Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don't Let The Threats Scare You

This ticket strike is not about all the other employees Mr. Ellis, this is about us! You and the gang of 7 heavily rely on the police to stuff the county coffers with cash only for it to be wasted.

Officers risk life and limb when issuing traffic citations, and you take our job for granted. It is beyond sickening to know that you and the commission rely on the revenue from citations, without taking into consideration an officer may die to put a few pennies in the budget. To you Boo-rail, traffic citations are not merely a correction of poor driving habits of the public, but an open cash till with no bottom.

It is not our fault you and the Gang of 7 are fiscally irresponsible. We refuse to be your armed tax collectors.

We are tired of being used, abused, and molested. You and the commissioners have cut our pay and benefits and yet demand more from us. Well Mr. C.E.O., there is no more!

Your days of taking and taking are over. Your days of taxing the general public at gunpoint are over! These revenues should be a bonus for the county at the end of the fiscal year, not relied on to fund the general budget.

To our fellow officers: don’t let the threats scare you. Read your manual and know policy. We do not have a quota. You cannot be forced to issue citations. Citations are at our discretion.

Stay strong,stay united. Let’s show them that 2010 was just a prelude.

Click here to view WSB's Tony Thomas' news story.


Anonymous said...

The Chief cannot support us without losing his job.

Ellis is just like Vernon Jones , he would demote and replace him. I do not blame him for his remarks.

I know that we need to make a stand for the way the BOC is making this police department one of the worst and last anyone would want to come to work.

Anonymous said...

God Save Us From the Wrath of the BOC.

All they want is money in the General Fund.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Ron.

Anonymous said...

In a legal aspect because Georgia is a right to work state, means that union employees and non-union employees get the same pay. This is sometimes a good labor play and sometimes it isn't.

Regarding the police departments all over the state which are large in employee complements, some kind of union representation would probably be a good idea. The employees would not have to take the kind of crap that the BOC & the CEO is dishing out. They are using the public safety as an issue to raise taxes, cut services, and deminish employees benefits.

This is certainly not the answer to the problem. This is an added problem to an already larger problem. The Stupid 7 and the Chief bungling idiot (not the police chief) is the cause for the county disaster. They simply do not know how to spend tax money wisely. The money is spent on idiotic projects to help their buddies get contracts to help the powers to be get elected. The sole Republican is and has been fighting a loosing battle for years and why a Republican runs for that seat is not fully understood.

The only good change that can come from now on is the stop of wasteful spending by totally inept people who do not know their rear ends from a hole in the ground.

Its time for some new blood and term limits on commisioneers as well for this bullshit has to stop immediately. wrongful spending will make this county go broke because taxpayers are sick and tired of being abused like the employees of public safety.

Anonymous said...

Guys I am a fellow LEO and have been for 24 years. I understand the frustrations but if you stop writing tickets you also stop enforcing the law. We are LEO'S---Law Enforcement Officers---we enforce the law regardless of our pay, or we resign. Failing to remember our job responsibilities makes us just like the commissioners and less than public service providers

Anonymous said...

Still just to protect those speaking out you may want to delete older posts as you go so some sort of allegation of overthrowing the government can't be made against people voicing their opinions.

Anonymous said...

I'm outta here!!! Just put in an app at Quik Trip!!!

Anonymous said...

Geeez just dismantle this ridiculous department already.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous at 10:53 I respect what you are saying about we have to enforce the law, but some have to worry bout how they are going to pay there bills, give ther kids the best they can. The more they take from us the more they are not just hurting us but our FAMILIES.....

And speaking of enforcing the law, how many has BOC broken who is enforcing them....? Cause I feel like I'm being stronged armed robbed..... stay safe brothers and sisters

Anonymous said...

if they "force" us to write tickets. write them for low fine infractions that waste their time and courts money to collect. Like pacing or impeding the free flow of traffic.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that brass per the pound brings in a good bit of money? I'm going down to Glenwood and Austin and collect a few bucket loads of spent bullet casings.


WORSE?!?!! How could things get any worse!!? Take a look around here, Ellen!! We're at the threshold of hell!!!

Anonymous said...

Guys, I'm a former DKPD officer who left almost 4 years ago to take a private sector job. I don't talk to many guys back at DeKalb anymore, as I moved from the area, but I probably know quite a few of you who are reading this board. I understand why you're angry, and I can't say I blame you.

