Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ethics Comes To DeKalb

Yeah, right.

Click here to read more.


Anonymous said...

Big ups to The Homicide Detectives!!!!!!!! You guys are doing an outstanding job solving the 58s. I believe CID has done a well job selecting these detectives. Well Done and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about we use the nearly half million dollars being wasted on YET another study, toward the investigations. Get the head of the snake cut off. Start anew and bring back the Dekalb County I started with 20 plus years ago!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Lt. Kevin Brown retiring. He is one of the good ones that will be missed, along with his ethics.

Anonymous said...

Hurray...we are saved.....we will finally have ethics in DeKalb County. These folks are gonna fix it all.....NOT!
Until the voters bother to vote for ethics, there will NEVER be ethics in Dekalb and ALL the elected officials will be crooks.

Anonymous said...

T.D.B. - Typical DeKalb Behavior

Anonymous said...

"$118,000, to hire investigators to help with its work."

Where is the GBI or FBI????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

LoFlyer said...

Pension board deferred the May 15 board meeting.
"The regularly scheduled May 15, 2014 Pension Board meeting has been postponed until further notice."
Lets hope this is not a permanent issue.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope they bring the investigators over to the crystal palace and to the 5th floor.
After the Dr.'s stellar performance at the SWAT try outs....I also think he needs to be investigated. After seeing that and watch him yell and be-little veteran officers I truly think he slept through his physic. class and bought the dam degree off line somewhere. The reverse mind games he attempted was actually pathetic. I wish it was video taped, you could have scene a totally different person than you see every day at HQ. Maybe his true colors came through that day.
He calls this sight a cancerous cell that infects the county though after his performance the other day....I wonder whom is calling the kettle black now???
Pinching ones stomach while their doing sit ups and yelling at them they need to loose a few lbs....if you idiots don't get into shape you will not be on this team!!!....and if you don't like it I have 3 academies up there that will take your place!!!

At least he knows how many academies we have right now. Poor ol Dale Holmes can't even answer that question when asked how many and what months will they graduate in.....and this idiot is in charge of Uniformed Division??....maybe he was stoned and was not able to think straight...yea...that's his story.

Ethics????....This place lost it back in the early 90s's...if not sooner. We've got more than just a few bad apples in the dept. and that includes the 5th floor and flows downstairs to others with power.

One little ray of sunshine....Jimmy Newtron "Newton" will be leaving(retiring) soon. Thank god....talk about another idiot.

Investigators......please come on up to Lavista when you finish downtown Decatur.

Just saying

Anonymous said...

What ethics? Ethics in Dekalb County is all about taking bribes. Good morning John Reid and Robert Satterwite!

Anonymous said...

He thinks he's a Navy Seal but is simply another poser in Dekalb.

Anonymous said...

Ethics....that's a word so foreign to Dekalb County....and not just the PD, even the grungy citizens. Bottom line, LEAVE THIS HELL HOLE ASAP!!! Why would anyone want to ruin their quality of life by staying here?!?! I guess officers at East Precinct are thinking this way, I heard they lost around 10 officers in the past month or so?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Alexander wanted to go to another agency because he did not want to get certified as a police officer in the state of Georgia, but then he convinced the interim CEO to create a new position for him so he did not have to get POST certified. This new position was the same position that they said they were doing away with since it was a waste of tax payer dollars. Dr. Alexander is a fraud and just another person who paid for a title at an online school so he could call himself a Dr.
The swat try-outs did show his true colors and the true colors of the sod Chief and Captain which neither one of them have ever been on swat or even tried out for swat. Well the captain’s wife made the swat team maybe she told him a few things about swat but he has never been on the team. The leadership in sod is the worst in the department and the egos are out of control.
I don’t agree with everything on this blog and I think it is at times a cancer but at least it is a place that the truth about how certain people act and treat the troops can be brought into the light.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first post. The Homicide detectives are doing a fantastic job. They have been getting pounded relentlessly but keep on keeping-on. Get the hardcore perps off the street! You all are making history!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Dr. Alexander will be talking to the media soon, because there is audio and video of what went on at the swat tryouts....waiting to hear back from media .

