Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bolton's Greatest Hits: Words exchanged over Barker/Bryant Killers arrest

Click here for CrossRoadsNews article.


DeKalb Whippingboy said...

What a scum bag. He left the county then next day after Erik and Ricky were killed. I was still on scene holding perimeter and this A-HOLE was on a plane to see his family.....again.....and I'm sure on the county's dime. Yes people, this is the person that we need running this department, next thing you know we'll elect Shirley Franklin to office in DeKalb as well.

Anonymous said...

See what kind of lying snake Vernon Jones is? He claimed Bolton worked around the clock on the apprehension of Barker and Bryant's killer. Bolton wasn't even in the state less than a day after they were killed!

Ask anyone who was on the 3rd floor working the case. Bolton was not there once. Thomas Brown was. Other higher ups from S.O. were there. Lots of higher ups from other agencies were there. But no Bolton.

Add this to the MANY lies Vernon Jones has uttered in his many dreadful years as CEjOke.

Anonymous said...

I know Crossroads is a local media outlet.. and nobody is perfect.. but getting Officer Bryant's name wrong is poor.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Thank you Sheriff Brown and DKSO for your help.