That being said, the talk of a ticket strike bothers me. I was taught by my father that any job worth doing, is worth doing right. I was never a "ticket nazi," and I never believed that in order to be an effective officer, you had to turn in 10 tickets a day. However, aggressive enforcement deters crime. Don't take a ticket slowdown as a license to not do anything. We owe the citizens more than that.

The BOC is a bunch of buffoons, true. They've wasted money elsewhere while cutting corners like not filling open positions, cutting pay, grounding helicopters, and cutting pensions. A ticket strike will make this worse; not better.

All I ask is that you think long and hard about what you do. Attend BOC meetings. Talk to members of the public who might help (we should all know pastors, "community organizers," etc with whom a relationship has been established who will be willing to help). Attend BOC meetings. Draft new candidates to run against incumbents. Be vocal, be present, enjoy your constitutional rights, but above all, do your jobs!

And don't forget, no matter how bad things get, there are a lot of people pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

Guys, this blog is now front and center in the news.
Make the most of the attention.
Ditch the sniping and explain your gripes logically and clearly.
DeKalb government is totally fracked.
The CEO's office employees 24 highly paid individuals doing the work of 8.
Meanwhile DKPD has a big problem with under-staffing of their shifts.
Crime is rising while the CEO does nothing.
The Georgia legislature provided a tool for DeKalb political leadership to justify police expenditures with the new millage category dedicated to police services.
It was ignored by the CEO and the BOC.
Now is the time to make your point with the citizen's and media.
Use your words well.
Best of luck,

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?

Anonymous said...

Wait a guys didnt tell me that we had stopped the ticket slow down from last year..oops. One thing Tony Thomas failed to mention is that Officers are being rewarded for their "production" aka tickets with a nice brand new solid black take home vehicle for a month. There is one Officer at Center who apparently has had a take home car for two months going on three for his "outstanding production!". Wow, what a freaking loser and Im sure most other "real" Officers would agree.

ta said...

It might be better to just take to the streets and picket in front of Ellis' office. Not doing what is considered to be your job makes you come across as spoiled children.

Anonymous said...

As a county citizen, I support the police and fire departments and feel that they have gotten the shaft in the four years that I have lived in DeKalb. That being said, I do not the police officers to a ticket strike, doing so is cutting off your nose despite your face.

I agree that much money is misspent. Having worked in DCSS, I believe that it's the DeKalb Way. Until both the county and school district get their act together which means citizens electing new commissioners, school board members, and CEOs, than things aren't going to change.

I have two suggestions: 1. Instead of complaining about the budget, come up with a better budget for the CEO and commissioners. I agree that about their misspending, but offer them alternatives (Be the change you'd like to see in the world), 2. If you don't like your job and aren't willing to do all aspects of it, find a new job. Not writing tickets puts all of us living in DeKalb at risk. It's already been announced that robberies and other home invasions weren't going to be sought after with finger prints, and a rise in crime in my area has definitely been seen. Not writing tickets will do the same.

Grow up boys, do your job to the best of your ability, write the necessary tickets, and propose a better way of spending money to the commissioners and CEO. Show them and the DeKalb citizens that you care not just about yourselves, but also about the community. Right now, I feel that you are being selfish once again.

Anonymous said...

There is a famous quote that says something like "Poeple sleep peacefully in their beds at night beacause tough men and women stand ready to violence on their behalf." Remember, You wear a gun and a badge for a reason. Don't forsake your oath and duty. The BOC has duty to serve DeKalb citizens. They work for the citizens! When politicians get it wrong, well it is time for them to go. Thank you DKPD for your work.

Anonymous said...

Your right anon 12:13. He cried so much the month he didn't get it that the Sgt's HAD to give it to him. Now, all he does is write BS tickets and comes in at the end of the watch with like 11 tickets, all for cracked windshields and misc crap. Also, he doesn't arrest anyone or make any cases other than suspended licenses. Joke in-deed!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:39, Man yall get a nice black take home?, at Tucker the Officer of the month is rewarded with a car that has no less than 180,000 miles. But then again that is one of our low milage cars.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:21

First of all I am a grown ass man and I don’t need you telling me to grow up. Do you really think that the police officers of this county can propose their own budget and present it to the BOC or CEO? Are you serious?

