Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Retired Major K.D. Johnson speaks about the George Floyd case and what can be learned from it.


Anonymous said...

KD Johnson was one of Cedrick's Flunkies he does not know what he is talking about

Anonymous said...

Major Johnson was a racist himself,

Anonymous said...

Johnson was a joke for a Major, he kissed so much of Alexanders ass to get promoted he could tell you the man ate for dinner each night.

Anonymous said...

Didn't he steal gift cards from the communities that he swore to protect that were meant for the officers at south precinct? And he used them for his girlfriend? He was going to be demoted but chief Conroy overruled asst. Chief yarbro for just a written counseling because it didn't look good in the black community because he was black too. He also talked about white women should bend over for black men. He's a weird perverted person. Glad he's gone. He made me cry so many times.

Anonymous said...

Before you comment on the crying comment. Im a female officer.

Anonymous said...

But he made no statement in his list about what police should do, or about what penalties the police should face for breaking the law. You telling me to stay calm does not address the ingrained implicit biases of the police industry. White people are not being shot down in mass numbers by police.

Slamming Ethel said...

I remember a time in the 90s he went 1042 and drove straight to hot mamas apartment on EPDL. Soon after the ol girls boyfriend came home to see assholes and elbows running from the bedroom
Next thing I know 27 over his duty weapon and boyfriend got popped with said pistola.
Geez the 90s were fun rock on,,,,,,