Thursday, April 8, 2010

Terminated Fireman In Fatal Dunwoody House Fire Gets Job Back

Just as Captain Motes said all along, not enough information was dispatched.

How long before the communications division is investigated and personnel are fired over the handling of this call? It ain't gonna happen.


Anonymous said...

It won't matter one iota. Nobody is going to do anything about the ineptitude that is rampant in our Communications Division. Maybe Conroy will form another committee to study the issue before trying to develop a consensus while he goes to another meeting to discuss a committee to review the decision of the will never end.

Anonymous said...

Hey can a shot gun blast get you promoted?

Anonymous said...

The bus are out in Center Precinct , what can it provide?

We have to have someone guard the CRIME PREVENTION BUS,why to keep the perps from vandalism it.

Anonymous said...

The bus is scaring crime all the way back to Atlanta.

If you believe this I have some land in Montana to sell you.

Anonymous said...

Go Fireman , you deserve to be vindicated.

Anonymous said...

Accidental Discharge - step by step.......... you figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Hey wait until they see our Mobile Precinct in Action, they will run in fear.

Let a 400 thousand dollar bus be parked in your neighborhood and see what happens.

Don't forget the police officer and police car assigned to guard it.

Why to keep someone from damaging the CRIME DETERMENT.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have this bus anyway, I thought it was sold a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

These Fireman were a token of Public Criticism , they did there job and someone may have made a mistake. So we fire everyone on the truck but not the ones who took the call.

Anonymous said...

The motor home is a waste of money, and the county needs to sell all of them.

A fancy motor home and anything related to crime prevention.

It a plush interior with LCD T.V. 's and a number bed in the back of it.

A place for Ms Edwards to live?