension, good for them...too bad we have to put out a hundred bucks a year to join the FOP to get news about OUR pension that our elected pension "so called" REPRESENTATIVES
refuse to allow us to have. I will never be able to figure this out...why they refuse to keep us informed about something that we pay into...WTF ? !

Anonymous said...

I think a more accurate analogy would be to suggest a wolf in sheep's clothing like "Gus" on Breaking Bad. One who the resemblance is uncanny and has fooled everyone for a very long time.

LoFlyer said...

Guys, I have been remiss on keeping up with DK pension system over the last six months. My apologies, I'll do better in the future. This shit is too important for our collective retirement funding to go unmonitored. My only excuse is I have found a lot of other, decidedly more interesting and “fun” activities that are both legal and exciting.
That said, the comments being made on this thread reveal considerable concern for the viability of the DK pension system 10 years down the road.
I have been informed by the pension board that GA law prevents local governments from not performing their contractual retirement agreements for the employees.
My opinion is the current GA local government pension law is fragile and easily modified to accommodate local government bankruptcy and renegotiating employee pension contracts.
I don't want to scare anyone, DeKalb employees are dependent upon GA pension laws that can be changed upon the whim of politicians who do not have DeKalb employees or retirees best interests at heart.

LoFlyer said...
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LoFlyer said...

It's all there in black and white, link to the November pension board minutes is:
Link to the DeKalb pension board is:
For the last 10 months DeKalb government quietly and unobtrusively reduced the agreed upon county contribution of 17% to approximately 13%. County employees received no notification of the reduction, and Burke didn't give a press release.
I won't describe my emotions regarding the DeKalb BOC and political leadership on the issue. That's not going to help the employees one bit.

LoFlyer said...

What we need is a logical, collective response from the employees and retirees for the county not funding the pension as agreed.
Contact your pension board member.
The DKPD and Fire Services folks can notify their union of the issue.
I believe the employees and retirees do have a legal case with the reduction in pension contributions previously and publicly agreed to. I am good for 50 bucks for the prosecution.
You will notice I did not include contacting the BOC or CEO on this issue. These Bozo's have proven over the last two decades they do not have the employees best interests at heart.
I personally am going to try to get some public publicity on the issue. Nothing scares these SOB's more than being publicly outed for what they are.
Keep the faith guys and gals, this ain't over by a long shot.

DKPD Bathroom Patrol said...

Ok, still no soap in the bathrooms at 34 although the superior Officers toilet has been unclogged at old 34!Toilet seat in mens restroom outside of records is still broken. Come on people, Ive got priorities here!

DeKalb Officers said...

As always KenC, you have the blog as a platform.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hell...doesn't the retiree pension rep live in St. Louis MO or someplace up there? What idiots think this is a good idea ?

Anonymous said...

Is North Precinct ever going to do anything about
"La Madrina" on Chamblee Tucker Road. This place should be closed every night at 12:30am with all patrons out of the business by 1:00am. They are only licensed as a resturant. Not only do they violate these hours but they stay open til 6,7,8 in the morning. Im losing faith in Dekalb Police.

Anonymous said...

Ken, we have laws in Georgia. That protect our pension so we have nothing to worry about. WE all know our BOC is above and beyond any wrong doings. Right Mr. CEO II?

Anonymous said...

Once again Dekalb BOC has failed yet ANOTHER faction of the county so get ready for the new city of Druid Hills. Unbelievable...

Anonymous said...

I guess Dekalb County employees and citizens do not get it. District Attorney Robert James bluffed Mr. CEO. with his probe. The DA did not do a criminal probe he did a grand jury probe. The probe was not administered correctly. Mr. CEO will roll away in his skates just like Vernon. We need to hold these elected officials accountable for his or her actions.

Anonymous said...

We need an honest knowledgeable opinion on OUR pension. We have worked our whole career for this. Is it likely to fail or can it?
Can the BOC destroy it?
Who has the right answer? If you dont know shut the f*ck up.

LoFlyer said...
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LoFlyer said...
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LoFlyer said...
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LoFlyer said...
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LoFlyer said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This pretty much sums up your pension:

Anonymous said...

I have an idea everyone. Lets find out how much a financial expert in the pension/retirement field would cost to analyze the pension fund. If the crooks in power make it difficult to do that then we can demand the books be opened through the open records act. Lets come up with the money to pay the expert and challenge the pension board and the county with the negative findings (you know there will be)

We risk too much each day not to fight for our financial future and the future of retirees and those about to retire. We have not been given raises in years, have had to pay ever increasing benefit premiums and now the health of the pension is very much in question. WHEN are we going to draw the line and stand up for ourselves, WHEN ?? We may have a lot to loose if we loose our jobs for opening our mouths but loosing a job while you are still young enough is better than working for a long time here thinking your getting a pension only to find your getting nothing and your too old on top of that to get anything but a walmart greeter gig at 60. Its our choice.

We get paid 3 times in May. I suggest we set something up and take a little bit out of each paycheck and have the money ready to go in June.

In the words of Bluto from Animal House "Enough of this sittin around shit"


Anonymous said...

Serenity, though your intentions are honorable they're too little too late. The county isn't going to willingly allow a third party to come in and expose more prosecutable corruption. I'm leaving, pulling every dime out and reinvesting it with competent investors. You should consider the same while you can.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I see that the Ellis wikipedia page has been edited again to remove the scandals! Interesting!

Anonymous said...