Anonymous said...

what hap at swat tryouts?

Anonymous said...

The Ethics Board may have some impact on the politicians if we are lucky but unfortunately it will have no impact on the idiots running the police department.

Anon 10:30
I agree that the homicide detectives have worked hard and done a good job but they are only called after the fact. Any proactive work going on in DeKalb to curtail the violence and thuggery?

Anon 3:44
You are mostly right but I will part ways with you on a couple of points. Number one, Alexander acting like an idiot around the SWAT team did not reveal his true colors. I knew he was an asshole long before that. And number two, you said that the assist. chief at SOD had never been on or tried out for a SWAT team. A couple of the old timers who were on SWAT and retired now said that Harris did apply for SWAT when he was an MPO. Now you are right that he has never been on a SWAT team, so you can figure out what happened for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Alexander, Chief Harris and Chief Harris's lap dog Capt. Gassner are all just swat groupies. None of them have ever been on a swat team and this is not the Alabama national Guard where General Harris can throw his weight around. I can pay a couple of thousand dollars and get my Doctorate from the online university of idiots also.
I am mad as he'll because this man came to roll call and asked us to be united in his vision of a better Dekalb and to stop talking bad about the department and come together as one and hold each other accountable for our actions and to put a better image of what Dekalb police represents.
I bought into his bullshit and he was not willing to lead us by example instead he cried and bitched about becoming post certified and threatened to leave if he did not get a new position. Then he allows his chiefs to talk down to the troops and treat them like garbage and he even goes to our swat tryouts and talks shit to officers and treats them like garbage threatening them he can replace them with the new guys in the academy.
For all the veteran officers out there like myself who have 10 years or more with this county I want to say Thai you for sticking it out and putting up with all the disrespect from your supervisors and the commissioners and the citizens of this county. You are the back bone of this department you are the ones who have stuck it out without raises for 8 years and who works for less money each year, yet you still come to work putting your life on the line and working by your fellow officer because that is what you swore to do. No one respects us and they show that everyday by slapping us in the face and threatening us with our extra jobs and moving us to different shifts or putting us in different units this is a true hostile work environment and it is caused by our command staff and commissioners.
Thank you again for your service and for being my brother and sister in blue.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's shaking in his shoes. Better toughen up guys, if you can't maintain minimum standards you don't belong on the team.

Anonymous said...

Alexander is a weirdo.
He is 60 years old and he walks around with a soul patch. The SWAT guys say he is always hanging around them like he is on the team and he is cool and wants to be one of them.This dude has never been on a SWAT team and knows nothing about it but he tries to act like he does. He is not even a police officer come to think of it. He actually wears SWAT gear and wants to talk about guns and tactics and stuff with the team. Then he gets mad about something and curses at them. It may be a little different if he actually knew something about it. If it is true that he grabbed one of the SWAT guys in the stomach at the PT test then he committed a crime and he is even more strange than I thought.

Anonymous said...

You think that was tough? Wait until next time ;)

Anonymous said...

I think that all of you are missing one very important piece here to Dr.Cedric "The Entertainer" ....he believes himself to be "GOD". Yes I will repeat that...Dr. Cedric stated to a room full of SOD officer's that he was in FACT..."GOD"...and to make sure everyone heard him he repeated it several times. His words were, I am GOD and can do whatever I want. So with that being said I guess the GODDOCTOR Cedric "The Entertainer" can do whatever, whenever and to whomever he freaking wants. So all of you stuff that in your pipe and smoke it....

Anonymous said...

Dr. Alexander I still believe you are the man for the job and that you have the passion to turn this department around. I was not at the swat try-outs and do not know what happened. Please address this situation and show these idiots on here that you would never act like that because you are the ultimate professional. I will stand by you and support you until I see with my own eyes that you are not who you say you are.
As for ChiefHarris I do know with first hand knowledge that he will lie and stab who ever he needs to to gain more power and to get promoted as high as he can . I hope that you have not aligned yourself with people like Chief Harris.

Anonymous said...

