Tuesday, October 6, 2020

 Chief Ramos is looking to get rid of the 4/3 work week and go back to a 5/2 work week. I hope she has thought about the effect it will have on morale with the troops. 


Anonymous said...

Chief Cardi B can’t be told anything and she does not care if she loses officers. When she gets rid of the 4/3 she will put morale at an all time low.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Son of a bee sting!

Anonymous said...

Boy the hits keep coming there. Enjoy your mon & tues off days.

Anonymous said...

She doesn’t care about morale! She makes her decisions, based off of her emotions. Whatever personality surfaces at the time, is what she sticks to. This is a woman who doesn’t have a good relationship, with her adult sons. She has to control this Department, as if we’re her personal robots.

Anonymous said...

Can someone from Miami Dade take her back. The offer is now 2 fully outfitted Tahoe to trade for her. Cmonnnn

Ricky Bobby said...

Well here's the deal, I’m the best there is. Plain and simple, when I wake up in the morning I piss excellence. Nobody can hang with my stuff. I’m just a big hairy American winning machine, you know? If you ain't first you're last.

Anonymous said...

Just heard major rutland ummm I mean captain rutland was demoted and sent away. I never understood why some people are so weak they let POWER go to their heads. She showed her ass in another county over a dispute. Funny how she always preached about doing the right thing and not doing stupid shit that showed the county in a negative light. Now her career is tarnished AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

This is Ramos idea, of repercussions? Demoting Rutland and keeping her in a specialized unit? Send her to animal control or to a precinct! Poor Special Services, I feel sorry for each and everyone of you. CEO Thurmond, why aren’t you taking control of this Department?

Miserable @ 150 said...

Chief Chunky Butt at Chamblee PD took away their "dupont schedule" after 20 years. He first said he wanted a study of schedules to be done. Once that was complete and 80% of officers said they wanted to keep it, he told all the sergeants that he wasn't changing it. Then a couple months later he changed it anyway. The officers here are absolutely miserable and morale falls further in the shitter everyday.

Anonymous said...

For those that were with the county or worked a 5/2 how will that work for us?

Anonymous said...

What does the tiny little department “Chamblee” have to do with DeKalb? We always set the standards!

Anonymous said...

Dekalb PD doesnt need to go to 5/2. If change has to be made, 12 hrs shifts but even then those arent ideal for Dekalb's call volume. Not a great idea for officer safety and health to be working Candler Rd or Memorial Drive for 5 days a week or 12 hours a day,not a great recipe at all. But yea having commisioners or a chief who had basic understaning of the ins and outs of the job of a patrol officer would help alot.

Anonymous said...

To answer anon’s 5:25. The 5/2 worked great. Every evening watch shift( at every precinct) had about 24 officers working.
And that was before we had take home cars so we had to drive our personal cars in 5 days a week.
Now you have take home cars and you will have more officers to divide the calls and you’ll always have backup on the 5/2.

Take care BIB