Monday, June 22, 2009

Does Our Department Aggressively Investigate Drug Trafficking?

According to court records, In 2008, Gwinnett County conducted 30 wiretaps. One of the wiretaps was for a murder investigation and the other 29 were narcotics cases many of which were related. The murder investigation wiretap netted two arrests and had 84 incriminating intercepts. Overall, there were over 50,000 calls were intercepted of which over 11,000 were incriminating and 62 persons arrested.

According to these same records, while Vernon Jones was C.E.O. and Terrell Bolton was Chief of Police, DeKalb County conducted 0. Yes, zero.

Comments Are Closed


Anonymous said...

Yes, they do.

Each year, DeKalb seizes between $10 million and $20 more than in illegal narcotics than Gwinnett.

How many times has this blog criticized the media, especially the AJC, for not thoroughly researching a story before running it?? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Next time, research numbers that are actually RELEVANT.

Anonymous said...

Poster: you are wrong wrong wrong. The Mercedes AND the infamous Range Rover (aka the Boltonmobiles) were seized after the finish of a very long and successful wiretap in Dekalb. Damn dude, do your research. And FYI...Gwinnett doesn't get a third of the dope or the money Dekalb does every year..unless they bogart the DEA or something...

Anonymous said...

This is very stupid logic. I expected better from this blog.

Does Cobb have a more aggressive homicide unit because they use more yellow crime scene tape than DeKalb?

Anonymous said...

We were at a time the parent PD to Gwinnette PD.....I think they grew up and put us into a nursing home.

Anonymous said...

I have always heard that our narcs don't have the time to work our dope problem because they are always tagging along with the DEA to get a cut of the big busts for the general fund. Is this true and really, how many people does DKPD hav working dope these days?

Anonymous said...

Before questioning why department "A" doesn't do things like department "B," perhaps you should first find out which department has better results!

The deterioration of the blog continues...

Anonymous said...

[begin sarcasm]

DeKalb Officer's Blog has questions for NASA!

China did a space walk!! What has NASA ever done??

[/end sarcasm]

Anonymous said...

Those facts don't surprise me. I am hopeful that DeKalb Police will change that with the next administration. To those DKPD officers that are working hard to rid the county of criminals and criminal activity, I want to wish you good luck. Keep up the good work.

DeKalb Citizen

DeKalb Officers said...

Dear Anonymous,

As we have stated in the past, we strive to stay out of national and international politics. There are more than ample amounts of blogs for that.

But rest assured, if DeKalb County did have an aerospace program other than the void between some of the command staff and politicians ears, we certainly would question it!

Keep up the good work and keep your head down, be safe.

DeKalb Officers

Anonymous said...

I have lost all faith in this blog. Why are you not posting all responses to this topic? Are you afraid that the FACTS might show you made a mistake? Are you afraid that someone may have pointed out your flawed logic??

Fact: DeKalb County consistently seizes more narcotics each year than Gwinnett County and every other metro area department.

Fact: Wire taps don't equal results! Wire taps are useful sometimes, but why not focus on the QUANTITY of dope and assets seized?? Would you say Cobb County has a superior homicide unit because they use more yellow crime scene tape??

Explain to me why the department that seizes more dope than any other in the state of Georgia should be emulating some other department's methods??

Anonymous said...

You have failed.

This topic is a joke. It is based upon irrelevant data. If you want to know about drug enforcement, why not post data about drug arrests and seizures? You may as well have posted data on how much gas DKPD uses vs. Gwinnett. Was it your goal to purposely mislead people, or are you just incapable or too lazy to find the numbers for yourself?

For a site that is so quick to criticize others and who demands transparency and accountability, you sure have failed miserably at this one.

We await your explanation, your numbers, and an apology.

Don't Bogart That Joint My Friend said...

Damn, all the blog did is ask a question! It must have really hit a nerve for someone. Why so sensitive?

Anonymous said...

The "blog" made a ridiculous implication. Then, the "blog" refused to post responses that corrected the incorrect information and incompetence.

