Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good News For a Change!

Master Police Officers did receive a pay bonus! It appears they received an upfront bonus check and will receive a supplemental check for the next 17 months,
Good for them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the words of the Joker - "Riddle me this, Batman..." How does someone get a raise and see less in his paycheck?

He works for Dekalb PD!

Semi good news.

The MPO's were happy to see the retention bonus, but when it runs out, it's done.

It's not a raise and they are back to paying increased pension costs and increased health insurance with the same paycheck.

When it runs out, they'll be back to seeing a Merit Increase followed by a greater increase in Pension and Health Insurance costs.

How is it that you can get a raise and take home less than you did the previous year?