Tuesday, November 18, 2008

News From the Pumps

Spend It Now!

Each precinct along with Animal Control receives donated money from various businesses throughout the county. This allows each precinct to buy whatever is needed, i.e. a refrigerator for a break room, Christmas dinners for the troops etc without having to go before the commissioners for small purchases. Of course the purchase does have to be approved through the chain of command.

Today, Chief Bolton directed an email be sent to each commander ordering them to deplete their “slush fund” by 1:00 PM today.

We ask why deplete it? This money is usually on hand year round.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Slush funds?????... Money?????

I've never heard of these slush funds. I've been told that civilian groups stopped by and physically brought holiday spreads, but I've never heard of one being paid for with a slush fund.

Where has the money been spent? How much was or is it?

I don't see any new items in the break room. I don't see a pot of fresh coffee at roll call, etc....

Was it used to replenish the voluntary flower/retirement fund?

Where did the money go and how much was there?

Anonymous said...

I guess he wants to leave the police department broke before CEO Ellis comes to office.