Now who does that sound like?? I'm trying to remember who it was that transferred people to animal control and radio morning watch when people dared voice dissent... Who was that again??

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just answer the question and maybe put the negative comments to bed. People just want to know why there are so many dope houses in Dekalb and who is supposed to handle it. Narcotics or uniform and if uniform, how do you do it in a uniform and marked car? Thnaks

Anonymous said...

So the blog administrator has time to post smart ass responses, but not to explain the ridiculous assertions he made with this topic? Man up! You started this mess!

Talk about "damned if you, damned if you don't."

The original point was that DKPD isn't addressing "drug trafficking." The very next response (the one the blog CHOSE to post) complains that DKPD is working with DEA too much (focusing on drug trafficking too much instead of crack houses).

One complaint: not enough focus on trafficking.

The next complaint: working with DEA too much to address trafficking!!


Some people will complain about anything...

Anonymous said...

***Note to all***

Many responses to this topic "magically" appeared, some very early in this thread, only AFTER the blog administrator was called out for CENSORING responses.

Will there be an explanation?

Anonymous said...

If you would like to maintain a single shred of credibility, and before you start another topic slamming an elected official or a member of the command staff, perhaps you should apologize and explain your blatant mishandling of this topic!

Anonymous said...

I've read and loved this blog since it was a rambling stream-of-consciousness back in '07/'08...however, the bloggers need to get back to basics: FACTS!

Who cares what Gwinnett does? I chose to work for DeKalb and I've chosen to stay here. I think DeKalb has a lot of problems, but there are more than a few things keeping me here.

Gwinnett is a fine agency (made up of a fair number of our former officers), but it's a different place. Soon enough their mega-expansion and unwillingness to deal with certain issues (neglected minority communities, overcrowded schools, lack of infrastructure) will bite them in the ass the same way DeKalb got bitten in the ass for the same stuff stop thinking that they've reinvented the wheel or somehow police better than we do.

If most of us took our experiences and training in DeKalb and went to Gwinnett, we would probably be pretty aggressive and productive police officers.

Adversity builds character and experience, and this county has more than enough adversity to go around.

DeKalb Officers said...

We here at DeKalb Officers only asked the question if DeKalb is aggressively investigating drug trafficking. The statistical information as it relates to wiretaps was retrieved from the Administrative Office of The United States Courts. Our posted statistical information can be found there.

All we did is compare 2008 statistics of wire taps between DeKalb and Gwinnett County because of its close population portions. Nothing more, nothing less, the numbers were retrieved from the courts as they documented them. We did not embellish on the amount of drugs seized, property seized, or arrest made. Our focus is on the amount of wiretaps between Gwinnett and DeKalb, nothing more.

Some are accusing us of misleading, and demanding us to explain the numbers. Well our friends, maybe the command staff and the District Attorneys Office should be explaining the numbers. Our only explanation for the numbers is: All wire taps are documented by the U.S. Courts. In 2008 Gwinnett County had 30 wire taps, DeKalb Count had none.

We threw the question up why Gwinnett does wire taps, and we choice not too. If some read more into that, then enlighten us. But we are far from distorting the wire tap numbers. They are public record.

It shouldn’t be the rank and file trying to explain away the actions of those in charge. It should be the command staff explaining why Gwinnett choices to do wire taps and DeKalb choices not to. It’s just that simple.

Anonymous said...

Here's where you are wrong:

You bragged about the high number of wire taps Gwinnett did and compared that to the number DeKalb did in 2008. When you said, "Gwinnett did 30 wire taps, DeKalb did NONE in 2008" you tacitly implied that DKPD was asleep at the wheel.

Your logic is pathetically flawed. If you REALLY wanted to know about who is going after dope more aggressively, you would have posted numbers on actual drug seizures and arrests, which are still curiously missing!!

What should you care more about? Who does the most wire taps? Or who intercepts the most drugs??