I am sure you watch Law and Order, CSI and numerous other cop shows so you think you know more than we do but let me clue you in on something. Traffic tickets don’t have a damn thing to do with robberies or home invasions.

I watch Grays Anatomy but I am sure that two doctors who were debating a medical procedure would not be interested in my opinion. I also think I am smart enough to know why they would not be interested in my opinion. Because I do not know a damn thing about it!

I have worked for DKPD for several years. My off days have changed numerous times, often without notice. I have worked nights and weekends for years. I have worked on numerous holidays, including Christmas and Thanksgiving. I’ve worked all night then been in court all day. I have had several people who I have arrested threaten to kill my family. I have been spit on, cursed at and shot at. I have worked overtime numerous times and not been paid for it. I have been to the hospital on more than one occasion for injuries suffered at work.

Now just exactly what more would you have me do to show that I care for the community and not just for myself?

Anonymous said...

Geee I wonder what command staff are writing to continue citation enforcement. IDIOTS... If they were REALLY concerned with public safety they would have suggested UC details to catch robberies, burglaries, etc in progress getting REAL criminals off the streets. But alas there is no money in that or career advancement for THEM so you will NEVER see a push for such.

A Veteran Officer with a 4 year degree said...


I don't need to write a book of tickets to be productive. I just need to do my JOB.

My job is to check suspicious vehicles, suspicious people and to be seen by those considering the dark side.

It's all a numbers game....if I run enough people and look to see what can be seen in plain view during traffic stops, I'll come up with plenty of arrests. By all means, if the person needs a full ticket instead of a warning they'll get a ticket. The warning is the preferred route but, if the person insists on a ticket....

Not writing full blow tickets doesn't mean I stop policing. It just means I no longer support the BOC "get me re-elected" slush fund.

Why stop generating revenue for the county?

1. They refuse to make sensible cuts....Did Mason Mill Park need to be renovated? Do the higher ups need a $500 a month car allowance? Do the members of the BOC need catered meals?.......

2. The cuts they do make seem to always land squarely on the backs of the employees. Why is it DeKalb has a greater number in management and other areas than counties of similar size. Outsource that which can be outsourced....have the private companies give current employees first dibs....

3. My take home pay has gotten smaller every year....I've given and sacrificed enough. Cut out the useless spending behind the weekly droved of Ribbon Cuttings.

4. I made a LIFETIME Career decision to leave the higher income of a private sector job for the PROMISE OF A PENSION..... if we don't get the BOC's attention NOW, they'll continue to cut at me and my family....eventually they'll reneg on that promise.

5. the get the attention of the BOC. My pension costs have more than doubled, my health care is more expensive and covers less.... I haven't seen a raise in years.....

6. Because the BOC and HR decided to rub salt in the wound by now not giving me full credit for a holiday...I work a ten hour shift and only get 8 hours credit. That works out to two furlough days each year.

Anonymous said...

The jig is up idiots that supported the ticket push the last couple of years. It is painfully obvious to everyone now what has been going on and retribution is close at hand.

Anonymous said...

A good start would be going back to a real PD uniform (Navy Blues) and getting rid of these jam-a-matic M&Ps.

Anonymous said...

Cheif O'Brien could care less about his Officers, don't be fooled. Instead of being scared to present a take home car package to the BOC, he is now going to try and pasify everyone with a laptop. What a waste, spend over 1 million dollars on this. What the f%#@, do we need a take home laptop for? We don't even have enough cars to put a laptop in. Right now we are doubling up due to lack of cars. This is something else that is going to be stolen out of Officers cars. Who comes up with this sh$#.

Anonymous said...

Watch what happens: threats of transfer, pulling extra jobs, write ups... This is gonna get ugly. I just hope there is enough solidarity to stick with the plan until the BOC does what is fair. I don't think they will. Especially if we give in as fast as we did last time. "Made their voices heard" SHIT!!! You see what it got us...NOTHING! This is gonna have to go all the way. I hope we are strong enough to stay the course. Good luck to us.

Lone Ranger said...

This is truly amazing....all of you are so worked up and willing to neglect your duty by forcing a ticket strike....

