Monday, May 2, 2022

 Dekalb needs to look at this, the pay and the benefits are better than what Dekalb offers. the other small city and large county departments have similar or even better benefits than this as well. 

You do not need a marketing firm to get good people just pay them better and offer them better benefits. 


Anonymous said...

I am applying with Brookhaven police the pay is better, but if that does not work maybe I will go to Stockbridge. I just know I am not staying here any longer.

Anonymous said...

I called around to other agencies in the metro area and it is true, Dekalb has the worst benefits to offer than any other agency. the cost of our insurance is double all the other departments. not to mention our pay is about 25% lower than the other departments. so why am i wasting my time here i am leaving with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Michael Thurmond and the county commissioners are dirty politicians, they do not care about the police or fire department and they will never change how they abuse and treat them.

Anonymous said...

Michael Thurmond will be remembered as the worst CEO in Dekalb county's history, he hired a police chief that destroyed the police department. he kept her after she said she wanted to go somewhere else because she could not do anything else for Dekalb.

Anonymous said...

Michael Thurmond is very dirty and corrupt, he runs the county with smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

no one should come to work for DeKalb this place is the worst run county in the united states.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's time for the Governor to step in since Dekalb has proven incapable of policing itself, much less surrounding community. The rest of metro Atlanta is suffering because of it.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, did anyone expect anything different from a Liberal, Democrat run County government, with a left wing liberal command staff. I'm soooo freakin' surprised that any of you are surprised. Just Ask Vernon, he'll tell you. Just had the conversation with him last week.

Anonymous said...

so here is a serious question, Dekalb had over 600 officers when Ramos was hired, now they have about 430 does anyone with intelligence not see a problem here. Why is the CEO not inquiring about the loss of manpower and the low morale in the department?
I think the Governor should have the GBI look at the corruption in Dekalb and get rid of the problem or start charging people for the crimes that are being committed.

Anonymous said...

Dekalb has been corrupt for years, the police Department will not survive at the rate it is going.

Anonymous said...

Thurmond and the commissioners along with the police and Fire chief have ruined this county. all of them are corrupt and lying politicians.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint everyone here that thinks the current administration is what ruined this Department. For those that have been with the department longer than yesterdays lunch should know this agency has been on a constant downward spiral of corruption and disregard for employee health for at least 15 years if not longer. Command staff doesn’t really care because they already have one foot out the door and just wanna coast through their last few years and commissioners don’t care, well they just never have because there isn’t anything in it for them. My best guess is it started right around the time they took away the 5% yearly raise.