Don't try to spin this! You know what you were trying to imply! You just got called out on it! The DA's office and the command staff shouldn't have to "explain it." YOU started this. YOU made the assumptions based on irrelevant data and faulty logic. Don't blame the DA's or the command staff for your shortcomings or lack of information.

Why don't you just admit you screwed up? You screwed up when you tried to correlate "wire taps" with aggressive drug investigations! Because for all the wire taps Gwinnett did, they still didn't seize as much dope as DeKalb!

Oh, and FYI, not all wire taps are public record! Add that the mistakes you made with this topic!

Anonymous said...

Whhhaaaaah!!!! Gwinnett did more wire taps! Whhhhhaaaaaaahhhh!!

Maybe your first question should have been, "Who gets the most narcotics off of the streets" before you started questioning tactics?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and while you're demanding explanations from the DA's office and the command staff for your own false allegations and misinformation, why don't you explain your censoring of posts that contradicted the point you were tying to make? I mean, in the interest of fairness and all, you wouldn't want to come across as a hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

DeKalb Officers has this one right for the most part. Perhaps it could have been worded different to be clear that it was not an attack on the individual detectives. Some of them obviously took offence to say the least. There are some really good detectives in our narcotics unit but there are not enough of them and they have very little support or resources. It is true that they get a large amount of dope and money, especially considering what they have to work with.

Wiretaps are complicated, can take a lot of manpower and can be very time consuming. It is a very good investigative tool when done right. The TRUTH is that there are probably only a handful of detectives in this department who know how to write a wiretap. The TRUTH is that DeKalb narcotics did not conduct a single wiretap in 2008. The TRUTH is that the last successful wiretap that the narcotics unit conducted was in 2006 and yes that led to the seizure of the Land Rover and Mercedes. It also led to the seizure of a lot of cocaine, a lot of money and weapons. It also put bad guys in jail.

The commander of the narcotics unit in 2006 was Dale Holmes. The same captain some of the misinformed have criticized on this blog in the last week. Say what you want to say, the narcotics unit produced and put a lot of people in jail when he was there.

It pains me to give credit to Gwinnett Co. P.D. but the fact is they have done a lot of things right over the last few years. There are many outstanding police officers in the DeKalb P.D. but lets be honest. For the most part we are just a messed up, dysfunctional police department right now. It is not the officer’s fault or the detective’s fault. We just do not have a very good command staff in place and at the end of the day they make all of the decisions. I remain optimistic that Chief O’Brien and Director Miller will make changes and get things headed in the right direction. Until then the truth will continue to hurt.

But you know we do have Operation SPEAR and 100 Days of Summer Heat which is almost the same as a good wiretap!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You call that an explanation? That was pretty weak.

Please explain the following:

A) Why did you initially decide to NOT post responses to this topic that showed you did not have correct information?? Why did it take someone pointing out that you were censoring to get you to finally approve them?

B) Why did you take the time to investigate how many wire taps agencies were using instead of looking at the most logical numbers: how much dope is seized! Seems pretty obvious to me!

C) Why have you still not admitted that this was a huge blunder on your part? (See A and B)

Anonymous said...

I support the question that the blog asked. It was question not an accusation. That is THE fact. Bottom line...why are there so many dope houses in Dekalb County in the same damn locations that they have been in for YEARS. Why are there still dope dealers on the same corners and coming from between houses in the same areas for YEARS. ...and who is supposed to work this, narcotics or the uniforned guy's who are in uniforms and in marked cars? Obviously not much success when you have to drag a "dopers, we are here" sign around with you why you can only scatter the dopers for a few minutes when you arrive after the citizen calls and stay a few min until your next barking dog, loud party, false alarm or 22I call. Somebody besides the uniformed division needs to work dope. Uniform just does not have the manpower of the resourses and it sounds like from this blog that the narc unit does not either. No body is saying the the dope detectives are not working hard.
They should have a larger unit and allof the resourses that they need to work withthe DEA to get the big traffickers and work street lever dopers too. The Dekalb County government needs to "man up" and admit that they are failingthe citizens of Dekalb but not realizing that the PD needs big resourses to handle big city problems. ! I support this blog !!!