Everyone of you asses that participates needs to look yourself in the mirror and ask..."what have I done to try to prevent what is happening here". How many of you have attended a BOC meeting....that's right....none, but you sure as hell are ready to do a ticket strike but you can't carry you sorry ass to a BOC meeting and unite together to try to accomplish what you think this ticket slow down will do... Well I've been at the last several meetings and I can tell you it truly depressed me to see such a lack of participation of officers...actually less than I can count on one hand. If you are soooo freaking concerned about your pay, your holiday, your pension, your merit increases then why don't you carry your ass to a meeting and stand united and voice because you're all a bunch of candy asses who have absolutely no reason to say anything because you've been part of the problem....all of you sitting back waiting on someone else to fight your battles.... Well I have no sympathy for you and I'm a veteran officer here in this dept with 20yrs under my belt...

You who bitch disgust me because you say you're doing this because of what the BOC has done to us but I haven't seen your ass at a single freakin meeting....

GO Ahead ask yourself...."WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR MYSELF LATELY"... If you're too damn lazy to show up at the BOC meeting then I don't want to hear you whinning.

Anonymous said...

Cheif O'Brien says that the comments are those of a few, well I counted over 100 posts so far regarding the ticket strike. Cheif, how many uniform Officers do you think you have? Instead of coming to roll call and giving words of encouragement you hide and issue threats through the media. What a joke!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When are the stats going to be posted????

Anonymous said...

"Furthermore, the department does not support nor will it condone any of our officers neglecting to perform their duties. Any officer identified that has or encourages engaging in such actions will face disciplinary action.”

So neglecting to take care of your officers is Okay?

How about some "disciplinary action" for the BOC?



I'll still be locking people up, be out on visible patrol, answering false alarms, and writing reports for the insurance companies. I'll still come in with the same number of entries on my activity will just have more 67Warnings than before.

The BOC will have to do without their slush fund money that goes towards getting re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Anon...July 25, 2011 12:39 AM

We're still here to do the things that help you, my family and all the citizens sleep well at night.

We're gonna keep you safe and we won't back down from crimnals who roam the streets. We took an oath and we aim to keep it.

That oath did not include being a tax collector who does the bidding of the BOC.

We're all adrenalin junkies who love the chase.... we may not be writing long copy tickets that generate revenue, but we still love the hunt, love the chase and love locking up bad guys. If the reality of supporting our families and planning for old age weren't an issue....this would all be a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

If you only write one court copy a day for the most meaningless of offenses or if it is speeding lower the violators speed to eleven over (which lowers the fine)and write in the remarks section the original speed they were clocked at and lowered to what ever it is, then write the rest of your tickets that shift as warning tickets no one can say crap about not doing your job. If you work a 41 and write a ticket as a result then it's warnings the rest of the shift. Just be sure to P.O. and write the warnings to account for your time. This will keep the court copies at a minimum and cover your rear end at the same time. Lord please help our officers-PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

If this numbnuts officer at Center is not getting the message, then the MPO's need to step up and get his mind right. It won't be tough.

Anonymous said...

How many Police Officers does DeKalb have? I'm pretty sure that if everyone of those off duty officers show up at the next commission meeting, it will get will attention. stand up for for yourselves by appearing in public in large numbers.

Anonymous said...

didn,t they raised the taxes and didn,t they say with that can hire more police and put a helicopter back in the air with the raise and what about the mayor and all of them do they get a cut in pay we didn,t think so just the police and we need them .

Anonymous said...

Where's Manuel when we need him? When Manny ran the county, the commissioners had one small office with one desk, a chair, and a phone. They had to wait in line to use it. They had no secretaries, aides, advisors, assistants, private offices, phones, computers, perqs of any kind. Now they cost the county millions of dollars living like congressmen. But just try to get in touch with one of them. Go ahead, I dare you.

Anonymous said...

hey.. some QT managers makes more than PD....

Anonymous said...

Lemme get this straight. Funds are needed for the pay increase you want, but a ticket slowdown will decrease available funds for a pay increase.

BRILLIANT! You'll show THEM, huh?

Do the taxpayers a favor - do NOT put in for Detective position in Financial Crimes until you understand the concept of revenue and expenses

Anonymous said...

