Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ploy Lets DeKalb CEO Exceed Budget By $237,000

Burrell Ellis is taking money from other departments to give his cronies well paying jobs. 

April Hunt of the AJC should ask where the money is coming from to fund Burrell's fleet of SUV's?

Turns out Burrell Ellis is no different then Terrel Bolton. 

AJC article here.




Anonymous said...

If you need me I'll be living a QUALITY life in TN. Good luck, you'll need it...

Anonymous said...

When is someone going to stop this thieving criminal. Maybe when you mess with the voters parks they wake up. We sure as hell know that it doesn't phase them when you mess with their public safety. What about reimbursing the expenses for that damn unit that is in front of his home 24/7. It is sad that the state representatives from this area have been more concerned with forming new cities than with abolishing this wasteful position. These new cities are still under some control and funding this corrupt criminal operation!

Anonymous said...

And were suprised by what???? whom????

This county is the laughing stock of the state....

I want to go up and take a picture of the BOC and shakes Ellis's hand and take a good look at the folks that continue to run this county into the ground....and say..."Thank you"...I hope your happy with your results. I can't wait till my other application is approved.......

Anonymous said...

Don't fret my brothers...indictments are coming soon...I hear there are about 15-20 perps going down...that should clear up some of the County's budget worry is that Erkle will be replaced by Erkle II....whoever that may be.

Unknown said...

I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don't you, Clark?

Anonymous said...

Bettye Davis again makes headlines.Tomorrow, she will be at work with that phony smile and grin.

Anonymous said...

@917...."Don't fret my brothers"....???? Last I checked this wasn't an all male department.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ellis is no different from Terrell Bolton or Vernon Jones (his teacher) regarding anything that involves corruption in Dekalb County. Hey, they all got their degrees from Bill Campbell.

It simply boils down to that Dekalb County Government and their bunch of crooks have now made this county not only the laughing stock of state of Georgia , but a daily news maker of this country.

It is hard to keep up which creates more news.....Dekalb County Ga or Washington DC. If Ellis speaks, then you know it is a lie.

LoFlyer said...

Well done for April H and the AJC. Its been more than a little disheartening to watch the AJC acting littler more than Burkes and the county's propaganda section. The AJC's past lack of reporting hurt the county badly, especially under the Jones Administration, If April and the current AJC editors been around I suspect I could of saved the county several million in infra-structure costs when Vernon did not understand the favorable nature of a contract for the county and re-negotiated in favor of a 300'000 one time payment that went into one of Vern's forgotten projects. My Director knew Vernon's renegotiated contract would not be in the best interests of the citizens, the county nor my department. Like all of us, He was intimidated by Vernon and would not risk his job and pension by opposing Vernon's "deal". A couple of years later I heard a rumor that when Vernon found how much his decision had cost the county he regretted it. I feel if the AJC writers and editors had been on the ball a lot of the shit the county finds it in could be easily avoided.
Keep the faith guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

The Dekalb County government should be ashamed...downright stinking head down, dirt kicking ashamed of what they have turned this once great county into with their tunnel vision and downright stupidity !

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time Dekalb County workers use to be honest hard-working employees. Now, Dekalb County workers are not trustworthy lazy employees. How do you weed out the rogue employees throughout the County?

Anonymous said...

To March 31, 2013 at 9:34 PM....

(1) By USING that 4 inch thick employee manual, instead of just trying to keep it updated, which is also an impossible task.
(2) Save every scrap of paperwork such as memorandums so you can use to bite them with later. The Thomas Brown "Chiller Memo" comes to mind. Were are STILL trying to decipher that one. DOC's and other diciplinary actions have a way of disappearing from certain employee's files. Keep a HARD copy.
(3) Pocket sized voice recorders work fantastic. I have been told some of us still have some of the "Farley Tapes" from when he took over Center Precinct back several years ago. If that wasnt evidence of a hostile work environment then there is no such thing.
(4) Supervisors should NEVER be to lazy or too "busy" to document violations. Along that same vein, they should also Never be too lazy to write a commendation and send it up the chain as well.
(5) Always be so "good" at what you do you make the sorry officers and supervisors look "bad" at what they do.
Just some thoughts from the old Sgt...

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

DeKalb patterned after City of Atlanta, Fulton and Clayton counties style of government. Elected skinning and grinning officials that has graduated from the School of Corruption.

old warhorse said...