Anonymous said...

What's next? Are you going to ask if DeKalb aggressively pursues drunk drivers with a quote on how many "D" cell batteries Gwinnett PD used in their flashlights?

Or maybe how DeKalb doesn't aggressively go after burglary suspects based on how many paperclips the Detectives use??

Anonymous said...

Speaking of censoring, the Admin of the blog saw fit to censor posts he deemed unacceptable for no other reason other than they disputed the point he was trying to make, but "brilliantly" decided about a week ago to post names of detectives and supervisors who do undercover work! Who is more foolish? The person who sent that post in, or the Admin of this blog for posting it?

Discussing names and tactics puts people's lives in danger.

Anonymous said...

What about the Dekalb HIDTA, aren't they receiving fed money?

Also...I think there were more comments deleted since the last time I looked at this. not sure though.

Anonymous said...

Everybody thinks they know the correct answer concerning a question posted.

We have people who are stating what they believe to be the truth. They take word of mouth and sometimes when its 10 mouths down , it has really change.

I think it was just a question that was posted.

Where's my bong at? said...

All the blog did is ask a question. There are not accusations in that question.

It appears someone up in the food chain is embarrassed and may be called on the carpet.

The question and the comment did not attack the hard working narcotic officers and the hard work they do.

It would be typical of the ones in power to try and skirt the issue by having their cronies try to discredit the blog.

dedicateddkpd said...

Try to discredit this blog, are your serious??? This blog has deteriorated to childish name calling, lack of general respect towards others, and at times false assumptions/information and damaging innuendos. What is with the lovefest for all that is Gwinnett or other agencies? Look around and you'll see the same type of problems everywhere. Gwinnett just had one arrested and 2 sergeants quit over some stupid taser incident. Didn't post that up here did you?

I've got a great idea. Why don't we all just get back to work and focus on doing our jobs? Save the complaining for something that is actually meaningful instead of complaining what color your shirt is, he/she was mean to me and isn't worthy of promotion, or some other inane subject.

Simply put many of you are embarrasing yourselves, the department, and the police profession as a whole. Our job is hard enough as it is.

Anonymous said...

Hey..lets have a section called "What the PD is doing right" negatives, no name calling.....negatives and name calling in that section will be deleted..what u say guy's?

Anonymous said...

Intense topic. As a citizen I know that you all bust your butts out there each and every day to make DeKalb as safe (and drug free) as possible. Even during the past several years, you have all worked to our benefit. Thanks from a citizen who cares about you and all that you do each day. Be safe out there.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the few people whom has actually written a wire tap. For every phone line that you go up on you have to write an individual paper. Gwinnett was up on 30 phone lines not 30 individual cases. One wire tap case can hold as many as 10 or 15 phone lines. Secondly, Gwinnett writes wires on prostitution cases, ala the mansion madam case. Why would you write a wire to make a misdemenor arrest other than for publicity. Some of Gwinnett's wires are written by their intelligence unit on organized crime, as well as other units in their CID. Also, how many of those wire taps were state wires written by federal agencies in Gwinnett? Check out how many wire taps were written in Dekalb between 1990 and 2006 (zero). Wire taps are an option of last resort. You dont force wire tap cases if they are not there. They are extremely taxing as far as man power, and financially. It requires running out on meets at all hours of the day and night as well as monitoring the phones all day and night. We at Dekalb Narcotics produce more than Gwinnett and other narc units in metro Atlanta year in and year out, and we have a method of operation. We dont make public our operational procedures. Lastly, Dekalb Narcotics is an investigative Unit. It falls under CID. We are not a jump out squad that rounds up street users.

Anonymous said...

If your goal was to somehow imply the administration does not adequately support narcotics investigation in the county, you went about it the wrong way.

