Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WSB TV Covered Of Bolton Hearing Day I


Anonymous said...

Thats it, we have been waiting to hear the same thing that was stated when he was fired. Come on, the only thing good is that VJ should come in and testify why he had a decked out crown vic, protection squad, etc. Sounds like VJ or Bolton just started something the DA's Office should finish. Just like perps, they want to play hard but when they get caught they dime eachother out in a heartbeat. Surprise Bolton, looks like you are a perp, what a surprise dork. This hearing is a waste of tax payers money, again just like a perp that takes a slam dunk case to a jury trial and is convicted. WASTE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Bolton didnt take his shot in private or on break? What a move, he really shows how desperate he really is! The shot probally did'nt contain anything. What a perp, nobody but a couple of other perps like you, go away already. Anderson, you need to go too. This job is for people with backbones and you obviously dont have 1 and you command staff working for this guy. Dont think just because you testify that you should not be held responsible for this mess the department is in right now. What a joke you and the command staff under bolton was and still is. Pack your stuff guys and girls. Let us be respected again in a profession I choose to be in. Let the changes begin.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love how Bolton uses the "injured bird" technique and injects himself so the camera can see in the middle of the hearing. He could have excused himself and done that.

Anonymous said...

Over the years, I have known LOTS of people with diabetes. They have never checked their blood sugar or given themselves an insulin injection in front of others. People with diabetes just don't do that.

People who want attention might do something like that! What a pathetic piece of garbage Vernon made us all suffer through.

youknowme said...

Don't quite get it. I thought I had read Tebo had Type 2 diabetes. This is from adult onset. As a rule you don't use insulin. Is controlled by medication, diet and exercise. Sometimes when it is first detected, if the glucose levels are really out of control and medication doesn't regulate it, insulin is used. However, you would think after all these months that he claims he has been diagnosed, injections would not be necessary. Could this be another one of his "dog and pony shows"? I agree with other writers in that to self-medicate in front of everyone at the hearing is a pitiful attempt to gain sympathy! No one told him to eat like a little pig and gain all that weight. You read everyday that excessive weight is a major contributing factor of adult diabetes on-set. And if he had asked Ellis to "turn his head" while he injected himself during the "interrogation" (as his camp described so eloquently) then why the big moment of drama at the hearing? What next? Is he going to claim that no one would allow him to leave the hearing room so he had no choice? He is so full of it. It will be so nice to finally be rid of this albatross and we can get back to doing our job within the dept. Hope he does decide to testify at the hearing. Let him step on his own family jewels...and make a bigger fool of himself than he already has. At least he isn't wearing our uniform to bring more shame to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Wilford Brimley says, "If you have the diabetes, you check your blood sugar and you check it ofTen. But if your name is Terrel Bolton, you're a joke!"

Anonymous said...

Get all of the drivers for Vernon and Tebo to come and tell the real truth.

I'm glad all of this EXECUTIVE DETAIL is now gone , what a waste of taxpayer money. When grown men cannot drive themselves around this county.

Anonymous said...

I hear that CEO had started another detail to drive him around town. This has got to go, but here we go again.

Its a hand picked unit.


You know that his lawyer was like "make sure you check your blood sugar and then inject yourself with water in front of the cameras" wow what a great idea...Mckinney your such an idiot and just like the Neal St case you will lose this one too.

Anonymous said...

The public injection was pretty lame.

Anonymous said...

I just hope that the poor guy doesn't have hemmroids. I'd hate to have to witness the public insertion of the Prep H applicator.

Better DeKalb said...

The shot seemed staged especially on the heels of filing a lawsuit against the county for discrimination. We are in for years of Bolton resurfacing in our County and media.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else seem to think the "insulin" syringe was a little on the LARGE size? or is it just me? Insulin syringes are typically much smaller than that.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I can't believe this guy is on insulin after just having found out that he has Type 2 Diabetes in Feb., '09. Usually, it takes years to work up to insulin for Type 2 - I know, my husband has Type 2. Regardless - shooting up in a meeting? That's even crazier - Diabetics on insulin have to shoot up in a fatty part of the body - the leg, upper arm, stomach (stomach is the optimal point). Did he disrobe and shoot up? If so - what part of the body did he use? And for crying out loud - why didn't someone grab the spent needle and test the contents? Maybe it wasn't insulin...what a childish drama...the elected officials (voted in by DeKalb Citizens) attracted these bozos...and now, DeKalb Voters are reaping the benefits.

Anonymous said...

Never mind - I just watched the video - NO WAY was that insulin - that much insulin would cause an individual to go into shock - no matter what kind of Diabetes they had...what a screaming joke. I showed it to my diabetic husband - who takes insulin - and he commented that the syringe is WAY too big - and the amount is crazy. Nope - folks, that wasn't insulin in that syringe - probably was saline. This is the joke our government has devolved to.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I realized about Bolton is that he was constantly playing to the media trying to portray what a busy, important man he is. Didn't work with me. He will continue his acting routine in front of camera to gain whatever advantage he can.
I must say this, working with O'Brien and staff is the difference of night and day compared to Bolton and staff. Friendly, easy to talk to, and they listen to what you say. Keep on Rocken' Chief!

Anonymous said...

Insulin?? No way. That syringe was at least a 10cc syringe, Insulin syringes are only 1cc. Also, he didn't even take the cap off the needle as he "prepared to give himself an insulin shot". What a joke! Who will call him on it, anyone, anyone??

Anonymous said...

I suppose you could "call him on it" regarding his blatant lies and pathetic routines in front of the media, but it wouldn't do any good.

Bolton got called out when he was the chief in Dallas-HE GOT FIRED.

Bolton got called out when he was the chief in DeKalb-HE GOT FIRED.

None of the things that have transpired in this man's failed career (x2) seem to phase him...he is utterly delusional and has convinced himself that he is A) Competent, B) A victim, C) Somehow going to be vindicated.

The reality of the situation is that nobody gives enough of a s&*t about this man to conspire against him; he's such a zilch that HIS OWN actions have brought about his undoing. As much as McKinney and Bolton go on about the "conspiracy" to get rid of him, it would've taken a lot of a work and a sky-high imagination to fabricate lies that outdo the actual offenses Bolton committed. THE MISMANAGEMENT, ABUSE OF COUNTY MONEY AND PROPERTY, AND THOROUGH DEMORALIZATION OF THIS ONCE PROUD DEPARTMENT ARE DAMNING ENOUGH.

A little part of me is sad for such a pathetic little man like Terrell Bolton...the rest of me can't wait to see him crash and burn.