Monday, May 9, 2022

 Dekalb Police is in CRISIS, due to the shortage of certified officers and the inability to keep good officers Chief Ramos is being forced to make drastic changes in the department.

An email was sent out on 05-09-2022 to all the uniform division shifts asking them to vote on changing to a 5/2 work schedule or a 12-hour work schedule. The Chief wants answers by 1:00 pm on 05-10-2022.

This was prompted by the lack of response to a shooting where multiple people were injured and shot, Dekalb did not have enough officers working to handle the situation properly. This will cause more officers to leave because none of them want to change from what they currently work.

Instead of fixing the real problem with the department, which is bad pay and bad benefits, they choose to punish the officers they still have working for them. 


Anonymous said...

Michael Thurmond is a lying piece of shit, while speaking at the officer memorial today he took the opportunity to tell bald-faced lies about the department. he stated that DeKalb was the best-paid department in the state with the best benefits to offer. this was not the place nor time to make political lies, this just proves even more that the leaders of DeKalb county do not give a shit about the officers.

Anonymous said...

if we change to different working hours and days i know a lot of people who will leave.

Anonymous said...

Michael Thurmond and Chief Ramos will be the two worst people to have ever run the county and the department.

Anonymous said...

Citizens of DeKalb. If you're wondering why response times are so long,it's because our department is a sinking ship due to Ramos. She has killed morale and people can't leave fast enough. What kind of chief doesn't show up to the scene of a triple homicide? What kind of message does that send? She doesn't care about DeKalb citizens or officers. Whats in it for her is all she cares about.

Speaking facts said...

I hope you guys voted for 12 hours, or it's going to get ugly.....

Anonymous said...

Honestly 12 hr shifts are likely the only thing that will help uniform right now. Our selfish chief, CEO, and Commisioners have allowed the department to descend into free fall by refusing to grant raises and introducing toxic policies. The result are evening watches running on average 7 people with some nights only running 5 or 6. This puts officers under a tremendous amount of stress and personal danger.

Eliminating a watch and rolling all those people into two watches will greatly help to get significantly more officers on the road. On top of this schedules can be attuned to working one weekend on, one weekend off. Thus helping to eliminate burnout of officers going three plus changeover without a single weekend day off.

However, switching to a 5/2 will likely be the death of this place. Adding an additional work day for officers won't help manpower and it will further add stress to uniform officers causing them to leave in greater numbers.

Anonymous said...

That last part about most officers not wanting a change in schedule seems to be very inaccurate. 90% uniform officers I've spoken to have all stated they would rather work a 12hr shift.

The majority of the chatter against 12 hr shift seems to be coming from people in administrative positions and those who are not responsible with responding to and handling 911 calls. Hence why the 5/2 seems to be so popular with administrators.

Anonymous said...

working 12-hour shifts will not allow officers to work part-time jobs on the days they work for the county. it will be restricted to off days only.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous May 10, 2022 at 12:51 PM, clearly the 90% of uniform officers you spoke to don’t work south, East or now tucker. Who ever would chose a 12 hour shift in Dekalb over a 10 is insane. Remember there wont be a 2 hour buffer at the end of the shift where you do nothing, you’re working a full 12 hours from start to finish. And I’ll guarantee by the end of the 1st month all Lt’s and above are going to do it put all that extra man power on special and not really helping handle calls so officers still get burnt out. All you young officers still here GO TO BROOKHAVEN, DUNWOODY, ALPHARETTA or something comparable. At least in those departments working 12 hour shifts you’re going to do half as much and get paid way better.

Anonymous said...

After working 12 hour shifts it's like having a blood alcohol level of .08. It's not safe. It turns into a 15 hour + day. Do the studies.

Anonymous said...

The pictures from the memorial shows all the command Staff needs to push away from the table. Curtis's fat face looks like he ate a bee sandwich. Patrick and Medlin look like they can play Santa with the bill belly. Hahahah

Is Banks wife still in federal prison for stealing?

Anonymous said...

After working 12 hour shifts it's like having a blood alcohol level of .08. It's not safe. It turns into a 15 hour + day. Do the studies.

Anonymous said...

It could be worse....I remember the day when we worked a 5-2 and you rotated back one day every other month, which means it took 8 months to get weekends off again once you rolled out and not to mention the 28 day cycle. You ask what is the 28 day cycle- well let me enlighten you young buckaroos, It meant you had to work 28 straight days with no holiday or vacation day to get any overtime pay you worked during that time and it would come on your check the following month after that 28 day work cycle....yea da good ol'days.

Anonymous said...

12 hours is a long day

Anonymous said...

Being at an agency outside of Dekalb, 12 hour shifts aren't bad at all. However, 12 hours with Dekalb's call volume is a whole nother ball game. Definitely better than 5/2 and officers still should beable to work part times on workdays if the county is smart, just cap it at cant work more than 16-18 hours a day...

Anonymous said...