You should have pointed out that even though the narcotics unit and the entire county is extremely shorthanded, they are still number ONE when it comes to drug seizures. Imagine what the department and the unit could do with more people.

Anonymous said...

Cant we all just get along???

Anonymous said...

A heated subject of debate is good for all involved. It brings out information and ideas on how to solve problems within DKPD and the county. The blog has the right of ownership to post whatever they want and censor whoever they wish. This brings a heavy responsibility, and consequences of actions by both parties, blogger and blogee. The blogger has a far heavier responsibility than you and I, and I give the blogger a lot of lee-way because the blog creator did something none of the rest of us did. He created this blog to expose corruption in the DKPD command, specifically Chief Bolton. In that issue the blogger has been partially successful thank God! I have been censored myself several times but that is the creators perogitive. If you don't like it create your own successful blog.
Then on the other hand, a fine balance must be maintained in censoring offensive posts and censoring posts that are offensive only to the blog creator's ideology or opinions. I recommend only censoring generally offensive posts and allowing differing opinions to post as this is what true western democracy is all about; civil discussion of all sides of the issues and coming up with viable solutions. This is something we are seeing less and less of every year on a national level and our beloved country has suffered through it needlessly.
A successful blog or nation needs logical and open discourse of the problems facing it to flourish, which is impossible when opposing opinions are silenced, for example "Joe the plumber" was unmerciful hammered by the media for asking some very basic questions to a candidate during the last election cycle and any similar opinions were strongly discounted or unreported by our national media.
As for the Narcotics detectives use of wire taps, their are some extremely effective techniques that make wire-taps unnecessary. Obviously DeKalb Narcs are using this and other procedures and hauling in a lot of dope and revenue, as I find it difficult to park at Narcotics because of all the confiscated vehicles on location. I do have some suggestions. Bring back or build up the remains of the Black-cats to an effective section and use them to take down the street drug houses. Expand the narcotics unit, they bring in enough drug money to justify a unit twice as large. On a national level decriminalize marijuana. I have yet to find one stoned doper with the mentality or attitude to create violence. That may be different when they are not stoned. Arrest their ass if they are intoxicated and driving. This would relieve the Narcotics squad of going after the small game, and concentrate on the hard-core drugs and drugs houses. Feel free to burn me on this one boys. This thread is hot enough as it is.

Anonymous said...

Do you have the courage to post these numbers? Or are they too embarrassing?


Value of Drugs Seized in Gwinnett County:
2006 - $56 million
2007 - $63 million

See Article -

Value of Drugs Seized in DeKalb County:
2006: $72 million
2007: $80 million

Aggressive? You bet!

al capone stienberg said...

Ok , fella's stop fussing. I got an idea let be solution focus.

Place Sgt Woods in narcotics and Sgt P.E Williams and watch them make things happen.
Bring back Ofc. Demperio and I bet your bottom dallor that they can make things happen.

Anonymous said...

Ok , fella's stop fussing. I got an idea let be solution focus.

Place Sgt Woods in narcotics and Sgt P.E Williams and watch them make things happen.
Bring back Ofc. Demperio and I bet your bottom dallor that they can make things happen.

Anonymous said...

"we are not a jump out squad that
rounds up street users"

So, there is no one effectively working street dope, is that it? That explains why the same dope houses and street sellers operate without obstruction in Dekalb. Citizens ! Don't even bother calling anymore.There is no one to work the dope house in your neighborhood , so just live with it and like it !

Better DeKalb said...

This seemed to me to be more a slam on Bolton and the Jones Administration, not the DKPD's ability to seize drugs.

Running the blog can't be an easy job. Above all, the blog offers timely information, some much needed humor and most of all it offered a sense of community to the DKPD during some tough times when morale was in the toilet. Officers and citizens are all tired of the negativity of the Vernon/Bolton era and want to move forward. But Vernon/Bolton stuff will rise again, and when it does, this blog is the first place I will turn. We will be dealing with their crap for years. D@&#*T!