Everyone crying, "you've got a job to do, you should just do it" needs to get off their soapbox and shut the hell up. Writing warning tickets instead of long copies is not "neglect of duty." It is our discretion, just like the BOC has discretion in how they waste money. If they're going to waste money, we're not going to give it to them. Our job is not to be tax collectors or revenue generators.

Anonymous said...

9:17, you're not as clever as you think you are, so just shut up. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. We realize a ticket slowdown will mean less revenue for the county. We're tired of them wasting that money! We're bringing in money for them and they're shitting on us! No more!

Anonymous said...

The HR Director and her budget saving logic (screw the employees) may have cost this county millions of dollars.

I bet she is a political appointment if the truth be known. That how this county runs.

Look at all the ones who leave, retire or been fired from Atlanta and end up at DeKalb.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 1053, Anon 1140, Anon 1221, no one is going to stop working officers are only talking about not writing money making citations that take them away from doing real police work, my friend and former co worker said it the best, in case you missed it I am reposting it. Have a good day. Dekalb Officers be safe and keep your heads up.

I don't need to write a book of tickets to be productive. I just need to do my JOB.

My job is to check suspicious vehicles, suspicious people and to be seen by those considering the dark side.

It's all a numbers game....if I run enough people and look to see what can be seen in plain view during traffic stops, I'll come up with plenty of arrests. By all means, if the person needs a full ticket instead of a warning they'll get a ticket. The warning is the preferred route but, if the person insists on a ticket....

Not writing full blow tickets doesn't mean I stop policing. It just means I no longer support the BOC "get me re-elected" slush fund.

Why stop generating revenue for the county?

1. They refuse to make sensible cuts....Did Mason Mill Park need to be renovated? Do the higher ups need a $500 a month car allowance? Do the members of the BOC need catered meals?.......

2. The cuts they do make seem to always land squarely on the backs of the employees. Why is it DeKalb has a greater number in management and other areas than counties of similar size. Outsource that which can be outsourced....have the private companies give current employees first dibs....

3. My take home pay has gotten smaller every year....I've given and sacrificed enough. Cut out the useless spending behind the weekly droved of Ribbon Cuttings.

4. I made a LIFETIME Career decision to leave the higher income of a private sector job for the PROMISE OF A PENSION..... if we don't get the BOC's attention NOW, they'll continue to cut at me and my family....eventually they'll reneg on that promise.

5. the get the attention of the BOC. My pension costs have more than doubled, my health care is more expensive and covers less.... I haven't seen a raise in years.....

6. Because the BOC and HR decided to rub salt in the wound by now not giving me full credit for a holiday...I work a ten hour shift and only get 8 hours credit. That works out to two furlough days each year.

July 25, 2011 1:48 AM

Lone Ranger said...

This is truly amazing....all of you are so worked up and willing to neglect your duty by forcing a ticket strike....

Everyone of you asses that participates needs to look yourself in the mirror and ask..."what have I done to try to prevent what is happening here". How many of you have attended a BOC meeting....that's right....none, but you sure as hell are ready to do a ticket strike but you can't carry you sorry ass to a BOC meeting and unite together to try to accomplish what you think this ticket slow down will do... Well I've been at the last several meetings and I can tell you it truly depressed me to see such a lack of participation of officers...actually less than I can count on one hand. If you are soooo freaking concerned about your pay, your holiday, your pension, your merit increases then why don't you carry your ass to a meeting and stand united and voice because you're all a bunch of candy asses who have absolutely no reason to say anything because you've been part of the problem....all of you sitting back waiting on someone else to fight your battles.... Well I have no sympathy for you and I'm a veteran officer here in this dept with 20yrs under my belt...

You who bitch disgust me because you say you're doing this because of what the BOC has done to us but I haven't seen your ass at a single freakin meeting....

GO Ahead ask yourself...."WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR MYSELF LATELY"... If you're too damn lazy to show up at the BOC meeting then I don't want to hear you whinning.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.

Anonymous said...

To everyone saying that a ticket "strike" means we will not be enforcing the laws: you do not know what you are talking about. Stopping people and writing warnings is still enforcing the law. I have pulled numerous cars over for things such as headlight and brake light with the intention of writing a warning, and found drugs, guns, wanted people, etc. We will still be enforcing the laws, answering calls, and making traffic stops and arrests. That is not to say that citations will not be written. They will still be written at accidents and for people who truly do stupid and dangerous things on the roads. There is so much more to policing than writing tickets, even though that has been this department's focus for the last couple years.

