Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Look What 6 Officers Can Do In Just 11 Months

Thanks to an unknown poster for this video.


Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up wake up Dekalb we are starting to change for the better. lets let the dope boys pay for some much needed gear. once again just six officers did that much work in six months news flash we are right between the new Miami and gwinnett everyone of those
I 85 drug arrest passed through Dekalb. whenare the higher ups gonna see that

Anonymous said...

It sounds more impressive than it is, especially when you consider that majority of it was handed to them by other agencies, like ATF, ICE, FBI, DEA, DeKalb, Doraville, Sandy Springs, Cobb, Roswell, and a few task forces.

Anonymous said...

I question some of their numbers.

$4,500 for a pound of marijuana??

Anonymous said...

Again, more rent seeking by government done by willing police officers. How about some clean sweeps of corridors? How about we raid drug, hooker friendly hotels, shutdown crack houses, remove wanted dangerous criminals from the streets, enforce quality of life ordinances and laws. Lets get rid of the illegal aliens on Buford Highway. Lets get other jurisdictions involved. Lets take back the streets. It seems like to me, officers get excited when it comes time to worried about some goddamn traffic laws. Get the REAL CRIMINALS off the streets. I enjoy reading this blog but it seems like you have alot of jaded officers and dumb citizens looking to blame others for their problems. Lets be the change we want to see. Remember, you signed up for the job. Citizens, you chose to move to the area. Shut up and get it done.

Anonymous said...

Thats how a real agency police's....maybe if certain captains (i.e Capt Holmes East Precinct) would stop decimating the ranks of uniform with bullcrap suppression teams (aka revenue squads) Dekalb could join the ranks of REAL police again. Till then we will remain a joke!

Anonymous said...

Good job Gwinette ! How about a task force of our narcs, and members of every juristiction in the close in metro that I 285 and , I 20 and I-85 flow through to do the same thing.......Any DKPD management thinkers out there ? How much sope and how man crooks are moving on our interstates every noght. Yes, do profiling to get them wether it's politically correct or not. Dope on the interstates, dope in neighborhood dope houses. Where are the DKPD narcs anyway?

Anonymous said...

Hell, they did a great job; give credit where it is least they are doing SOMETHING aboutthe problem. Are all of the thinking and doing Dekalb police managers dead or retired?

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you say about Capt. Holmes.
He is a very close and personal friend of our new Director.

He will probably be an A/C Chief after the Bolton hearing is over.

I hope the new command staff is not another group of friends of our Chief and Director.

I guess we will wait and see.

I love the way they advertise for a position but its already filled by a chosen one.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Captain Holmes will be a new chief under the new Director.

Anonymous said...

Agencies that go on the news and brag the most are not necessarily the ones doing the most.

youknowme said...

Anonymous: are you to really so dumb that you think our officers can just go out and "kick butt" without any superior officer's direction? Your comment is so misguided. If you want to lay blame then why don't you point your finger at Maj. Chris Craddock? He is the person in charge of Narcotics/Vice..and to quote him personally "we only have four narcotics officers for all of DeKalb County". Let's see. Isn't there Dickerson, Rutland (not Jeff-his wife) Lewis, Heimer, that it? Ask Craddock before you go slamming our other street officers! Put the blame where it belongs. Ask him to explain it to you...he has rehearsed it enough it's like DeKalb Narcotics 101. and while you are at it, why don't you contact our acting Chief? sure Chief O'Brien might be able to find the time to hear your concerns. Better yet, why don't you go directly to our new director, Wiz Miller or CEO Burrell Ellis. And as for your statement about "dumb citizens", hey, if the shoe fits, wear it!

Anonymous said...

Feel free to ignore "YouKnowMe." The words "clueless" and "uniformed" spring to mind.

youknowme said...

To Anonymous: Clueless and uninformed I am not! Don't think when statements made come directly from the horse's mouth hardly fall into the category of "clueless" nor "uninformed"! It's not worth the time to debate this issue with you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who you are. And by the way, the true facts speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I believe that is supposed to be "uninformed." And yes, I agree.

Anonymous said...

It's really too bad people don't do a little research instead of just assuming they know what they are talking about before they post rants.

Anonymous said...