For God's sake , don't try to fire them . It took an order from the govenor's office and a near lawsuit to fire those 6 sorry , incompetent asses from the Board of Education . The only reason it didn't proceed forward was solely because that incompetent bunch wanted somebody else , besides themselves, to pay for it .Some " people" , just have no shame . DAMN , JUST DAMN !!!!

Anonymous said...

Not so sure about this new chief. Like many others I was excited about getting some new leadership but after hearing some stories I'm not sure. I heard from several Detectives about how the new chief came down to meet them and acted like a complete a-hole. Asking Detectives what do they bring to the table and why are they so special to be in CID. Dear chief, we have been here for a while why don't you tell us what you bring to the table. After all you just got here. Why mess with Major Felony, making them wear suits everyday after they just spend hundreds of dollars buying the 5.11 shirts and pants. Not a good way to start. Just saying

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 4/3 - 10:20........the chief should be asking everybody "what they bring to the table". If you are in a specialized unit, then what make you so special? If you can't answer it, or don't want to, then you need to be replaced. I'll have to give the chief this one.
Yeah, they should be in suits. They need to look professional We are not some third world military police. I'm sure the county will be glad to hand out disposable coveralls in needed cases.

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of dollars on 5.11 pants and shirts? The county gave you two pairs of pants. How many more did you buy? I call bullshit on that. Plus, if you're in CID you get money to buy clothes twice a year!

Anonymous said...

Wow..I can imagine if I was a New Chief I would ask a whole lot of questions, especially to officers assigned to the specials units and to supervisors in the department and like the previous poster if you have a problem with those questions, my guess is you have no business in either position. As for the dress code for the unit that stays in the public and on TV, Why wouldn't they look professional?? Sounds like someone looking for something to complain about so I guess if this all the new chief has to worry about hell he might be alright for real...

Anonymous said...

Guess we're back to proving our worth of being employed. Same old tired song & dance around here.

Degree'd road officer said...

Sounds like somebody in CID got the major felony attitude thrown back in their face. IMHO, you have to agree to become an a-hole with an attitude before you are allowed to go to CID or training...lots of attitude and contempt for fellow officers in those units... and yes, I've spent my entire career on the choice.... though asked many times, the hours didn't work for my family.

If you have nothing to bring to the table (uniform, SWAT, Special Ops.....), you need to be replaced. The problem with our department is that too many slackers and dirt bags are protected and taken care of. If someone had just asked that question along time ago.....

Anonymous said...

hereAll of the new city bills in DeKalb this year. Hat Tip to John Heneghan at Heneghan's Dunwoody Blog.

2014 preview of Georgia Legislation to create new cities in DeKalb County

Creating new cities in the Georgia Legislature is a two year process where items are proposed in year one and then finalized in year two after a study is conducted and a charter is drafted. Below are items proposed which could lead to new municipalities in DeKalb County.

City of Lakeside- SB 270 Millar

City of LaVista Hills- SB 275 Carter

City of Druid Hills- HB 665 Oliver

City of Tucker- HB 677 Mitchell

City of Stonecrest- HB 687 Stephenson and SB 278 Ramsey

City of DeKalb- SB 277 Ramsey

Anonymous said...

By special unit do you mean that you specialize in making your ticket quota half way through your shift and then going home? We need to get some professionalism back in this department. Everyone needs to play by the same rules and get rid of the double standards and rewards for revenue programs. Check units productivity all day and not just how many they turn in at the end of the week. Supervisors where are your units, hanging out at the mall, visiting their girlfriend, working at their part-time, or chilling on the sofa at home? Tired of busting my ass for 10 and seeing someone else fill their ticket book and then do all of the above.

old warhorse said...

Bring back the real "special" units that were actually effective and successful. Traffic division instead of Tac Unit, that works all traffic related incidents. Plain clothes unit's(anti burglary/ theft/stolen property/sting units for auto theft, robbery stake out unit). A street crime unit IF YOU WILL. No more b.s. park patrol, bicycle unit,computer analysis,comstat, or that totally useless C.O.P. Unit. Total waste of manpower and money. Folks would be leaving those S.O.D. Units like rats unassing a sinking ship. WIN--WIN FOR EVERYBODY. All that warm fuzzy,touchy feely,can't we all just get along sh*t ain't working. Never did. Never will. If you want to be loved, be a volunteer school crossing guard. Everybody loves a school crossing guard! I know this is a big rat-race, but damn, we are letting the rats win. Hey, the police got your cheese---right here !!!