Thursday, October 23, 2008

Captain T.D. Williams, South Precinct transferred to School Crossing Guards

Looks like Tebo is at it again. It appears Captain Williams has pissed of Major Curtis Williams and has been banished to school crossing guards.

Captain Williams has been promoted through the ranks on his on merits. Major Williams was double promoted from lieutenant to major by Tebo as reward for being Vernon’s driver.

Maybe Captain Williams said “no” in a room full of “yes” men.

The Madness Continues


Anonymous said...

This is about par for this place. Captain Williams is not a political person. He does his job, takes the promotional test and gets prompted without the benefit of a reach out.

Bolton and his cronies must have discovered Captain Williams is competent in a regime run by incompetent people.

Anonymous said...

So we have a Captain and MPO running the school crossing guard unit. This unit has been operating under the direction of an MPO for many years. It runs very well under this leadership. Now we need a Captain and MPO? This is a sign of punishment. It will not be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Time is short and I can't find anyone who can help me......

I want be Vernon's next driver and I still don't know who I should send my "Request for Transfer" to.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, you need knee pads and a fondness for a salty taste for that transfer not a "transfer request form".

I never got the chance to work for Captain Williams but had been on a few scenes with him. He led from the front and did it right. Reminds me of Chief Burroughs, another man who got the job done with class and was not rewarded for it.

dedicateddkpd said...

Captain Williams can hold his head high like many others that have been mistreated. The day is coming where some will have to answer for their actions. I am not talking about those that used to wear a APD uniform, have cocktails in bars, or moved here from Texas.

No, I'm talking about the ones who have quietly sat by and watched this happen. Some of you have actually participated in the mistreatment. Shame on all of you. Your actions show a lack of integrity and frankly you disgust me. Your day of reckoning is coming and what a rejoiceful day it shall be.

Anonymous said...

I would say to these CHIEFS on the COMMAND STAFF stand up and tell him that these are mistakes on these type transfers. Sorry I forgot he appointed all of you. I wonder how many demoted Chiefs can we have working Communications and Animal Control , School Crossing.
They don't have a Captain in our Police Vehicle Fleet.
Is Tipp a Major?

Anonymous said...

Captain Williams,
I will follow your leadership into any situation. You are from the old school , when we were a proud police department. I thank you for everything you have done for the officers and the department. This will pass and things should return to old school next year. God Speed.

Anonymous said...

You will be punished if you disagree with the current administration. and I respect the supervisors who stand up for principle. I hope you will be rewarded when this is resolved. I will follow you and many others who stood up to this Chief.

Anonymous said...

I saluted Captain Williams as a true leader, not only on your morals but as an Officer Of DeKalb County Police Department.

Anonymous said...

As the movie goes.......My Captain.My Captain.

Anonymous said...

I worked for Captain Williams for the time he was at South. He is an awesome leader and a quality person. On many nights he would answer as many calls as the line units, and the first time I heard 302 go out on a traffic stop I was like "Who?". In my last big 27, he was the first backup on scene -- how many other captains are even out of the precinct on a regular basis?


Anonymous said...

I'm hearing that WizMiller will be coming back as the Director of Public Safety.

I've never worked for him or for that matter even met him, but I developed a lot of respect for him when he public called a spade a spade when asked by the local media about Flemister's kid hitting the ground.

I also hear the chief may keep his title but lose all his authority.

Let the justice flow! The high and mighty will be demoted.....the ethical and professional will be rescued.

Retirement is in the air!

I love the smell of integrity and professionalism! Its been sorely missed at DKPD.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I worked for Cpt Williams when he was a LT at Tucker Pct. I was a rookie officer and remember him always working the morning watch hours. That's back in the day when they would allow the PCT to work HIDTA.(High Intense Drug Traffic Area) I would work OT on the morning watch hours doing HITDA. Cpt Williams would do moe traffic stops than some of the officer under his watch. Now you will have your HATERS who will say if he making traffic stops then how is he leading? I will tell you, LEADING BY EXAMPLE! Maybe some of you should try it.