This Site is great I come home after working my 10 each day and sit down at my computer. I look at all the bickering and badgering, and all the sillieness (ron burgandy's "cannonball" still laughing) and I sit back take a deep breath and just let a big fart out.....cause people we have a job, quit all this bickering lets work together with what we got, remember "doing more with less? hahaha" yes we will continue to do more with less if we continue to let these politicians rule our Depts, lets take them back they are few we are many....just keeping it real, Badger away!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Bolton's command staff is really threatened by people like Major Craddock and Captain Homes. Keep posting negative bs about them so someone will see them. I have worked for both and you are looking at the ol school cops you have been asking for. I think Craddock gave Bolton up to CEO and where is Homes now I lost him in the Bolton shuffle.Rock on fellows

Anonymous said...

I like reading incoherent pointless rants.

Anonymous said...

This blog started out great, but now it seems to draw a lot of baseless complaints and accusations from people with grudges or something.

I don't doubt the narcotics unit is shorthanded. The whole county is shorthanded. That's not the fault of a major. They don't decide how many people work for them.

Let's try to stay on focus and bring up stuff that is relevant and can improve the quality of the department.

Anonymous said...

He's an "old school cop"? of those guy's Comes across like milk toast to me...and I ain't talking chocolate milk either.

Anonymous said...

So Dekalb is a drug Metropolis now. Drugs are in every County even the ones some of you guys live in. And before you talk about our Narcotic Unit and Give Gwinnett County all this glory remember USA Today ranked them as the drug trafficking problem in the State.

Anonymous said...

What about Becker and Morrison and their K9s? They get a fair bit of dope of the highways (Or they used to until Rancidfer took them out of Narcotics).

Anonymous said...

Some one tell me how SWAT Sgt Scoggins got in the motor office? This is an excellent use of resources hahaha. Maybe he can kick Tip's door in. Was there a specialized position notice? Who handpicked him?What happened to Tony Pittman? I heard he was ousted from motor office by Bolton?

Anonymous said...

Any constructive comments out there on what may be a good plan ?and I really don't many narcs do we have and what do they do to help rid Dekalb of dope dealers? No slams...just facts.

Anonymous said...

They could start by seizing more drugs and money than any other agency in the state. Wait...they already do that!


Dope in Dekalb? You guys are crazy!!! There isnt any illegal drug activity in beautiful DeKalb County.GO HIT TEAM!

The French Connection said...

This is just Gwinnett displaying their little man's only in the last 15 years that their little cow-town police department has had to expand and deal with serious crime.

I will concede that Gwinnett does have the advantage of having a quality chief and command staff, and county leaders who treat their officers well. They are clearly proud of their troops' achievements.

Real crime and dope have been an issue in DeKalb for a long time, and so our busts (which have been quite substantial--how do you think we paid for all those magic busses?) don't make front page news. Give the hard-working Narcotics detectives (even if there are only 4) credit where credit is due.

PS: Rock on HIT TEAM!

Anonymous said...

Difference between us and Gwinnett is,Dekalb don't make videos to show the perps what they are doing and how they do it (asinine!!). Plus Gwinnett lags behind Dekalb in stats every year. Dekalb currently have 11 narcotics detectives, which is not enough since there are 600,000+ citizens in Dekalb. They do a darn good job considering that number. And youknowme is a constant royal pain in the ass for all of Dekalb, not just narcotics, ICP and Uniform also have to deal with her craziness.

Anonymous said...

Go Gwinnett! They made that video out of appreciation and respect for officers going out there and really policing. Our Leaders need to take a good hard look at it and think of all the times they could have and should have honored recognition, training, or equiptment requests but didn't. Even with all the garbage that is passed around to be eaten by the expendable, our officers rock! They do extraordinary things everyday, unseen by the eyes that matter. Here's an idea, give all the officers drug intradiction and interviews and interrogation classes for inservice. Would you see a change? I think so...
Where is the money going to come from, you ask?...don't get me started.

Anonymous said...

Who is most worthy of praise?

The one who brags the most?

Or the one who achieves the most?

Anonymous said...

11 narcs? well, thats better than the 4 we heard before...but in a county like Dekalb, they need 25-30 narcs