As far as not publishing all the comments, perhaps there are just some things citizens and/or criminals shouldn't know about how the DKPD operates, or specific info/numbers.

The idea of presenting some "Things going right" in DeKalb is a good idea that came out of this topic. There have been several "good news" posts in the past year, and we could all probably use some good news to balance the bad.

Anonymous said...

To the poster complaining about the "we're not a jump out squad" comment:

"Jump outs" refer to driving up to some idiot selling dope on the street corner, buying from him, then arresting him. This kind of stuff does happen from time to time, but it's not the primary focus of narcotics unit. Should they spend all day trying to find guys selling $5 bags of weed, or should they focus their energy on finding the stash houses those nickel bags are coming from?

Yes, DKPD does work crack houses. In fact, they hit numerous crack houses every week. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Unfortunately, some people waste a lot of DKPD's time falsely accusing their neighbors of being drug dealers when they are not.

Anonymous said...

I am not one to defend Bolton or Vernon, they both suck, but neither one has anything to do with wiretaps. They both have done enough stupid, shady crap that you don't need to blame them for stuff that they have nothing to do with! If a case requires a wire tap, one is obtained. If you can make great cases without them, why get one??

Look at the numbers! DeKalb could take off all of November and December and still get more drugs off the streets than Gwinnett! They deserve your admiration, not your questioning!

Anonymous said...

How is this blog helping Morale and forming a sense of community when you just randomly select officers and supervisor to slander demoralize to the public. Do you stop to think that maybe they have a family member that read this. We see you pick on certain officer but leave others who yo know are doing nothing alone, but we also know they are your buddies. Its good to have good up to date and current information but not like this.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

"Mm, I love scotch. I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down. Down into my belly. Mm-mm-mm."

Anonymous said...

No one in narcotics will ever be able to top what Dimperio accomplished while he was there. They made a mistake by treating him the way they did.

Anonymous said...

If anyone cares, I made a significant drug seziure this week.

2 hits of crack, and $178.00 in cash yeS.


Anonymous said...

All right guys, I got the scoop from a Gwinnett County Narcotics Supervisor last night. Gwinnett conducted 4 wire tap cases last year. Narcotics did 2, Vice did 1 and Intelligence did 1. They were on a total of 30 phone lines during the course of their 4 cases. What you have to realize is that high level crooks drop their phones often. Every time the crook drops his phone you have to write a new paper for the new number. The Gwinnett supervisor also advised that they were stretched to their limits as far as manpower and officer safety issues. The bottom line on everything in police work is if you have enough people you can do so much more, but if you have to go 10-8 and handle another call or crack house you cant.

Anonymous said...

So..AGAIN...Who is going to work the street sellers and dope house's that apparently exist permanently in Dekalb. It ruins the quality of life for we good citizens. Who is handling this and why do they still exist in the same places.? We always complain about them in community meetings and nothing ever get's done and I damn sure watch the dealers and call the police. I can surely see how the police in the police cars and uniforms can't handle this the way that they are equipped .Is anyone going to give me an answer? or am I just another pain in the ass Joe Citizen? You guy's always say to call but nothing ever, ever happens. Surely for the good salary we pay the higher ranks, that they could come up with something ....right?.

Anonymous said...

The uniformed division is the grunt sacrifical lamb for all complaints. Trash us..we are numb by now.

Mary Jane said...

Maybe Ellis will legalize marijuana in DeKalb County. I hope so, cause I sure would enjoy a joint about right!

Anonymous said...


"So..AGAIN...Who is going to work the street sellers and dope house's that apparently exist permanently in Dekalb. It ruins the quality of life for we good citizens. Who is handling this and why do they still exist in the same places.? We always complain about them in community meetings and nothing ever get's done and I damn sure watch the dealers and call the police. I can surely see how the police in the police cars and uniforms can't handle this the way that they are equipped .Is anyone going to give me an answer? or am I just another pain in the ass Joe Citizen? You guy's always say to call but nothing ever, ever happens. Surely for the good salary we pay the higher ranks, that they could come up with something ....right?."

