Monday, January 26, 2009

Officer rescued by a civilian and her Taser

If every there was a case made for Tasers, it was made yesterday. An East Precinct officer got into some serious trouble while trying to make an arrest during a traffic stop. The officer was in a fight for his life when a DeKalb County mother came to the officers’ rescue.

The citizen pulled her personally owned Taser from her diaper bag and zapped the perpetrator several times until he could be subdued.

It appears the officer used O.C. spray, but it was turned against him. If he had not been for the DeKalb County citizen and her Taser, we may well have been planning a funeral.

Will the Commissioners put the Tasers back into the budget? What is more important, a take home car for Keisha or Tasers?



Anonymous said...

One day everyone on this site will realize that the BoC doesn't care about the Police or Fire officers. We are a means to an end for them. As long as they can say they have "protection" in place that is all they care about. The quality of that protection is none of their concern. We will not get the Tasers because it is a budgetary and political chess piece they are using.

Anonymous said...

Slamin Ethel wants to know why cant policy just be put in place so that we just buy our own Tasers.
We had to buy our own patrol rifles whats the difference.
The BOC isnt gunna give us anything until they are under attack in Decatur whicj in itself isnt a bad idea. Maybe then once they have become a victim they will change their minds.
But anyway KUDOS to the civilan who lent a hand your one of the few who will stand up for what is right.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the citizen who decided to stand up and assist that officer. It's nice to know that there are good people out there who are tired of these thugs running the streets. Officers cannot do it without help from the public and this was a fine example.

Anonymous said...

First of all, who is this aTasing lady? We should all send her our appreciation and a few dollars for a back-up battery.

@Anon: The BoC is not a person and is not of one mind on hardly any subject. Those of us who support Tasers for DKPD simply need to make it our priority to let our Commissioners know about it. "Budgetary political chess" has to be played ... but it only works as it should when the pawns hold their line. (Yes, I'm a chess club survivor.)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the DA is oing to appoint a special grand jury to investigate this lady's Taser use? Where are the so-called "community activists", NAALCP and Black Panthers protesting Taser use on this poor, unsuspecting perp? I missing something???