I see they are making officers attend the swearing in ceremony for Chief Alexander. They want a good showing to impress the new chief and send the false message that 'all is well.' I think a better idea would be to be honest with the chief and let him see no officers below the rank of Captain attending. Then he would see how we truly feel about this place.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:01,
Are you surprised? That's how this place operates. Lets put on a show for the new chief. Chief, look how many officers from my precinct showed up to support you. Look at me, chief. Can I get a treat?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Chief Alexander understands how little we respect this current command staff. They have been and continue to be part of the problem. Now they are blowing smoke in their attempts to show Chief Alexander that they are part of the solution. I hope he is as smart as people are telling me he is and he will see through their BS.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the new chief will put a halt to this 15 a day and then go play ticket quota system. Let the units get back to policing and use sod resources to target crime and not just to shake down some soccer mom picking up the kids.

Anonymous said...

Ask the 35 just felony indicted from Atl school cheating scandal how the "just following orders" defense went for them. DO WHAT'S RIGHT...

Anonymous said...

Chief A has started changing the dept. Watch for big blue order next eeek.. Good job Chief.....Thanks

Anonymous said...

Regarding officers attending swearing in ceremonies for new Chief: if you REALLY want to chat with him in a setting where chances are he won't just brush you off (after all, he WILL be with the general public) or have his assistant tell you he is not available, then why not show up at one of the places where he is scheduled to appear after he is sworn in on Monday to meet the public ? his schedule: 10-11 AM: Cedar Grove Middle School; 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Welcome luncheon at Lou Walker Senior Center 2538 Panola Rd. Lithonia; last: 1-1:30PM: visit Oak Grove Market, 2757 LaVista Rd. Decatur. How do you suppose THAT location fits into the scheme of things? Isn't this the same business that ex-ICP officer Jeremy Turner purchased and now runs?

Anonymous said...

How does Oak Grove Market fit into the scheme of things? If you have been paying attention, Oak Grove is on the verge of forming their own city. Some heavy hitters in the Oak Grove community hang out at the market. The chief needs to get in there and try to repair some of the damage done by your boy Ellis and company.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:40 P M: You don't know me so you don't have a clue as to what I do or don't do in my community or within the county. As for Jeremy I personally know him and you are right in that he is a good person and has spent a good part of his life volunteering for many causes. As a former Dept. employee I am familiar with his commendations. He and his ICP team did a lot for my neighborhood in ridding it of some drug dealing renters and when he left the county and the meighbors learned of his having done so many were very disappointed as he and the others would still come back into the neighborhood just to check on things. . Can't imagine why you would have felt the need to write such nasty comments. This wasn't about Jeremy and it was not written in hopes of making someone angry but judging from your misconception, it would be a waste of time to explain the real point of it all. Sorry you must have had such a bad day....hopefully tomorrow will bring lots of sunshine into your life. .

Anonymous said...

I don't have to know who you are to know that you don't do as much for the county as Jeremy Turner. If you did, all of us would know who you are. It looks like more than one person thought you were making a snide comment about Turner and his business. There was no need to mention him or that he's the owner of the business. You could have just mentioned the Chief's schedule and left it at that.

Anonymous said...

We're getting a RAISE!!!!!!! And I have it on good authority that indictments are being handed down!

And your healthcare will be cheaper can keep your plan if you like it.... these new regulations will not infringe upon the 2nd....

April Fools!

Anonymous said...

To 11:10 A M See it as you like. This blog is not about me. No one who reads it gives a flip about my community involvement. If you are interested in county business as it relates to communities, then attend a community council meeting in your district in April and see what it's all about. You never know who you just might meet. Final note: Because of rantings like yours, it is understandable why choosing to remain anonmyous when posting a comment is the better choice. One just never know how far off the deep end a person will go to defend what one perceives as a grave injustice.

Anonymous said...

Anybody out there know anything about this Gary Yandura who has been named new Brookhaven Chief? He previously was Hiram's Chief and College Park before that. Any news would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Well, he is a liberal Dr of psychology...what the hell did you expect...

Anonymous said...

6:50PM, could you tell us what has you pissed off? Are you in CID and mad that you have to stop dressing like a Best Buy salesperson and actually look professional in a shirt and tie? Or are you one of the many people losing their take home cars that never should have had one in the first place?

I don't know all of the changes the Chief has made, but I can't say that I disagree with any so far. Why don't you tell us all what you think is so crazy?

Anonymous said...

@anon...Aprl 2 10:19pm, The guy is 64-65 yrs old & retired from a wealthy suburban Chicago PD in '99. Chief of College Park PD for 9 yrs until they axed him in 2009. Chief of Hiram since May 2011. While there he was floating his resume all across Florida, guess he couldn't wait to get out of Hiram; 15 officers total and handle 400 calls a month. At his age and career slide I don't hink he will be there long. The knock on him at College Park was his answer to all crime was to run road blocks for traffic tickets! He's rumored to have used a GSP helicopter to assist on a roadblock in Hiram.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the chief will be able to use his degree to counsel the folks who may have to actually work south of I-85 for a change. At least you still will have your take home to save on gas.

Anonymous said...

I just checked the BOC agenda for 4/9/13. D1 was for the employees under the 82.5% pension contribution to go up from 8.63% to 10.48%. It states that it was talked about during the Employee Relations & Community Services meeting on 4/2/13 and at that time it was recommended it be deferred for 3 months. So that will be sometime around July 2013.