Tuesday, January 27, 2009

If you tell a lie often enough, people will start to believe it

The department, or should we say Keisha Williams, has published the latest departmental newsletter. Of course promptly displayed on the front page is a memorandum written by Terrell Bolton himself, claiming crime is down. We have proven time and time again the lies Bolton is telling.

In the article entitled “Budget Talks”, Bolton, not once, but twice, goes out of his way to sarcastically point out the current police budget proposal was Burrell Ellis’ idea alone. Just another jab at Ellis. Bolton’s attitude is to hell with the current economic situation; it does not apply to us.

We are wondering about something though. Bolton’s memorandum subject matter is “Department Commendation”. Do we all get a ribbon/award as the manual calls for? Does a copy of this memorandum go into our file to be used during evaluations?

Bolton’s Madness Continues
DeKalb Police January 2009 Newsletter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Traffic enforcement up 21 percent while REAL CRIMES are also up. Sounds like to me, DKPD got their prorities in the WRONG order. Now, if crime is on the increase, shouldn't we have officers in the high crime areas on foot patrol and working the beat. This is why the BOC and Joy Walker continue to pimp yall. We all know they don't give a damn about your equipment, working conditions, upper management (Keisha and Bolton) and tasers. As long as you are bringing home the bacon with those traffic tickets, you are just cash cows to them. So, when is DKPD finally going to get a pair and do something?