Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bolton continues his antics even during the Holidays

Usually during this time of year, we envision manger scenes, reindeer and Santa Claus, not clowns.

Today, on Christmas Eve, Bolton called an emergency press conference in response to us pointing out the rise in crime compared to last year. Bolton said “You’re talking about a turmoil- and scandal-ridden department that we’ve turned around in the past two years,” Who is he kidding? This department has hit rock bottom. Often people comment that we were better off under Graham!

TeBo claims his department “could spin into major trauma and possibly collapse” if some of the recommendations of CEO-elect Burrell Ellis’ transition committee are put into place. Bolton is referencing moving Animal Control and Code Enforcement out from control of the police department. I’m sorry, I just don’t get it.

Crime has been dramatically on the increase over the last 2 years under Bolton’s inadequate leadership. He thinks because of him, the department has been involved in 2 officer involved shootings as compared to 12 last year. Sorry, TeBo, all but one of those shootings was justified. Think maybe the word is out not to point a gun at a DeKalb County Police Officer?

Crime was down for November. That’s November folks, not the year. Bolton’s response is "When you look at the trends, everything is going the right way,” All crime is up, the numbers don’t lie, no matter how hard Bolton tries to spin them. Could it be Bolton is delusional?

After the news conference, Bolton was whisked away to the airport to catch a plane to Texas to spend the holidays with his family while we all stay here and work. Of course one of the luxuries that come with being part of the command staff is having holidays off, but they usually live in the same state, much less city.



Anonymous said...

Slamin Ethel says Tebo is an idiot if he really thinks crime is down. I have been an officer for years and years now and I can honsetly say I have never seen so many calls pending on a daily basis that wait for hours for an officer to show up. If the citizens could or CEO elect would just pull a record of some sort ?? through opens records act they too would see anywhere from 10-20 calls pending at any given precinct not just one of the five. Im at the point I want to take a picture myself of the KDT as proof and show someone who cares. The lack of officers on the street amazes me. So go forth Webster and enjoy Dallas we will not miss you, Heck maybe we will get lucky and you wont come back. Merry X,mas

Anonymous said...

What's the "suggested" punishment for insubordination and talking to the media?

Sounds like someone is being publicly insubordinate to his new boss.

Is this a premptive strike before the New Year? Bolton must have learned from his experience in Dallas.

Problem is....if it looks like a duck...and it quacks like a duck. Oh you know the rest.

Anonymous said...

Well he is in Dallas for the Holidays, we can only hope that he stays and does not return. That would make things more simple. He will call lawyers and try and defend himself as a Chief who is qualified to lead this department. We all know that he will take the sword , have we heard this before. Look out Dallas here we come.

Anonymous said...

The comment that was made about the 911 phone and computer system not working was because the new Digital Radio System was not up is totally and completely false. One has nothing to do with the other, and that shows that the Chief has no idea what is going on in his Department, nor does he know anything about technology, and does not take the recommendations of the ones that do. Where I see the problem is that when the Center moved, they tried to do too much at one time with both a new phone system and new CAD system that was not properly burned in and tested because everyone was in such a damned hurry to get in there. Now you have the last person who knows anything about CAD fixing to retire which leaves no one that is knowlegable about it. The persons that knew the phone systems retired in May, so that leaves that also.

The radio system is a whole different story. There are numerous problems that are not part of the system such as FCC licensing, problems with historical sites (East Precinct), and Motorola dragging their feet. That does not help when the existing system is on it's last leg, and the other problem is that all of these systems are in need of priority help. If Vern had not had his head up his a** and stopped the consulting program with the retirees, I believe that we would have been a WHOLE lot farther along with the knowledgeable folks helping us. And this goes back a few years.

So Chief, you want to do the right thing, quit now and let someone who knows what is going on come in and move this forward before it circles the bowl completely and vanishes in the problems that Fulton and Atlanta have.

Anonymous said...

Crime (some, not all) is down for the first month in the 2 years Bolton has been here and he feels the need to brag? That's like an alcoholic bragging about being sober for a day!