Now to those who say we need to submit plans to the BOC, show up at meetings, case you have failed to notice, these people do not tend to listen to ANYTHING! These people have disregarded several stuides that THEY had commissioned, numerous suggestions from employees, and every time someone makes a new suggestion to them, they simply say it will be considered, and then do whatever they want to anyway. Making suggestions is fine if you're talking to someone who is willing to listen. The problem is the commissioners are not willing to listen.
Oh and to the poeple who say that not enough of us show up at meetings, I'm usually working when the meetings are going on...what are you doing?

Anonymous said...

Not everyone had the ability to show up at BOC meeting. We have to work, take our kids to school, watch our kids, etc... Stop acting like showing up to the BOC meetings is going to solve everything. Even when lots of people have shown up, it hasn't done us any good. When they see the loss of revenue again, they'll have to reconsider how they're treating us.

Anonymous said...

SCREW BOC meetings. We all know nothings going to happen in Table/Citizen politics.

It takes years to change one thing in this manner.

Do i feel there should be a larger police presence? yes.

But It will not fix any problems. And these problems have been standing too long.

This ... will fix problems.


the key is to make this last as long as possible. The county can not take a year of this without being crippled.

Guarantee things will start to change or atleast get a lot better.

They'll think twice before hoodwink/swindling the police dept. after this.

IMO, BOC needs to be tried in the court of law for Rape.

Anonymous said...

To the people who want us to "take to the streets" and show up at BOC meetings, I would suggest the following: what makes you think that they would see us, be so worried that we were unhappy and suddenly change their thievery? Most Dekalb officers do not live in the county, so we do not constitute a significant voting block. We spend our 10 hours arresting the very idiots that vote for the BOC, ergo, sticking it to the PD gets the commish voted in again. The only thing a perp or a county commisioner (I know, redundency) understands is MONEY...take it away from them and you have their attention. No $$$ means no vote-buying schemes. Plus, the officers get to go back to policing, not generating revenue. The employee manual says that the officer has discretion during a traffic stop, so USE IT!!! If a warning is appropriate, issue one. If the driver demands, "What the fuck are you stopping me for?", then handle your business. I think that my sergeant wil gladly log those all day. Keep the comments in roll call at zero so you can't be accused of open rebellion, bring in the warnings and move along. The first officer that Ass. Chief Hairdo can burn for this will be soundly spanked: it shows that he is a company man (as he has always been), ready to be appointed to further glory, plus it scares the rest of us.
For you brother and sisters behind the enemy lines at Center and East: John has a long moustache. If you have a ticket chump just looking to impress, deal with him. Per pressure works if we have the nuts to do it.


We watch his program. We buy his toys, we go to his movies, he owes us! Doesn't he owe us? He owes the Griswalds right? Fu@#ing-A right he owes us!

PatsQB said...

Ron and Clark back at it again. You guys were missed.

I really hope the tables will turn politically for you guys and gals. The problem seems to be at the top.

Anonymous said...

10-42...I miss Policing in Dekalb but I don't miss the B.S. I haven't looked at this page much since we ran TeBo off. Any agency will take a Dekalb officer with 2 years experience and treat them like gold. Dekalb is the only place I ever wanted to police but after the BOC started balancing the budget in our pockets I had to hit the ground. A ticket strike will get the attention of every one but it will take money from your pockets. The BOC failed to realize they live in the County you are responsible for protecting... Keep your heads down, eye on the front sight and finger off the trigger until ur ready to shoot.

dkpdadvocate said...

You officers should listen to the Lone Ranger. Nothing would make a bigger impact than 300-400 officers filling the Maloof Aud. and streets around the Maloof Building during a commission meeting.

Anonymous said...

Here is my view of the future: The BOC and CEO are going to see (due to a ticket strike)that Chief OB is unable to control his troops. They will fire him, or he'll take a well-deserved retirement. Then guess what... The CEO will hire an outsider (anyone remember Terrell Bolton?) who doesnt give a crap about the officers or the department. He'll be the hatchet man, and cuts will be made, both in personnel and stuff. This ticket strike will backfire. Good luck and be careful what you wish for,... you just might get it.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is aware the opposing comments here come from east command staff as usual.