Michael Thurmond is afraid it will make him look bad if he fires Ramos because he is the one who chose her. He does not want an egg on his face, but what he does not realize is you can wash the egg off of your face, but you can never get rid of the tarnished reputation of being the CEO that sank the Dekalb police department.

Anonymous said...

Thurmond chose Ramos after just meeting her for a weekend at a NOBLE conference, must have been some weekend to make such a stupid decision for a police chief. I think he is used to having his face covered with something, that is why she is still here.

Anonymous said...

Dekalb will never recover from the damage done by Ramos and Thurmond, it is too late for him to fix what has been done. he went from a hero with the school board to zero with the county. he is a liar and a corrupt politician.

Anonymous said...

Officers better be careful after they go to the 12-hour shift, the avail and rocket will be monitored very closely to make sure they are not working extra jobs or working more than 14 hours in a 24-hour period. just another way to write officers up.

Anonymous said...

is the 12 hour just for uniform division, what is CID, Training, and SOD going to work?

Anonymous said...

yeh, thanks to Durham all avail and rockets will be monitored very closely. yet she gets away with all she has done because she is close to Ramos.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed how much time Chief Ramos is absence from the county? Maybe the writing is on the wall, it's time to go! It will take years for this department to recover from the damage caused by her, the public safety director and the CEO. Question; why do we have a PSD? Can anyone tell me one benefit?

Anonymous said...

we have a Public Safety Director because he is a fraternity brother of the CEO, and the CEO is looking out for him. The true colors of the CEO have been exposed by his lies and incompetence in running the county and picking the worst Police Chief in the entire state of GA.

Anonymous said...

Actually she wasn't even a Police Chief in the State of Georgia or even a police officer in Georgia for that, soooo much for that comparison, but Good Job at bringing our attention to it!!

Anonymous said...

I really hate it for my fellow DKPD Officers, but damn if I’m not ecstatic to have left that place! It’s an absolute toxic environment with that incompetent Chief & CEO….They are both cancers that have permeated all levels of DKPD! They don’t give af about Officers, period! THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT FATTENING THEIR POCKETS! Officers are leaving and continue to leave the county at record paces (& rightfully so) and it’s only gonna get worse. I applaud those who have left, like myself because we realized that there are greener pastures elsewhere. DKPD is one of the lowest paying and most stressful agencies to work for. Add to that we deal with the worst crime and a budding younger criminal that doesn’t respect, care or have any love for us! Yet, we go out and for the most part, all give this job everything we have only to be under appreciated, over worked, underpaid and over disciplined for stupid sh%t. Meanwhile the CEO & Chief are playing PR with the media & the public with all their lies. At some point when the number of Officers dip below 350 (and it will) it’s gonna be a really bad and unsafe summer because crime will skyrocket to an uncontrollable level with not enough uniforms to respond, and the worst part about what I’m saying is all the purps know it! It’s too bad common sense hasn’t prevailed to fix the glaring problems within DKPD! Fire the Chief! Fire the CEO & bring in people who get it! Pay Officers a decent & livable salary with better retirement benefits like other agencies have done and continue to do & I guarantee you won’t have Officers leaving in droves. And stop with the “we have take home cars” BS, every agency does for the most part! But, keep doing what you’ve been doing since hiring this Chief and well, just know that that misnomer about once a DKPD Officer leaves for another agency, they always come back, those days are long gone! Get out of there and find some sanity with a department that actually cares, pays better, has better benefits because as presently constructed, DKPD is no longer the place to be anymore. Above all be safe and Gd be with you all!

Unknown said...

DeKalb Police have always been treated unfairly by the County and the Fed. Government. The Fair Labor and Standards act states O/T for all over 40 hours. A joke. We didn't get O/T/ until around 1980 and the County fought it for 6 months. And how about the 1/2 hour unpaid time required each work day for shift overlap. What other job ( I don't call it a profession because you can't take your experience and rank across jurisdictions) requires you to show up 2 & 1/2 hours every week for no pay? Strange to me, the old timers in higher ranks resented us finally winning O/T/. Maloof stated: "Why, we can't pay police and firemen O/T. It would break the county." At the same time, he was making land deals around Stonecrest Mall construction. I always was glad when the new guys got more out of this cheap county than us.
If I hadn't invested so much time for my retirement check, I would not have spent 5 minutes there.

Anonymous said...

What happen to the 1k that Kemp gave public safety? I guess the BOC forgot it…or did Ramos just lie like she usually does??

Anonymous said...

Hey Ramos the 1k?? Well at least that’s what you said in your email….looks like IA needs to step in for untruthfulness…

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chief Cardi B needed that money for her trip to DC with Curtis Williams, that is why no one received the 1k she said would be on the 20th.

Anonymous said...

I was going to donate my 1k to the Durham defense fund but looks like she won't need it nothing is going to happen to her.

Anonymous said...

lol what did durham do ?

Anonymous said...

Henry County S.O. is hiring. I hear they are looking to build their special operations units.

Anonymous said...

go read all the previous posts and you will see what Durham did. the short version is she stole from the county lied about working and turned in overtime sheets for days she sat at home and never went to work.