Saturday, July 4, 2009

Changes coming as Recorders Court probe goes beyond 11 indicted?

Click here for CrossRoadsNews article


Anonymous said...

Seize all of their homes. Sell them. Recoup what the county is owed. Give them the difference when they get out of prison.

Better DeKalb said...

Did anyone read Judge Walker's letter in the comments section below the article? Typical CYA and excuses.

FYI, for those who don't know Judge Joy Walker was appointed in 2001 as associate judge and promoted to chief judge the following year.

Judge Walker, there are no excuses for the missing millions. You are accountable.

Anonymous said...

Are the writers on vacation or strike for this blog? Im surprised no new comments or new news. Must be slow news week.

Slamin Ethel said...

Just think with all the money that is missing we could for example get
1. Raise
2. No loss of a holiday.
3. New uniforms that arent faded.
4. Vehicle Replacments
So I guess in a way you can thank the lame ducks running the court for fouling that up for everyone.

Judge says " How do you plead"
Answer! Not guilty yo honr" trial continues with a payment plan at the local Memorial Dr fly by night hair salon.

Anonymous said...

From what I have seen, Judge Walker is an honorable person but out of her league. Joyce Head seems conscientous and has always listened to my misgivings on technical issues and passed my findings upward. I would investigate the decision to use SAS software as the primary Recorders Court citation, imaging and billing software. The decision to accept the software came from Judge Walker even though the SAS software was 5 to 10 times slower than the legacy software. Recorders Court had already paid for most of the cost of the software, and had zero financial leveredge against SAS to make the software work fast. In my opinion the judge accepted the software to avoid the bad publicity of a failed software project costing Recorders court several hundred thousand dollars. After acceptence of the software repeated requests were sent to Recorders Court for SAS to send tech support personnel to fix the issue. Every request was denied by Recorders Court due to the high cost (Like a grand a day) for the techie. This was short sighted and resulted in the mess we have today. If the Judge had bit the bullet and absorbed the overruns we probably would not be in this mess.
Now on the issue of indicted employees. Everyone get this straight, If you are a DeKalb government employee the only way you will get rich is to follow the ways of these indicted employees. Otherwise expect to make 20 percent less than your counterpart in the county next door. Expect to be treated like shit by county management. It's nothing personal, they just don't respect you or your abilities.
If you do want to get rich legally take a second job or better yet find a job with a caring and generous employer and work your ass off.
Read the writing on the wall guys, you may get away with ticket fixing or whatever for a while, but it will catch up with you and you will spend time in prison. In this economy be grateful for your job and accept you will not be rich as a county employee.
One last thing, many of us are in positions that deal with major services to our citizens of over 700 thousand. We are in the big leagues now. If we screw up, the effects can be devestating to our citizens and our careers. Accept the responsibilty and don't screw up.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to disagree with Loflyer.

Why aren't FTA warrants issued for Recorder's Court? Before Walker rode into town, Recorder's Court issued warrants if you didn't show up for court. What kind of Judge does nothing to people who don't show up for court?

Frustrated said...

LoFlyer said "Accept the responsibility and don't screw up."

Interesting choice of words.

My recent experience has shown me that a number officers..and some supervisors, though not all, do not accept responsibility for their actions.

They seem to believe that their badge is a ticket to perks and priviledges. I've said before ..."with this badge comes responsibilities and obligations. Perks are not part of the picture."

The belief that the badge is a ticket to perks, priviledges and special treatment is what got this department in the mess that it currently finds itself.

Interal Affairs will have their hands full with officers doing goofing things because they believe they are somehow exempt and special. They believe there is a different set of rules for those who enforce the law.

Unfortunately, some supervisors take the "boys will be boys" attitude and rationalize what their officers do.

I'm looking forward to getting back to "we do things better than the rest because we represent our Department and because we are sworn officers."

Right now...this place is just a paycheck every two weeks and a ticket to pension.

Anonymous said...

The software for Probation Court is also costing the county millions. It's a really, really bad situation no one is talking about. Oh yeah, the software can't even keep track of each probationee's current address.

Anonymous said...

What kind of piece of crap software that can't keep track of addresses did the county buy? Let me guess: another friend of Vernon's sold it to the county.

My computer came with this program called Microsoft Excel, which I think could get the job done!