Saturday, February 29, 2020

Rockdale County Sheriff Office in shambles
Former Dekalb Assistant Chief at the center of controversy in Rockdale County Sheriff's office turmoil.


Anonymous said...

he was part of the Vernon jones corrupt crew and had Capt Williams was one of his boys.

Anonymous said...

our new chief Ramos is a female version of Dale Holmes.

Anonymous said...

Dale Holmes was one of the most corrupt, racists and dishonest officers I ever worked with and worked for. He deserves whatever he gets.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Joe her from Miami Dade, I have been reading all the post about the Department, I do not know this Dale Holmes but I did work with and for your Chief Ramos here in Miami, she is dangerous because she makes emotional decisions and rash knee jerk reactions. Common sense is not a strong point for her and she is very vindictive towards anyone who questions her or that she feels threatened by. If she thinks you are more intelligent than her she will get rid of you or put you in a place that will keep you out of sight. She has to make sure everyone knows who is in control.
good luck DKPD and watch your 6, and your 12 with Ramos

Anonymous said...

Dale, Holmes, John Pearson, and Darrell Farley, all very corrupt and dirty officers who should have been fired and stripped of their post certification years ago.

Anonymous said...

Chief Ramos must have been taught how to supervise by Dale Holmes...Chief Ramos is wanting to put a 5-year cap on all specialized positions in the department, so I guess every five years we will have a fruit basket turnover with CID, K-9, swat, bomb, training, helicopter unit, tac, DUI, etc...i look for a mass exodus when this happens. just when you thought morale could not get any worse here comes ideas like this from our new Chief Cardi B Ramos. and her flunkie Capt Williams.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder why he retired before having 30 years and not 55 years old in reference to his pension payout. I’m guessing he was going to be demoted back to Captain so he left like all the others that were demoted , wouldn’t look good on a resume.

Anonymous said...

He has one hell of a history with Dekalb Police Department.

Józef Majewski said...

5 year cap on specialized positions: THAT’S CRAZY, these jobs are highly specialized and cost a lot of money to train initially and keep certified. After 5 years you may just be getting a grasp of what you are doing and now you have to leave. Loosing that experience and starting over with new person makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Based on what I have heard and read about this Chief Ramos from Leo blogs out of Florida and on here since she has been at Dekalb. It is obvious that she has no idea on how to lead or supervise a department. Her first move was to take the dirtiest officer with the most sketchy background and make him her chief of staff. This tells the entire department and citizens that she has a checkered past herself. To put it nicely she is an idiot. She does not care about this department she only wants her image to appear that she is in charge and taking care of business. She sits behind her new $6,000.00 desk and refuses to meet with the FOP or any other group that might ask her tough questions.

Anonymous said...

Curtis Williams is the chiefs lapdog, she does not care that he is dirty or a moron, she just wants him standing behind her. Look hs biggest job is making sure assigned cars are clean and writing people up for not keeping a clean car.

Anonymous said...

Chief Ramos makes Dr. Alexander look like a saint,

Anonymous said...

DeKalb has had to many Chief’s over the last 10 years, each has their own vision and solutions on how to solve crime , improve the department. The bottom line is they have to kiss the CEO ass and make the public think they are the best thing for them and can solved the crime problem. The solution is more police, better pay and a D A ‘s office and judges to send these repeat offenders to some time and keep them out of the neighborhoods. When you commit a crime , juvenile or adult , the punishment is the least of your worries when caught. We will eventually be the Baltimore of Georgia.

Anonymous said...

He was one of the biggest back stabbers in the department. He was promoted not because of qualifications but due to Auburn testing procedures to give gender, race and yes he probably had the questions and answer too.

Anonymous said...

Curtis Williams is one of the worst examples of an honest, ethical and morale officer. He should not be an officer at all, the fact he is representing the a Dekalb County Police Department as Chief of staff is an embarrassment. Worse than that is the fact that Chief Ramos chose him as Chief of staff??? This shows that all the things said about her from Miami Dade has some credibility. She is incompetent and obviously surrounds herself with questionable characters and dirty cops. I’m sure her skeletons will come out soon.

Anonymous said...

Ramos is on the biggest Ego and power trip I have ever seen. She is a headcase and no one can tell her anything. She has made morale the worst I have ever seen in 17 years.

Anonymous said...

Dale Holmes began as a well motivated officer, but later turned into a lying untrustworthy piece of cow manure. It is funny how rank and positions can totally change a person who used to be decent. He has no interest in empowering others are carrying out the mission of the Rockdale County Sheriff Office. His interests are very simple, he wants the money, women and power. If you have an opportunity, try pulling up some of the memorandums written by him in the past. It's unbelievable, that a person of his ignorance and lack of knowledge for the English language could rise to the position of Asst. Chief and score high on promotional exams, but I guess we have Wiz Miller and John Pearson to thank for that. Hopefully, Sheriff Levette will wake up and see how his department is in disarray due to a serious dumb ass and make some necessary adjustments.

Anonymous said...

Yeah most other places won’t accept the typical corrupt Dekalb behavior. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice one day to promote people based on their intelligence for the position....the way it use to be. But when you base it on irrelevant things this is what you get. Look at the previous several chiefs and majors.

M Miller

Anonymous said...

The Chief is a political appointment, no qualifications is required but just do as the CEO want’s you to do and agree on everything.

Anonymous said...

How many DKPD Chiefs have left and hired by other departments? That's a clue folks.

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