Anonymous said...

You're getting national coverage now, stick to your guns.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank the BOC, CEO, and every other idiot in Decatur for tearing this department apart.

It used to be we all bitched and moaned (like all good police) but we did it privately. Now, because of totally inept leadership by our elected officials we are on this blog.

It saddens me to see how we are bickering betweeen ourselves and ultimately damaging our own cause. There has always been a certain element of society who barely tolerates our profession. If you read the posts on here every negative stereotype about police officers is affirmed.

The so called ticket strike will not work. It has NEVER worked. Take a look at past history and you will see it didn't work. I completely understand the frustration because we are like the loyal dog that's tired of being kicked.

If you can leave this place, leave. Your life will be much happier. There is nothing left that this county has to offer. Here's a quick rundown for those who wonder why I'd say such a thing;

1. Our raises went away 11 YEARS ago. They have reduced your promotional raises by 5%. Always nice having subordinates make more than you.

2. Sick checks are gone, vacation leave has been reduced, and now holiday accrual has been changed.

3. Old pension plan is gone, new pension plan is not the golden egg. Our contributions doubled last year and look like they are going to double again.

4. Continued increases of health/dental benefits

5. Absolutely terrible Risk Management/Workers Comp department. Many officers injured on the job have had to deal with bill collectors.

6. We've had to buy tasers, guns, and new uniforms with seized funds. IF NOT FOR DRUG DEALERS WE WOULD NOT HAVE ANY OF THESE THINGS. Does this even make sense to anyone???

7. Our training facility and precincts are a joke.

8. Our 911 system and computer system is a sad joke.

9. The second in command (Stogner) LOST a RACIAL discrimination LAWSUIT and is rehired??? This is the same guy who did all the $49,999 payments which still needs to be investigated!!!! Money was flying out of Decatur in the past administration.

This is just the short list!

Anonymous said...

First King Ellis went after the businesses. Now it is the police. Thank all of you for having the courage to stand up. You have restored my faith in DKPD.

Anonymous said...

You know, I see a lot of posts on here from retired DKPD officers, former DKPD officers and DeKalb citizens as "Anonymous." Why is that? What could you possibly be worried about giving your name?Those of us still employed here have good reasons for remaining anonymous. I'd like to know who you are. It would help me better respect what you are trying to communicate in your post.

I think this verbage "ticket strike" is perhaps a bad term. The same is true for "ticket slow-down". The way I see it, for many years now the BOC/CEO through DKPD brass apparently have been pushing "their" discretion upon us with ever increasing expectations for more and more tickets (revenue) instead of allowing DKPD officers to exercise their own discretion by following policy already in place. Having said that, to you "Anonymous former and retired DKPD officers and DeKalb citizens, what you are witnessing here are many current DKPD officers, including myself, are just sick and tired of being constantly dumped on. We vocalize our frustration and anger because this IS the only outlet we have to vent (see heading for this blog). Many, like me, realize times are tight right now financially. We haven't had increases in pay or benefits in four, and actually, more than that years but continue to see our expenses increase while out net pay and benefits decrease. We are angered that we see wasteful spending by the CEO and BOC with raises, lavish separation/termination packages, catered meals, lavish business trips, getting away with crimes, seemingly all at our expense. So, what you are witnessing is the tone of the feelings of DeKalb County police officers. I bet you any one of us would still jump in front of a bullet to save a life instinctively because that is how we are trained. We still have that sense to serve and protect you and each other.

You know what would be really nice for those of you who post anonymously and are not current DeKalb officers? Rather than preach to us or attack us for expressing our feelings, how about you attend BOC meetings and let them have it. They need to hear from YOU! We are here to serve and protect you and we will continue to do that. Why not do something to serve and protect us? I for one would really appreciate it. That would show me that putting my life on the line out here for DeKalb citizens actually means something. And for the retired DKPD officers, there is still a stake in all of this for you too. You do want to see your pension remain solvent, right? You do not want to continue to see all of our health care premiums continue to climb, right?

