Saturday, January 31, 2009

Worth Another Play


Anonymous said...

Hhahah why is he complaining about going to community meetings while he is sick? That was his friggin job!! That was why they paid him a 6 figure salary! I sure haven't seen him at many meetings here. Then again, Vermin AKA Vernon pretty much let TeBo run wild and do whatever he wanted (as he told Dale Russell on national TV). I believe CEO Ellis is already sick of TeBo, and I know that we at Dekalb are!!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does he looks like is about to cry? I also think some people in the audience looking like they were ready to laugh. I concur with the previous poster, this man is paid a high salary with benefits and he is bitching about working while sick. I guess this is why he got that sweet contract with all that COMP time that the BOC just approved without questioning it. Welcome to the real world! I know people with low paying jobs and no benefits, who have to work or not get paid.

Anonymous said...

Shall we say repeat of the same speech coming dekalb county near you.