The thuggery homicide rates keep climbing. You would think that sooner or later these gun bangers woud eventually kill themselves off making it safer for the community. Sure isn't the case is it? For every thug going to boot hill, a new azzhole takes his place. How do we stop it? Communities, law enforcement and the court system hasn't a clue. We've been fighting crime for decades upon decades and it just gets worse. Maybe it's time to call in the Guardian Angels, arm them and say "have at it."

Anonymous said...

If you are making comments about the SWAT tryouts and you weren't there. SHUT UP. For those on the team, what happened with Alexander was uncalled for. You didn't/don't deserve that. He has no training in police work, let alone SWAT. I hope someone did record it. If the media doesn't want it, put it on YouTube and we'll all get it around. Eventually, the media will pay attention. You see only stories they want to stir up show up. Kind of like this blog. There are stories on here when it works for the blogmaster, but when you post something about someone they like (Rutland) the story conviently disappears.

Anonymous said...

If we are now Navy Seals can we at least have back the reliable Beretta they use?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully "The Entertainer" found his course on punitive suits entertaining as he'll be served with one shortly.

Anonymous said...

Why does he need an MP5?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:27

Maybe it conveniently disappeared because when Rutland challenged them on the fabricated nonsense of an allegation, Alexander and Harris said, "We will give you your money back." and made that conveniently disappear. Why do you think they did that? I know you may not want to be bothered by the truth and facts but there it is.

Anonymous said...

I suppose power really does corrupt. Though I wouldn't be too full of myself being in charge from Ashford Dwdy to Turner Hill Rd.

Anonymous said...

Guardian Angels??... will they be patrolling the soap box derby track? The county still has and had some good officers! ... they just need to pay them and give then a reason to stay with DeKalb

Think of all the tax dollars used to train officers who later take their training and experience elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

This site isn't a cancer, it's the only thing holding douche bags accountable around here obviously. Only the corrupt want unchecked absolute power.

Anonymous said...

In this department, just like the real world, you have Warriors and you have Pogs. Pogs are named after the cartoon character "Pogo." He was a wimpy nerd who sat around typing on his typewritter all day.

Warriors are the ones who run toward hot calls; the 27s, the 44Ps, 87s,etc. The Pogs are the ones who pull out on a 29 when those calls come out in their territory or don't show up until after a Warrior, who jumped the call, says 10-25 on the radio.

Warriors spend their time staying in shape and getting ready for the worst and then going and look for it. Pogs spend their time reading really keen articles in neat magazines and wishing they were Warriors...and some really think they are. They don't go looking for the trouble, because they really don't want to find it and they know a Warrior will handle it anyway.

When I was there, I was lucky enough to work with some real Warriors...like Fred Becker, Steve Kelly, John Bobo and Tommy Irwin. The upper brass had enough sense to let these guys work and the balls to stand behind them after the job was done.

Unfortunately, the Pogs have taken over and you all are working for them now.

God bless the Warriors of the world.

Anonymous said...

What's next? Getting told in roll call "KING KONG AIN'T GOT NOTHIN ON ME!" Grow up...

Anonymous said...

Dr. Alexander "God" and Vermin Jones both have a serious ego problem that a psychiatrist couldn't help them with. Let's pray to the real God that they both disappear.

Anonymous said...

Hank Johnson vs. Thomas Brown for your district sums up all the rest of us need to know.

Anonymous said...

What's so laughable about this Sheriff's election is that the 20% (most available without felony convictions) that actually bothered to vote will ultimately be exploited for money by VJ if he wins. Not unlike the PD does now with citation quotas, etc.

Anonymous said...

Even more laughable....they picked Hank" Guam's gonna tip" Johnson over Thomas Brown.

Anonymous said...

Hey Warrior.....outside of the DKPD circle....nobody cares.

Some people figure that out pretty quick.....others never do.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:18,

Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. Great point.

To 7:04...That's them exactly. And they do well on promotion tests too...imagine that! Like I said, they have taken over the department.

Hell, when I was there we had one that was permanent screening officer because he was on the rubber gun squad/22I. Next thing I know, he's a Sgt. and then an LT. Great example to show what hard work will get ya.

At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself. Do what you know is the right thing and find peace with that. The day of the "Warrior" may never return to this department or this country and I fear we will all suffer for it.