Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dunwoody Crime Stats

How is Dunwoody faring so for without us?

Click here


Anonymous said...

Don't know how they're faring...but they sure look purdy in those new totally outfitted cars, leather gear and .45 caliber pistols.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please get their 10-30 traffic off our radio? Trying to get out on the radio on North on the weekends is damn near impossible. They don't have their own raido and they don't yet have working computers. They run all their 98 traffic over the main channel and have to 10-9 radio multiple times over to get the signals and addresses on dispatched calls. I'm naot taking away from the dunwoody boys here, they're doing their job with what they've got to work with, but for North Precinct, it's truley to the point of being a serious officer saftey issue.

Anonymous said...

Hate to loose Dunwoody but I guess the county earned that. I wish them all well.

Heavy Jimmy Jamma said...

what kind of .45?

Anonymous said...

Are they running around in Crown Vics, or the Chargers? Just want to know what to look for when I am in Dunwoody......I didn't get this nic by running the speed limit..

PJH said...

Crown Vics. Black on the front and back, white in the middle.

ddh said...

Can someone tell me where the city limits of Dunwoody is?? Im just east of the mall and I still see them in my neighborhood. I thought I was in unincorporated DeKalb.

Anonymous said...

Iam not sure of the boundries either, but if you are just east of the mall you are a proud inhabitant of Dunwoody! Congratulatons! At least your political leaders will listen to you...

PJH said...

Dunwoody is everything in DeKalb north of 285 and west of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard.

ddh said...

PJH, that gives them a huge area. I had no idea that the city limits was that large. That means taking out Chamblee and Doraville, what do all the North Precinct boys do? It does not seem like much area left to cover. I would assume then that Center Precinct has a lot of extra help from North Precinct.

Anonymous said...

Thanks PJH on the info, I wasn't sure as to the Dunwoody boundries. Now my rant for the week! All the county had to do save Dunwoody from succeding was to hold several town hall meetings with Dunwoody citizens, ask them what they wanted and then providing the services. Nothing to it except the egomaniac, good ole' Vern was in charge of DeKalb county and apparently did not like Dunwoody or it citizens. Listening to the county commissioners spout off that the county should of been allowed to vote on the issue is ludicrous. Holding north DeKalb citizens hostage for their tax revenue, with little representation goes against the American ideal of a Republic, with representatives of all its citizens. Dunwoody citizens found they had no control of their government and took steps to regain control of their government by creating the city of Dunwoody. The fact that DeKalb could not be bothered with holding Dunwoody town hall meetings is ample evidence the county did not care about Dunwoody citizens except for the tax revenue generated. My brother and I have argued about this heatedly, He argues that all DeKalb should be allowed to vote on the issue, I told him that is HS, that the issue is of representation within DeKalb government of the citizens of Dunwoody which is non-existant as evident with the zero Dunwoody town hall meetings with DeKalb Government. My brother then argued that the zero representation was OK because the white DeKalb government of the past had done the same with south DeKalb black citizens so its OK for DeKalb government to ignore rich white Dunwoody. I argued that was wrong then, and is wrong now. I love my brother dearly, but he lives in the city of Decatur where he pays high taxes for an extremely attentive local government. DeKalb could learn much from the city of Decatur, Decatur is in touch with its citizens and forms committees of its citizens to study problems and come up with solutions. DeKalb has a different agenda and generally ignores its citizens input unless it involves a developer or other special interest group with lots of money to contribute to political campaigns and what-not. I work in a dump and the CEO and BOC offices are moved and beautifuly refurbished at high cost to the county. Walk through the above offices and count how many white people are employed. Five percent max, and going down. Racism takes many forms in our government, which is why Dunwoody succeeded from DeKalb. Rant is now off. Feel free to burn me on this one. I welcome real discussion and argument on the issue, I wish we had done it two years ago and avoided the succession...

Anonymous said...

Dang LoFlyer, wny dont you take a blog break or find another one. Pleaseeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Anaon 12, point taken and I will desist for a while...

Anonymous said...

North precinct was short on officers to begin with and still has Brookhaven, Buford Highway and enough other stuff to keep them 10-6...North precinct stays in North precinct and Center works Center.

Fly Like An Eagle.... said...

You and you brother are probably both right. The Dunwoody citizens went after what they felt they needed, (Bravo to them) but all of DeKalb should have had a vote. Cities will always be able to provide a higher level of customer service to their citizens, if only because they are smaller and have the benefit of relying on County resources to supplement their own. Current Executive leadership does not ignore the citizens, as evidenced by the town hall meetings presented all over the County, after the election, and the consistent emphasis on open door policy for all.

"Walk through the above offices and count how many white people are employed. Five percent max, and going down. Racism takes many forms in our government, which is why Dunwoody succeeded from DeKalb."

Most of your self described "rant" is sound, but you are off on the above. Is there any reason the leadership of the County should not reflect the populace it governs? The suggestion of reverse discrimination could only apply if equally qualified white applicants were passed over for the same positions. Put in for any of them did you? Know any one who did? (Save the lecture on how those jobs are just given to people who campaign.) Want to see more white people elected? Get them to run. Or run yourself. It's so easy to take shots at politicians, but the reality is, they stepped up and asked for the job. (Where were you?) If you can do it better, Get busy & Godspeed... But keep in mind, there are intelligent, capable, motivated, authentic, civic minded government officials who are also Black. Being any one of those things does not prevent you from being another...

Anonymous said...

Dunwoody has been trying to become a city for the better part of 20 years. They just couldn't get it through the legislature til now. We want it to be our own little Mayberry, or as I prefer, Stepford. Where everyone is pale faced,church going and goes to bed at 9pm.

Anonymous said...

Center precinct hasn't seen any help from North. In fact, Center is still working under the "temporary" one officer allowed off at a time rule.

The academies and the addition of Dunwoody PD hasn't helped.

Anonymous said...

It's all Dick Williams' fault..Vern said so.

Anonymous said...

OMG! 10-30 ALL DAY LONG, , , , ,

Anonymous said...

Go to www.DunwoodyGa.gove for maps and city limits. I can tell you that there is not a single person more responsible for the incorporation of Dunwoody than Vernong Jones.

Anonymous said...

There were more burglaries in one apartment complex alone on just their first day of patrol than the listed statistics show.....Is TeBo doing their stats too??

Anonymous said...

10-30 traffic...its a wonder any one of those Dunwoody officers can get out on the radio. I've heard the traffic and my only response is this..If it weren't for the ghetto, thugs that want to tell stories on the friggin radio instead of using the codes and signals provided then the problem wouldn't exist. Not to mention the top notch quality (poor quality) radio operators. Its all a friggin joke!! No wonder so many Dekalb Officers get hurt or killed!