New Dekalb CEO Lorraine Cochran Johnson has many changes planned for Dekalb Public Safety.
Restoring morale and making changes in the command staff for the different departments are some of the first things she wants to do.
This blog page was established so DeKalb County Police Officers including their family and friends may have a place to hold discussions, post news and vent without fear of retribution.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to create a post on this thread because something needs to be said. This chief has completely ruined our department, and action is necessary. The morale is dead, and it’s going to take a lot to get this department back alive. Everybody is scared of this lady. While I’m glad the new CEO has plans for changes, we shouldn’t have had to wait for someone new to take charge; we were supposed to stand together. I’ve been with this department for 7 years and regret coming here. The leadership is a joke from top to bottom. No one has your back, and it’s sad. I’ll be moving to a different state in 2 years, and I can’t wait. I’m just trying to push through.
I pray something is done soon. It's depressing coming to work.
She needs to tell Thurmond to stop Ramos from making any more changes to department. Since the election she's been on a rampage destroying the department. Everything she's done since the election needs to be rescinded.
I hope they actually search for a police chief that is qualified to run a department the size of DeKalb. I’m just afraid it will be someone that she appoint due to either friendship or political connections. How many chiefs have we have in the last 20 years.
It likely to change every 4 years with new elected CEO’s . They run the department Chief’s are just figure heads.
I often wonder why the Fire Chief remains secure in his position.
Then we have Public Safety Directors.
I understand the only real Chief’s of Police were F. D. Hand and R.T. Burgess years ago.
Then we have Public Safety Directors same criteria for them too.
I completely agree with the first comment. This chief will go down as the worst in Dekalb County history. Everything that’s happened is on the CEO, commissioners, and us as officers. When she starts making changes, I hope she begins with Tucker and South precincts. Tucker has some of the laziest officers who call out all the time and barely work when they’re on the clock and leadership just allows it. I heard South has captains and lieutenants lying and changing reports to appease the chief . Leave if you can. So many good officers left because of her.
I agree with the both post, she has torn this department up and know Iknow had the balls to stand against her. I blame CEO THURMAN, he knew what was going on and did nothing as officers by the hundreds left every year. DKPD will neve rebound from this. I have heard a few names as candidates for the new the new chief and of all them I think Anita Fraser would be the best, yes she does have a tough attitude but she is fair. The fact that the current chief has been over zealous with her punishment to officers is an understatement, but how else was she gonna keep people from leaving. I been here over 20 yrs, and Ramos by far is the worst Chief. Deklab County has a serious crisis between the Sheriff's department and PD this is the worst I have ever seen the county at. I have watched several interviews and debates with the incoming CEO and by far she was the best choice. I hope that she will talk to officers and make the best decisions for DKPD.
Chief Ramos has killed the motivation for officer performance in catching street crime.
I am so tired of so many people saying Michael Thurmond was a great CEO and did a lot of good for the county. Michael Thurmond was one of the worst CEOs we have ever had. He played games with the public and the media, he did not care about any employee of Dekalb County, especially for fire and police. He allowed Ramos to ruin a damn good police department and run a lot of good officers off. Dekalb County is full of dirty crooked politicians sitting on the board of commissioners and making themselves rich while the rest of us struggle to get by. I cant get my hopes up for the next CEO until I see actual progress and betterment of Dekalb county.
Ramos is the most egotistical backstabbing person I have ever met, she enjoys making people miserable because she is miserable herself. There is a reason she is her age and single no one wants to be with a wretched human being.
We really need to start making some noise about what’s going on in our department. There has to be a way for us to make our voices heard. Maybe we should start by sending emails to the CEO, commissioners, and the director. If you’re worried about retaliation, we could have someone not associated with the PD send it from an anonymous email.
I remember someone tried to organize a call-out about two years ago, but that didn’t work out. What can WE do now? I know she probably won’t be with DeKalb much longer, but we owe it to ourselves and other departments to speak up and prevent the same mistakes from happening elsewhere.
There are so many people in power who can speak up(Rutland) ,but are too busy kissing up to care. Many of you so-called leaders have the power to stand together but are too afraid of losing your title. You’ve let your titles change you and forgotten about the people at the bottom. You’ve lost your heart and integrity and don’t deserve to be in these positions.
It’s time for us to take a stand and demand accountability. Let’s figure out how we can do this together.
Marc Miller should be referred to 1310 not supervising it.
I remember DKPD was one of the agencies I wanted to work at other than Cobb or Gwinett but this was years ago. A top notch agency and one of the best in Georgia. Sorry to see it go the way it has. One solution is to consolidate with the Sheriff Office for manpower issues. It may make a difference to help..
I'm curious what changes y'all would recommend to make the Department better. Let's throw out some ideas.
1.Obviously Ramos needs to go far, far away. But, who replaces her and benefits the Department the most?
2. The Asst Chiefs have shown they're more interested in their paycheck than they are standing up for their people. Do they all need to be replaced? Are any of them worth keeping? If we demote them, who fills their spots?
3. The effectiveness and morale of this Department hinges on it's leadership. Mad Mirtha has promoted morons, demoted good leaders and used transfers as a form of punishment - moving effective leaders/officers from specialized positions or from precinct to precinct because she cant her emotions. What changes can be made here for the betterment of the Department?
I’m with you 100% Ramos has to go, and not just go, but far, far away. If I could, I’d send her far away from any police department.But getting rid of her is just the start. We also need to clean house with the assistant chief and the director. The assistant chief has been signing off on suspensions, demotions, and transfers that never should have happened. It’s because he’s too afraid to lose his position.
DeKalb County is in bad shape, and we desperately need strong leadership to revive it. Honestly, I think every leader at headquarters and every precinct needs to be replaced. Name ONE leader at any precinct that’s standing up for their officers..I’ll wait.
Let me just say this, don’t trust anyone in a leadership position. They’re more worried about their own job and money than having your back. Be careful who you confide in.
Is all of what both of you said true? Yes unfortunately it is. DeKalb County Police Department promotes supervisors (not leaders) by a written test, then graded by a very different outside agency that isn't even familiar with the laws in the state of Georgia, then whatever the test scores were get sent to Decatur and a list is crafted that is known to not be based on anything about the test scores anyways (race, gender, age, controllability). It's not like the typical supervisor has some incredible skill set that someone 2 or 3 positions lower couldn't do that job.
Do I know the answers, no. I would start with who does their job well and shows up on time and has the respect of their peers and subordinates.
Dick Hand was Da Bomb.... Great administrator. We had the best equipment and the pay was relatively good. Of course, that was before Manuel Maloof when we had a good Bd of Comms.
Captains and Lieutenants LYING and CHANGING REPORTS????? That would be hard to believe. Maybe, notify Randy Travis about that!
If you find that hard to believe, then you probably don’t work for DeKalb. I personally and anonymously requested open records on two officers who were suspended and demoted, and what I discovered was truly eye-opening. Unfortunately, I heard that Randy Travis won’t do a report on her. If you look back at blog comments from early last year, someone mentioned that she apparently has some type of agreement with them.
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