Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Since January 1,2021 Dekalb police has had 41 officers leave the department for other agencies and other jobs.  These officers are leaving for better pay, better benefits, and more opportunities. Dekalb County police offers the worst retirement and benefits package to offer in the entire Metro Atlanta area.  

After speaking with several of these officers they all have expressed the same sentiment. The county and department do not care about police officers or retaining good officers. They have expressed that the chief is the worst in the entire state of Georgia. 

Chief Ramos has made it very clear she does not care what the officers want or what they need. Several veteran officers have said she is the worst Chief that Dekalb county has ever had.

To add insult to injury the CEO is giving front line workers a box of girl scout cookies to show his appreciation, this is a joke and the officers are insulted by the gesture.

I am fearful of what is going to happen to Dekalb county police and for the citizens of Dekalb county with the current state of morale and the direction that the police department is headed.


Anonymous said...

All the police departments in metro Atlanta are in turmoil. It’s because of the internal and political leadership in place running these departments. You have elected officials running law enforcement to meet their own misguided ideas.

Anonymous said...

Those girl scout cookies are left over due to the pandemic because they couldn’t sell them!!

Anonymous said...

I know most departments across the country are losing good officers due to the current political and media police bashing, but Dekalb is a volcano waiting to explode. have never seen the department in such a low place and officers so unhappy.

Anonymous said...

Chief Ramos will be the demise of the Dekalb county police

Anonymous said...

that same SOD Lt threatened to write up an officer for not having his traffic vest zipped while on detail, he enjoys getting anyone he can in trouble and will cut your throat to make himself look good. he even goes after SGT's and other Lt's

Anonymous said...

Dekalb county does not care about morale or retaining good offices, the worst benefits package in the state, and the worst work environment of any agency.

Anonymous said...

Chief Cardi B only agenda is to find a job in Florida and move back, she hates Dekalb county and the officers who work for her.

Anonymous said...

wow, you guys are being mean to baby Huey, leave Albritton alone he can't help the fact that he is a snake and that no one likes him or respects him in the entire department.

Anonymous said...

all violent crimes, burglaries, homicides, thefts, and fatalities are at a record high for the year. We are losing officers faster than we can replace them and train them. but yet the command staff and the chief just want to blame the uniform officers and detectives for not working hard enough. the officers and detectives are constantly being told they will be written up for any mistake or any complaint that is received on them. yet we handle violent calls and work violent cases for 10 hours each day and do our best to just stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Call miami dade and see if they'll take her back.

Anonymous said...

FL just gave all their officers a $1,000.00 pandemic bonus.

Anonymous said...

Lt Albritton is Mitt Romney’s Mormon bitch

Anonymous said...

if we pay her the rest of her contract and let her take Curtis Williams her boy toy back to Florida with her will she leave Dekalb

Anonymous said...

Ramos is the worst chief in the entire state of Georgia, even worse than Victor Hill the criminal.

Anonymous said...

Albritton and Walter White are spineless kiss asses who only want to write sgts and officers up.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when liberal shitbag cops get rank.

Anonymous said...

Albritton hides behind his rank and just likes to bully people. he is a waste and should be put somewhere that he cant be a bully.

Anonymous said...

Well he has let everyone know he is smarter than the people who write the computer programs for the Department.

Anonymous said...

Albritton isn't even a shitbag cop....he's a FREAKIN' Idiot. Anytime he starts talking I've always just walked away.....no interest in what he has to say....and that Walter White fella...all I can say is Bless his heart...scared of his own shadow...I remember when Darren Newton came into the office with his STAR team traffic stop video...Oh dear lord, liability waiting to happen and this clown is telling war stories to his troops...only stories he can tell are ones where he ran away in FEAR.

Anonymous said...

Curtis Williams was promoted because he is Cardi B's lap dog and boy toy.

Anonymous said...

Albritton should write himself up for the way he drives his county car, he is reckless and speeds everywhere he goes.

Anonymous said...

We need a Union. Go ahead and threaten us with being fired. I don’t give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, I guess the department ought to follow your outstanding type of leadership? The kind where you hide behind a keyboard and spew verbal shit that shows your moronic idiot. Get away from our department if you have to constantly go on a keyboard tirade to grind your axe of perceived mistreatments and displeasure, talking garbage and untrue accounts of every Chief, Major, Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant. You really think people are influenced by your rhetoric and baby ass whining. I believe you are a sore looser who is unable to move forward in your law enforcement career because of disciplinary issues and action. Or maybe you were demoted because you lacked integrity and leadership skill and ability? Perhaps you don’t possess any intelligence or pack the gear to get past a promotional assessment? If you feel like this towards your employer, quit, retire, seek alcohol treatment. I find it very difficult to believe that you my friend are without any faults in your abilities, character or work history to where you feel you can cast the first stone of criticism. Grow up and become a part of a solution to what you think is oh so bad! If your just venting, go seek EAP or other help. You are a miserable and negative soul who contributes absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like someone struck a nerve with Lt. Albritton, he wants to call out an Anonymous poster, but yet he wrote his brave little comment as Anonymous as well. You are a joke Albritton and you are one of the worst supervisors that Dekalb Police has ever had.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the previous person was trying to say, but let's make some things clear. I have reached the rank I am happy with and my peers and the men and women that work for me seem to appreciate me. I feel that is because I am honest and I try to put them first. this department and county screws with us enough we do not need to screw each other as well. I have my troops back and I am not looking to write them up for petty bullshit nor use them to improve my status or rank.
yes, you might be a good test taker, ass kisser, or great at being a bully supervisor but that does not make you a good supervisor or give you the respect of your fellow officers. being a good human being and treating people with dignity and respect is what gains you respect. so keep doing what you are doing Albritton I am sure you will get to where you want in this cutthroat department, but just know this you have played your hand and shown your true colors and no respects you as a man or an officer.

Anonymous said...

with everyone telling the truth about Albritton, Cardi B is going to feel sorry for him and promote him just because he is disliked so much.

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me why director Lumpkin and the CEO is so scared of Ramos

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mirtha trying to GTFO DeKalb after burning it to the ground:

Anonymous said...

Mirtha is looking for a new job with Austin. Good luck and good riddance! Take Curtis Williams with you!


Anonymous said...

Look who has applied for police chief position in Austin, Texas! Came out today, June 29th., in the article in DECATURISH and the TUCKER OBSERVER.. George Chidi wrote about this.......

Anonymous said...

Can we get some traffic enforcement at I-20 and Wesley Chapel where even news is reporting issues? DAMN!