Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Transfers posted as a result of disciplinary actions. It seems like the New Chiefs rules and standards are not applied to everyone the same way. 


Anonymous said...

The new Chief goes to roll call and tells the officers to ask her anything. one officer ask a question as to why she came here and she threatens to suspend him.
this chief is on an Ego trip like no other Chief before her.

Anonymous said...

The Chief has given some of the command staff a time frame as to when they need to retire or be demoted.

Anonymous said...

not all rules apply to everyone just some of the people. Capt. Williams is never here and no one ever knows where he is. He is Chief of staff but is always running errands for the new Chief.

Anonymous said...

You have to look at the lieutenant that got caught changing his time sheet and the slapping females on the butt and so much more over his career.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this Chief has a contract for employment, how many years or until the next CEO elected and buys it out to bring another friend to run this place.

Anonymous said...

Very disheartening to see a once great department devolve into this. Prayers for you all.

Anonymous said...

How does Off. Lancaster get found by I.A. for untruthfulness and not fired. It is a firing per the manual. She can't testify in court, so she can't police any longer. Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Since officer Lancaster is “Dating” Sgt. Spencer who is in IA she gets special treatment. This new Chief and her Inner circle work by their own rules and ethics which do not apply to everyone. We should have listened to the Miami Dade officers when they tried to warn us of how evil and corrupt she is. The CEO with his infinite wisdom deemed her the best applicant for the job, even tho she was not the most qualified but thevCEO thought she was pretty, just like Chief Ramos thinks Curtis Williams is pretty.

Anonymous said...

I read the incorrect information posted in this blog. Chief Ramos is trying to fix things here. Is she unorthodox? Yes, but maybe we need that right now. I may not agree with everything she does, but I do support her efforts. She has been fair and firm. But I wanted to correct some inaccuracies that was posted to defend some and call out others. Here is the truth:

Capt. Williams did not do anything to get him fired or demoted. Yes, he was wrong. He acted like a crazed fan. I read the paperwork. The man didn’t do anything that could have gotten him fired or demoted. He received written counseling.

Lt. Wills did not do anything to get him fired. I read the paperwork on that too. He did not slap the detective’s rear end, but it was correct to remove him from the unit. He showed favoritism, something that happens everywhere.

Lancaster is not dating Spencer. Come on, she has better taste than that. She is getting railroaded over the terminology of a key. She asked for a spare key and was accused of asking for a master key. It’s sad, but true. Spencer is on a power trip, ask around if you don’t believe me. Word on the street he threw Major Lewis under the bus, which is why Lewis got kicked out of the Chief’s office and landed Spencer in IA.

Lt. Collie was investigated for an unethical act he did. He was removed from Accreditation and sent to Uniform.

Sgt. Riding, who is a good sergeant, was transferred for constantly gossiping And making inappropriate comments. Major got tired of it and had him sent elsewhere. It’s her right as a precinct commander.

The truth is we are our own worst enemy. There is no sense of team or loyalty with us. It’s sad that we will risk our lives to defend the citizens of DeKalb, but we can’t even stand up for ourselves as an organization and as a family of blue. I challenge you all to put in an open records request to get facts, but seriously stop posting rumors you heard without having such facts. All you do is hurt others and slander reputations.

Anonymous said...

Mr know it all from the previous post....then what's your of blue ?


Anonymous said...

Of course he is a badge holder, I would not call him a brother in blue. He is more of an ass kisser, anyone who thinks Capt . Williams has not done anything wrong has got to be crazy. The man has been corrupt from the day he was sworn in. Chief Ramos is not a good thing for this department, she is not looking out for the department just herself.

Anonymous said...

Curtis should have been demoted for policy violations and the embarrassment he caused our department. It made national headlines.

Wills can't stay out of trouble.

Ramos isn't unorthodox, she's dumb. You can only abuse your officers and supervisors morale for so long before there's a mutiny. She's pissing people off faster than Bolton and Graham. Look what happened to them. Tick tock.

Anonymous said...

It has been a while since I have been on this blog. You guys and gals just cant get your shit together. Always calling out each other on here for unsubstantiated rumors. You finally lost me when you talked shit about Spencer. I love you bro. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you been away for a while and ain’t got shit to do. Yo boy is not the same, go ask around. He probably loves you too.

Anonymous said...

As a quote from New England Patriots coach Bill Belichek "Do your job". Youre' hired as police officers to serve the citizens of Dekalb County so do it or run for public office. I also understand that as a human being we need to vent from time to time but this is ridiculous. What happened to the love of the job as to why many of you chose the profession? Stop the whinning and complaining and just do your job. Agree to disagree, control what you can and not what you cannot. Don't like the job then resign or move to another profession. You're only hurting yourselves and others. Let's get it right!

Anonymous said...

Rockdale County's Sheriff Office in Shambles

Anonymous said...

Anon Feb 28 at 10:05 AM, Curtis, can we please leave the New England Patriots out of this discussion!

Anonymous said...

Obviously these appointments were done deliberately to cause havoc for some reason. Life is too short to subject yourselves to such nonsense.