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Has anyone seen this man? |
We know what's coming from the top, and it don't smell like leadership, that's for sure.
This blog page was established so DeKalb County Police Officers including their family and friends may have a place to hold discussions, post news and vent without fear of retribution.
I like W.Z. Miller and think he is a smart man. I think he could have a lot to offer. But I have to agree with most officers and this blog who say we never hear from him and never see him. It seems that he is just missing in action.
I sure wish I could quit my job!
I have half a mind to follow up with the latest survey and eat a bullet!
I need EAP!
Is anyone listening!
Please help!
I seen a UFO once!
I know who shot Kennedy!
I believe in Paganism!
I know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried!
I was with Sadaam Hussein in his bunker!
I know what causes army worms to eat my yard up!
I was abducted by aliens once!
I went back in time with Marty McFly!
I planted a tree once, and it died!
I invented a time machine!
I once seen a naked girl!
I look at myself naked in the mirror!
Odd'ly enough I get exicited!!!!
He cannot fight for us on the furlough days or any pay raises.
He is appointed by the one who decided to give us furlough days and no raises.
I saw him at the bank depositing one of his $200.00 bonus checks along with his paycheck from his $200,000.00 salary.
Maybe his is studying for his next career.
Whether you like him or not, he fights a battle for us and fire behind closed doors. If you have never been there you wouldn't know what kind of issues one has to deal with with an administration like the BOC. Decatur holds the purse strings and if you haven't caught on yet, it all revolves around the green stuff. Why do you think promotions took so long- the finance dept. It's the same on the federal level as it is on the local level.
To all the critics who will follow this post let me answer you jabs now. No I am not WZ. No I am not on his staff. No I didn't drink the cool-aid. No I am not one of his friends.
But yes, I am a career employee who does care about this place. Just Google "police layoffs" and see what is happening around the nation. This is not a problem unique to this department. The incompetence being displayed in Decatur is not unique either. It's in every branch of government.
To those speaking of how great Mr. Wiz actually is take it from me he is only lip service. He personally failed to take any action on a very serious issue that I took before him. I will gladly trade my salary and the daily grind for his salary, take home car, phone, staff, bonuses, etc. Al this while only having to appear at selected speaking engagements. He is par for the course with his boss when it comes to never being available when the heat is on to answer questions. The media would love to have some of the dirt a few of you have on him. This is just another waste of money that could be going to our salaries and holidays. We all know he was only hired to do Ellis' dirty work in firing Bolton. Those of you still thinking this man is there for you just wait until you need him. This is one officer that is not impressed at all with what he has brought to public safety. Just a waste of a half million dollars of budget for him and his staff!
Maybe Wiz will borrow a page from Mr. Robertson and pen an email to the blog...Stake out his position on issues that impact HIS officers.
I work at Center and the only thing I've seen, as far as Wiz,... is a take home parked in his reserved parking space.
He and the ACTING chief must be really busy.
Here's a thought.... once a week, the blog can post a message or random stream of thoughts from the chief in a special area called "From the Chief's Desk".
Here is the situation as I see it. Under the Vern administration the hiring rules were changed for all directors which includes the chief of Police to merit exempt status so that Vernon could fire the directors as he saw fit with no legal recourse. Anyone with knowledge realizes that this was just a cover to solidify Vern's tyrannical grip over DeKalb government. Vernon was a vindictive SOB and I personally watched as Vernon fired anyone who said no to his directives.
So any director can be fired for without cause and will lose their pension. That is some damn strong incentive to keep your mouth shut and "go along to get along".
However it is destroying DeKalb leadership and morale. No director dares to oppose the CEO or BOC over anything, especially employee pay, fuloughs or unpaid holidays. Under the current rules they will be shit canned without cause for daring to raise the voice. I think Chief O'Brien took the matter as far as he could under the circumstances.
Now lets get down to what the WIZ and the Chief can do, DKPD is dysfunctional and desperately needs reorganization. It is within both their powers to do this and I am sure they know what needs to be done and why. I do not understand why they don't act. Perhaps some of y'all with some insight and connections can set us straight on why nothing is coming out of DKPD command except for bad ideas on 12 hour work day shifts.
Best of luck, mates!
Reminds me of another leader we had????? Bolton maybe!
If an appointed employee can only do what the person that appoints him wants him to do, then what is the point of having him or her? Abolish the position, save the money and just let the head guy do what he wants...
Wiz is like whack-a-mole. He will pop his head out at anytime just to be smashed on the head with a hammer by the CEO.
Wiz is probably trying to get Gwen Keys position. You think about that. When he was in Special Ops all he did was study, he never and I mean never did any type of police work. I consider him extremely lazy, nice guy and smart but lazy.
To say WIZ never did any Police Work is stupid. Tells someone is just plain envious of one of the brightest minds ever to surface here. For those that are so ignorants check your records and history the man was original Black Cat/Strike Force undercover and SWAT Tactical. He owned Buford Hwy as a patrolman in the 80s. I was there and some people remember WIZ. Check the record of some of the ones you idolize now and want to push ahead of WIZ. Talking about did nothing. If he did study on duty, more power to him for out thinking this system and progressing with his life. I want standby and watch this political assassination any longer on the people that built this department.
AKA "Retired 1999"
To those of you speaking of how great of an officer that this man was I don't doubt you. I never worked with him so I can't weigh in on that part of his career. I can weigh in on the fact that being a great officer and being a great Public Safety Director are not always the same. Ask the detectives that were told not to investigate certain cases within Homeland Security. Other than do the CEOs dirty work what else has he accomplished as PSD. I, as many did , sat down during his open door meetings and heard that he was hearing the same issues from many of the rank and file. Not one of these issues has been corrected. If you are going to run a department from the political level then don't waste money on middlemen. We know he is a puppet for Ellis, once again if your in the clique then you come out on top. Watch him dodge the reporters when the questions get tough.
I'd like to hear more about these cases that Homeland was told to stop investigating! There's gotta be an interesting story there. Why would our Detectives be told to stop investigating public corruption then all be transferred to work somewhere else in the county? CBS46, are you getting all of this??
Tebo to Wizbo
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