Monday, March 7, 2022

 The Dekalb CEO and the commissioners passed what they are calling a 6% pay raise for first responders and a $3,000.00 retention bonus. They also are telling the public they want to offer a better retirement.

Here is the truth as to what they are doing, the 6% is not an actual raise or pay increase it is the covid incentive pay they have been receiving for the past two years that was given by the Federal Government, not Dekalb county.

They have done nothing as for better retirements or better benefits packages, Dekalb still pays more for its insurance than any other agency in the state, and Dekalb county contributes less than any other County or City in the State.

The $1,000.00 dollar bonus that Governor Kemp gave to all first responders in the state of Georgia, still has not been given to the Dekalb County first responders even though Dekalb received the funds months ago. Dekalb is letting the money gain interest in an account for the benefits of the commissioners and CEO.


Anonymous said...

this is why we have had 21 officers resign since January of this year, Dekalb is in the worst shape of any agency in the state.

Anonymous said...

Ramos is only happy if she knows that morale is low and things are in chaos.

Anonymous said...

if you want results and changes you must let the citizens of the county know the truth. Tell everyone you meet about the corruptness and the way the county is being ruined. you cant strike but you can have the citizens vote everyone out and start over with honest people.

Anonymous said...

you cant strike but you can call in sick on the same day at the same time with blue flu symptoms.

Anonymous said...

I did not believe the things I was reading on this blog, I made it a point to go to an event and I tried to meet Chief Ramos to ask her about our police department. I was shocked by her demeanor and I saw her talking very rude to some of her officers, she did not have time for me and acted like I was a bother. I do believe she might be one of the problems for the county.

Anonymous said...

This county is a sinking ship. The department will become SO eventually . Leave now. Freeze your pensions. If your lucky with having the old pension. look what happened to Fulton co. You’re next !

Anonymous said...

Awesome post about the fake raise. DeKalb County is Filthy and Corrupt. Why would anyone want to sacrifice their sanity, family or your physical well-being for these awful Politicians, Chief, Sheriff, or D.A.

Anonymous said...

Dekalb S.O. Is paying65 dollars an hour for court room duty. It’s from a federal grant that they received, you can’t make this stuff up can you….

Anonymous said...

Dekalb County has the most corrupt leaders in the state, our county is in the shambles

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 7, 2022 at 8:53 pm

I say let's become SO. Wouldn't that mean everyone gets a pay raise????

Anonymous said...

Swipe in, swipe out, go home. Only do so until you can leave for a better job. Do not do anything extra for this joke of a department. Everyone should be calling out Bumbling Banks, Passive Padrick and Idle Ivanof as well as Ramos the Retched for ruining DKPD. If you have less than 10 years here, don't stay a minute longer!

Anonymous said...

If they are holding that 1,000 that's theft by deception, and are grounds for charges. Please email and inquire about the bonus GBI can start investigating someone would be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Ivanoff has followed in Yarbrough's footsteps and has become a spineless puppet for Ramos and turned his back on the officers of this department.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in Ivanoff but at least he does not hide the fact he will not back you or stand up for you. At least he does not use religion to act like a person with morals and standards then turn around and lie and do people dirty just to please the Chief. Yarbrough was so fake he did not recognize himself when he left and tried to act all high and mighty all the time.

Anonymous said...

wow .... I can't believe how bad this place has become and how miserable the entire department is. I don't think this place will last much longer at the rate it is falling.

Anonymous said...

so I hear Shierling is leaving soon and will be the Major at Stockbridge police, I hear he is taking about 10 officers with him to start up the department.

Anonymous said...

is Shierling taking Biggs with him????

Anonymous said...

Many of these same "superiors" will negatively speak of those they claim to serve in private and do an about-face when in their presence. These are the same type of people that would be charged with treason in wartime. Remember, anyone that will sell their very own integrity will sell this country or anything else for that matter to the highest bidder. They are not quality people you need to subject yourself to professionally or personally. Make better choices for your future.

Anonymous said...

sid and specialized positions can't be filled because no one wants to go and be overworked, CID is losing detectives to the DA office and TSU is losing half of their unit in 3 months.

Anonymous said...

tell me how a PO1 just off probation can apply for TSU, who does she know in the command staff. she needs to do her time on the road before going to cid.

Anonymous said...

yes please leave Cardi B you can even take your boy toy Curtis Williams with you.

Anonymous said...

Dekalb has always been a soap opera. But you guys need a blue flu and or stop writing all tickets and leak it to the news to get the BOC to listen to you.

Anonymous said...

Shierling can’t take Biggs with him. She’s the reason he has to retire! His wife wasn’t playing those games anymore.

Anonymous said...

since January 29 officers have resigned, my god what is it going to take for the CEO to open his eyes and realize this place is in a crisis.

Anonymous said...

why do we need TSU let GSP handle the fatalities and each precinct cid handle the hit and runs, put those detectives back on the road or just move them to the step unit?

Anonymous said...

the lack of leadership in this department and the blatant disregard for officer safety and well-being both physically and mentally is a shame.

Anonymous said...

I wish the officers could just once join together and put all differences aside and stand as one to show the commissioners its time for change and we are not taking any more of the B/S

Anonymous said...

Cheif Cardi B needs to leave
Cheif Cardi B needs to leave
Cheif Cardi B needs to leave

Anonymous said...

Cmon miami dade pd. We'll trade you 3 brand new Tahoes if you'll take back Cardi b.

Anonymous said...

maybe Shierling will take the other Biggs he swings both ways right....

Anonymous said...

We can't do a blue flu on tickets when we always have 10 calls pending and special ops is always working food drives. Something needs to change or we're going to be facing a crisis like nothing this county has seen before. Ramos is a cancer that is killing this department.

Anonymous said...

The media really needs to know the truth about how bad things are in this department and they need to know the truth about how many officers we really have. The fake numbers that the Chief and her minions are telling people are lies.

Anonymous said...

I just celebrated my 5 year anniversary with the department along with two other of my academy mates. WE celebrated by applying with other agencies. I gave Dekalb a try and 100% effort but I can't work for a place that has this many problems and has nothing to offer for retirement or for career development.

Anonymous said...

why work for a department that does not care about you, go somewhere they appreciate your hard work and have better pay and benefits.

Anonymous said...

Dear baby Jesus please help Chief Cardi B find a new job and get hired by a department in Miami amen.

Bobo said...

Old retired guy here. Sorry to hear about the problems within the department. Just stay safe and watch each other’s back. Was surprised to see Curtis Williams name in a comment. He was a worthless punk when I retired in 2003. Guess he never learned anything.

Anonymous said...

How about this hot tea and apple pie:
All officers that have left, retired or transferred since February can’t be paid their earned COVID-19 accruals because “CV360 wasn’t programmed to pay out for that pay code”

This BS is like reading the funny papers everyday! When calling HR, they say that “they” have been given instructions but can’t disclose what the instructions are…

Anonymous said...

Looks like Capt. Rutland going to be a Major again but in the DeKalb Marshall Office , you just can’t make this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Curtis Williams has learned plenty, he knows how to be a good lapdog for Chief Cardi B, this man should have been fired on several different occasions but has always had someone looking out for him in the command staff.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the Marshall office but I am glad Rutland is going.

Anonymous said...

Rutland has gone through all the men in the PD now she will try the Marshall office.

Anonymous said...

Williams is a snitch for Ramos and Lumpkin he plays them against each other

Anonymous said...

we just lost three more officers, so that's 34 since January that have resigned.

Anonymous said...

Do stand by. More leaving in quick succession. I will be another.