Someone did answer your question.

Look 5 posts above yours. "DKPD does work crack houses. In fact, they hit numerous crack houses every week. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Unfortunately, some people waste a lot of DKPD's time falsely accusing their neighbors of being drug dealers when they are not."

I hope you paid special attention to the last sentence. If you are so sure you know the location of a drug house, why don't you share that information here? Maybe then you'll get results!

Anonymous said...

If you falsely accuse someone of selling drugs, isn't that slander? If you report them to the police, isn't that false report of a crime?

concern citizen said...

Why is the 10 to 12 males hanging infront of the shell station on Wesley Chapel everyday selling dope. It looks like new jack city. Come on Dkpd, that's crazy. It looks like Simpson rd in Atlanta.

I hope some with power is reading this blog.

We are behind the ball, start up a new anti-drug/street level unit to clean the streets. BDU'S , TWO man car,and some motivated officers who want to work,look neat,make cases and take no foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as someone with some experience, not everyone standing around in front of a store is selling drugs. Some people just have nothing better to do than loiter, which is also illegal and needs to be remedied.

Anonymous said...

Tell YOU wher the dopers are.???? Thats a laugh. You are the cops, you are supposed to know. Ok Lets start with the too numerous to mention places in south and east Dekalb. How about about Peachtree Ind Blvd near I-285. I forget the neighborhoods name ...yea and how about Lynwood Park near Brookhaven. Thats been that way for years even with the new rich white folks in residence. Whoever wrote that is a slacker !

Anonymous said...

Gee, I must be imagining all the drug deals I see from the apartments on Central Dr

Anonymous said...

When I roll up in my big, dented, scratched DeKalb County Police Crown-Vic, the dope-boys magically disappear. Sadly, I know that as soon as I leave, they'll be back at it.

Narcotics goes after the "big fish" to try to get dope off the street. If you cut off the supply, the dealers will dry up. Unfortunately, DeKalb is too short-staffed and too overwhelmed with serious drug traffic to get everything. So just because Joe Citizen doesn't see someone in grey and black drive down Central Dr, Candler Rd, through Scottdale (and myriad other places) gathering up scores of drug dealers does not mean that nothing is being done.

Perhaps there is a street-level solution, but it requires some work. With the Black Cats and Strike Force being things of the past without much hope for a comeback, it requires ICP and the NET teams to be more creative (UC, surveillance, jump-outs). Uniform just can't do it...we have to answer calls. All a dealer or user has to do is walk back into his apartment or house before I arrive, there's not a whole lot I can do after that. Don't get me wrong, uniform gets dope and drug dealers, but for every one we get there's a line right behind.

Contrary to popular belief, neighbors saying "That's a crackhouse" is not probable cause. Not every perceived crackhouse is a crackhouse, and even if the location is a trap house, I can't just barge in the door. Again, this is where narcotics comes in, and they DO hit crackhouses.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I must be imagining all the drug deals I see from the apartments on Central Dr

Not every interaction you see is a drug deal. Ask any officer how many times he swore he saw a drug deal go down, made contact with the suspects, got permission from the suspects to search them, and found absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

If I had an obnoxious nosy neighbor making false allegations and telling the cops I was a drug dealer, I'd sue them for harassment and slander.

DeKalb Officers said...

Wonder why your comment doesn't' make it? Maybe it's your spelling.

Please use spell check.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

There are drugs in Scottdale???

Anonymous said...

Officer, I damn sure know a drug transaction when I see one. I have probably more experience than you in my Brookhaven / Windsor Parkway neighborhood. The whole neighborhood see's it every day. The neighbors pass e mails back and forth about it. We call the police. The drug dealers are still here. Don't say we don't know what we are talking about either. I saw the same thing when I lived in the Stone Mountain area back in 2000-2003. We see how drug dealers act when they se a marked police car coming. They act like cock roaches. They scatter and return and soon as the police car leaves.Someone other than a guy in a marked police car and a uniform needs to handle this. The quality of life stinks here with this crap going on all the time. I hear people say that when the housing market gets better that they are out of here and out of Dekalb because the police can't do the job.