Fellow officers, simply follow policy. Exercise YOUR discretion and not theirs. There is nothing to fear and policy is there to support us. Maintain, or perhps increase, your productivity. All you will be doing is moving the numbers around. Let's keep doing our jobs and not give the appearance that we have quit or are unprofessional. Let us communicate by our actions and dedication that we are the professionals here in DeKalb County while the BOC/CEO continue to cut their own throats. Give warnings unless there was an "imminent threat" to public safety. If you must write citations, issue a long copy for the most serious violation and warnings for all the others. And that should average to about no more than 2 a shift instead of the 6-10 being pushed upon us now plus an arrest.

So, let's stop with this talk of a "ticket strike" and instead state that we are just going to go back to exercising "our" discretion and not "theirs". It's the same means to our end, sounds better, and will generate the kind of support and attention we need.

Stay safe. Be careful.


jroycroft said...

The Roycroft Report blog supports the DeKalb County Police in this matter. I will be publishing your concerns to my 30,000+ readers in support of your cause. Anything that I can do to help promote your efforts can be directed to I will be re-posting your blog and my personal comments relating to this issue withing the next few hours.
- John Roycroft

TenFortyTwo said...

Your public safety brethren are behind you, DKPD. Y'all do what you have to.

BOC bullshit is coming our way soon enough.

Y'all stay safe out there.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that term limits for the CEO as well as the Board of Commissioners are necessary. I also believe there should be term limits at every level of local and national government for every elected official. I further believe that Chief O'Brian is doing the very best that he can with his hands being tied behind his back by the board of Commissioners and the CEO. He too is feeling the financial crunch of having to pay a lot more into the pension, health insurance, furlough days and losing out on the holiday pay issue.
I use to be mad about all of the problems that have been facing all DeKalb employees for the past few years, now it simply makes me sad. After thirty years as a DeKalb Policeman and retiring in 2002 I never in my wildest dreams could have believed My beloved Police Dept. could end up in this very large mess with no end in sight.
It seems to me that the Board of Commissioners and the CEO would simply do now what is sure to happen anyway in the relative near future and that is to raise property taxes. A raise of $100 to $150 on a middle income home would only be $10.00 to $15.00 a month. They will be just fine in not buying the lottery tickets, cigarets, A six pack , etc. The Commissioners are so afraid of not being re-elected instead making the hard decisions that would most certainly help matters! Be safe my brothers and sisters!

Anonymous said...

Some of these folks are Non-Hackers looking for a reason not to work.

Anonymous said...

To all you guys n gals who are "OUTA HERE" Good Luck To Ya! To the men and women who want to learn the tough streets and real police work, apply soon and welcome!

Anonymous said...

Well the truth is that when good people leave, good people replace them. When bad people leave, good ones replace them...

Anonymous said...

"To all you guys n gals who are "OUTA HERE" Good Luck To Ya! To the men and women who want to learn the tough streets and real police work, apply soon and welcome!"
Yeah they'll also learn how to get screwed over for busting their asses. Please don't tell me you work in background and recruiting...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous July 25, 2011 11:58 PM.....
apparently you havent been up to the th floor.. most of the GOOD operators have jumped ship to bigger and better employers and other agencies.. whats coming in is a waste of time space and money....

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would anyone go to work for Dekalb County PD? There are far better places to work where the BOC or city council is 100% behind its police force and is actually looking out for them.
Dekalb BOC has been corrupt for years, always stacked with democrats (imagine that).

Anonymous said...

Here's a typical modern day at DKPD. Go to roll call and get reamed about productivity (never satisfied mentality). Then rush to lot due to 40 pending calls with no units available to log on to and go into service. When a car does come in it has been running for months straight, 180,000 miles on it and filthy. Jump in and adjust the manual seat finding a chicken wing bone under same seat. The vehicle smells horrible as do most of the county residents and homes. Get called by a supervisor because of an unjustified complaint from issuing your MANDATORY citations. If you make it back unharmed (unlikely) at the end of shift you wait hours to get your reports approved and uploaded via antiquated computer equipment. Go sleep 4 hours and be in court in the am due to an incompetent DA's Office. Yeah, come to Dekalb, it's the biggest ghetto on the planet.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the best part of life in Dekalb, if you make it to the end of this nightmare you now get NOTHING to show for it. WHAT A DEAL... I think it is safe to say Dekalb is taking its last breaths.