Tuesday, October 28, 2008

News from the pumps

It appears Bolton has now severed all ties to all past administrations. All pre-Bolton command staff members have now been forced to resign, demoted or transfered. They have been replaced with recently promoted yes men from within the department or bring overs from the Atlanta Police Department.

The word is, the latest victims will be the commander of Major Crimes, Captain Steve Waites, and the commander of Property Crimes, Captain Allen Blaisdell. The blue order should be out Friday moving them out of their current assignments. They are the last two to fall victim to Bolton and his kingdom building.

In addition to the transfers, look for the promotion of Major Denson (Atlanta bring over) to Deputy Chief, two(2) sergeants to be promoted to lieutenant and five (5) master patrol officers to be promoted to sergeant.

The madness continues!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well have you thought that they will make Majors, which are appointed position with more pay to these slots. I'm trying to figure what Captain they would transfer to replace Captain Waits and Blaisdell.
Guess what they are all in punishment mode. Start looking for either outsiders or someone below the rank of Captain moving up. That would not surprise me or anyone else. Does Animal Control have a Captain coming soon?

Has this department hit the bottom yet?