Anonymous said...

What gives you the idea DeKalb police can't do their job? They're getting more dope than anyone else in the state of GA. Perhaps you have unrealistic expectations. You chose to move into a known drug area. It's not going to get cleaned up over night.

Anonymous said...

To the Brookhaven Complainer: have there been any search warrants in your neighborhood in the last few years?

Anonymous said...

Gwinnett Narcotics consists of a very small number of detectives, compared to the size and population of Gwinnett County. To get the most bang for their buck, they probably chose to do wiretaps. DeKalb has a more "hands on" approach, addressing the narcotics problems in differnt ways, interdiction, investigation, search warrants, etc.
With all of the news about the Mexican stash houses in Gwinnett County, why do they not have anybody working with the DEA? I think both counties do the best job that they can, given the number of drug criminals out there. Somebody should ask why there are so many drug dealers out there and why are they repeat offenders. It's not because they are "addicted", it's because of the greed and money they make. But the courts continue to see it as a "social problem" and let them back out. It is up to society to wake up and demand that drug dealers stay in prison. Why doesn't China have a drug problem? They have more people than us. Its the attitude towards drugs. WAKE UP AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! How were you supposed to know crack houses sold drugs?

I just moved next door to a sewage treatment plant and can't tolerate the smell! I wish someone warned me sewage smelled so bad!

Anonymous said...

That's it jack asses. Blame the citizen for complaining! That always get's us support.

Anonymous said...

More government excuses as to why things don't get any better. Just send them the tax money and shut the hell up. I think Dekalb may get more drugs and drug money off the street than Gwinnette becaue there is more in Dekalb. The law of percentages...and of course the street drug dealers will be out all weekend in my neighborhood....again and again and again.Oh yea, just my imagination....again.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering. Do the police department big wigs ever come out at night and on weekends to see whats going on or do they all have nights and weekends off? I'm talking about the guys with the scrambled eggs of the bills of their hats.

Anonymous said...

No one in the department has a problem with legitimate complaints about criminal activity in the area addressed to the correct division.

None of the citizens complaining here can say that the police department has done nothing in their neighborhoods recently. Anyone making such a claim is either lying or doesn't have a clue what is going on in their neighborhood. Uniform, CID, and Homeland have all done operations in each place mentioned. If you're continuing to have problems with the same people, your grievance is with the courts, not the cops.


Where is Scottdale?

Anonymous said...

Dekalb Officers, for once I agree with you. I think most of the bloggers are missing the point. I don't think you asked who gets the most dope off the street, you asked why don't Dekalb do more wire taps. Great question. I wonder how many of the bloggers are, or were ever in Narcotics. I was and I can and will say this. When it comes to Narcotic investigation or any investigation for that matter Dekalb has a very OLD-SCHOOL way of doing things. Now there is nothing wrong with Old-School thinking but we are dealing with New-School perps.
When I was in Narcotics we were restrained from doing alot of things that we wanted to do because people(supervisors) were afraid to step out on that limb or so it seem. When I was there for the three years, I can recall only ONE, count it ONE wiretap that took place. I think the Blog Owner asks a very good question and that is why don't we do more to aggressively investigate trafficking. He/She wasnt saying Gwinnett does a better job, simply saying the use more of the resource avaiable to them.

Anonymous said...

How much dope DeKalb gets isn't the issue? You're saying the question is, "Why DOESN't Dekalb do more wire taps?" Then you say they do things "old school."

What kind of logic is that?? Who cares about results?? Why aren't they doing something that sounds cool, that I saw on TV??

I highly doubt the guy who won the Peachtree Road Race thinks he's doing things wrong, or "old school" and needs to do things more like the guy who came in 4th!

DeKalb gets the most dope and money. That's the bottom line and the only thing that matters.