Sunday, March 8, 2020

Chief Ramos holds a meet and greet with the troops. Tells them to ask any question they want and to speak freely.


Anonymous said...

this meet and greet was one-sided and just a power play to show everyone who is in control. I was disappointed in her attitude and tone with everyone. she is very childish and unprofessional. this department is in a lot of trouble.

Anonymous said...

very unprofessional with how she enjoys making her subordinates look bad, she needs to realize that her troops and command staff are a reflection of her leadership. you act childish and you get childish.

Anonymous said...

we are stuck with this self-centered egomaniac psycho for three years, this place will implode before that.

Anonymous said...

Ramos stated she does not care about the pay study and who was left out. so to all you veteran officers she does not care about you.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is still clinging to hope there? The writing on the wall has been legible for some time now.

Anonymous said...

I thought Chief Yarbroug had a big ego but he is nothing compared to Chief Cardi B Ramos, This Chief Ramos has serious issues and is in way over her head. She is so unprofessional and arrogant towards everyone. She will lie to your face cut your throat and stab you in the back, then ask you if you are ok.This place is out of control and she is going to ruin the Department.

Anonymous said...

OK what are the skills a supervisor need. Communication, Conflict Resolution,Critical Thinking,Interpersonal skills,Time and Priority Management,Diversity and Generational Differences and here we go....That missing trait........LEADERSHIP! No where in the meaning of these traits it says to be a.....ASSHOLE to people because they may not agree with you or you intimidated by them because they may be smarter.Its nothing wrong with asking your employees or troops, personnel their advice or just listening to them without getting angry. You don't know everything. You have 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason, Shut up and just listen and see whats going on. Dekalb County didn't just become broke in the last 20 years. 1822-2020..Dekalb will be great again.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ask why the f*** she made Curtis Williams her Chief of Staff?

Anonymous said...

Iv'e worked with some very good female officers in my time. Hard working, smart and professional. Of course there are good and bad in all categories of people. Unfortunately, arrogant bitch is an accurate description of Chief Ramos. Oh yeah, I should also add that she is pretty dumb. I'm guessing the woman must have a couple of redeemable qualities that I'm not aware of, but so far I just can't name one.

Anonymous said...

Chief Ramos is the epitome of poor decision making and leadership. Ask any of the men or women in Miami and you will get an overwhelming response on happy they are that she is gone. She embodies the “I’m the BOSS” mentality and makes her subordinates feel undervalued and unappreciated. This hood rat jump in the seat of an already crashing bus and floored it into a wall. To the younger officers that have been here less than 5 years GET OUT !!!! You have some of the best training and experience in the state any agency will hire you based on that. Dekalb has made some bad leadership calls over the past 10 years but this is by far the worst one yet. Also what about the sexism at North-Central roll calls. The women in leadership including Major Rutland having female officer only meetings and giving preferential treatment to said females. This places is a burning warehouse and most of us are trapped!! GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!

Anonymous said...

Well we now know what the “B” in Chief cardi B stands for, This women is an absolute disgrace to law enforcement and to the officers of Dekalb County. She is such a poor leader and to be the Chief her attitude towards her subordinates is the worst I have ever seen. Dekalb county has truly hit rock bottom. Most of the Dekalb officers have forgotten more about police work than she will ever know. I have seen first hand her disrespectful and arrogant attitude.

Anonymous said...

Ramos is really bad for sure. She is in way over her head and is just too arrogant to understand that. She is like a perfect combination of arrogance and stupidity. Wasn't CNN Cedric from Florida? Maybe they are related. I'm just hoping she will find another job sometime soon and will fly off on her broom stick.

Anon March 14 9:19AM---You are coming pretty close to blaming the poor condition of the department on, "women leadership" which is just obscured. The past several police chiefs at the DKPD were all men and they were all incompetent at best and just down right morons at worst. And by the way, Major Rutland held promotional test preparation classes a couple of years ago and there were both men and women officers in attendance. No other Major was doing this then or now. IF she had a female only meeting, I guess that is not right but I find it hard to really give a damn about such an insignificant event given current circumstances.

Anonymous said...

You obviously dont work at North Central Precinct lol.


Anonymous said...

I understand that you...police chief...have not provided any N95 masks for the officers. We all know the command staff can close their office doors and not see anyone all day but the officers need these masks and lysol and wipes. Also you need to tell every precinct to only handle calls and nothing proactive until this virus is over. Officers are dying throughout the country. Dont let it happen here.

Anonymous said...

Driving through that shit hole the other day it was obvious citizens there couldn't care less about the ongoing pandemic. They were 20 seep on every corner and businesses were obviously still open. I suppose as usual they will have to be forced into compliance to do what's right in order to protect other's lives. Some people just will never get it together, even when given clear instruction on how how to do so.

Anonymous said...

I'd file punitive suits on each person there responsible that failed to give me protective equipment if I became sick or my family would should the worst occur because of their lack of action.

Anonymous said...

whats up former commander of I.A now Captain seen touching man at alternative night club

Anonymous said...

Can someone answer these questions?
1. Does Rockdale Sheriff still employ Dale Holmes?
2.Did Scoggins get a job with Rockdale after defending Dale H.?
3.Did Dekalb Command Staff issue PPE to Officers yet?
4.Did the service stripes change from 3 years to 2 years?
I seen a officer that was 51 years old with 14 service stripes.

Anonymous said...

Chief- why is the department slut shaming female officers?

Anonymous said...

This poorly organized group out of Fort Wayne,IN. Dekalb County you spent over 2 million dollars to hire this company to harass hard working people who are paying their health care premiums on time. You advertise your goal is to control the rising cost of health care.My problem with you was that I provided you with all documents such as marriage license and birth certificates. You still needed more documents....Really.....I pay on time, She is my wife and those are my children since the beginning. If you are looking for fraud...INVESTIGATE the obvious.

Anonymous said...

Oh my my my! It appears she took who wonderful leadership to your organization from Miami! We are truly sorry. It appears that a thorough background check was not conducted. There is a reason why she was called "Satan 6000!"

Anonymous said...

Tell us more about wallace and the alternative night club. Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Why is Dale Holmes a factor in DeKalb County? That virus is long gone, we have a new virus here, name Ramos! We need to concentrate on spraying her with some form of antibiotic spray! She and her little protege’ Strawberry hoe cake!